Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 1998 | SELF
Poeina has been recovering from injuries inflicted by her former music producer who violently attacked her leaving her permanently injured. After being forced to leave Los Angeles to recuperate in the mountains during covid lockdowns, and against all odds, she found love. Returning triumphant to the city full of joy sparked an incredible collaboration with guitarist Tate Simms for this newly released hit single “Crazy in Love”.
Tate Simms has played with Grammy Award Winner Christina Aguilera, Latoya Jackson, Joe Cocker, The Supremes’ Mary Wilson and Bobby Brown to name a few. Tate & Poeina have been taking turns backing each other up on live shows for over three years and have finally begun collaborating on their songwriting as well. Both artists, desperate to share their love of music, came together for two magical sessions to write and record “Crazy In Love”.
This natural and magnetic collaboration has led to an uplifting, light-hearted fun track about falling in love against all odds. The homemade indie music video for the track was created in a similar manner. Joy and freedom of expression were the main objective for these artists who needed to just let loose and have fun with music again. In the music video you will see Tate Simms & Poeina joy riding in LA along HWY 1, dancing on the beaches and watching seagulls fly.
In a time where artists are forced to reconsider how to pursue their craft without live shows, truly these artists have found the freedom to celebrate life and love in the time of quarantine. Now streaming on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, & Pandora or check out Youtube for the Official “Crazy In Love” music video. - Music Survival Guide
To our surprise we were joined by Poeina, the costume designer for Feldman and his Angels. She stated that they were taking a little bit longer getting ready so she was here to play a few songs. Understandably we were a bit annoyed but she shut us up real quick.This girl has pipes! I will not be surprised when she’s popping up on the radio shutting it down! - Icon Vs Icon
Poeina, a young woman sitting in the intersection at the corner of Seventh and Stewart, waiting nervously for the cops to cuff her and take her away in her first arrest, knew the basic achievement she and her friends had already won: “I know we got people to listen, and that we changed their minds.” It was a statement of hope, like the chant that rose Tuesday from streets filled with thousands of demonstrators as the police moved in — “The whole world is watching!” - The Progressive Magazine
“I’m taken off guard from the minute I walk into the Grey Eagle to see Corey Feldman and The Angels. It’s 9:28 and Feldman isn’t slated to be on stage for another hour. Poeina, the first musician to grace the stage, is performing some rare brand of folk opera that I can barely even wrap my head around.” - ASHVEGAS
It hasn’t been a simple journey, especially after several of his former band members, Jackie Von Rueden, Poeina Suddarth, and Margot Lane, made public accusations against him. While Corey Feldman was working to expose Hollywood pedophiles, three of his former band members began working together to say that Corey Feldman was the real abuser. Now, many are asking if they were working alone....Corey Feldman set rules for his band members and consorting with Marilyn Manson was certainly off of the list. Corey has clarified that he is against Satanism, dark arts, the occult, and frequently speaks of God. Now, Jackie Von Rueden, who lived in his home, and Poeina Suddarth, his former costume designer, were spending time with Marilyn Manson! And it gets worse!.....You may see a video featuring Corey Feldman singing “Cry Little Sister” with his Corey’s Angels band. Jackie Von Rueden is to the right of Corey Feldman. The band is wearing costumes that Poeina Suddarth made. - Press Bolt News
The tortured artist archetype exists because it is, sadly, an all-too-frequent occurrence. And it seems to be an appropriate moniker for Poeina, a singer-songwriter who grew up on the road and on the streets. Coming into the world smack-dab in the middle of a 14-strong brood of kids, Poeina was raised primarily by her Mormon missionary father. Struggles with emotional, physical and sexual abuse led to struggles with mental health issues, and Poeina spent some time in and out of hospital care. By the time she turned 16, Poeina had been to all of the lower 48 states and was living on the streets in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle with music as her main salvation.
“My talent was the only thing that kept me from being swallowed up by my trials and tribulations. Music was what fed me, clothed me and cared for me in those times. I have realized that had it not been for my voice, maybe my journey would have been far more depressing.” From John Denver to Snoop Dogg, Nirvana to Ani DiFranco, the music that Poeina turned to was wide and deep in scope.
