Prema Yin
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | SELF
Rising music star Prema Yin tells DENNIS CHUA she’s determined to go global
PREMA Yin’s name comes to mind when one thinks of budding Malaysian women in rock and pop today.
The award-winning 26-year-old with a soulful voice that’s been likened to Joss Stone and Anastacia, believes in writing her own music.
The youngest of four siblings (hockey players Logan and Keevan Raj are her brothers), Prema is best known for her 2009 debut album Eyo Eyo. That was the year too she graduated with an accountancy degree from Sunway University, Subang Jaya.
Eyo Eyo earned Prema four nominations at Anugerah Industri Muzik 2010: Best Musical Arrangement In A Song, Best Music Video, Best Engineered Album and Best New Artiste. It won Best Pop Song at Vima Awards 2010.
“I’m working on singles because that’s what music lovers want these days,” says Prema.
Her current hit single, Marilah, was launched in May. Its music video is directed by actor Gambit Saifullah.
Marilah was produced by Greg Henderson, who also produced her debut album. “There’s also an English version of the song titled Addicted, which has the same music video,” says Prema.
She is also promoting Superstar, a hit single she launched in June. It is part of the children’s empowerment campaign Share The Love (www.sharethelove.my), spearheaded by biscuit manufacturer Julie’s and the Dignity For Children Foundation.
The other participating singers are Jasemaine Gan, Asmidar and Izaad, Bihzhu and Lab The Rat.
Prema has also had her songs on 2crank.com, a local portal for independent and new music talents which targets sportsmen and sports fans. It is a collaboration between AirAsia founder Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, Indonesian media giant E-Live Entertainment and the Southeast Asian Basketball Association.
The self-taught keyboardist and guitarist spent two weeks in Los Angeles in May to meet and collaborate with reputable American lyricists. They included Scott Krippayne (who worked with American Idol’s Jordin Sparks), Jeffrey David and Dan Hoal (who worked with Nancy Sinatra).
“It was great getting to know them. I wrote three songs and they gave me tips to better my songwriting. I’m so grateful to them,” says Prema. “They told me the best songs have lyrics that speak from the heart.”
Prema, who will revisit her American acquaintances this November, was brought up to the sounds of Sarah McLachlan, Janis Joplin, Jill Scott, Shania Twain, Chaka Khan, Erykah Badu, Stevie Wonder and Aerosmith.
She began writing music at 13, influenced by R&B, blues, rock, soul and funk.
“These legends were all about feel, and I’ve grown to find more importance in that than anything else,” says Prema.
She firmly believes that passion drives her musical career. “If you’re passionate about it, just go all out for it,” she says.
Ideas often come unexpectedly, like when she is in the middle of routine. “I get inspired by random thoughts. Lost love and distant memories. More often than not it comes to me when I least expect it.”
Prema’s first major singing competition was ntv7’s Who Will Win. She was the overall winner in the 2005 production. “I subsequently auditioned for One In A Million 2 on 8TV, but did not make the cut.”
Prema spent three years, beginning 2006, singing with music act Aseana Percussion Unit and various musicians in the local pub scene. She also joined bands Broken View and International Groove Collective.
Prema counts Malaysian musicians Moots (Pop Shuvit), Jaclyn Victor, Collin Jensen, Simon Justin, Richard Gomez, Albert Sirimal, Jerry Felix, Mark David and Edwin Nathanial as mentors who have helped her “find her way”.
Her first single, Bleed, was launched in 2008 and reached No. 1 in the music charts of radio stations Hitz FM and Fly FM.
Prema has toured and played in Japan, Singapore, Germany, the United States, China and Thailand. She has been part of notable music festivals as Rock The World 10, Penang Jazz Festival, Sunrise Jazz Festival, Sarawak Rainforest Festival and the Singapore Arts Festival.
She performed with American singers Colbie Caillat and John Ford Coley during their visits to Malaysia three years ago.
