President Philson
Atlanta, GA | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | SELF
I rarely have a podcast where I want someone to just tell their story. I met Mike a few years ago, and his story always amazed me. Here was this guy from the same neighborhood as me, talks like me, walks like me, and achieving so many great things in his life. I invited Mike to my office to just build with me, then I just decided to turn on the mic. With his permission I turned our meeting into a podcast. This is a great story about defining yourself, and how far you can go, staying who you are inside.
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What we learned:
Define yourself – Going to Harvard and Wall Street could have easily changed Mike from who he truly was. But, he decided early on he wouldn’t let those things influence who he was and make him forget where he was from. Much of his career success came from the fact he was different. Embrace it.
The power of mentorship – Getting people in your corner to help guide you is crucial for anyone. Mike was lucky enough to get put into mentorship programs as a youth. I personally hacked mentorship. I used podcasts like this and books when I didn’t have a direct relationship with successful people who could teach me.
Get grounded – Having your spirit right and developing a solid foundation will lead you to success in any endeavor. Success is more than material things.
Create real visualizations – People love to talk about “The Secret” and “Law of Attraction.” I personally believe that you do attract success by visualizing it, but only when combined with hustle. Mike took trips to Wall Street and Ivy League schools before he got in. It made it more than just dreaming, he made the visuals real by actually placing himself there. We can do this with almost anything. I actually chill near places I see myself living for the purpose of visualizing. You get what you expect.
The biggest lesson he learned from millionaire mentors – Create value for other people. I talk about this all the time, so it’s cool to hear it confirmed by so many successful people. You can never lose if you are constantly of service. This podcast, my book, my talks, my blogs, all are aimed at helping you boss up. What can you start or improve on today that helps others win? - Anthony Frasier - Newark's Tech King
Hip-Hop soundtrack album of the year - Hip-Hop Overload
MC, Harvard Grad, Entrepreneur & philanthropist. From Hood To Harvard , Mike was involved in stock trading. During his time on Wall Street, he had woke up one day and said F*** Wall Street and Followed his dreams moved to ATL. True Leader and Take a Listen - Hip-Hop Digital Exposure
Harvard Grad, Activist and MC Mike Philson showcases his artistry and business acumen in this ThatsEnuff New Artist Spotlight interview. Checkout his single “To The Moon” below. Click and comment!
New Artist Spotlight Interview: - Thatsenuff.com (Hot 97's Dj Enuff)
Many Concerned Black Harvard Alumni have recently gathered in order to express our solidarity in mourning the death of Michael Brown, and commitment to justice for this young man and countless others deprived of essential liberties guaranteed to all Americans. We warmly send our condolences to Michael Brown’s family and friends, as well as the grieving citizens of Ferguson, Missouri. On August 9, 2014, Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson killed 18-year old Brown after shooting him 6 times. Many eyewitnesses observed that Brown was unarmed and did not pose a threat to the officer, nor did he attack Officer Wilson or pose any imminent danger to his persons. Furthermore, the mishandled police response has been a subject of national criticism and resulted in the Missouri Highway Patrol taking control of the protest area from the St. Louis County Police. In addition, the circumstances around the shooting have triggered Federal investigations by both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Justice (DOJ).
We demand action any time the life of an innocent American is taken, and his or her Civil Rights and Constitutionally-protected freedoms are violated. In particular, we are frustrated with the frequency at which young black males are being killed by those sworn to protect and serve. Furthermore, we are alarmed at the response of the police in Ferguson. The militarized police response undermines the notion of peaceful protest, and harkens back to dark days that stain the American legacy of freedom and justice for all. While we urge peace on the part of protestors and the police, we understand that a bellicose police presence and unwarranted police aggression is more likely to facilitate negative responses on the part of the community. There are no excuses for violence against police, businesses, and area residents, and there is also no excuse for police to abuse their power by using excessive force.
We are grateful for the energy and commitment to justice, fairness, and equality under the law, the citizens of Ferguson and Greater-St. Louis are demonstrating in peaceful community protests. Our hope is for a thorough, transparent, and just investigation into the events surrounding Mr. Brown’s death, and the upholding of basic freedoms for the protesting citizens of Ferguson, Missouri.
At this moment, Officer Darren Wilson has yet to be charged with any crime. Additionally, many in the community and around the globe are calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor to help achieve a fair trial and justice for Michael Brown. We stand with the people of Ferguson in urging that Prosecutor Bob McCulloch be removed from the case involving Michael Brown and Darren Wilson due to McCulloch’s deep relationship with the police force, mishandling of police shootings in the past, and mishandling of the case thus far. In lieu of other instances of racial profiling across the country in recent years, this issue deeply affects all Americans, and threatens to undermine the notion of liberty and freedom our great nation seeks to represent. In addition, the Ferguson authorities must ensure protestors right to peacefully assemble and stand for justice. In the future, requiring police officers to wear body cameras may prove a very useful means of securing all citizens’ rights, and protecting & serving all of our communities. In closing, the death of Michael Brown is a global issue that represents the recurring themes of tragedy and injustice that leaves our communities in peril. We hope the leadership involved will administer justice, and utilize this moment to honor Michael Brown and all that have sacrificed their lives for freedom, instilling a legacy of peace, liberty, and equal protection under the law.