Hip-hop, in particular, was very appealing to her, especially the explicit records — that is until her stepmother found her secret stash and chucked them into the fireplace. But the spirit and flow of that form has stayed with her. In fact, Poeina has collaborated on hip-hop projects with artists embedded in the Pacific Northwest scene. “I have a lot of different personalities when it comes to my creativity, and they are all coping mechanisms for the reality that I live in, which is both beautiful and bizarre,” she explains.
Community has always been another go-to for the artist — specifically, community organizing as a way to make something out of nothing. “Doing that work taught me how to bring people together, engage the community and not be afraid to ask for help. I think being an artist is very much the same.” After all, having ties to something, somewhere is important when you spend the majority of your life on the road. “I have all the major highways memorized and I couldn’t tell you where home was if I tried. Sitting still is the harder part for me.”
Now, though, Poeina sits somewhat still in Southern California, and has found a community through David and Petra Vieira, the owners of Redballs Rock & Roll Pizza, and regular, highly creative Monday night gigs at the Moorpark venue. Poeina muses, “There are other people slowly joining the project, and my hope is, by the time I get to the last Monday out there, that it will be a big crazy circus of music, color, film, dance and mystery.” - Ventura County Reporter
The one and only Poeina has been bedazzling the chompers with some eclectic music at Redballs every Monday night. Eclectic generally means "weird" but it's good weird for Suddarth, who will be backed by her ever-changing Lucid Dreamers band.
Poeina the ever artsy type, was back up singer on a hip hop tour and then took some solid, drunken advice and went from sideman to frontman - except that she's a girl. Anyway, Suddarth's next created a multimedia play/musical/what-the-heck production called "The Bedroom Show" a thinly veiled but elaborate lead-in to her debut album "Happy Whore."
Then she went on tour. On the cheap. Seriously, if it was anymore low budget, Suddarth would have been standing still. She talked about that and more during a recent phoner... - Ventura County Star
“Suddarth puts her guitar and assorted effects to good use in her wandering brand of old-time Americana-flavored, indie rock-infused, otherworldly pop. That's a lot of hyphens, but Suddarth's music is hard to define. Rich and atmospheric, haunting and raw, songs are fleshed out with unexpected (and understated) instrumental flourishes from reckless percussion, clawing banjos, jittery mandolins, floating violins and, occasionally, full-string sections. Her evocative, emotive vocals float on top--another layer providing gritty depth.” - phoenixnewtimes
“Touring for any musician can be a difficult challenge. That challenge is multiplied for singer-songwriter Poeina Suddarth. Currently on her Trains, Planes and Automobiles tour supporting Poeina, she relies on the ridesharing kindness of fans, strangers and truckers to get her from gig to gig since her van broke down almost a year ago. She doesn't always make it, but hitching about the country can only add inspiration to her wandering brand of old-tyme Americana-flavored, indie rock-infused, twangy-otherworldly-pop. Suddarth took a few minutes out of her busy performing and busier travel schedule to discuss via email her travel difficulties, missed gigs, upcoming music projects, and her fascination with all-things music -- from country to horrid sounds "not even a mother could love."” - phoenixnewtimes
“Also performing at the Nail Creek was Los Angeles based Poeina Suddarth. An energy radiated from her as she prepared to take the stage. Her warm welcoming smile and playful attire put the audience at ease immediately. When she began to sing, her sultry, strong voice mesmerized and captivated those listening.” - upstatelive
“..Musiker-Stab is rather unconventional: The lucid dreamers, musicians are so ideal..” - nwzonline
“A couple of tips for the next few days and week...Poeina Suddarth and The lucid dreamers on the stage. A concert that suddenly awakens our curiosity...” - diabolo
“Her music conveys the diversity of emotionality, with a subtle "Rotzigkeit"” - weser-kurier
“Love in all its facets she has lived and suffered from "What is love?" to "Will it ever really change?" to answer "Love is Blindness he went on". But also of the "Burning Bush in Georgia" was raised. Easily accessible from the whole of Europe was also the musical accompaniment, not always, but in any case prese - kreiszeitung
“...the American with the large voice gained a considerable audience.. by the diversity of high Emotionality, coupled with a subtle "Rotzigkeit" plug in.” - regiomusik
“It was crazy. I've felt the magic that occurs when people make music together, because they need to. Not because they are going after three successful albums and a number one hit as part of their record contract again for promotional purposes on tour...Because I have watched this woman open her mouth, as she screamed her soul into the room, It gave me the feeling that if you really want it, just about anything can be possible.” - Maed Chen Fuer Alles
Local Spotlight: Poeina Suddarth
She may have only lived in Cedar City for about nine months as a teenager, but that should qualify Poeina Suddarth as at least somewhat local.
