Vägen (RPM Music, RPMCD-002)
Peter Puma Hedlund
I love your "Vägen" CD so much I'm going to feature it on the FRONT PAGE of CD Baby for a few days. We're REALLY picky about what goes on the front page. We get about 75 new albums a DAY coming in here now ... and yours is one of the best I've ever heard. - Derek Sivers
Another Way (RPM Music, RPMCD-001)
Peter Puma Hedlund & Company
... there's not much in the way of fame and fortune to be had playing the nyckelharpa. Outside of Sweden and a few select circles in other parts of the world, the ... keyed fiddle is one of those rare, esoteric pleasures. If anyone is going to come close to grabbing what little acclaim there is to playing the thing, it's Peter Puma Hedlund. ... His technique is confident, his tone and phrasing sure-footed. ... - Peggy Latkovich
Another Way (RPM Music, RPMCD-001)
Peter Puma Hedlund & Company
I was going to stay away from nyckelharpa music for at least one column, but Another Way (RPM Music) from Peter Puma Hedlund is too delightful not to share. Backed by an ensemble of friends and acquaintances, many of whom he has played with for years, Hedlund serves up a collection of mostly original material, featuring his own distinctive instrument. Like other Scandinavian string instruments such as the hardanger fiddle, the nyckelharpa is reminiscent of your standard violin, but at the same time has its own unique and decidedly less restrained timbre. It's perfect for the kind of music that is usually played on it; while often requiring as much technical discipline as classical music, it consistently gives the impression of being about to slip out of control, which makes it exciting. In this particular case, Hedlund's technical skill (he's a two-time winner of the Nyckelharpa World Championship) enables him to walk this fine line with apparent ease and also allows him to range all over the stylistic map. ... But most of all, Another Way is bursting with invention and energy, and that makes it perfect for spring. - Genevieve Williams
Another Way (RPM Music, RPMCD-001)
Peter Puma Hedlund & Company
On his latest record, Peter Puma Hedlund ... demonstrates how, as an artist, one can rethink and expand one’s direction. A virtuoso riksspelman (fiddler-of-the-realm) in the Eric Sahlström/Uppland tradition, Peter has not allowed himself to get stuck in any muddy old wheel ruts. Well steeped and studied in the folk music tradition, he tenderly cares for, interprets, and exercises the rich repository of existing tunes as well as writes new ones in the traditional style. He is constantly seeking new inspriation from within and, of late, from north American and Irish cultures. Seeking to enrich and renew the joy of playing—for himself and for those of us who follow his musical journey. And for others who will listen to his music as well as dance to his playing. - Peter Larsson
Vägen (RPM Music, RPMCD-002)
Peter Puma Hedlund
... Peter plays the nyckelharpa ... and on this album, he has the opportunity to fully showcase his talent ... While the nyckelharpa is more and more often found in Swedish folk bands, for my taste, the nyckelharpa deserves to be listened to on its own merit. The instrument has a very full, gentle and subtle sound, with a bit of a classical touch -- its sound actually reminds at times of a string duet. Peter masters the instrument beautifully, playing a mixture of traditional Swedish tunes and music composed by himself or other composers. A beautiful, calm and gentle album ... Recommended! - Michael Moll
Vägen (RPM Music, RPMCD-002)
Peter Puma Hedlund
... This naked presentation tells us that Puma is either very brave or slightly off his rocker. 22 tracks without the variation in sound that additional instruments provide might be deemed too much of the same thing. Certainly, this is not some party platter to stick in the CD player and leave there spinning the whole night through. And it is understandable if an unfamiliar listener might feel satiated before arriving at the last tune. But the presentation is, by no means, too much of the same thing, and Puma is definitely not off his rocker. The purpose of his presentation and tune selection is to illustrate the unique musical possibilities inherent in the nyckelharpa itself -- a task impossible to carry off in the presence of other instruments.