The Concerned Harvard Black Alumni - Rap Rehab
From the hard streets of New Jersey to the dorms and classes of Harvard, to the shiny suits of Wall Street this has been the Journey Mike Philson. But his passion has forever been the arts. So, he made the ultimate sacrifice, left the fancy job and created master pieces. Here is his newest single “To The Moon” a fusion of EDM (Electronic Dance Music), Hip Hop and a touch of jazz. - Millennium Male
Artist Mike Philson of MMP Guided Entertainment has teamed up with the Newark Yoga Movement in order to help the children of New Jersey’s largest city learn how the principles of Hip-Hop and yoga can lead to a productive and healthy upbringing. Philson and MMP Guided Entertainment have embarked on a nationwide student tour, designed to shift the culture of education, and make learning cool. Past and future engagements include public schools in New Jersey, NYC, Atlanta, as well as Harvard University, Columbia University, and Rutgers University.
This week, Philson teamed up with the Newark Yoga Movement. With so many children at a deficit in terms of academics and character building values, the Newark Yoga Movement believes in sharing the valuable “life tools” of yoga with them their educators and caregivers. Through yoga and the power of the breath, these children learn through direct experience how to be more relaxed, more focused, more confident and creative. Additionally, they will gain “fringe” benefits of yoga including better posture, increased flexibility, increased strength. Since its October 2009 roll out, Newark Yoga Movement has been “stretching minds”to over 14,000 children in Newark and more than 1,400 educators, including the majority of the PE and Health teachers in Newark Public Schools. Each week through 100+ classes, NYM has over 2500 students smiling. The organization touches upon all venues to reach children, educators and care givers including public schools, charter schools, independent schools, organizations catering to children and families, after school programs and health fairs and now even the entire Newark Fire Department. - Rap Rehab
NJ emcee Ren Thomas drops a brand new single We Out Here, featuring Mike Philson. This is the latest single off his upcoming debut album Who The Fuck Is Ren Thomas? dropping later this year. - The 9 Elements
Newark, NJ artist Mike Philson's "To The Moon" is sure to heat the summer up... - Good Music All Day
Ton Def Music Records present ‘To the Moon’ EP, from Miami based producer Damion Daniel featuring vocalist Ernie Gaines, and rapper Mike Philson as they take control of the original hip hop track, then shifting the hip hop beat to electronic remixes. Pa_triot fuses a dramatic, heart-pounding buildup with powerful synth driven beats that still leaves the originality of Ernie Gaines vocals. The Miami remixes shifts to a mesmerizing, eclectic sound as Daniel makes you feel the warmth of the sunshine state. Both remixes will take your mind high to the moon…literally! - Your EDM
The Major Motion Picture Group lead by Mike Philson sent over this house infused hip-hop tune, “To The Moon,” they recorded at Stadium Red Studios in NYC. As you can tell by the long list of collaborators, this project was passed around to different producers whom added their touch, ending with a saxophone line to smooth up the landing. I’ve had this track on repeat all morning, it’s catchy as hell; Mike Philson delivers with the flow. Good work, look forward to hearing more from these guys. Must listen and support by copping this tune on iTunes! - Fresh New Tracks
Mike Philson links up with Cordz Cordero for this blazin’ bud anthem. Peep the ‘Philson OG’! You can see more at Philson’s website. - The Flipside
Hey guys, there’s a killer new song out!!!
Except it’s not that new. At all.
AlunaGeorge‘s “You Know You Like It” — the song everyone and their brother has been banging their heads to for exactly a week — has been around for YEARS (it was first released in August 2011!!!). Like many other underground-turned-Billboard hits, it didn’t receive any real attention until 2014 when a DJ remixed the track. Talk about recycled novelty. That DJ is, of course, DJ Snake — the same dude behind 2014’s mega-hit, “Turn Down For What.”
I had never heard of the song — or the artist behind it — until Tuesday. Now it’s the only thing I hear every time I turn on the radio and/or queue up my Spotify playlist. I’m obsessed.
Another track that achieved delayed acclaim was Krewella’s summer smash hit, “Alive,” back in 2013. It was first released in June 2012, but it wasn’t until April 2013 (after being re-released) that the deliciously 90s-esque, EDM-infused pop track started causing buzz. The first time I heard the song, I felt déjà-vu; like I had heard it in my dreams in 1997.
Now, that’s a damn good jam.
Sadly, Krewella hasn’t done much since. And there was some controversy in 2014 between sisters, Jahan and Yasmine, and their producer, Kristopher “Rain Man” Trindl, after which the latter resigned.
Similar to “You Know You Like It” — but on a smaller scale — Ron Pope released “A Drop in the Ocean” in 2008, and heard radio silence until 2011 when the quaint love ballad was featured in a momentous scene of a Vampire Diaries episode. Eminem even remixed the track with Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa.
I recorded a track back in 2012 with rapper Mike Philson. It didn’t explode on social media the way we hoped it would, but in 2015, I still firmly believe it could be radio material with the right DJ remix.
And I love it when this happens to a track, because it reinforces all sorts of “don’t give up” rhetoric. If you’ve created something good, and something you believe in, keep molding, building, and sharing it. No song is ever truly complete. At any time, it can be remixed, covered, sampled…
Music is forever a work in progress. - Recycled Novelty
Posted by Jonathan Alport × September 23, 2013 at 3:01 PM
For a lot of people the roots of their love for EDM stretch back to listening to songs, and listening to the beats behind it. This track blends the two genres of hip-hop and EDM with a little saxophone in the mix. The mixture of the hip-hop flow and the progressive house beat compliment each other perfectly, and the addition of the saxophone brings in a vibe very similar to Big Gigantic. The track is named To The Moon, and behind it is rapper Mike Philson, and producer/DJ Pa_triot featuring Dre Martie, Ernie Gaines and Marcus Miller. This direction is very interesting and works wonderfully, and really opens up the opportunity to open up EDM to a whole new listening base. Take a listen of To The Moon below! - YourEDM.com
Hailing from public housing and poverty in New Jersey, Michael Anderson a/k/a Mike Philson is the poster-child for achieving the impossible, receiving an Ivy League education. Not many come out of those streets, and make history. Graduating from Harvard in 2008, Mike had entered the world of commodity stock trading. During his time on Wall Street, he had come to the actualization that Wall Street wasn’t for him. He woke up one day and knew he had to make an impact on the future leaders of tomorrow, referred to as our youth.
