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UNION - demo
Formed in the winter of 2007... Tym and Greg both formerly of Enter Self, a national touring and recording death metal act. Travis "Monkey" Tapp is a newcomer to the international scene.
Walker, after conquering heavy alcohol dependancy, was lead to form a band with a very positive message. From his background of heavy music, Walker felt he should stay within the parameters of what he knew best... METAL.
After three years of trying many different things, looking for musicians and calling most everyone he knew, Walker got in touch with original bassist Doug McDaniel and within a few months talked with Frye about what he was attempting to do. November of 2007 saw the formation of Rent Veil. Rent Veil entered the studio in February of 2008 to record their first demo, "UNION". "Union" is made up of four songs that while described as "embryonic in many ways", has sold very well and been very widely accepted. Rent Veil performed as much as possible throughout 2008, including Cornerstone Festival. They performed on Friday and Saturday of the fest, thanks to friends in important places. Rent Veil's first show was for Raging Storm Records in Nashville, during GMA week. In approximately 18 months many contacts, friends and fans have been made. Rent Veil perform a blend of straight up thrash mixed with a touch of heavy radio appeal. The vision of true metal splendor was reached by 2009. Rent Veil's goal in 2009 is to spread their music to as many people in as many places as humanly possible. In 2009 the departure of McDaniel led to the hiring of Travis "Monkey" Tapp as new bassist. TPC asked to film a short documentary of Rent Veil, just because they are fans of the band. The 7 minute documentary can be found easily by searching "RENT VEIL" on YouTube. Rent Veil will enter the studio in June to record 4 songs of their upcoming 6 song EP - "Reaping". The new recording promises to be a tighter, sturdier and very well produced effort. They plan to release the EP, with the inclusion of two live efforts, along with a live DVD by the end of August.
Tym Walker is endorsed by Jackson guitars and Monkey is endorsed by Moser Custom Shop basses!