“While I’m most at home singing in English, I’ll be creating more Bahasa Malaysia songs in my future albums. My ambition is to create a Malaysian sound that is ‘glocal’ — world-class yet appealing to local listeners,” she says, adding that it was Pop Shuvit who inspired her to think “glocal”.
Prema is currently a frontrunner in Guinness’ ArThursday Concert Contest, alongside musicians James Baum, Naked Breed, Dragon Red, CSBTEA and Rosevelt.
She performed Ain’t Got Tears, Addicted, Eyo Eyo, Blow My Mind and Superstar at the launch of the concert in Souled Out, Desa Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur, on Aug 18.
The contest, which ends on Sept 22, is part of the annual Guinness Arthur’s Day celebration next month.
Over 132 Guinness outlets nationwide are part of the celebration, which pays tribute to the brand’s founder Arthur Guinness.
Fans can vote for two of the six artistes to perform at the Arthur’s Day Concert on Sept 23 online at facebook.com/guinnessmalaysia.
- New Straits Times
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Rating: HHH Prema Yin Eyo Eyo PYR Records WHAT can I say about Prema Yin? Seriously, this 23-year-old can sing.
Having caught her performing “live” has made reviewing this album a lot easier. She can hit the high notes and there is plenty of those on this debut album, Eyo Eyo.
Geared towards the English market, ironically Prema kick-started her career with a Malay track called Eyo Eyo.
A dance track seems to be the right way to capture the listeners. Ain’t Got Tears is another song that is worth listening to. Her collaboration with Moots is also a winner. These are The Days shows the soulful side of Prema, who has also recorded some ballads on her album. Bleed and Higher Love are the other commendable tracks. Sadly, this album consists of just five tracks. How I wish she was given the chance to explore more of her talents and genres.
With the soul of Joss Stone and the attitude of Anastacia, Prema has a long and bright future in this industry. Selected Tracks: Eyo Eyo, Ain’t Got Tears and Bleed Rating: HHH
- New Strait Times
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THE highly anticipated Anugerah Industri Muzik (AIM 17) awards ceremony will take place in a couple of weeks, but there is already a lot of hype leading up to the prestigious awards show.
For one, the big surprise came when the names of the nominees were announced and recognition was given to independent acts and performers such as Tomok, Prema Yin, Hujan and Yuna.
Newcomer rock chick Prema Yin has four nominations for her debut EP, Eyo Eyo, including Best New Artiste.
However, it was the Best New Artiste category that has generated the most interest. Artistes contesting for this prestigious title are Yuna, Bunkface, Prema Yin, Azlan & The Typewriter and Tomok (of One In A Million fame).
- Star Publications
Check out the full article here: http://rage.com.my/writeups/story.asp?file=/2009/11/18/features/20091117181115&sec=features
Prema Yin, 23
In 2004, Prema Yin Ranee Kali Kavandan took home the top prize in Who Will Win: Malaysian Top Star singing competition aired on ntv7.
A year later she talked to R.AGE about writing songs, coping with college work and having famous brothers (hockey players Logan Raj and Keevan Raj).
This year, she launched her first EP after years of paying her dues singing in clubs and playing indie gigs in the underground scene.
"The launch of my first EP and video clip for my Bahasa Malaysia single, Eyo Eyo recently was truly an amazing and memorable day. Plus, the fact that my song, the Malay version of Eyo Eyo got played on N-Joy Radio, one of Germany's biggest radio station was simply overwhelming for me," says Prema.
Prema Yin
At the moment, she is promoting the Bahasa Malaysia and English versions of Eyo Eyo and is prepping for shows in December, with her band MON9.
Television acting roles are also in the works for Prema, who is currently recording more music and working on new material.
- Star Newspaper malaysia
Check out the full article here: http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2009&dt=1022&pub=Utusan_Malaysia&sec=Hiburan&pg=hi_01.htm
it is in Malay though...