Teaming up with President Obama as well as Civil Rights leaders in Martin Luther King’s inner circle, Mike formulated an initiative of education through music. Music is a commonality that everyone enjoys in one way or another. This led to a common interest amongst our youth and Mike.
During the past couple of years, Mike has led a speaking circuit at various Ivy League Universities as well as Grade Schools throughout America. Through this he has witnessed oppressions that he’s willing to help detriment. Leading messages of positivity, Mike created a full length biopic titled “Everything I Wanna Be”.
“Everything I Wanna Be” gives you a glimpse into the brilliance that Mike possesses. There are real life trials and tribulations that he had went through after leaving Wall Street, and you can see why Mike had left Wall Street in the first place. Mike is a very gifted individual musically, as you will witness in the video, and you can witness the genius that he possesses.
On a side note, Mike led the charge to bring Wu-Tang Clan to Harvard Yard to perform Live in 2008. This led the change in Harvard’s shift towards their accepting behavior currently.
Take a look at his film: - Rap Rehab
I am a rapper and many of my friends and mentors are tech entrepreneurs. Although the jobs come with different levels of esteem and challenges, they aren’t all that different
I once asked Compton bred rapper YG what it felt like to be the King of LA. He remarked “Same shit, just working.” To excel at rap requires dynamic creativity, fortitude, and the will to persevere against all odds. I remember the same sentiment echoed in a 2006 conversation with Facebook Co-Founder Eduardo Saverin. Being a tech entrepreneur even at the highest levels requires the ability to put your head down and shovel.
To blossom into a rap star or successful entrepreneur, you must hold fast to your scruples and consistently create compelling content, even while the circumstances and celebrity around you may transform your environment. Your grind must remain ahead of the curve and work ethic impeccable in order to attain longevity.
As evidenced by the countless days buried underground learning “the code,” rappers and tech entrepreneurs have more in common than you would think. Beside the fact that everyone thinks they can do either without respecting the craft and key ingredients needed to prosper, these two career choices are more like lifestyles than any occupations I know, and 99% will fail miserably unless they conquer the following challenges:
10. The hustle
There’s no way around 10,000 hours. Every rapstar and startup entrepreneur must pay his or her dues. Lil Wayne once claimed that life is something he does when he’s not making music. Drake is still spitting rhymes from the arsenal he compiled while playing Jimmy in Degrassi, and Kanye “Did 5 beats a day for 3 summers.” Even partying is work for rappers, and often is the most lucrative form of compensation for an artist. Similarly, the grind does not stop for entrepreneurs such as Marc Cuban, who worked double-digit hours everyday for seven years. You gotta hustle either way.
9. Un(derpaid at best) employees
Pre-money tech entrepreneurs must constantly engage employees and keep them motivated and/or distracted in lieu of the reality that startup employees are often working twice as much for a fraction of the upfront pay. It takes the passion of a Southern Baptist preacher in order to re-energize a row of Stanford graduates wallowing after the deflating experience of a viewing a timeline full of status updates and awesome pics from that festival they couldn’t afford to attend.
Think that’s hard? Try getting the R&B sensation/neighborhood hustler to stop selling dimes that feed his children in order to finish your hook. To add, rappers are surrounded by constant distractions such as court dates, groupies, baby momma drama, and the struggle that is waiting until EBT hits on the 14th.. That makes collaboration like moving mountains.
8. The code
Just as tech entrepreneurs need to always be coding, rappers must live by “the code.” While there may not be a formal path to becoming the next Jay-Z, there are certainly best practices that help rappers stay relevant long enough to have a shot at the throne. For instance, obtaining a “G pass” will enables you to travel to or through hoods around the country.
7. Pivoting
Jay-Z had to pivot from being the rapper in Hawaiian shirts before he could become Sean Carter the businessman. Tupac practiced the dramatic arts, and Rick Ross was Corrections Officer Ricky before he turned into the gun-wielding Cocaine magnate. 2Chainz was Titti Boi and even Ja Rule is now a movie star?
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg all dropped out of college, albeit among the finest institutions in the world, to become legends–just as Nas moved back to Africa in Belly. Changing positions is an integral step if you’re headed on the road to failure most rappers and entrepreneurs find themselves on, thus the most astute master the art repositioning and rebranding.
6. Couchsurfing
In “Hit Em Up”, Tupac boasts how he let Biggie sleep on his couch. The artist life is the original couchsurfing.com. On the same note, Steve Jobs in his 2005 Stanford Commencement Address remarked how he slept on floors when he dropped out of Reed College.
5. Drugs
Despite legality, alcohol and caffeine are drugs. I guess marijuana is too. That said, if you rap, providing the best quality fix for your labelmates will fuel the organization in the same way that coffeemaker keeps the tech incubator alive.