It follows that Puma pulls out all the stops, and avails himself of all the possible big league maneuvers and configurations in his tool box -- double stops, harmonies, drones. He does this in a balanced manner and with judiciuos control of his craft. - Henrik Lundqvist
Another Way (RPM Music, RPMCD-001)
Peter Puma Hedlund & Company
Another Way by Peter Puma Hedlund sounds like nothing I've ever heard before. ... While most active Swedish folk music groups seem inspired by Väsen and Frifot, playing with rhythms and odd harmonies, all sorts of diverse knäppinstrument (guitar, mandolin etc.) and percussion, nyckelharpa artist Peter Puma Hedlund does something entirely different.
On Another Way he has included two Irishmen, Frankie Lane on dobro and Leo Rickard on Irish pipes. The result is strikingly different and in places hair raisingly phenomenal. In addition to the already mentioned dobro and pipes, we have pump organ and clarinet (Mats Andersson), recorder (Karin Hedlund), guitar (Sven Frederiksson), percussion (Olle Bohm), bass (Bosse Nordenfelt) and cello (Marit Blomqvist) -- but the nyckelharpa is always in the center.
Both dobro and pipes sound great with harpa. On several tracks, even amazingly great, such as Vals från Karlholm where dobro leads in with its relaxed swoshing sound and then retreats under the nyckelharpa's melody reminding the northern Uppland waltz that it has relations in remote corners of the globe.
At times there may be too much of a good thing. Nyckelharpa, dobro and pipes, all have intense voices, and when all three play at the same time and are joined by recorder, organ and drums, the sound system speakers can feel a bit overloaded. It may be that they are just not used to such a workout!
... the liner notes, at first glance, suggest a traditional presentation, the sound is anything but. ... Listen ... to track 7, a schottis by Peter Larsson. It is reggae. It is Finnish tango. It is lovely swing. A clear favorite. Or take track 13, the Moose March, one of Peter's own tunes. Here come the troops led by pipes and marching drums from far off in the sound picture. It is Irish through and through. When the nyckelharpa attacks, it hits right square on the mark—one of three hair raising moments on the cd. This piece could be twice as long!
Another Way is a welcome record. It shows us, as the name suggests, that there are more directions out there than Swedish bozokins and "most original harmony wins." And it does this with great aplomb. - Henrik Lundqvist
[Peter is] an accomplished tradition-centered master musician who is also exceptionally skilled at sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm with his audiences. - John Patterson
Vägen (RPM Music, RPMCD-002)
Peter Puma Hedlund
There is no question that the man known as Puma is a world class master of the nyckelharpa. ... This is nyckelharpa playing of the highest order, exemplifying both expressive feeling and matchless technique. ... - Micke Forsberg
Vägen (RPM Music, RPMCD-002)
Peter Puma Hedlund
"This is a nyckelharpa. Just nyckelharpa. This is a bit unusual." So says Peter Hedlund in the liner notes to his new recording, an unaccompanied album of nyckelharpa music. Peter sets himself in contrast to popular Swedish bands like Väsen that use a harpa as part of larger sound. While giving them their due, he says, "For me, harpa playing is something deeper. The nyckelharpa's decidedly unique voice, it's myriad of small, small details ... go unnoticed when you play as part of a group."
The best traditional music evokes a strong sense of place, the dance rhythms rooting us in the earth. The nyckelharpa in general sounds rather like a fairy tale: the sad sweetness of the melodies and the ringing echoes of the sympathetics invoking gnomes and trolls. Hedlund's playing is of the highest order, having won the World Championship twice, and his subtle touch and nuanced playing brings you to a far away place: the boreal forest in the long twilight of late winter, northern lights in the sky perhaps, a small cabin with candles in the window welcoming you home.