Eyo Eyo popularkan Prema di Jerman
MESKIpun masih baru, Prema mampu berbangga kerana lagu berbahasa Melayu nyanyiannya iaitu Eyo Eyo telah diputarkan di stesen radio N-Joy Radio di Jerman.
MENJUARAI Who Will Win The Malaysian Topstar pada 2004, laluan seni Prema Yin atau nama sebenarnya Prema Yin Ranee bagaikan tidak disedari oleh sesiapa.
Tenggelam dan terus tenggelam di sebalik kemunculan artis-artis baru, namun anak kelahiran Kuala Lumpur ini tidak patah semangat untuk terus mengejar cita-cita.
Namun, meski dikata orang bak 'tenggelam di lautan sepi', Prema sebenarnya aktif menyanyi di kelab-kelab malam, majlis-majlis keraian, persembahan korporat serta beberapa festival muzik.
Kini, apa yang dinantikan sudah menjelma di depan mata apabila album mini sulungnya yang memuatkan lima buah lagu telah berada di pasaran.
Berperanan sebagai 'pasport' untuknya terus mengembangkan karier, album berjudul Eyo Eyo ini cukup istimewa buat Prema apabila kesemua lagu berkenaan adalah ciptaannya sendiri.
Antara lagu-lagu yang dimuatkan ialah Eyo Eyo, sebuah lagu berbahasa Melayu dan empat lagi lagu berbahasa Inggeris iaitu Ain't Got Tears (bergandingan dengan Moots), These Are The Days, Bleed dan Higher Love.
Mengakui minat terhadap bidang nyanyian sejak di bangku sekolah, membanggakan, lagu berjudul Eyo Eyo telah diputarkan di sebuah stesen radio di Hamburg, Jerman iaitu N-Joy Radio.
Bukan cakap kosong atau mereka-reka cerita, tetapi ia adalah hakikat sebenar bahawa lagu yang menggunakan lirik dalam bahasa Melayu itu sudah didengari oleh masyarakat di negara Eropah itu.
Menurut Prema, dia 'terbang' ke negara tersebut pada bulan lalu bersama pembantu peribadinya, Sabine Oezmen, seorang rakyat Turki yang bermastautin di Jerman.
Prema berada di Jerman selama dua minggu dan berkesempatan menemui beberapa orang penting di stesen-stesen radio.
"Di N-Joy Radio, saya dan Sabine telah mempromosikan lagu-lagu yang dimuatkan dalam Eyo Eyo.
"Tanpa disangka, mereka memilih lagu Melayu dan bukannya Inggeris untuk diputarkan di radio tersebut.
"Eyo Eyo bagi mereka cukup unik. Mereka mengatakan tidak pernah mendengar lagu berbahasa Melayu,'' katanya pada sesi fotografi bersama Hits di studio Utusan, baru-baru ini.
Eyo Eyo merupakan sebuah lagu berentak Latin yang digabungkan dengan irama rock manakala liriknya dicipta oleh Tinta.
Ujar Prema, N-Joy Radio merupakan stesen radio khusus untuk remaja dan respons yang diterima terhadap lagu Eyo Eyo cukup membanggakan.
Jelasnya, kejayaan Eyo Eyo menarik perhatian warga Jerman dan ia menjadi semangat untuknya mengembangkan sayap ke luar negara.
Impian tersebut, katanya, memang ada pada setiap artis dan dia pasti berusaha untuk ke arah itu.
"Saya masih baru dan banyak lagi yang perlu dipelajari. Buat masa ini, saya amat meminati genre muzik rock.
"Irama rock membuatkan saya lebih puas ketika beraksi di pentas. Ia amat sebati dalam jiwa saya.
"Namun, satu hari nanti saya akan berubah kepada jazz dan sebagainya,'' katanya yang juga merupakan adik kepada bintang hoki terkenal tanah air iaitu Keevan dan Logan Raj.
Cerita tentang album
Menurut anak bongsu daripada lima beradik ini, Eyo Eyo mengikut perancangan awalnya hanya memuatkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggeris sahaja.
"Selepas itu saya berfikir, apa salahnya saya rakamkan lagu berbahasa Melayu. Saya rakyat Malaysia dan patut berbangga dengan lagu tersebut.
"Eyo Eyo baru sahaja dilancarkan September lalu dan respons pendengar sangat baik. Ia mengambil masa setahun untuk disiapkan.
"Sebuah lagu berjudul Ain't Got Tears saya cipta sejak berusia 17 tahun lagi,'' ujarnya.
Kata Prema yang juga seorang akauntan di Mist Club, walaupun terpaksa memikirkan antara jadual kerja dan persembahan, dia rasa bertuah kerana majikannya di Mist Club amat memahami situasinya sebagai artis.
"Saya tidak ada masalah tentang jadual. Majikan pun bagi sokongan.
"Syukur juga kerana keluarga saya banyak menyokong dan membantu apa yang saya lakukan sekarang ini,'' jelas puteri kesayangan kepada pasangan suami isteri, Kali Kavandan dan Alicia Chiw ini.
Mengagumi Jaclyn Victor
Sementara itu, Prema ketika ditanya mengenai artis tempatan yang cukup dikagumi berkata, dia amat meminati Jaclyn Victor.
Katanya, Jaclyn yang dianggap seperti kakak mempunyai vokal yang cukup baik dan mantap.
"Saya pernah menyanyi bersamanya di atas pentas, beberapa tahun lalu.
"Vokalnya amat mengujakan. Dia adalah artis yang sangat saya kagumi dan hormati. Lagipun, Jaclyn seorang yang baik dan peramah,'' tambahnya.
- Utusan
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She’s paid her dues, cutting her teeth in the club circuit. Singer-songwriter Prema Yin is now ready for the big time with her album Eyo Eyo.
OF course I’d like to be a rock star,” claims dainty Prema Yin, a singer-songwriter who, while only 23, has a CV that runs from here to Timbuktu.
The winner of Ntv7’s Who Will Win series in 2004 (where she bagged RM50,000), Yin has also played at countless music festivals (Penang Island Jazz Fest, Sunrise Jazz Fest, Sarawak Rainforest Festival, China’s Zhu Jia Jia Water Village Festival and the Singapore Arts Festival, among others), shows and club gigs. Add to that singing for a variety of bands, including the nation’s most loved percussion troupe APU (Aseana Percussion Unit), Broken View, IGC (International Groove Collective), and others.
Rising star: Prema Yin’s debut single Eyo Eyo is a clear indication that she is a star in the making.
She’s performed with local and foreign luminaries, including the likes of Jaclyn Victor, Colbie Caillat, John Ford Coley, Jerry Felix, Simon Justin Leo, Richard Gomez, Albert Sirimal, Ronnie Felix, Vijay David and a host more.
Basically, even at her youthful age, Seremban-born Yin has been there, done that and bought the T-shirt. The one thing that has eluded her though, is her own album. But with the release of Eyo Eyo, a single with four bonus tracks (isn’t that an EP?), she can now check that box too.
So, is the release of this elusive album all it’s cracked up to be, then?
“While making the album, obviously my focus was on the creative process, so I didn’t really get to think about anything else. But once the CD finally landed in my hands, I was overwhelmed with joy ... just thrilled that after all the work I had put in over the years, the results were finally beginning to show,” enthuses the bubbly singer, saying that her initial apprehensions were all finally laid to rest.
Yin is acutely modest about her talents, and insists that she took on numerous challenges, like grinding it out in the pub circuit. The eventual production and release of Eyo Eyo is akin to a whale’s gestation period, and Yin is quick to admit that.
“This album took forever to make and some of the songs date back to my teen years. Ain’t Got Tears was written when I was 16 ... but naturally it evolved, especially with the input of (producer) Greg Henderson.”
The songs making up Eyo Eyo, include the title track, Ain’t Got Tears (which features Moots of Pop Shuvit), These Are The Days, Bleed and Higher Love. Eyo Eyo, the only Malay song on the album, gallops with a bouncy acoustic guitar track that rides the Latin wave, and Yin’s sexy ad lib-ing and delivery style perhaps rightly earns this song first single status.
Ain’t Got Tears is a driving rocker punctuated by Moots’ rapping while the lilting melodies on These Are The Days – a piano-driven ballad with lush string arrangements – sounds like it takes its cue from Mariah Carey. But it’s on Bleed and Higher Love that Yin truly bares her rock fangs, and the crunchy guitar arrangements on these ones are a sonic treat.
Yin looks to her immediate surroundings and her personal experiences to be inspired to write lyrics, and she’s very proud of the fact that Eyo Eyo apart, she wrote the whole record. “It’s much easier to write from your own experiences because you immediately have something you can relate to.”
Contrary to popular belief, Eyo Eyo isn’t a phrase inspired by the renowned Indian expression of concern, aiyoh. The story for Eyo Eyo is in fact, funnier than that. “As I was writing the song on the piano and singing the melody line, the word that naturally came out was the chorus, which went Eyo Eyo. And since it kept resurfacing every time I worked on the song, I just kept it,” giggles the younger sister of now retired national hockey players Keevan and Logan Raj, giving away her Indian lineage.
Yin isn’t the first and certainly won’t be last either to come up with cute (if not peculiar) choruses. Ashlee Simpson stuttered along to L.O.V.E, Crash Test Dummies went Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm and Hanson’s first single was called MMMBop. There you go.
After a few spins of Eyo Eyo, what’s vividly apparent is an artiste on the cusp of big things to come. While her amiable personality might suggest otherwise, on the record, Yin comes across as an artiste confident of her ability and comfortable in her own skin.
She credits much of that confidence to renowned producer Henderson. “He enhanced the songs with his arrangement ideas and gave them an edge. And he shared with me what’s cool and what’s not. His credentials aside, best of all, he was so easy to work with ... he really brought out the best in me. I always felt comfortable sharing my ideas with him,” she says, professing her growth as a songwriter under his guidance.
Yin is proud of her craft, and like every good artiste, struggles to single out a favourite song on her album. “It’s like choosing a child,” she complains, laughing. “Actually, in total, I had about 11 songs, but I narrowed it down to these because at the moment, I feel these are the best.” And like every good artiste striving for the best, she confesses this opinion might change in the future, especially with the benefit of hindsight.
Her vast experience in the music industry has put her in good stead, and she’s utterly grateful for life’s many blessings. “Experience always makes you better. I learned a lot just from watching other musicians perform at festivals and such. It’s almost a sub-conscious thing where you pick up on things you like, and it opened up my mind to other musical styles as well,” she says.
So it’s no surprise then that the musical fare she serves up on Eyo Eyo (a rock record, she insists) is a blend of all she’s heard. “I like music in general. When I was younger, I listened to all kinds of things. I first started listening to R&B, then I moved on to old school blues rock, then to a more melancholic sound,” she says, acknowledging that all musicians go through a growing process.
When it came to her own music, though, she was determined to retain a rock vibe, with a few other styles thrown in for good measure. “I don’t want to limit myself to just one thing,” professes the quintessential girl-next-door, who, music apart, loves to play computer games.
The daughter of a dad who deals in logistics and a businesswoman mother, Yin is still quick to concede her first love is rock. While Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler is a long-time favourite (she loves Janie’s Got A Gun), she currently adores German rock band Guano Apes, particularly lead singer Sandra Nasic’s vocal style.
And where does a Prema Yin record stand in today’s musical climate? “I can’t say for sure, but I hope people will be able to accept my music for what it is and the artiste that I am. Audience members have come up to me and singled out songs that they like, at gigs that is, and they tend to be more mature listeners.” In a nutshell, Yin hopes the album reaches out to everyone.
She’s amiable and she’s got the talent. Add good looks and experience, and Prema Yin looks to be an artiste simply waiting to explode
- The Star Newspaper
here the full article:
Some of you would most likely have heard of Prema Yin, who has been gig-ging with her band in and around the Klang Valley at places like Bangkok Jazz, Groove Junction and Waikiki.
However, if you haven’t heard about her… well then, now is the time! Prema has just released her debut album, Eyo Eyo… and Bookmarqc has the exclusive interview.
Here’s the interview with this new rocker girl of Malaysia… (and yes, we think Malaysia will be rocking real soon!)
1. Eyo eyo = let’s party. Who coined the word? And how did it come about?
“Eyo Eyo” was actually born because I just thought it was a catchy word. When I was writing the song, I remembered just humming the word “eyo eyo” at the end of the line, minus the lyrics of course! It’s a simple, yet catchy word which I figured would be perfect for the track as it is pretty much an upbeat, party song!
2. You come from a rich mix of cultures. How does this influence your music?
I believe that because I am of a mix culture, it has increase my level of acceptance to various types of sound. I love to listen to music in general, and apply it to my own songwriting, which I hope is apparent in my EP.
3. Ever got bullied in school for your mix background?
To be honest, I am one of the lucky ones who didn’t get bullied in school. Probably this is due to the fact that where I studied or was living, people were more open and everyone accepted everybody else for what they are. I was living in a very friendly and warm neighborhood. Therefore, I had a very good childhood and I was very blessed in that sense.
4. What languages do you speak?
English and of course Malay.
5. What kind of inspiration do you get to compose? And what’s the message you’d like to get out?
My inspiration comes from what I experience myself, from others, random thoughts, movies and so forth. When I write songs, I do not necessarily have a message to convey. I just write them because I write how I feel about certain issues, or how it has affected me. It’s purely a personal opinion. I’d like to think of each song of mine as an entry in my diary.
6. How did you feel at that point when rejected by One of A Million … how does it effect you now? (eg are you more determined to succeed now, or u see yourself like Siti Nurhaliza – she was afterall only runner up in RTM competition, and now she’s Malaysia pop darling).
Rejection is always not a great feeling! Haha However, I didn’t let something like that stop me from doing what I have dreamt of doing for years! Music has always been my first love, and it would be ridiculous for
me to let go of it because of someone else’s preference. I would be letting my dreams and myself down like that. My dad always said, obstacles are there to make us stronger so that when we finally get to where we aim, we appreciate the journey and the achievements more.
7. Where can your fans see you perform? We heard Germany…tell us about it! Plus anywhere else?
The next performance would be on the 30th August on 8TV for our Independence Day. Me and my band will be doing a stripped down acoustic “Merdeka” song! The plans for Germany and other places are being discussed now, and we will see how it goes! Cross fingers, hopefully everything will go smoothly!
8. Complete “My dream will come true when…. “
My heart feels contented with what I have achieved, and that I know all the hard work I have put in all these while has finally paid off! And also if James McAvoy decides to marry me. Haha
Get Prema Yin’s debut album, Eyo Eyo at all major music retail stores today! The opening Malay track – Eyo Eyo, is catchy and brings out Prema’s strong vocals. This is my favourite song in the album, and I believe will be one of her legendary songs in years to come.
However, not to be outdone is her other English songs where again she shows her strong vocals. Listening to the album once will definitely not be enough!
Btw, we won’t be surprise if ‘eyo eyo’ will be another new word someday soon! Jom, eyo eyo (or come, eyo eyo!)… haha!
- bookmarq
Full article here:
ENTERTAINMENT: Eyo, where have you been, Prema Yin?
RADIN SRI GHAZALI talks to Prema Yin to find out if she really is the next queen of rock.
THE quest to find the next queen of rock might be over soon, what with Prema Yin around. The young artiste took centrestage and wowed the media with her amazing vocals — a cross between Joss Stone soul and Anastacia on Eyo Eyo — during her recent album launch.
The only question was: “Where have you been all this while, Prema Yin?” “I’ve been around,” she laughed.
“I wanted to gain as much knowledge as possible and perfect my music,” said the 23-year-old sister of national hockey players Logan and Keevan Raj.
She started writing songs when she was 14 and is, as they say, “born to sing”.
“I have always been musically inclined, compared to my siblings who were athletic. I failed miserably in sports,” she laughed.
Having completed her degree in accountancy, she decided to pursue music, performing in various clubs in Kuala Lumpur.
“I auditioned for One In A Million 2 and got booted out at the auditions. They said I was not the kind of singer they were looking for,” she said. She sang Alicia Keys’ Why Don’t You Call Me? But Prema persevered.
After two years, Prema is out with her debut EP, Eyo Eyo, a song she chose from a list of 30. “It was tough! I am very choosy. If it doesn’t sound right, I’ll dump it and start on a new track. It is essential for me to get the hook, chorus and bridge right,” she explained.
The five songs that met her stringent standards are Ain’t Got Tears, These Are The Days, Bleed, Higher Love and her first Malay song, Eyo Eyo.
“I have been writing in English and I thought the time was right to compose in Malay,” she said.
This singer classifies her music as rock fused with pop, jazz and latin.
“I listened to the radio at an early age. That is the best medium to learn the basics of music. I am influenced by various genres and they have made me the musician I am today,” she said. Eyo Eyo was produced by known music arranger Greg Henderson. Prema also got the chance to collaborate with her idol, Moots of Pop Shuvit, through Ain’t Got Tears.
“I love Pop Shuvit. They have created a name for themselves and have taken Malaysian music internationally,” she said.
When it comes to her favourite local female singers, Prema, who may perform in Germany next month, said: “I love Jaclyn Victor. She is incredible. Juwita Suwito is another exceptional singer-songwriter, and Ning Baizura is simply phenomenal. And the list just goes on,” she laughed.
- New Strait Times
Awards & Recognitions
HMMA (Hollywood Music in Media Awards) 2011
Best Pop Song in a Movie (Eyo Eyo – A Novel Romance)
VIMA Awards 2011: 5 Nominations
Best Pop/R&B Song “Addicted”
Best Rock Song “Blow my Mind feat. MON9?
Best Rock Vocalist
Best Female Vocalist Overall
Best Music Video “Addicted”
Winner of "Best Female Act"
AIM 17 2010: 4 Nominations
Best new Artist
Best Music Video (Eyo Eyo)
Best Engineered Album
Best Arrangement in a Song (Eyo Eyo)
AVIMA 2010: 2 Nominations
Best female Vocalist overall
Best Pop Song “Eyo Eyo”
VIMA 2010: 3 Nominations
Best female Vocalist overall
Best Pop Song “Eyo Eyo” (Winner)
Best Rock Vocalist
Best Music Video (Eyo Eyo)
VIMA 2009: 3 Nominations
Best female vocalist
Best Rock Vocalist (Won the Bronze Award, only girl in this category)
Best Rock Song “Bleed”
Chart Success
August 2009: Bleed #1 on hitz.fm MET 10 and #3 on Fly FM Campur Charts
May 2010: Eyo Eyo #1 on hitz.fm MET 10 and #2 on Fly FM Campur Charts
December 2010: Blow my Mind (feat. MON9) #1 on hitz.fm MET 10 and #2 on Fly FM Campur Charts
January 2012: Eyo Eyo #1 on Ardan Radio Indonesia & #2 on FBFM Purwakarta Indonesia
April/May 2012: Prove it to Me #1 on hitz.fm MET10 Charts
Eyo Eyo EP (2009)
Eyo Eyo (Bahasa Malaysia)
Ain't got Tears (feat. Moots! of Pop Shuvit)
These are the Days
Higher Love
Blow My Mind feat. MON9 (2010)
Marilah (2010)
Addicted (2011)
Fight feat. Reefa Theme song for Project O&O (2011)
Superstar Theme song for Share the Love Movement for Julie's Biscuit (2011)
Prove it to Me (2012)

She’s otherwise known as Malaysia’s ‘Pocket Dynamite’ and, if anything, singer-songwriter Prema Yin has been living up to that reputation ever since she kickstarted her career by blowing away the competition and winning ntv7’s ‘Who Will Win Malaysian Topstar’ Contest in 2004.
Although a contemporary artiste with a distinctive style and an on-stage presence uniquely her own, Prema is an avid follower of a wide range of music genres, with a special affinity for pop and rock. She draws inspiration from legends such as Janis Joplin, Aerosmith, Deep Purple, Guns n’ Roses, and Led Zeppelin, among many others, and these bold influences shine through with each power-packed performance by the young lass.
Prema’s already on a roll this year. At the latest VIMA Awards (Voize Independent Music Awards – the largest independent music awards show in Asia) in February, she was crowned ‘Best Overall Female Artiste’, beating out five other equally successful local and regional finalists who made the shortlist. Not a bad way at all to begin the year.
Next up is the March 9 launch of her official music video for ‘Superstar’, conceptualized, scripted and produced by Adrian Lai. Australian-trained music producer and engineer, US-trained film director and screenwriter, award-winning broadcast sound designer, internationally distributed film producer, international nominated cinematographer and locally-brewed appetite for Ramly Burgers, Adrian certainly enjoys his “work”. This diversity of roles means that he can, and usually does anything and everything to fulfill the missions of a project. Adrian now focuses on feature production, marketing and distribution, but his love for music means we will probably catch him in a studio somewhere tweaking a guitar tone or two.
Hot on that will be Prema’s first tour to Indonesia, where she will be busy promoting her music through interviews and showcases dated from the 11th – 18th March, 2012. It’s a continuation of the energetic pop-rock star’s quest to win over even more fans in the region and to promote ‘Superstar’ as well.
2011 – ‘EYO EYO’ YEAR
Prema’s trek to the United States was richly rewarded. At the Hollywood Music in Media Awards (HMMA 2011) in Los Angeles, she received a nomination in the ‘Pop Category’ for her self-penned track ‘Eyo Eyo’ at the event attended by the some of America’s biggest names in the music and Hollywood film industries such as Smokey Robinson, Adam Gator of Matchbox 20 and Debra Messing, among others.
That was only the beginning of the good times Prema had there. She secured a much-coveted gig at the Renaissance Hotel and later the legendary jazz club, The Blue Note, in New York. As enriching and exciting were her myriad co-writing and recording ventures with numerous renowned songwriters and producers including Scott Krippayne (Demi Lovato, Jordin Sparks), Bill Grainer (Jennifer Hudson), Michele Vise, and Harry Maslin (Nick Carter, Eden’s Crush, David Bowie). To top it off, ‘Eyo Eyo’ was selected as the soundtrack for the movie ‘A Novel Romance’ featuring Steve Guttenberg, Shannon Elizabeth, and Milena Govich.
Meanwhile, ‘Eyo Eyo’ was making its way into Indonesian radio stations.
Once back home, she was invited to be a part of the nationwide Twisties Superstarz project, a singing competition put together by snack brand Twisties in collaboration with MTV and hitz.fm. Once again, the songwriter emerged as Prema co-wrote the theme song ‘This Is The Moment’ with rock top-gun, JD of the band Popshuvit.
Notably too, Prema opened for main act Taio Cruz and Soler at the Guinness Arthur’s Day 2011 event. Then came ‘Superstar’ for the first time for the Julie’s Biscuits Social Movement, themed “Share The Love”, celebrating friendship and solidarity. Prema’s song ‘Superstar’ was used to promote the core values of the campaign amongst Malaysians.
Arguably, the highlight of her year came in May when her song ‘Marilah’, directed by Gambit
Band Members