4. No fucks given
It’s important to be aware of trends and hot products, but at the end of the day you really have to be your own person in order to attain longevity as a rapper or entrepreneur. They are also the only careers that justify and encourage spending weeks locked inside a room working without needing to shower, shave, or change clothes. Giving two shits about anything but your craft and daring to be original will take you very far in these domains.
3. Single life
Building a successful startup while remaining in a committed relationship is like…Well, tell me when you know someone’s who’s done it. Conversely, the perks of being a rap star are the constant flood of women, which makes a monogamous relationship very unlikely and potentially counterproductive. Both professions make it especially challenging to pretend to care about someone else’s feelings.
2. Securing funding
Master P started No Limit with $10,000 from his grandma. Jay-Z started the Rocafella Records, along with Dame and Kareem Biggs Hoffa, via a crack-era project crowdfunding. While tech entrepreneurs often have the liberty of family and friends financing, rappers typically fill that void with street family. For rappers, a good criminal attorney may suffice as an “angel investor.”
1. The reaction
When you tell someone that you’re a rapper, they’ll either marginalize your craft to “trying the music thing”, or start spitting bars about their life & times. Amazingly, it has to be one of the few jobs that can inspire a complete stranger to share his or her deepest dreams and challenges, inspire a group to lose themselves in music for a moment, and encourages even the most reserved among us loosen up and join the party.
When you say you run a tech startup, they’ll tell you about their friend’s cousin building an app and ask if you can fix their iPhone. In either occupation, explaining what you do will always elicit a reaction. - Elite Daily
n for someone with 15-plus years experience traveling the world, hanging with Saudi royalty, navigating through Rap beefs, and dealing with all kinds of assorted insanity, DJ Whoo Kid can still be thrown for a loop. Case-in-point: April, 25 he spoke to a group of students at Harvard University’s Hip Hop Archive in Cambridge, Massachusetts as part of a panel discussion on “the integral role of education within entrepreneurship, Hip Hop and creative culture.”
“It was kind of nerve wracking,” he iterated later, though he credits a surprise appearance by Saturday Night Live cast member Jay Pharaoh (alongside Harvard grad and rapper Mike Philson) for making the panel more comfortable. “I’m never doing that again.” Between the club gigs around the world, hosting Whoolywood Shuffle, G-Unit Saturdays on Sirius/XM satellite radio, regular appearances on The Opie & Anthony Show, and still finding time to drop mixtapes, Whoo Kid has a wealth of experience on which to draw when answering questions by nervous college students.
Whoo Kid took some time before his talk at Cambridge to reflect on the current state of G-Unit, building with Michael Jackson, inspiring a young Kanye West and how he became the Hip Hop guy every EDM DJ loves.
DJ Whoo Kid Details His Reluctance To Share Professional Advice - Hip-Hop DX
Some fire DJ's working on remixes as we speak including my man Damion Daniel in Miami and others around the world Hong Kong to LA. - RapReviews.com
Three Questions W/: Mike Philson [Editorial]
Jamestown: The Mike Philson brand is always expanding. Talk about your movement & update us what you got going on in the music world, community service and entrepreneurship. How has your music evolved?
Mike Philson
Mike Philson: The Mike Philson brand is merely a vessel for hope. We fight everyday to tell stories that propel global youth culture, and produce music, film, and clothing as a label to represent experiences and beliefs that uplift, inspire, and entertain the masses. Just as #tothemoon showed the world to live beyond the illusion of man-made limits, our latest project, The Gap Year is for those searching for a sense of purpose and truth in a world where love is not always easily understood. Our new album, The Gap Year, is the project that instills the physical & spiritual strength required to succeed in today’s world.
Mike Philson
The Gap Year was Co-Executive Produced by A Music Generation (AMG) in LA. The album features budding superstars Marc Payne, Big Freez, Chizzle, and Chris Jay, and was Produced by @TCTurnerClassic & Economic$. “I’m Good” is the first single off the album, The Gap Year. We will release the album this spring, and are in the initial stages of The Gap Year Movie.
For MMP Guided Entertainment, executing our first #MajorMotionPicture concept — a musical movie distributed directly to the people, was central to my artistic evolution and the direction of the label. Everything I Wanna Be: The #MajorMotionPicture helped me fulfill a dream I had since 17, to document travelling the country visiting hoods from Jersey/NYC, through the Midwest and West Coast, chronicling the experiences in a musical film format that everyday people could relate to and access easily via the Internet. Much of my music over the last 5 years has reflected the quest to “make it” on my own terms and become the type of King I aspire to be—a creative man of service, integrity, and excellence. I made my first movie to show everyone that they too could become everything they wanted to be. My drive allowed me to make an authentic piece of art that succeeded outside the confines of the industry and mainstream corporate acceptance. The industry didn’t give us any support for that movie, and it took years to find the rare individuals willing to prioritize people, and the message of hope, truth, and love, in a business full of greed, avarice, and ignorance.
In 2015, we are producing world-class content that will allow us to get the empowering message to the entire planet. Armed with my MMP X AMG FAM, plus worldwide support for our art and vision, we are focused on The Gap Year becoming a timeless album and college movie.
The evolution of the art has expanded as I’ve grown as a person and taken the time to focus on my internal and spiritual development, and then been able to contribute to my community via various organizations such as The Newark Yoga Movement and The #Jerseygrown Community Movement/Ivy Minds Foundation as well as MissionBe and others. Such experiences of self-development and community building are entrenched in the philosophy of The Gap Year.
Jamestown: How are you branching off in the tech world?
