http://mushypony.com/2009/09/16/poisonousglass/ - Mushy Pnoy
http://torontohasstyle.blogspot.com/2010/01/best-kind-of-poison.html - Toronto Has Style
"They’re hard-rocking, spandex-clad, beer-guzzling, rock and roll destroyers whose only desire is to rock the crowd."
- Rahul Gupta - newsfix.ca
"...a great band to see live or listen to while you fuck a chick in the back of a Trans Am."
-TJ Liebgott - torontomusicscene.ca
"Poisonous Glass ... are one of the best straight ahead rock'n'roll bands in all of Toronto" -Human Kebab, USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker) - Human Kebab
"Enjoy Your Head Before It Explodes" EP, 2007.
"Greatest Tits: The Breast Of Poisonous Glass" LP, 2008.
"Retrosexual" EP, 2010

The members of Poisonous Glass have been playing together for years. And even though the group itself is only a few years old, it's basically been in the making for a decade; having wild parties and listening to rock n' roll together for as long as they have, inevitably led to the group's formation. It's not too often these days that a band is comprised of childhood friends and their sound and on stage interactions reflect this. Their first public appearance consisted of a completely spandex clad joke on an Ossington balcony. With cowbells in their crotches, empty beer cans rained down on the crowd while buses stopped and families came out and unknowingly allowed the band to corrupt the minds and ears of their no longer innocent children. Eventually they realized that people loved being a part of their unique live experience and they began to pursue rock seriously and full time. After several years they've come to produce two EPs and a full length album. Their newest EP "Retrosexual" will be released this spring, followed by a summer tour of the east coast with Newfoundland's very own Donnie Dumphy. What once started almost as a drunken circus act became a serious endeavor, but the good times are something they've never abandoned.
Enjoy your head before it explodes.
Please see www.myspace.com/poisonousglass for further info, media, links and contact info. Thanks!