Playing solo is demanding: no-one to hide behind, no other instruments to create contrast and texture. The album is very much of a piece - the fifty-three minutes can slip by without you noticing it - but doesn’t become monotonous. Hedlund is able to keep his playing interesting by treating each tune fully, with a myriad of small variations, and choses enough different material to create texture. Each time I listen some new piece of wonder jumps out, and I assume that the listening will only become deeper over time. Fully a third of the tunes here are original compositions, and Hedlund has a great touch for making his own tunes. They are fully in traditional style, some sounding even older than the trad tunes, but invariably are the tunes that grab me the most. All in all, a coveted album for Nordic connoisseurs. It may be too fast an entry into the deep well for newcomers to Swedish music, but will remain as a beacon when you’re ready. - Brendan Taaffe
2006 - Resonans, Peter Puma Hedlund with Bo Nordenfelt, CD
2004 - Peter Hedlunds Nyckelharpskola, vol. 3, DVD
2003 - Another Way, Peter Puma Hedlund & Company, CD
2003 - Nisse Nordström & Peter Puma Hedlund, DVD
2002 - Build a Nyckelharpa with Sören Åhker, DVD
2002 - Vägen, solo recording, CD
2002 - Peter Hedlunds Nyckelharpskola, vol. 2, DVD
2001 - Peter Hedlunds Nyckelharpskola, vol. 1, DVD
2001 - Vinterljus, Britta Zetterström, various artists, CD
2000 - Nyckelharpa World Championship Competition, DVD
2000 - Framtidstro, various artists, CD
1999 - Nyckelharpa Concert, reissue of Puma, CD
1998 - Ge rum vid roddartrappan, various artists, CD
1992 - Puma, solo recording, CD
1990 - Fiolen min, Benny Andersson, various artists, CD, LP
1987 - Till Viksta-Lasses minne, various artists, LP
1982 - Får jag lov, with Norrtälje Elitkapell, LP
1981 - Med pukor och trumpeter, with Norrtälje Elitkapell, LP
1980 - Unga Spelmän från Uppland, various artists, LP
1978 - Oskapliga låtar, with Norrtälje Elitkapell, LP
1977 - Luffarschottis, with Norrtälje Elitkapell, LP
1974 - Harpan Min, led by Mats Kuoppola-Liljeholm, LP

Peter Puma Hedlund is considered Sweden’s leading traditional player of the modern chromatic nyckelharpa, having won the title World Champion twice, in 1992 and 2000. He earned the designation Riksspelman - Fiddler of the Realm - while still in his teens (1975). Peter and his nyckelharpa are a commanding presence whilst in the act of bringing forth music. Pure magic. His music is a powerful example of continuation - an unbroked thread linking past, present and future.
Peter is proud of the strong musical tradition and heritage that nurtured him as he grew up in the province of Uppland, a little north of Stockholm. He plays nyckelharpa for fun and states this repeatedly when asked questions about his style and interpretation. Peter’s technique is unsurpassed. His exceedingly precise playing is characterized by deep murmuring tones, liquid cascades of ornaments and flourishes and gives the uncanny perception that there is more than one of him playing at once.
When he has gone as far as technique can take him, Peter probes deeper to complement technique with powerful personal interpretation. His tones remind one of older sounds, and rightly so, as they are coming from a mind and soul that has studied and played with many of the bygone masters. Peter’s primary inspiration and teacher was the legendary Eric Sahlström.
Justly proud of his position in the realm of Swedish traditional music, Peter is gradually expanding the horizons of nyckelharpa expression. In his frequent role as an instructor, he takes the opportunity to influence and nurture the growth and development of the next generation of nyckelharpa players. He also "makes" tunes which are quickly gaining favor among today’s players. The modern chromatic nyckelharpa, neglected and almost forgotten in the 1940s and 50s, is blossoming as never before both in Sweden and elsewhere, especially the USA.
Peter’s musical career spans roughly 30 years. He has been actively performing, recording and teaching nonstop just about his entire adult life. Vägen (2002), his recent critically acclaimed solo album, was followed in 2003 by Another Way where he invited eight friends to join him in a masterful elaboration of his music. Also close to Peter’s heart has been a collaborative effort with Rita Leydon to develop and produce a three volume Nyckelharpa Workshop in dvd format--two languages (Swedish and English), two camera angles, as well as pdf text and sheet music files. All three volumes are now completed, an extraordinary effort certain to influence a whole new generation of nyckelharpa players around the world. Rita and Peter are also partners in RPM Music, a record label they launched in 2003.
Peter, 50, lives in Iste, Hälsingland (about a four hour drive north of Stockholm) with his wife, Karin, and their two sons Jonas and Mathias.