The Los Angeles-based singer later returned to Southern Utah while touring with her band Felina’s Arrow. Most recently, she played two slots at this year’s Groovefest, headlining the June 26 Campfire Concert in the Canyon then playing the second stage on June 30 at Cedar City’s Main Street Park.
Both sets featured music from her latest album, “Happy Whore,” including her hard-hitting single “Gasoline,” which has been getting some radio play. The track showcases Suddarth’s powerfully defiant vocals against a spooky mix of banjo and mandolin.
The mando and banjo return for the gentle “White Mt. Beauty,” a charming mix of folk, gospel and bluegrass sounds that lets us enjoy the softer side of Suddarth’s raspy but engaging voice. That rasp gives songs like the bluesy “Electric Land” an earthy authenticity.
“Coral Reef” is the most dynamic track as it shows off the power and range of Suddarth’s vocals, especially as she sings in an operatic Latin style that morphs into impassioned aggression. To truly appreciate this song, though, you have to see Suddarth perform it live — ideally when she’s wearing a bright pink dress and trotting around a campfire in Cedar Canyon. It’s a sight to behold. - The Spectrum ~ Brian Passey ~July 5th, 2013
Poeina Suddarth, whose rocking style was evident not only in her music and “stage” presence, but also her brilliantly pink dress. ~Brian Passey - The Spectrum
Happy Whore is a phenomenal, phenomenal cd. It should be in everybody's collection. You should listen to it often. It's beautiful. - Interview with Darrell Fortune - NWCZ Radio Tacoma, WA
"Poeina Suddarth = Honey Honey + Amy Winehouse + Janis Joplin
Poeina Suddarth’s vocal range is insane. Her sharp-yet-sweet voice travels everywhere from upbeat skit-skat jazz on “Natural Disaster,” all the way to relaxed grass-plains country sounds on “Gasoline” and “White Mr. Beauty.” In many instances, her voice sounds a lot like Hayley Williams of Paramore, though she masterfully dives into spaces Williams wouldn’t dare go. The real lobe-lasher is “Coral Reef,” where Suddarth squeals out high-pitched operatic vocals over rich acoustic cross-picking—I’m still pulling glass shards from my ears, but it hurts good. Tracks like “A Man Like Me” and “Hey Sister” are dressed in a lightly grim, heart-aching atmosphere (call her Edgar Allen Poeina) that adds excellent dynamic tension. Overall, Suddarth has cultivated an intriguing vibe with a little bit of everything; it’s lustrous, eclectic, and damn sexy. If Poeina Suddarth is a happy whore, I’m a happy client—this tumble was worth my time." - CJ Morgan, SLUG Magazine (June 7, 2013)
From P.O.S.’s serious yet slightly humorous style to Poeina Suddarth’s hauntingly beautiful vocals to a verse from Aesop Rock that echoes Labor Days each feature is a logical one. With the futuristic beats of Zavala and the abstract steez of Onry, ANX is the type of album that will help garnish new fans without alienating existing ones, like it should be - Rachel Greenburg, Ok Player (Aug 17, 2012)
Tonight is your last night to witness Poeina Suddarth’s (formerly of Felina’s Arrow) The Bedroom Show. Showcasing the theme of “losing your faith but still surviving, The Bedroom Show is a velvety multi-layered multimedia extravaganza, using classical, modern, and pop-influenced dance, along with silent film and a full band… all taking place in the setting of a 1930s pinup girl bedroom set.
Seems like a lot to swallow. Let’s have Poeina describe how The Bedroom Show came to be:
Through e-mail correspondence, Poeina described the emotional rollercoaster she went through creating this show, as she was also using it as a way to deal with a heart-wrenching breakup. Lack of funding through grants didn’t deter her (or her fans) from making this show come to life.
Her masterpiece is now ready for you. The real question is… are you ready for it?