Mike Philson: I am the lead artist on Zinnapp, a free platform that enables users to create their own app via the web, a truly revolutionary technology. - Thatsenuff.com
After reviewing numerous outstanding community service proposals, we are delighted to present to you the following 2014 Harvardwood Heroes. Each grant recipient will receive $500 to use at his/her discretion.
We would like to thank all of the applicants who submitted proposals for consideration. It was truly inspiring to read about the amazing service work that Harvard students and alums are performing across the globe!
Without further ado, we present to you the 2014 Harvardwood Heroes.
Michael PhilsonIMG_7567.jpg
Mike Philson '08 is a music artist & producer, writer, actor & filmmaker, business executive, consultant, and social/community activist from Plainfield, New Jersey. As CEO & Founder of MMP Guided Entertainment, Mike's communicative art embodies the struggles, hopes, and dreams that persist in all of us. Philson strives to highlight entertaining stories of enlightenment, perseverance, and faith, and he has a diverse set of experiences ranging from Investment Banking & Consulting, to running a global urbanwear fashion line, and educational mentoring & community leadership. In 2013, he developed the #Jerseygrown Community Foundation and partnered with the Newark Yoga Movement. The Newark Yoga Movement, a 501c3, was started in 2009 as a way to use yoga to help Newark children reach their fullest potential both academically and personally. After reading articles about the severely low graduation rates, Founder Debby Kaminsky knew that yoga could absolutely provide a solution for positive change. By sharing life tools of yoga with children, they learn how to reduce stress and anxiety, increase focus and confidence as well as gaining physical benefits of strength, balance and improved flexibility. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and/or making sure students are college or career ready are big in the education world. Newark Yoga Movement provides a solution to help in this important area by further cultivating student’s social and emotional development (as early as important pre-k years). We also believe that we must be sure to connect with all who positively impact children (pre-k through 12th grade), hence community, educators, and public safety officials. Longer term, we really can shift cultures of communities. - Harvard University
When you think of Harvard, you think of great Political figures, Litigators, Doctors, and Business folks. However, when you first take a glimpse of Mike Philson, it’s hard to tell that this artist had gone from public housing to a Harvard educated lifestyle within his young lifetime, graduating in Political Science and actually was invited to meet President Obama himself. Philson grew up in Plainfield, New Jersey, where he encountered hard struggles growing up, “I went from some of the worse circumstances that made me say, I want my life to be the opposite of what it’s suppose to be, and to strive and push forward in a journey to do great things.” After attaining a Wall Street job working at an investment bank at a Switzerland-based bank, he decided to leave to pursue his music. In 2010, he began his journey to chase his dreams full- time and educate underprivileged children for college.
Internationally, Philson has performed on three different continents and now is traveling coast to coast in the United States performing, recording, and permoting his music, “Ignorance is dangerous, so many people are afraid to step outside of their bounds and leave their neighborhood. I’m not that person.” His music embodies his relatable struggles he has encountered and shares it with the world. While on his MMP Global & DVE Asian Promo Tour, Philson shot his video for his song, On My Way Home in Shanghai, China where his fan base following is strong. Non-believers can view his Chinese love on Youtube, where fans flock to him in public and some fans even begin crying when meeting him. The young Harvard grad turned rapper is now in LA working in overtime drive, “One thing I don’t want to be is just another nigga rappin’ just for the sake of rapping and not getting anywhere.”
Mike Philson is now working on his next album, The Purple Album, which describes the type of zone he was in during his production, “I see a lot of music in colors and purple is that color.” He plans on expanding his work and head out to Africa for a performance sometime soon. As for now, he has a few performances lined up in LA and will shoot out to New York soon for more projects. Some may call Philson crazy for leaving a secure job for his passion, but his inspirations is what keeps him going, “When you’ve seen the type of things that I’ve seen, and you’re on the bottom level and you gradually ascend and knowing God chose me to succeed and to succeed on a level that’s unfathomable, inspires me everyday.” - Hip-Hop Since 1987
Hailing from public housing and poverty in New Jersey, Michael Anderson a/k/a Mike Philson is the poster-child for achieving the impossible, receiving an Ivy League education. “Everything I Wanna Be” gives you a glimpse into the brilliance that Mike possesses. There are real life trials and tribulations that he had went through after leaving Wall Street, and you can see why Mike had left his Wall Street job. Mike is a very gifted individual musically, as you will witness in the video, and you can witness the genius that he possesses -
Hats off to West LA rapper, by way Nigeria, Louis King. Louis has been rapping for his whole life, and has been touring with the Outlawz since 2014. Rest in peace to Bruce Washington aka Hussein Fatal who has recently passed in a car accident.
Not only is Louis King a rapper, but he is also signed to Adolescent Content as a director, story teller and creative artist, and has won a few prestigious award. Louis was the recipient for the “Best Film” and “Best Documentary” at the “Philadelphia International Film Festival in 2009.
To add to his story, in 2006, Louis King was in a severe car accident and doctors told his parents the chances of his survival were slim, and if he did make it out alive—he would be in a vegetative state. Brain dead, no ability to walk, no ability to move at all. God mustn’t of thought it was his time to go. Everybody’s got a story, huh?
“Money A Drug,” his latest music video, is a testament to why it wasn’t time for his clock to stop ticking. Considering Louis‘s accolades, does it come to us at any surprise that “Money A Drug” was not only written, but directed by Louis King himself? Color is not even needed to make the visuals for the video extremely compelling and moving. The black and white cinematography take us through a man and woman’s turbulence, initiated by the man loosing his daughter. The music video ends up being a “use me and I use you” kind of tale, with a tragic ending. Everyone in the video is guilty, but who’s to judge their circumstances?
