Gig Seeker Pro


Charleston, South Carolina, United States | INDIE

Charleston, South Carolina, United States | INDIE
Band Hip Hop Hip Hop


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Spiritual Elements - 2005

Global Takeover Mixtape- 2006

Various Compilations

Clash Of The Kakalackians Mixtape -2007

Self-Less - May 2008

Radio-Active - DEC 2009



Mission Statement: To win souls and make disciples of Christ followers while
contending for the faith, fighting the good fight, and striving to live the
victorious life!

Purpose: To expose sin and the deceptions of the enemy (satan) while
promoting God's goodness (Grace and Mercy) and his love toward his ultimate
creation (man)!

~Rancey Carter - R.I.C.O.N
~Married, father of two children (Solomon and Royal)
~Youth Minister

His vision is to expand the Lord's territory through ministry and music to reach this lost world by teaching the uncompromised word of God, so minds can be renewed and restored to be developed into the likeness of Christ.
R.I.C.O.N not only talks about Jesus, he is sold out for Jesus with no compromise and that is evident in his lyrics and in his daily lifestyle. However this has not always been the way that he lived. He was a “walking billboard” for sin and destruction and did not care who got in his way. Robberies , drugs, fraud, vandalism and other sinful acts landed him in jail five times. He was a secular rapper and battle cat on 98.9 in Charleston S.C. His vocabulary and braggadocious wordplay made him known on the air waves. One day R.I.C.O.N met a lady of God that would eventually become his wife and get him involved in church.
At first it was a struggle for him because he was so comfortable depending on drugs to keep him high and the music scene kept him trapped in sin. But his wife kept praying for him along with other intercessors until he finally surrendered to Christ. R.I.C.O.N became a Christian and began devoting his life to live for God. With the musical gifts still instored inside of him he never knew that Holy Hip Hop existed. Then one day he heard a CD by the Cross Movement and there was an interlude on their CD that stated , “ the gifts and talents that you have been blessed with don’t leave you when you become a Christian. What you need to do is take those talents and use them for the Kingdom to glorify God.” Once he heard that statement……the rest is history.
R.I.C.O.N began using his talents to make music for the Kingdom of God. He became more involved with his church and began being one of the church cleaners, which then led him into being an usher, which then led him into becoming one of the youth ministers in his church. Training and discipleship have been a big part in strengthening his Christian walk and continuous growth. He made his first CD in 2005 with the help of Corry Brunson entitled “Spiritual Elements”. That debut CD made its way onto dozens of radio stations with the hit single “Facts Of Life”. It also made it onto various compilations in the U.S. and over in U.K. He has traveled all over with his music ministry and has had the opportunity to lead many to salvation. Ministering in churches, outside events, detention centers, and various places where he has had the opportunity to minister the word of God. He’s been invited to the Holy Hip Awards, Rapfest NY, Mic Rippaz Summit in CA, and other annual showcases. There are no limitations in what God can and will do for this mighty man and his fruits can be seen and the harvest will be reaped in Jesus name !