New York City, New York, United States | SELF
Rew - that*s*rite
I like Rew. I don’t know why. She’s funky, she’s brassy, she’s a character, she says “like me, or not.” Almost retro in her punk. Hoppin’ na na na’s, electric sound, vibrant and alive on tracks like Think About. The third cut is one that we all probably wanted to write at one point or another . . . she tells it like is, and again on U Annoy Me. Rew has her own unique style and is evident on Skeletonz. Megan is a slower tale with some nice mellow guitar. The title cut, that*s*rite, is bassy and rhythmic, nice electric guitar with a Riders on the Storm feel. Rew is not one to be taken or heard lightly. She’s on the edge; the edge of something new. www.luvrew.com
- women's rising music march 2007
By Christopher Duda
The fact that Billy Ficca plies his well-accomplished trade on this release should have television addicts running for media outlets while dancing under the New York smog.
Rew comes across like PJ Harvey giving birth to Karen Findley's artificially inseminated love child; all the while Lydia Lunch does cartwheels in a cheerleading uniform from the sidelines and Patti Smith bakes special cookies for the masses. Lyrically it sounds like Rew possibly has been through some fucked up relationships thus fuelling her breath of nails and cyanide rasp. The rest of the band is one tight unit and thus elevates Rew's observations and stories to another level. Simple well-placed musical accents accentuate Rew's biting lyrics. Furthermore, it is not hard to fathom that this is one red-hot poker-backing band jabbing and singeing your supple flesh.
Rew lurks beneath the underbelly of the great apple awaiting the putsch to overtake the Disney-fication of downtown Manhattan, and breath some life back into the NYC of yesteryear. Rew titivates, celebrates, and gives us glimmer of hope with determination and perseverance. Rew has grasped the torch and is ready to burn NYC down and rebuild.
www.sugarbuzzmagazine.com/ - SugarBuzz Magazine
"i LOVE it"
Maria Milito, Q104.3
“Rew is one of the hardest working artists I’ve ever met, and her intense personality is matched only by her music. She is an artist not to be missed, or messed with!” -Dave Cool, Director, “What is INDIE?”
" We enjoyed."
Radical Records A&R
"At times your voice is reminiscent of Terry Bozio of Missing Persons - the arrangements really invoke the moodiness of the BETTER stuff that came out of the '80s"
Kenn Rowell, EMI
"it's an amazing album, Rew, and you are remarkably talented and original--a fresh and invigorating voice"
Big T at City Canyons Records - Rew's New Record...out NOW...
" *that*s*rite "
Genre: rock
reviewed by Madalyn Sklar
This NYC punkster is one hot mamma! Rew’s latest music incarnation is absolutely stunning. I’m enchanted, captivated and mesmerized by this CD. Bring me more Rew*!
- Madalyn Skar
Proudly and loudly d.b.a. Black Flamingo, Flack Blamingo (!!), RewBee, RewWalsh and/or, on her latest digital five inches of self-styled “punktry” music called *that*S*rite*, just plain Rew, the jewel of NYC truly is the l-u-v child Ronnie Spector and Patti Smith SHOULD’VE had.
Chock straight full up of her very own grand brand of supremely potty-mouthed pop (i.e.: “U Suck” …”dirty” version especially) and powered by the ever-percussive spirit of no less than Our Friend Ficca (as in Billy, of Television, Waitresses, Dave Rave Conspiracy et al deserved fame) Rew sweetly took the time to answer, for us all, once and for all…..
1. Munsters or Addams Family: Which one's for you, and why?
I secretly alwayz wanted to be Wednesday ...the Addams were always so classy & BLACK...my favorite color.......but in real life herman munster lived on my street & i use to hang at their house...sometimez...my brother's babysat for the kids..i wanted to but i was too young...the house was kind of creepy...but they were really kool & eccentric...they had pugs{dogs} everywhere...& NO rules ...cobwebs everywhere...art everywhere...it was very surreal...we alwyaas thought it was a modern day muensters...cause it was in color!!!
2. Who in the world, living or dead, would you most like to play a game of Twister with?
john john kennedy
3. How many Sid King & The Five Strings records do you own?
ummmm....who?...but i do luv texas!!!...all my records got soaked up in a flood while i was out of town once a few years back...the albums actually saved my apartment by absorbing all the water...thank heaven for cardboard...
4. If you had been working the front gate at the Dakota that night back in 1980 when nasty Mark David Chapman showed up, pistol in hand, to avenge the chief Beatle for his "bigger than Jesus" wisecrack, what would you have done?
seduce him in any way possible...& then spin him around by his hair like a lasso until his eyes popped out of his head & then leave him until he could see again cause i think his vision was gone to begin with along w/ his mind so i guess he'd still be lying there...