Tragically complimenting the end of the video, is a a passage from the Bible. “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”
A complete must see.
To find out more on the inspiration’s contributions to the entertainment world, click on his website where you will find another of his amazing music videos “Flow Like Waterfalls.” Also visit Adolescent Content to see his bed of work with the production company. Too much info? That could never be the case when the talent is real!
Respect to Louis King, who is indeed a king in his own rights. - Hip-Hop DX
All DJs are not created equal. We gladly present the definitive list to the tastemakers and cultural influencers that excel on the 1s and 2s, rage up audiences around the globe, and are shaping the sound of music and contemporary hip-hop. Given the power of radio, many of these DJs have platforms at leading radio stations in addition to constant touring and lifestyle ventures. Do you see your favorite DJ on the list? Let the debate begin...
If Def Jam taught us anything, it's to respect the DJ. The DJ is responsible for the perpetuation of the art form that is hip-hop. Without DJs, there'd be no medium for the streets and masses to access the music they crave.
While many claim the title of DJ, few claim the throne, and only 30 can make the cut as the most influential tastemakers in the business. Even casual hip-hop fans may recognize most of the bigger names on this list, as they've been dominating the airwaves, clubs, and streets for quite some time. In this day and age, radio still has the power to break artists, so many of the names on the list hold positions in the industry's most influential radio and digital outlets. However, we also felt it was important to highlight the young DJs making a huge imprint on society and impacting the culture. Much respect and consideration was given to DJs who not only are holding their cities down, but taking the culture across the globe and into new important arenas. Thank you to the DJs named on this list for keeping hip-hop alive.
While we couldn't fit everyone on the list, as it's aimed to represent who's moving right now, so shout outs are due for pioneers like DJ Kool Herc, Grandmaster Flash, DJ Red Alert, Jam Master Jay, DJ Premier, DJ Jazzy Jeff, and Justo--look for them on a future list of All-Time Greats. For all other DJs that don't see your name on this list, you've got to come harder on the 1s and 2s in order to dethrone the current champs. Let the debate begin, as we present Top 30 DJ's in Hip-Hop (Right Now). - Hot New Hip-Hop
In the wake of the Mike Brown tragedy and so many other instances of police brutality, the hip-hop community has been rallying together to make uplifting street anthems and movements.
Hip-Hop emerged out of a collective struggle against oppression, poverty, and pain. Recently, rappers have been teaming up in order to promote an end to police brutality, even raising money for victims like Mike Brown, and spreading digital campaigns to promote awareness of the issue. This isn't the first time we've seen rappers speak up against violence in their music, so we've gathered several examples from recent times as well as the past in this list.
Of all the recent tracks discussing the undeniable impact violence is having on our communities, a select few have become anthems. Hip-hop is surely at the forefront of the effort to end police brutality, and must be a force to end violence in our communities. Some daring artists have created records that have become rallying calls for our generation, and are an important outlet for the streets to vent and unify.
The Game compiled a most impressive slew of features for "Don't Shoot", while J. Cole positioned himself like a crooner on "Be Free". G-Unit also made a noteworthy comeback appearance on "Ahhh Shit", and underground LA star Marc Payne showed the LA streets are united behind uplifting the community once and for all in the "Juvenile" video. While Snoop recently co-signed the #Justice4Juveniles Movement, he's also on the list for 2013's "No Guns Allowed". The list features more from Big K.R.I.T., Mann, and the brilliant wordsmith Papoose.
Take a look at a sampling of the uplifting records pushing for justice and an end to the madness in the galleries above. - Hot New Hip=Hop
The time has come to honor producers that killed it this year, with the Hottest Instrumentals of 2014. There are those that simply make beats, and then there are the chosen few superproducers that craft masterpieces. HotNewHipHop honors the chosen superproducers and artists that have crafted the following tracks--only due to the uber-talented producers were we able to enjoy the following hit records.
The hottest beats is a misnomer for this list of 20 productions that shaped the commercial sound of hip-hop culture in 2014. Of all the thousands of tracks produced each year under the umbrella of hip-hop, we could only honor a select few as standing above the crowd.
Everybody with a laptop these days seems to be calling themselves a beat-maker or producer, but it takes a superproducer to really shape the sound of the culture. It is with great pleasure we present the Hottest 20 Instrumentals of 2014. This list was the result of much negotiation and a conscientious and healthy debate within the ranks of HotNewHipHop, but we are confident that the best are represented. On the list are plenty of familiar names and producers, these are the dudes who created a beat that often transcended the song itself, tumbling into freestyles from certified stars to upcoming cats, everyone had to try their hand at it. Salute to the winners on crafting audible masterpieces, and thanks for moving the culture closer to the moon and beyond the limitations of yesteryear. - Hot New Hip-Hop
Los Angeles is a big enough city to support a diverse and eclectic range of artists and styles. The past year has seen the rise of several up and coming superstars that are making their way into the national scene.
The City of Angels is now home to some of the biggest names in Rap. West Coast emcees like YG, Problem, Kendrick Lamar, and Nipsey Hussle have been holding the streets down for a minute. Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, and the incomparable Dr. Dre are legends. Tupac is a cultural icon for showing us how to live and die in LA. Hip-hop has chronicled the evolution of Los Angeles through economic and social instability, the rise of gangs and the crack epidemic, and other such issues endemic to our time.