Poeina Suddarth’s The Bedroom Show is tonight (May 20) at the Alberta Rose Theater. Doors are at 7:00 p.m., and the show begins at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $18 pre-sale, $22 at the door.
- Just Out
..one performance stood out above the rest, Poeina Suddarth’s...she mesmerized the audience with her emotional set which was both passionate and at times painful... Her songs reflect an incredible range of styles from operatic and melodic, to pop...ne young man gave up his stool at the bar, moved to the front of the room and sat entranced on the floor immediately in front of the stage, “That is one of the sexiest songs I’ve ever heard,” he expressed as Suddarth sang “The Coral Reef.” Her performance was visceral... - Oregon Music News
For the past twelve-plus months, singer/songwriter Poeina Suddarth (formerly one half of the duo Felina’s Arrow) has been putting her life story onto paper and transforming it into a musical history about her not-so-perfect life where her faith is challenged, but still she finds a way to survive. Her words are “a representation of our basic human capacity to reach beyond the expectations we put upon ourselves to extend beyond the darkness, beyond the solitude of suicide survival, to find life on the other side.”
Part celebration of the music that will be included in her 7th CD, Happy Whore; part multi-media experiment incorporating classical, modern, and pop-influenced dance choreography, a silent film, and a full band; The Bedroom Show is a positive, passionate and cathartic exploration of an artist exposing her deepest experiences and rawest emotions in front of a live audience.
This work is an intimate view into Suddarth’s soul and psyche where you are literally invited into her bedroom – recreated on the Alberta Rose stage for two nights only, this Thursday and Friday, May 19th and 20th – to watch as she strums her pain with her fingers and sings her life with her words
This show is about the time I lost my faith and still survived. It moves through my childhood, into my adult relationships, and ends on a bridge fantasizing about my death. I come to the realization that this life is not my own to throw away.
I got the idea for The Bedroom show about a year ago, when at 29, was writing songs for my own sin and salvation. I found myself questioning whether or not I wanted to continue with this life. I felt it was time for honesty, to stand naked before my judgment, and watch my life pass before my eyes. I chose the stage instead of death to do this.
From my roots growing up in rural Washington, to living in a van across the Northwest, I spent most of my life believing I had a purpose to fulfill. It’s what got me through much of my life – as a young child living in survival mode; binging on drugs, alcohol, sex, or starvation; enduring physical, emotional, and sexual abuse; that simple belief is the only reason I’ve lived this long.
What I learned through extensive self-work, personal discipline, and a naturopathic approach to mental health over the years, was that in fact I did not have a special purpose. In fact, I am just a tiny speck in an infinite universe. Instead, I awaked to the knowledge that the love I have for my brothers and sisters are enough of a reason for me to keep living and having hope.
That love and that hope gave me the courage to tell my story in this very personal and very intimate way. I hope to allow myself to mourn so that I can move on in my life and enjoy life. Through experiencing this show, I hope that people will be able to mourn for the things they need to mourn for as well, and come out feeling renewed and inspired.
The setting: An intimate 1930’s pinup girl bedroom set.
Cast of characters:
Rayne Tafoya – Poeina, my father
Sequella Allen – mother
Zoe Neilson – my inner child
Emily Shelly – big rabbit, danger bird, dancer
Lindsae Klein – dancer, danger bird
Darius Todar – red monster
Jesse Lee – poet
The Mighty Linderman – Percussion
Acoustic Minds, Twin Duo, Jenni and Amanda Price – Vocals
The Shook Twins – Katelyn and Laurie Shook – Vocals, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar
Schuler Neilson – Bass, Guitar
Raelyn Olson – Concert Harp
Teri Untalan – Vocals, Viola
Mary Ellen Grace – Soprano Sax
Dan Shelby – Tenor Sax
Kevin Pardew – Bass, Guitar
Ian Stout – Vertica Productions
Storyline: Although this performance is based on the events of my life, some events are combined or slightly rearranged to convey the same emotions without repeating myself or complicating the overall intention of the piece.
Film #1- My foundation is burning to the ground as the number of my siblings grows. My father is brainwashing me to believe that my mother wants to kill me. Amidst the chaos an evil shadow steals my light. My father seems unaffected by my darkness but gets angry and jealous when I am caught hugging one of my brothers. He calls me a whore and I run away.
