New York City, New York, United States | INDIE
Full length HD videos at www.pushmethod.com
“I was like “Yo, Dust, you wanna do a track?” We did and it caught the attention of our current producer Patrick Ermlich of Modern Vintage and The Cutting Room Studios. It was one of those random things when you try something new and it turns out to be the perfect mixture… like whoever invented Oreos,” says founder and vox man Tavis Sage Eaton. Since that time in 2009, it’s been an ongoing fusion of, not only his musical styles and that of songwriter / composer Michael Dustin Youree, but of their stories, which are different and intertwined. The collision between these two worlds, the struggle and triumph, the life experience and introspective nature that these stories speak of is the foundation of PushMethod.
From that initial track, Scrambled Eggs, the family grew. Tavis and Dustin promptly began recording the EP, Death or the Purple, with the guidance of Patrick. That summer, Dustin recruited Michael Lapke to bang the drums and the experimentation extended from the studio to the rehearsal room. As the project continued to develop, Chuck Hillwig, multi-intrumentalist and low-end extraordinaire, was brought in to complete the band.
The result is a sound the band refers to as Beatlesque Hip-Hop. "It's an ongoing process," says Dustin. "We want to constantly evolve and grow. This thing started as an experiment and we intend to keep it that way."