However, a new crop of superstars is emerging and carrying the tradition of LA rap, taking the torch from world-class artists that have kept the West Coast burning for decades. LA is all of a sudden at the center of the Hip-Hop world and music universe, and there seems no better place to be an artist than the City of Angels, especially if you are one of the young stars making their way through the tough to crack place that can be Hollywood. For their perseverance, as well as their commitment to their grind and art, these young men are making a sizable imprint, and seek to be on the road to glory and international dominance.
Reem Riches comes to mind for his consistent work ethic. Putting Midtown on the map, Reem has dropped 3 installments of his American Reem mixtape series with DJ Carisma. In addition, appearing on YG's legendary Just Re'd Up Mixtape series and My Krazy Life has only made Reem's movement stronger. The rapper appeared on YG's major label debut, which was one of the most successful hip-hop projects of 2014. More importantly, the continual love and support in the Pushaz camp is proving an asset to this young one on the rise. Reem has all the resources and capabilities to carry that torch from YG and be the next great street king on the LA rap scene. - Hot New Hip-Hop
Atlanta has long been home to some of the game's most talented acts. Nowadays, Rae Sremmurd, Migos, and Rich Gang's Young Thug and Rich Homie Quan are representing their city on a major scale as the leaders of ATL's new school.
Heat In These Streets will give you the low-down on choice rappers putting on for a specific city and advancing the sound of hip-hop at the same time. For the first edition, we profile rappers making noise for Atlanta, a current hot-bed for auto-tuned, unique (sometimes weird), and creative rappers. Let us know if there is a city you'd like to see up next.
Outkast showed us in 1994 that ATLiens are synonymous with hip-hop culture. Acts like T.I., Ludacris, Jermaine Dupri, Dallas Austin, Jeezy, Gucci Mane, and Shawty Lo are considered modern-day ATL legends. However, in recent years, artists such as B.o.B., Future, Travis Porter, K Camp, Waka Flocka, and Roscoe Dash have dropped enough bangers to keep the core of Atlanta vibrant and represented in the mainstream arena. While the LA sound has been permeating airwaves and pop culture heavily over the last year, ATL's finest are doing their part to bring the sound of their city to global audiences, with a refreshing twist.
Of all rap groups coming out of Atlanta these days, Rae Sremmurd has the hottest single in the country. "No Type" has been tearing up radio stations, clubs, and parties for months, and shows no signs of slowing down. Atlanta's leading producer, Mike Will Made It signed the two youngsters, originally from Mississippi, and have proved that they are no one-hit wonders with a follow-up single even more gripping, honest, and authentic than this summer's banger "No Flex Zone." Rae Sremmurd have quickly become part of the Atlanta identity and have the most talked about record in the city. Millennials and youth everywhere are thanking Rae Sremmurd for the rage-up anthem and the official response to any parents' grievances: "let my momma tell it nigga, I ain't living right."
What strikes us most about these two young brothers, actual siblings, is the fun they appear to be having in their music. Simple enough for kids to understand, mature enough for adults to love, they've a nice little niche and might be around for a minute as next up to lead the South. - Hot New Hip-Hop
Whatever you say will come to be. If you choose to utilize words that manifest negativity and limitations, expect, either overtly or subconsciously, constraints to inhibit your development.
It is the season of harvest, and you are fully in control of your direction, trajectory and empowerment. However, before you take over the world, please consider elevating your vocabulary with a few small suggestions designed to project openness, positivity and success.
Elevate your aspirations with these simple changes in language. By the summertime, you’ll be flying to the moon, feeling great about the present and actively engaging with your future in an empowered capacity. #ToTheMoon
You can do anything you choose to do and are willing to fight for. Nothing worth it is usually easy, so do yourself a favor and rid your vocabulary of this word.
You already have enough obstacles to contend with that you cannot always control, so why impose any additional barriers to your success?
Already, I've forbidden my unborn children from ever uttering this awful word that limits us from achieving goals seen and unseen. Success starts with mental fortitude, and this ugly word inhibits you from conceiving anything substantial, let alone achieving.
You simply do not know what you will feel like eating for lunch, let alone decisions with perpetual implications.
Stop declaring eternal realities with this final word — you just simply do not know nor should you limit yourself from evolving into the person you’re destined to blossom into in the future.
If you really do not have an affinity for something, try utilizing “I dislike,” “I prefer otherwise” or anything other than the word that has massacred civilizations and perpetuated injustice through history.
“Hate” can have too much power in our culture and limit us from realizing the potential and beauty in others, as well as ourselves.
Energy is best utilized refraining from this evil word, as hatred often inflicts damage to the hater, as well as the person being hated on.
One of the pitfalls of our culture is that we think it's ok to “use” people… Implying that people and relationships are like commodities that can be disposed of at a moment's notice, the minute they do not bring any transactional benefit.
Try the word “utilize” instead — and watch how blessings flow to and from you. Martin Luther King Jr. noted that power is the ability to move from one human relationship to another, leveraging strengths and facilitating the best in others — utilizing — and not using or exploiting, one's greatness for the common good.
Dishonoring the world’s favorite plant, and global stoner culture, weed is perhaps the most disrespectful colloquialism around to describe a natural leaf vital to humankind.
You have to honor the leaf with the dignity and respect it deserves. Weed connotes something unwanted, undesirable or offensive.
I advocate switching utilization of the word “weed” to a more appropriate characterization, such as tree, herb, veggies or loud… And we don't get high any more, we go to the moon.
