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The 248th entry in our Exclusive Freestyle Series comes courtesy of R.O.E., the Chitown emcee who earned reader approval for Revive and The Gloves (No Quit). On his brand new, exclusive History freestyle, the Soulville Recordings emcee flows over a J. Dilla-produced beat originally featured on Mos Def and Talib Kweli‘s cut of the same title. R.O.E. is currently busy promoting his debut EP, A Backpacker Named R.O.E., as well as preparing to release videos for several tracks off the project. In addition, the artist is working on a forthcoming, yet-untitled full-length.
Read more: http://www.djbooth.net/index/tracks/review/roe-history/#ixzz1PMTLTVNJ
on DJBooth.net - DJ Booth
Bandied about on the regular ever since Nas released his provocatively-titled album in ‘06, the “Hip-Hop is Dead” memo now seems destined stick around as long as the music itself. And thank God for that – without the question of the genre’s mortality hanging in the air, up-and-comers like R.O.E. wouldn’t be motivated to swoop in and Revive it. The Chi-town repper’s first feature since his late-‘09 Booth debut, this EP standout finds J. Slikk cooking up a retro yet progressive chopped-soul-sample beat (drawn from Barbara Mason’s Girls Have Feelings Too) as the emcee gives his all on the mic. Exhibiting even more confidence and and ingenuity than on his Booth debut, R.O.E. zig-zags his way through complex yet conversational bars: “Feelin’ like Moses when the Red Sea parted / Boom-bap rap, I ain’t tryin’ to get charted / I’m just dishin’ that real to the fake – I’m cold-hearted.” By the end of the record, even the most jaded heads should be fully convinced that true hip-hop lives on in this rising star’s heart. If you’re digging this impassioned banger, you owe it to yourself to check out the emcee’s A Backpacker Named R.O.E EP, released to the net March 11. - DJBooth.net
Chicago emcees have gone horribly awry or at least that could be the partial perception from the outside. Thankfully, R.O.E. is here to save us all and help save face with the 5 track EP A Backpacker Named R.O.E.. For those paying attention, the caliber of music from Chicago’s West Side resident will come as no surprise. The EP builds off the strength of “I Won” to form an introduction to the latest Chi’s combination of big-city style and Midwestern grit.
All five songs pack punches, with a good mix of traditional soul samples and electronic loops. Tracks like “Revive” and “The Gloves” reveal a man on a mission to shake Hip-Hop from a pop-induced slumber. The backpacker motif seems misplaced, as the strength of the tracks stems from the lyrical skills of the emcee, not any emo-based image. Regardless, fans of all types should check this out and keep his name on their radar. - Smoking Section
I got this little gift dropped into my email earlier in the week and it took me a bit to really get to sit down and get the chance to give it a good bump but I am sure glad that I got to it. Presented by the highly appreciated rockthedub presenting this Chicago born rapper’s mixtape I knew it was worth the listen - It's A Rap
I got this little gift dropped into my email earlier in the week and it took me a bit to really get to sit down and get the chance to give it a good bump but I am sure glad that I got to it. Presented by the highly appreciated rockthedub presenting this Chicago born rapper’s mixtape I knew it was worth the listen - It's A Rap
I have to admit today I played the role of the copycat blogger. To all my bloggers you know what I’m talking about. You see a damn good post and for one reason or another you post up the same thing all the while cursing yourself out for not finding it and being the first to see it! Well I have good reason for doing so. I knew of R.O.E. but you got to understand what made me post him ultimately was the fact that the album reminded me of EP’s from a few years back. Short, sweet, and concise! Plus he has production from my dude J Slikk, Trumaine and a few others so all and all it’s a solid work. Check it out for yaself. Read this, love this, spread this. - Rookie Television
The homie R.O.E. (Rising Over Envy) releases his 5-track EP, A Backpacker Named R.O.E. via Rock the Dub today. R.O.E. continues to climb the ladder amongst the young and upcoming artists and this EP should boost his buzz with production from J. Slikk, Best Kept Secret, Trumaine and Chris Mathien, with Chris and Brecan Bland. Make sure you check this out…Download and tracklist below… - What's In My Headphones?
