Kingston, Ontario, Canada | SELF
It's a rare day when we review unsigned submissions around here. I can't speak for the other guys, but I usually leave 'em in the pile with a guilty glance because most of them, regardless of genre, would get the same weak-sauce write-up — "yeah, they're pretty good for a local band, they're not very original, they got heart, but they need to stand out more to get to the next level". If we had more space, or we did nothing but write reviews 40 hours a week, then coming up with 947 ways to say that every year would make sense. As it is, though, there's just no time.
Canada's REVMATIC are a cut above the usual DIY fare, although they still have some work to do. On this, their third album, the band adds a bit more metal crunch to what was previously a more hard rock-oriented approach. Make no mistake, though, this is very much verse-chorus-verse commercial-grade rock, a heavy-but-catchy blend of likable radio crunchers that'd do just fine opening for anyone from BLACK LABEL SOCIETY to MOTLEY CRUE. There's enough riffy grit to slot in with, say, a BRAND NEW SIN, yet the hooks to swagger alongside BUCKCHERRY or even the brainier of the hair metal brigade.
The secret weapon REVMATIC wields is that they put it all on the line for the chorus — they live or die by that moment in each song, with vocalist Nathan Yetter providing a good cross between melody and rough-hewn regular guy hollering. Combine his penchant for sing-along-ready hooks with the muscular, workingman's riffing (think '90s ANTHRAX with more groove, or METALLICA if they'd knocked out the Black Album in one day during the "Stone Cold Crazy" session) and you've got some winning tunes, a slightly more metallic take on the "bar band made good" formula without all the irritating autotuned gbig-budget gloss.
Not everything's perfect — the better songs are definitely stacked at the beginning, with a couple at the finish failing to keep the excitement level up ("Bad Behavior" in particular is a bit of a dud, though it boasts nice soloing). And lyrically, they're nothing to write home about, with a lot of "lyin'/cryin'" couplets and warmed-over paeans to chicks. But REVMATIC are definitely on their way to great things, and they're something the world needs more of — a radio-friendly hard rock band that doesn't forget their balls, or their distortion pedals, on the way to the studio. - Blabbermouth.net by Keith Bergman
Revmatic - 2002 Release
Ghetto Blaster - 2004 Release
Cold Blooded Demon - 2008 Release

REVMATIC has been described as "catchy with the blunt force impact of blue-collar metal, more simplistic melodies that stay challenging when coupled with solid solos and leads. A steady, persistent backing section acts as a quickened pulse to propel the guitar theatrics. This band has a sound that's ready to burst from the underground into the mainstream."
In 2008 they released their third album entitled "Cold Blooded Demon". Described by singer Nathan Yetter as the sound of Guns N Roses and Metallica in a car accident, the album marks a new beginning. The band decided to go in a heavier direction on the new album. Rory Fiorito who has worked with bands such as Diamond Head, Dokken, Ratt and Quiet Riot did the album art and design.
In the nine years since the band formed, they have moulded themselves into an extremely solid band, fine tuning their sound, with melodic vocals, thunderous drums and guitars that are defined but fierce!
Cold Blooded Demon is a powerful album musically and visually. Bryan Martin from sleazeroxx.com said, "Cold Blooded Demon stands up to any band out there today and should carry the band well into the future of heavy metal."
The Heavy Metal Addiction website review said that the band is "High energy, raw, in your face, modern Heavy Metal & Hard Rock that you could hear on today's Rock radio"
A review from Keith Bergman of Blabbermouth.com said, "REVMATIC are definitely on their way to great things, and they're something the world needs more of - a radio-friendly hard rock band that doesn't forget their balls, or their distortion pedals, on the way to the studio."
If a record label gives these guys a break, REVMATIC could be the next big act to hit the scene...