As Yoda remarked, “ try not, do or do not. There is no try.” You’ll either do it or not. To try is to admit defeat at the outset. Go beyond trying and achieve — speak and work success into existence. Watch how your life changes when this small-minded word is eliminated.
Rage and Turn Up
Atlanta rappers made you “turn up” in 2011. The world was different back then… Hardwell was still eating soft foods and Bieber was still America’s favorite teen star.
It's a new day and age, and the new word du jour to express partying is “Rage up.” A turn up is a vegetable or something posers do to feel cool once a week.
To merely “rage” is to be angry or do your mind, body and spirit massive harm… No need to be angry when it's all love. With the mixing of the cultures and races, it’s time you rage up! To rage up is a 24/7 mindset dedicated to living beyond traditional confines the powers that be place on you.
Beyond simply thinking outside the box, Rage up and destroy that box — allowing you to shine brighter than ever.
While it may have been fun to rage at an Ultra or to turn up at the Drake concert, what do you do when cultures merge and you can no longer segment the most fun aspects of your life?
The new America mandates you be able to navigate more social paradigms — even while partying, and rage up 24/7 against every limitation seen and unseen - Elite Daily
In the last quarter-century, there seems to have been a monumental shift in the definition of the word “necessity.” After four years of college, and a lifelong exposure to the comforts of Earth's wealthiest nation, we seem to have replaced lush, material desires with the basic tenets of survival.
Regardless of what two years on the trading floor at Goldman has taught you, monthly dinners at Luger's and gratuitous sex with bottle hostesses are not really necessities. In fact, humanity has existed prior to the invention of first-class flights and Zagat guides.
I did not know what a “necessity” was until I experimented with removing each of my favorite worldly desires for a year. While a challenge at times, the benefits have been wondrous. Here's what I learned by giving up what I thought I needed most:
Fast Money
Nothing like the slow grind of entrepreneurship can teach you the value of a hard-earned dollar. Whether you rake in cheddar from a lucrative finance position, or an epic streak in Vegas, an influx of cash in immature hands can facilitate an internal devaluation of money and an excessive, potentially hazardous, lifestyle.
Bereft of this influence, you may learn how to be a steward of every penny earned, and even begin to save. You'd be surprised how quickly pennies make change.
Besides not having to worry about pregnancy, STDs, or spending oodles of cash and energy in the pursuit of one-night glory, giving up the most amazing discovery ever might allow you to understand what you are looking for in an ideal mate, and develop sustainable standards for intimacy.
Sex clouds our judgment and often conceals true emotions, or temporarily magnifies less meaningful feelings. Watch how life, and your perspective on romance, evolves when the possibility of sex is eliminated.
We're all victims of a society fueled by drugs. Whether it's that Iced Pumpkin Coffee you “gotta have,” social and festive drinking, that “little bit of Molly” you did at Coachella, or even everyone's best friend, Mary Jane, it's pretty easy to unwittingly develop a chemical dependency.
Although it seems harrowing, abstaining from drugs may allow you to fully grasp the energy of the activities and people around you. Maybe you'll actually listen to music in the club, appreciate and cultivate other cultural affinities, or tragically discover the pretty people in VIP are actually more insecure than you could ever imagine.
Abstaining from drugs can truly be enlightening. You might even realize that pursuing your deepest hopes and dreams is the best use of money and energy, and a more viable source of lasting gratification.
Living Alone
Lao Tzu once remarked, “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” The same ideology persists when it comes to housing. Moving in with friends, family, or that couple you met on Craigslist – provided they're not completely insane – can provide a much-needed boost when your spirits are low.
On the same token, sharing your space with a friend in need, lover, pet, etc. allows you to learn the benefits of grace and mercy, two forces that tend to gravitate back, once released in the universe. - Elite Daily
Young adult authors and enthusiasts were on the scene at ALA, including Newbery Medalist Kwame Alexander, who spread the word about his upcoming novel Solo (Blink). Here, Alexander (back row, center) visits with (from l.): Chris Lett, CNN field producer; Michael Philson, indie-published author of Misadventures of the American Dreamer: Nick Ca$h vs. Everyone; and Lamar Giles from We Need Diverse Books. - Publishers Weekly
The Gap Year (2016)
Hurricanes Happen (2014)
The People Need Leadership (2011)
Harvardboyrapstar (2010)
Popular Global Releases: "I'm Good" 2015, "To The Moon" (2013), "Rajon Rondo" (2010)

The voice of Generation-Y, Millennials everywhere, and President of the streets, President Philson has forged the identity the world needs and only Hip-Hop could supply. President Philson entertains via unmatched lyrical brilliance, a lightning quick tongue, and sheer wit unrivaled in today's climate. Philson's grit honed on the mean Jersey streets, and dedication proven hustling at the highest levels of Wall Street underscore the reality that this Harvard College Graduate is more than meets the eye. Philson's flows match his athletic physique, and one can easily ascertain the fearlessness he embodies on the mic, touching topics from partying all over the world aka the rage up (rage X turn up), to building a multi-million net worth in his 20s, while keeping it real and authentic to his humble roots on the West End of Plainfield, NJ and in the concrete tough Brick City streets. President Philson music is the soundtrack to your life, and embodies the struggles, hopes, and dreams that persist in all of us. MMP Guided Entertainment films including Everything I Wanna Be: The MajorMotionPicture inspire the masses, and Guided Clothing compels anyone wearing the brand to Own Your Beliefs.
President Philson has performed at storied venues around North America & Latin America/Caribbean, Asia, and Europe. Philson has developed a global fan base and international movement.
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