With the support of the good people over at rockthedub, R.O.E. delivers his debut EP which features production and appearances from Best Kept Secret, Chris Mathien, Trumaine & more. - Fake Shore Drive
FINALLY! I don't even know how long I've been waiting to provide this to you guys, but with life going on for everyone involved, this EP, a proper introduction to the one like R.O.E. is here. A Backpacker Named R.O.E. is a mixture of true school beats, captivating, heartfelt lyrics and a load of life experience from one of the underground's immensely talented writers. R.O.E. blends the same above and below ground tendencies, giving us tracks about the struggle of the everyman as well as his aspirations for more. Tracks like "Starship", which are definitive statements of his goal of getting known based off his talents taking him out of the galaxy, while songs like "Revive" are R.O.E. as a defibrillator to the Hip-Hop game. Beats provided by J. Slikk, Best Kept Secret, Trumaine and Chris Mathien, with Chris and Brecan Bland. Give a dope nigga a chance, you hockeypucks - Rock The Dub
Click link to read the article - Chicago Red Eye
R.O.E. ft. Brecan Bland "I Won": Been a long-time coming, but BPA member R.O.E. is finishing up his A Backpacker Named R.O.E. mixtape, which RTD will be presenting, and this is the new single from it. Beats like this are so inspiring, and R.O.E.’s everyman flavor add to that many times over. Something to drop then rewind... then rewind… then rewind again. Dude won, but you been knew that, right? More on A Backpacker Named R.O.E. when the time’s right! - Rock The Dub
R.O.E. "The Answer": Been a minute since we've got some new shit from ROE, so what's he do? He grabs a Nicolay instrumental and feeds those who missed his vivid delivery. Dude should have some new material out in the next couple of months. Maybe? Need some of that, whatever you got on deck, ROE! - Rock The Dub
R.O.E. "The Answer": Been a minute since we've got some new shit from ROE, so what's he do? He grabs a Nicolay instrumental and feeds those who missed his vivid delivery. Dude should have some new material out in the next couple of months. Maybe? Need some of that, whatever you got on deck, ROE! - Rock The Dub
R.O.E. lets go of some random thoughts over Aubrey & Shawn’s ever so popular instrumental. Roe’s EP, A Backpacker Named R.O.E., drops soon. - Fake Shore Drive
So two of my homies recently hit the studio together, R.O.E (Rise Above Envy) and Chris Mathien. What came out of that session was a very dope song called "The Gloves (No Quit)", which Mathien also produced himself. Listen and download below. Keep a look out for more on Chris Mathien & R.O.E. on RH. - Ruby Hornet
So two of my homies recently hit the studio together, R.O.E (Rise Above Envy) and Chris Mathien. What came out of that session was a very dope song called "The Gloves (No Quit)", which Mathien also produced himself. Listen and download below. Keep a look out for more on Chris Mathien & R.O.E. on RH. - Ruby Hornet
And the winner is R.O.E. This is from the Chicagoan's forthcoming mixtape, A Backpacker Named R.O.E. Grab a sample below. - Ruby Hornet
R.O.E. (or Rising Over Envy) knows where he's from musically. He's dropped some rhymes over one of my favorite tracks off of A Tribe Called Quest's Midnight Marauders in an ode to the legendary group. R.O.E.'s tribute kills the faint jazzy track and has left me wanting to listen to ATCQ and more R.O.E. Cop the track below. - Ruby Hornet
R.O.E. (or Rising Over Envy) knows where he's from musically. He's dropped some rhymes over one of my favorite tracks off of A Tribe Called Quest's Midnight Marauders in an ode to the legendary group. R.O.E.'s tribute kills the faint jazzy track and has left me wanting to listen to ATCQ and more R.O.E. Cop the track below. - Ruby Hornet
World, meet R.O.E…R.O.E.? World. The chap you see before you is from the city of hella haters, but like his acronym suggests, isn’t letting that deter him. Earlier, he approached the gawd in the tweets with the song underneath and surprisingly it won me over. How’s that for a long shot? Ha! - Rap Radar
World, meet R.O.E…R.O.E.? World. The chap you see before you is from the city of hella haters, but like his acronym suggests, isn’t letting that deter him. Earlier, he approached the gawd in the tweets with the song underneath and surprisingly it won me over. How’s that for a long shot? Ha! - Rap Radar
Click the link to read the .PDF - Phresh Mentality Magazine
Another cocky Chicago backpacker you say? Well, yes, but this one eschews manic-depressive ups and downs for a more laid back cool. “I Won” is a platform for R.O.E. to display his own personality a cockiness that comes from a deserved confidence in his own rhyming talents. Over a mesh of horns and jazz guitars, R.O.E. goes in on a subject typical of the up-and-coming rapper, impending success. Like his Chicago forebearers, he’s adept at break neck rhyming with heavy enunciation, leaving the listener hustling to catch up.