Onstage: Performing songs about my family and my father’s obsession with weighing and measuring all the kids daily. This segment of the show further discusses the manipulation and abuse in my youth.
Film #2: Living on the streets, I grow from child to young adult and end up in an alley and am approached by two monsters that attack me. They call me a whore. I am split into two beings and meet up with my inner child.
Onstage: My inner child watches her parents in a recurring argument. Later she finds the adult me and is very, very scared. I teach her to protect herself. Safe in that knowledge, she can go to sleep. I go to extremes to do everything I can to keep her safe inside the bedroom. I realize I’ve become a complete disaster and - Oregon Music News
Suddarth's new musical, a story of hope and resurrection, and contains downright good music from her album "happy whore", the bedroom show puts inner demons to rest, moody, sometimes graphic, challenges audience - Rob Cullivan, Portland Tribune (May 19, 2011)
And when Poeina Suddarth pulls on her boots to do some stomping, it’s not a sight likely to go unnoticed, since they’re usually topped off with layers of petticoat, a guitar, and a versatile voice that resonates with prose and passion., Often evoking another era with seductive, soulful vocals and modern blues rhythms, all barely cradled by country; Suddarth’s powerful pipes, sensuous lyrics, and bold arrangements win your love for Happy Whore - Sunny Clark, Oregon Music News (Jul 13, 2012)
Don’t know much about Poeina Suddarth. She apparently lived in Portland and is friends with the Shook Twins, among others. Her ReverbNation page says she plays “subdued thrasher bluegrass,” but I’d call it alt. chanteuse, or better yet just forget pigeonholing — she’s good. You’ll see when she plays at Mad River Brewing Saturday. - Bob Doran, The Journal (Aug 04, 2012)
this hour long pre-recorded show features an interview with Kiva Johns-Adkins and an indie artist from the stations rotation. This week's guest is Poeina Suddarth, whose style has been described as subdued thrasher bluegrass. Classically trained, you will hear her sing opera in some of her songs. She is also a costume designer and film maker who has a story or two to tell. - Kiva Johns-Adkins, Butterflies Radio Indie Views Artist Spotlight (Jan 27, 2013)
The lives of musicians are usually never something anyone can predict, and it’s true with recording artist Poeina Suddarth. Described as subdued thrasher bluegrass she mixes styles in ways that can be really fresh and even collaborating with hip-hop artists as a vocalist. In this interview you’ll learn what it means to persevere no matter what, and we talk about one great way to approach practicing guitar that is more based off feeling. Here you’ll find inspiration in someone who has truly lived and conquered their fears so that she could release her unique voice and message into the world. - Kyle Williams, Seeds of Music (Mar 21, 2013)
The last thing “The Bedroom Show” will do is put you to sleep.
Don’t be fooled by the promotional posters depicting lingerie-clad women. This is not some lighthearted burlesque romp, it’s a serious examination of fear, rape, double standards and despair.
Singer-guitarist Poeina E. Suddarth has put together a multimedia folk-rock opera that uses classical, modern and pop influenced dance choreography along with silent film, and a full band, to explore her inner child and outer experiences.
The show runs Thursday, May 19, and Friday, May 20, at the Alberta Rose Theatre.
Suddarth’s new autobiographical musical, which premieres this week, is not just one long descent into hell, though, it’s also a story of hope and resurrection, and contains some downright great music from her seventh CD “Happy Whore,” including songs that range from intricate rock to bouncy country.
“I decided to put on ‘The Bedroom Show’ to invite the audience into my room, to truly bare my soul, and share my story of how I came to where I am today,” Suddarth says.
On her own
“The Bedroom Show” began after Suddarth, 29, ended a longtime musical and romantic partnership last year. Suddarth has been on the Northwest music scene for well over a decade, having made her professional debut on a side stage at the Lilith Fair (along with schoolmate-who-became-famous-singer Brandi Carlisle) back in 1996.
Suddarth has played in various groups, including Bicycle, Redfish Bluefish, Felina’s Arrow and Dark Time Sunshine. Her years of making connections in the business have paid off, as she’s assembled a stellar Portland musical cast to accompany her, including The Shook Twins, Jenni and Amanda Price of Acoustic Minds and vocalist-violist Teri Untalan, who’s worked with Buckethead, among many others.