5. "Gilligan" or "The Professor": Which one’s for you, and for How Long?
i do luv getting into trouble so i guess i have to pick gilligan cause he is alwayz getting into trouble & the professor would always be getting out of trouble...& who needs that? gilligan would probably get me so crazy too..& i luv crazy...just pissing me off & making me laugh... how long...well would we still be on the island??
it is Gilligan's Island so i'll stay forever cause maybe he's the King by now & that would make me the Queen...rite??? we'd be royalty...
6. What single song, living or dead, do you most wish you'd written... and why didn't you?
it would have to be the R KELLY 'Trapped in the Closet" opera...cause damn..that is the longest single i ever heard..& you can never ever believe all the twists & turns that go on & the brilliant writing...it's pure crazy entertainment & pure genius....i didn't write it cause as twisted as some may believe i am ,i am an innocent baby next to this man's imagination...or experience...
7. Whose heart-shaped, purple guitar would you most like to be reincarnated as?
funny i have a heart shaped purple guitar...but i sure would LUV PRINCE having it & playing it...if it were me!..i know he'd treat me rite...
8. In 2000 words or less, your hopes, aspirations and goals, musical or otherwise, for your life and your country?
Wow...hopes..aspirations & goalz..that's a lot to ask...I HAVE many of these for me & my country....i am basically an optimist or i say i live in total dillusion...i do believe that this world with all it's ups & downs can be a place for everyone to live somewhat peacefully...all the cops & robbers & extremeists i believe should get their own planet & they can go off on each other all day & all nite non stop...
& all the people in the middle should get their own planet & BE who they are w/out harming their fellow man...
I WOULD LUV my humble honest songz to get thru to masses of people & let them know that we all basically share a lot of the same feelings & desires & ups & downs & heartaches & dreams & surprizes & disappointments...
i for one am an avid believer in mistakes & wishes and dreamz coming true..i love fairy tales & i believe in happily ever after...
i wish i could sometimes tell certain people how i feel ...fortunately i write songz about it instead & at least i can purge my innerds outwardly thru this medium...
i want to live in hotels & i want to tour & have some hit songz to support my life style...
i have always been the type of person who literally loves BOTH sides of the track...
i can hang out on either side ...& enjoy both places...cause to me people are people...
i work HARD & want to work hard & keep being disciplined & keep dreaming & succeeeding & i wish all this for everyone else too...
i wish the pe - Gary Pig Gold/Lost in the Groves
Rew's fan favorite 'U Suck' premiered on Oxygen Networks cable show 'Bad Girls Club' 1/08/08. - RRZ
"I can imagine listening to them in a small bar in Williamsburg, where their sound fills the room and their party mood prevails." - Nate Olson - Indie-music.com
REW* - that*S*rite: One only has to look at the cover of this album to know what you're going to hear isn't going to be predictable. How could I tell? There's something in Rew's gorgeous smile – That's how! After deciding for myself this wasn't going to be a predictable album I just threw this on the player and waited to see if this was going to be the album I hoped it was. From the second 'The More I' I knew this was going to be the album I expected it. By the time the third track 'U Suck' came on I was totally convinced that Rew had got it spot on and had written a good album. From then on I just sat there enjoying the other seven tracks on here which included 'U Suck', 'u Annoy Me', 'U Persued Me' and 'That's Rite'. Musically 'That's Right' is an Indie/Alternative album and in all fairness it's hard to pinpoint comparisons to Rew's music which can only be a good thing as there's just so much originality throughout. Even the lyrics aren't predictable, but they don't have to be when they're delivered with passion and sincerity. Rew as an artist has got so much to offer and the proof lies in this album so do yourselves a favour check her out! 8.5/10
Rew* Interviewed - February 2007
I only recently came accross Rew* when she sent me a message as we had mutual friends. After posting her new album over for me to have a listen I really got in to it. Everything about it was very artistic, meaningful and personal which is something that is missing from Independent music these days. Too many bands are trying to blatently copy what has done in the past and expecting everyone to love them. Not Rew* - She is her own person and that's why I've interviewed her for Street Voice. Here's what this great lady has to say for herself.
Street Voice: Can you introduce yourself to the world please?
Rew*: Please allow me to introduce myself…I am Rew*.
Street Voice: So what made you want to become a singer and what artists/bands influenced you in choosing this path?
Rew*: Since I was a very little girl I wanted to be a singer..it was kind of like a deep secret…my grandmother sang in Vaudeville..& I loved so many singers…I had soap on a rope & kept it in my room to secretly practice in the mirror…I have the same birthday as Josephine Baker & Suzi Quatro & I just felt it was something that suited me very well… I am inspired by sooo many artists/bands….the Waitresses I must say inspired me a lot..{hard to believe Billy Ficca the drummer on this record was the drummer in that band..Television too} I had 2 older brothers so I was influenced in music a lot by them…Bowie, lots of hippy music in my house.Janis Joplin, the Stones, Grateful Dead, Carol King, Crosby Stills Nash & Young..& I luved show tunes…HAIR, Godspell, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang & so many more…
When I got older I lived in London & fell into Camden & Dingwalls & luved every second of every band "join the army ..get yourself killed…" rememeber that?…I am a sucker for R&B too…I luv it…& I am a fan of 50 Cent…I think he'd LUV me!..Courtney Love talks to me..Fiona Apple talks to me, I absolutely love Me'shell N'Degocello'..Billie Holiday..Edie Brickell..the Distillers…the Ramones…I LUV Joey…it's an endless list…
Street Voice: You've just recently released your new album 'that*S*rite*' so how has this gone down with your fans?
