Righteous Mothers
Lacey, Washington, United States | INDIE
“I can never decide what I like best about this group: Their songwriting, their dynamite performance…their firm grasp of social issues, or their non-stop sense of humor.”
Mary Loveless, Victory Review
- Victory Review
“In music land pop reigns, sex sells, and the quality of some artists work is highly questionable. So it is refreshing to see a group that has something important to say and can open up a whole new genre of music to the audience. The Righteous Mothers present their music in such a way that a variety of people whether, gay, straight, fat, skinny, black, white and so on, can relate …Their explosive stage presence, quirky routines, unique dance moves, and remarkable insight clearly captivated the audience.”
Catherin O’Dea The Spectator – Seattle University
- Seattle University
“We love the Righteous Mothers – for their name and their fabulous humor. The sassy women, who sing about social justice but never get strident, like to think of themselves as the ‘foremothers of the riot grrls’, and they write lyrics such as these: “Knock it off or we’ll take it off/We’re old, fat, naked women for peace.”
Molly Gilmore, The Olympian
- The Olympian
I have been the articles editor of MOTHERING MAGAZINE for 25 years and this album captured much of what we want to say to mothers all over this planet. You are strong, have fun, you are not alone and what a miracle you are.... just like the lyrics and harmonies of these talented women. Makes me smile each time I hear the first 4 measures because I know what is coming next.
- Mothering Magazine, author Marijane Mercer
No matter my mood, there is an RM tune to go with it, change it, uplift it. This music has more integrity and charm and spirit than almost any other I know. Simply put: I love their music! Elizabeth Wrenn, novelist, feminist, activist, wife, mom, dog-owner, and LRMF. (Longtime Righteous Mothers Fan)
- Elizabeth Wrenn
“If you google ‘progressive feminist folk’ you wil come up with only one band – The Righteous Mothers. Simply put, this progressive feminist folk band is a one of a kind musical experience that defies conventional folk music with biting humor and philosophical overtures.”
Tony Engelhart, Weekly Volcano - Tony Engelhart, Weekly Volcano
“They’re a band of mothers, voices raised together in sometimes poignant, sometimes piercing social comment, in tender tributes and naughty humor…”
Susan Paynter, Seattle Post Intelligencer
- Seattle Post Intelligencer
“The Mothers open hearts with their zany physical comedy. The harmonies through are taut with an easy feel and the ideology slips unencumbered into consciousness, buoyed as it is by hummable melodies, gentle tone, and caressing vision”.
Laura Post, SING OUT! Magazine
“If you come to laugh, the Righteous Mothers will not disappoint. Many of the all-femail quartet’s songs are designed to tickle the funny bone despite the often serious subject matter. If you come for the music, again, the Righteous Mothers deliver…the four Puget Sound area women produce intricate and complex vocal harmonies so tight you could bounce a dime off them.”
Rob Hill, Choices
- Choices
“Follow an entrancing melody constructed of tight vocal harmonies laced with humorous yet meaningful lyrics,and chances are good the music’s source is the Righteous Mothers.”
Ian Hodder, Washington Magazine
- Washington Magazine
To date, they have released seven recordings: The Righteous Mothers, Stand Up, All the Rage: and none of the calories, Pesky Angels, A Million Things and the newly released Best of the Righteous Mothers: The First 25 Years and Dream On. They have also performed on many other artists' CD's and their song about Molly Ivins can be downloaded from their website www.righteousmothers.com
“They’re a band of mothers, voices raised together in sometimes poignant, sometimes piercing social comment, in tender tributes and naughty humor…”
Susan Paynter, Seattle Post Intelligencer
“Weavers + B. Midler + The Roches = The Righteous Mothers”
The Seattle Weekly
“I can never decide what I like best about this group: Their songwriting, their dynamite performance…their firm grasp of social issues, or their non-stop sense of humor.”
Mary Loveless, Victory Review
The award winning Righteous Mothers manage to balance music, family and other careers. They lead full lives as professors, teachers, a children’s book author and a Tribal Court Judge. They are all mothers and between them have a total of seven righteous children ranging in age from 10 to 27 years old.
The group’s music defies definition. Their original tunes range in genres from Folk to Rock n’ Roll, Tango to Gospel, Caribbean to the Blues.