In truth, R.O.E. may not be a winner yet, but if he keeps dropping more tracks like this one, he’s got a few trophies in his future. - The Smoking Section
"When you want something so bad that you just can’t say no and you think that you got it all figured out but you just don’t. When you have nothing left and you feel that they have won, well, don’t put the gloves down, don’t put the gloves down.”
The chorus of the track, “The Gloves” comes through my speakers as I send an @ reply to R.O.E., hoping that he will be interested in doing an interview. To my surprise, he responds, giving me his email address. After a short introduction, he gives me his availability and his cell number so that the interview can happen soon. My first attempt to do an interview is halted by a show and after a second attempt I decided it will be easier to complete everything through email.
Roosevelt Sledge is a local hip hop artist who has been making music since the 2009 release of his single “The Gloves (No Quit)” featuring Chris Mathien, another Chicago artist. Now 22-years-old, Sledge is a college student working to build a following of fans by performing at venues all over Chicago. He is determined to continue with his career no matter what challenges he might face.
Sledge is currently pursuing a college degree through Devry University’s online classes, where his major is Business Information Systems. He plans to use the degree he receives as a backup, in case music fails. He’s a part time student and although it’s difficult, he makes time for both music and school.
“It’s tough sometimes with the music schedule and travel but having online classes is convenient because I can take them wherever I am,” he said.
Throughout his childhood he was surrounded by music and by the time he was a teenager, he realize that making music was something that he wanted to do.
“I grew up around music. She [My mom] had music in my life, all my life so it’s had an effect on my soul sound. Her and my aunt had me listening to music I knew nothing about at an early age. It’s definitely showing in my music now. Most of my family sings. I took a different road at about 13 when I decided I wanted to rap. I haven’t looked back yet.”
Sledge started off writing poetry when he was younger. After he was introduced to hip hop, he decided to take those poetic skills and put them to beats. Today, he’s an independent artist, with a memorable name, which comes with a story.
“The name came from my real name, Roosevelt. All my friends in high school called me “Roe.”I decided to get creative with it and create the acronym “R.O.E.” which stands for Rising Over Envy.
His unique sound is also making him need stand out in Chicago’s music scene.
“A lot of people find it hard to characterize my sound and I enjoy that. We live in an era where everyone wants to compare artists. It’s tough to compare me to just one artist.”
“I describe my sound as being boom bap hip-hop, neo-soul, and jazz rolled up into one.”
Of these genres one that many may not be familiar with is boom bap. Boom bap is a hip hop term which usually refers to beats with heavy drums (bass and snare).
“The sound is similar to that of J. Dilla, DJ Premier, and Pete Rock.”
Even though he has faithful supporters, R.O.E. is still working very hard to increase his fan base. He’s also working to get more attention for his single, “The Gloves”, something he did after entering the Track-Off featured on Kyles Files, a RedEye blog.
Local artists are given the opportunity to send their tracks of any genre to Kyra Kyles, author of the blog, who then picks two singles to compete against each other on Monday. “The Gloves” went up against FM Supreme’s track “Crazy Mama” on June 21st. As voting went on throughout the day, there was word that people were voting more than once on behalf of FM Supreme, who had been trying to win the Track-Off for some time. By midnight, FM Supreme had earned 69% of the votes, winning an opportunity to be featured in the RedEye.
“Initially I was disappointed, but at the end of the day, I was just happy people enjoyed the music. I know other opportunities will come so I wasn’t as upset as some of my supporters were.”
“The Gloves” is an inspiring song that R.O.E. can personally relate to. Its message is also one that others can relate to as well.
““The Gloves” is my testimony on record. It discusses my journey as a music artist, the ups and downs. It also shows how I don’t plan to quit. I think it relates to many people because it speaks beyond music. Anyone can relate to not wanting to quit on a dream or goal.”
In line with the message of his first single, R.O.E. doesn’t plan to stop any time soon. The music that he’s making is going towards his efforts to complete his debut EP, which will be entitled A Backpacker Named R.O.E. R.O.E. is leaning towards an early Fall 2010 release.
“It’ll be a free project I plan to release via my site (risingoverenvy.com).
I plan to continue to grind and get better. I’m never content and the new work will show that.”