Rew*: Pretty darn well..i've been singing & performing the songs for a while & they needed to be recorded..it has been the scariest & one of the most challenging things I have ever done..that*S*rite continues to change my life on a daily basis… My fans wanted the songs ….most of them are fairly new…2 are old songs that never got recorded yet so I stuck them on because they have been requested…
Street Voice: The lyrics are about your life so do you like sharing your experiences with the world?
Rew*: It makes me scared & vulnerable…actually…I just have to purge my soul for my own saving… 'like' may be a word I would question…I feel I'm being brave & by making the recording it hopefully allows me to go further in life to new experiences & adventures…kind of putting the past behind me…This materiel is so blatant…I just don't know what else I can do..plus my band really luved playing the songs & wanted to get them down..i had so many constant fuck ups in all the production I'd go back & forth all the time wondering if the powers that be were simply fucking w/ me or playing games w/ me like…do it...don't do it…I mean it…
Street Voice: Apart from this album what other material have you released in the past?
Rew*: My last cd was called ***5 songz*** & was produced by the wonderful Daniel Rey{Ramones, Misfits, so many others}… It was when I was going under the name of Black Flamingo. I have another 5 song release simply called "Black Flamingo' & tonz of solo stuff…also I have a kid*s music cd called *We'Re GoNnA'.
Street Voice: I know you've got a few shows in NYC to promote the album but have you any shows pla - Street Voice, UK
RewBee's "Organic" has strong melodies and lyrics. My favorite tracks were 'Do U want me now' and 'U know I'm sayin". I have given it a rating of 4 with 5 being the best. A 4 means that in my opinion, they are of the professional level and have strong potential for success. 'I enjoyed listening to your songs.'Eugene Foley - foleyentertainment.com - Foley Entertainment
*RewBee* Reviews
RewBee has a unique perspective on things and a good sense of humor.
Bee appropriately complimented what you were doing, without over-playing.
Rew has a wonderfully sexy voice and great expressions/body language that are sort of reactionary to what she is singing about. Very entertaining.
Chris – Poptown Records
RewBee's "Organic" has strong melodies and lyrics. My favorite tracks were 'Do U want me now' and 'U know I'm sayin". I have given it a rating of 4 with 5 being the best. A 4 means that in my opinion, they are of the professional level and have strong potential for success. 'I enjoyed listening to your songs.'
Eugene Foley - foleyentertainment.com
"Another highlight was my new favorite musical group, Rewbee. Check them out on myspace and look for them live. Very early X-like, with a New York edge."
~three rooms press/Patti Smith's Birthday bash 12/06
*RewBee* Reviews
RewBee has a unique perspective on things and a good sense of humor.
Bee appropriately complimented what you were doing, without over-playing.
Rew has a wonderfully sexy voice and great expressions/body language that are sort of reactionary to what she is singing about. Very entertaining.
Chris – Poptown Records
RewBee's "Organic" has strong melodies and lyrics. My favorite tracks were 'Do U want me now' and 'U know I'm sayin". I have given it a rating of 4 with 5 being the best. A 4 means that in my opinion, they are of the professional level and have strong potential for success. 'I enjoyed listening to your songs.'
Eugene Foley - foleyentertainment.com
"Another highlight was my new favorite musical group, Rewbee. Check them out on myspace and look for them live. Very early X-like, with a New York edge."
~three rooms press/Patti Smith's Birthday bash 12/06
that*S*rite- 10 songz

Rew* – She has been called a combo of Courtney & Streisand...and draws comparisons to Patti Smith, X and Blondie. Rew is a singer/songstress who is intrigued with people and the relationships we have with each other and the universe we share. Rew is raw, sexy, real & charming.
Her song 'u persued me' won the Atlas Media songwriting contest, 'u suck' landed national attention on the BAD GIRLS CLUB..Her songs are in heavy rotation on Genya Ravan's Sirius radio shows on Little Steven's Underground.
"This is what you moved to NY for" Village Voice
Rew lived carefully for others then recklessly for herself, letting her inhibitions free... she’s dwelled in the fab cities DC, London, Philadelphia...& now her native NYC. Rew sings about her encounters with abuse, relationships, AIDS, heartbreak, drugs, sleaze, danger & motherhood, as “these are the things that inspire my writing,” Rew is always aspiring to improve herself & her world...
Currently Rew is hosting her own Internet show called, 'Rew* & WhO?' airing on Wednesdayz from 4-6pm in NYC... featuring 'rizing starz & living legendz' from all over the land.
For more info please go to: