The best kept secret in music
Grateful Deadish feel on all of the songs - so if you like Grateful Dead, you'll probably enjoy this CD. www.pondrock.com (Mark Englert, WC Moriarity, Dawn Laureen)
- dertonline.com
"The thread connecting their various styles is a funk-inflected groove rooted in '60s optimism." - "Good Times," Santa Cruz
• Pond Rock, a California jam band that adds some ambient electronica flavor to its classic rock-influenced sound, drops by the Dark Horse, 2922 Baseline Road, Boulder, at 9 tonight. - The Daily Camera, Boulder
"House of Peace and Love," independently released in 2003.
Feeling a bit camera shy
Pond Rock formed in the spring of 2001 in Santa Cruz, California. The first gigs were college house parties. Now, the band is playing bars, clubs, and events throughout the West.
Early on, Pond Rock had the house party outlet to define a unique sense of groove and dynamics. Increasing their gigs, including a recent opener for Estradasphere, they’ve strengthened their roots and expanded their genre. The original jam-band elements have augmented into a unique jam-rock sound.
Each member of the band writes songs and instrumental pieces. They share influences from the classic rock canon, but in particular, the drummer, Matthew Westerman, 32, appreciates the vocal talents of Steve Winwood and Chris Cornell, and the technical prowess of Neal Peart. John Craigie, guitar, 24, admires Sound Tribe Sector Nine for their ability create ambient grooves, and draws on the likes of Page and Clapton as surrogate mentors. Jay Stafford, bass, 25, learned from Marley-era reggae and is heavily influenced by Radiohead and classic Pink Floyd. Many of these influences are covered by the band, but groovy, trancy, and high-energy dance instrumentals are the epicenter of Pond Rock’s craft. It becomes apparent, in the live setting, that the true, faceless identity of the band is revealed in their wordless songs.