For those of you reading who are yo - Crystal of Say What Blog
Succeeding in a city as packed with A-list talent as the Chi is no easy task, but up-and-coming rapper R.O.E. (Rising Over Envy) has no doubt that his tenacity will take him straight to the top – in other words, he’s not planning on putting The Gloves down anytime soon. On his latest single (and first feature), the emcee introduces himself to his soon-to-be fans in the Booth, showcasing his formidable “balance of smart and talent,” as he looks back on his past accomplishments and waxes ambitious about his bright future. A fellow Windy City up-and-comer, Chris Mathien, does double-duty on the mic and behind the boards, summing the headliner’s sentiments up with a soulful chorus and tying the cut together with a quietly intense chopped-sample instrumental. With a retro-informed sound and rhymes as fresh as fine caviar (‘roe,’ fish eggs, get it?) this passionate newcomer’s sure to win plenty of acclaim from our regulars. If you like what you’re hearing, grab a copy of his Rock the Dub-presented debut EP, A Pen. A Mic. A Dream., when it drops in January 2010. - DJBooth.net
R.O.E. has been absent from our pages for a hot minute—his last feature, The Sun Will Shine, came in January of 2013—but you shouldn’t take that to mean he hasn’t been on his grind. Just last month, in fact, the Chi-Town repper liberated a new album. On Beware, the project’s first and only single to date, J. Slikk‘s burbling bassline and headnodic boom-bap rhythm back R.O.E. as he checks his six for “dream killers”—including the kind that rock uniforms and badges. Like what you’re hearing? If so, you’re sure to appreciate the rest of what the artist serves up to To Happiness, available now for purchase via iTunes as well as being freely streamable on Audiomack. - DJBooth
Happiness evades many — actually, happiness evades most. but R.O.E. sets out to fill the world with more happiness on his new project, To Happiness. I mean, check the album cover, it’s a definite feel good. Today he rises above envy yet again, for his new single “Beware.”
So support R.O.E. on his road to happiness below. Beware, though. It’s infectious. - Fakeshoredrive
Today marks the release of R.O.E.’s To Happiness, a long-anticipated five-track EP chronicling the Chicago emcee’s mindset since the acclaimed A Backpacker Named R.O.E.’s release in 2011.
It’s no secret that I consider R.O.E. — along with his producer J. Slikk and band The Soulvillians — my favorite discovery of 2014. There is a lot of hip hop out there, and once in a while you get lucky and stumble across people who are making waves and shaking up the scene with that coveted blend of thoughtful lyrics, smooth flow, killer production and charisma. These guys have what it takes to turn heads and compel people to slide on their headphones and listen.
The EP’s arrival lives up to expectations with R.O.E.’s signature artistic flow and clever writing and the natural chemistry between the lyrics and beats. There was a cohesive vision in creating this EP, and it delivers.
These guys have what it takes to turn heads and compel people to slide on their headphones and listen.
This is the ambient music you spin on a rainy afternoon when all you want to do is spend the day alone writing, creating, and thinking, with your vice of choice by your side. It’s chill, deep, and reflective. The underlying theme is, in essence, a positive outlook on the road R.O.E. walks today as an artist: traveling, reaching, not letting negativity get in the way. The production is slick and interesting, yet simple—often elevating the lyrics and pushing R.O.E.’s pensive message to the forefront.
From the man himself: “Over the last few years since my last EP, I’ve experienced a lot. I’ve traveled the country performing shows and had some success with building my career. Throughout it all, I kept asking myself, ‘Where am I headed?’ The answer seemed so broad that it was impossible to narrow down. So I decided to write a project from those thoughts.”
This is the ambient music you spin on a rainy afternoon when all you want to do is spend the day alone writing, creating, and thinking, with your vice of choice by your side.
“Long Way from Home”
As every first single should, “Long Way from Home” sets the vibe for the rest of the EP. It’s lyrical. Soulful. It has elements reminiscent of ’90s R&B. It carries a feel-good, full sound. The message is about paying dues, discovery, being dedicated, staying positive. The drums don’t kick in until about 1:06, allowing the lyrics to breathe and the listener to fully absorb them.
With a subtle nod to Lauryn Hill, “Beware” is an ode to stay positive and not let naysayers kill your spirit. “I know these killers got a plot for me, they thinkin’ of TuPac’n me, robbin’ me for all my intellectual property, don’t move sloppily, you comin’ better do it properly, that rare octagon the closest thing to ever stoppin’ me.”
“Good Times”
This fun-loving jam will get you moving and win you over with lines like, “Haters gonna hate, and that’s a necessary evil” and “I hope ya’ll are feelin’ this, I hope ya’ll diggin’ this, and crank it up when the radio is kickin’ this, and in the club when the DJ is spinnin’ this, lose your mind when you’re hearin’ this.”
The hook in this song is one of my top two on the album; it’s so subtle that it keeps you coming back for more. Lyrically it’s a love song, but it has an ambiguous quality, and true to the rest of the EP, the story will visually unfold in your mind as you’re listening.
“Wake Up The World”
The final groove in the storyline ends the EP in the same tenacious manner it began. It sounds like it could have been a single off The College Dropout, and is easily a stand-out track that culminates the EP’s concept of happiness in the best way possible.
What’s the underlying meaning behind the EP’s namesake, To Happiness? It could be a toast. It could be a destination. Maybe it’s a little bit of both. In just five tracks, R.O.E. takes us on a short, yet rich and experiential trip through what it’s like to be him: an established artist walking the road less traveled, doing what he loves. - Say Hey There Music
R.O.E. has released a surprise EP entitled An Intimate Evening With.
From the man himself: “I was going through my hard drive and I found some interesting acoustic recordings from a show my band and I played last summer.” Yay for us! - Say Hey There Music
R.O.E. gets props for this. Who else is dropping live albums in rap music? Jay Z? The Roots? Sure. But that was like a decade and a half ago. Right? R.O.E. resurrects the art form with Live From Chicago. Alongside his band, The Soulvillians, R.O.E. recorded a recent gig at Double Door for the world to enjoy - Fakeshoredrive
Chi-Town emcee Rising Over Envy’s (R.O.E.) new album Live From Chicago is filled with soul and hip hop. The album was recorded at the Double Door in Chicago with his band The Soulvillians. If you’re a hip hop head and enjoy live music, R.O.E.’s latest project is sure to peak your interest.
Quality live albums are always a good experience for listeners and R.O.E.’s album is no different. This project has amazing vibes that listeners won’t want to end. R.O.E. covers relatable subject matters such as love on tracks such as “Runaway” and fellow Chicago artist Common’s “The Light.” Listeners have the opportunity to get know R.O.E. a bit on this album by his engaging interaction with his audience. Stand out tracks include “Good Times,” “Beware” and “Long Way From Home,” which features the soulful Taylor Mallory.
Live From Chicago is simply inspiring and empowering for fellow indie artists and music lovers. - So Gutsy
A Backpacker Named R.O.E. - EP (2011)
To Happiness - EP (2014)
Live From Chicago (2015)
An Intimate Evening With (2016)
Long Way From Home (2017)
Cruise (2017)
Our Own (2017)
Feeling a bit camera shy
With his hometown of Chicago on his back and the sounds of soul in his roots, Brooklyn-based emcee R.O.E. blends an urban vibe with poetic lyricism and music that hits straight to the heart that will attract anyone with an affection for alternative hip hop.
Since his early days, R.O.E.’s message has revolved around an inquisitive boy-meets-world mentality with self-aware storytelling illustrating his everyday. On something bigger, something better, R.O.E. vibes a stirring and meaningful portrayal of life while pushing naysayers aside and Rising Over Envy.
In 2011, R.O.E.’s debut EP A Backpacker Named R.O.E. piqued the interest of Chicago-area fans and blogs immersed in the hip hop scene and started to entice radio spins with its soulful beats, unconventional hooks, compelling lyrics, and independent sound. With the debut marking his official foray into music, the EP’s concept was simple: introducing his essence to the world. Its success would lead to video projects, larger shows, and nationwide tours. After building a foundation for his sound, R.O.E. dedicated the next couple years to growing his fanbase, collaborating with acclaimed producers, songwriting and offering the ultimate live experience with his full band, The Soulvillians.
The long-anticipated 2014 release of the To Happiness EP chronicles the Chicago emcee’s mindset since A Backpacker Named R.O.E. and lives up to expectations with his signature artistic flow, clever writing, and the natural chemistry between the lyrics and beats. The 5-track EP’s cohesive vision delivers a short, yet rich and experiential trip through what it’s like to be him: an established artist traveling, reaching, living, and not letting negativity get in the way.
R.O.E.’s focus is on playing shows, touring, and producing videos to promote To Happiness while working on his first full length album.
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