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Ray has self-released 3 albums which are available exclusively at live shows as well as several mp3s available for purchase on MySpace.com
In 2007, Ray's original, Mediocre Poker was featured on MTVs series, Maui Fever. He has performed live on K-Beach Radio, a Cal State University Long Beach production. Ray has also appeared as a special guest on The Ultimate Guitar Show hosted by Marc Seal which aired on ITV-16 as well as COX, PBS, Adelphia, and Time Warner.

Please visit: http://www.myspace.com/rayjordanmusic for more information.
Ray is an acoustic-based singer/songwriter based out of Orange County, California. When touring in the Pacific Northwest, Ray's band includes some of the area's finest musicians including Sam Esecson (The Paperboys), Jeff Leonard (Vicci Martinez Band), Colby Sander (Robbie Walden), and Eric Robert (Lee Oskar)