“Most everyone in the show I have performed with over the years,” Suddarth says. “The few new recruits are friends who I’ve known through other musical adventures. Everyone in the show at some point has said to me that they weren’t aware of what they were signing up for but now are happy to be a part of this big adventure. I just smile apologetically and say that I didn’t know what I was getting us all into either but thank you for sticking it out!”
The show has stretched her limited budget and used all her talents.
“I choreographed three of the five dance numbers, designed the costumes and have been sewing them myself, wrote and directed the film, wrote the show storyline, all music in the show is original, and have been doing most of the production work for this show without a budget,” she adds before catching her breath.
Panic attacks
Suddarth notes the show challenged her psyche.
“Around January I was having too many panic attacks and so I had to figure out how to tell my story without traumatizing myself,” she says.
“I decided to change the order of some events, condense some of the bad stuff, and try to characterize as much as I could. There is a piece in the show that is directly from a recurring nightmare that I had from ages 5 to 13. I changed what I needed to in order to keep the focus on the recurring themes I was aiming toward.”
She also struggled with filming one scene dealing with the sexual assaults she’s experienced.
“I paced around yelling at myself and wondering why I put myself in the film,” she says. “I decided that I relive all the abuse daily anyhow so what difference does it make. It was an interesting experience driving around town looking for a ‘good spot’ to get raped, and I think we all did a good job of using laughter as our medicine.”
She even found the whole experience of filming the assault to be somewhat healing, she says.
“I went home and took a shower the way I had so many times before — but I didn’t feel dirty or sad,” she says.
Suddarth realizes there will likely be audience members for whom the film may raise painful memories, and notes that’s why the film shifts to a peaceful pastoral scene featuring girls dancing in white dresses, right after the assault.
“I have tried to mix pleasure and pain so as not to overwhelm the spirit with the dark.”
Loss of faith
Ultimately, what the bedroom show is about is losing one faith’s and surviving, she says, confessing to have been driven to the suicidal edge at one point when she lost her faith in everything, including “my purpose, humanity, love.”
“I called my sisters and told them I love life but that it was just too much for me,” Suddarth adds, noting she’s one of 13 children. “I was worried that I would never actually be able to feel happiness outside of a manic frenzy. One of my sisters told me in a very nice tone that I should come visit her first before and stay with her for a while before I kill myself so she can say goodbye.”
Fortunately, her sister’s gentle request was a wakeup call that drew her back from suicide.
“I didn’t feel like I could abandon my siblings after everything we’d been through.”
In - Portland Tribune
Poeina - Georgia - released September 30, 2022
Poeina - Amelia - released July 29, 2022
Poeina & Felicia Figueroa - Live At The Wonder Ballrom - released May 24, 2022
Poeina - Sun, Moon, & Stars - released April 22, 2022
Poeina & Smoke M2D6 - Villain - released October 20, 2021
Poeina & Tate Simms - I've Seen Lies - released July 20, 2021
Poeina & Tate Simms - Crazy In Love - released December 25, 2020
Poeina & THRV - Poisonous - released February 17, 2018
Unorthodox Methods - Envious - released September 2, 2015
Unorthodox Methods - EP - released June 10, 2014
Poeina - Happy Whore - full length released April 24th, 2014
also appeared on:
Band - Album - song - year
Rachel Oto - Human - 2022
Jezebel Sweet - What I see - 2021
Eastern Sunz - Not Enough, Bird's Eye Coup - 2020
Eastern Sunz - Oppressive Funk, Perpetual Spectacle, - 2020
Wake Self - Change the World - 2016
Ceschi - Beyond The End - 2015
All Your Friends Friends - Find Your Shine, Trial by Water - 2014
Eastern Sunz - Lost At Sea, Press Play - 2014
Eastern Sunz - Threads - 2013
Dark Time Sunshine - I'll Be Damned, Prairie Dog Day - 2012
astern Sunz - Filthy Hippy Music - Threads - 2012
Iame - Lame$tream - Cleanup Crew - 2012
Iame - Lame$tream - April (No Thaw) - 2012
Eprhyme - Life Sentence - 2011
Iame - Lame - Domestikated - 2011
Hired Hand - Hired Hand - Armageddon - 2011
DarkTimeSunshine - Vessel - No Eye Contact - 2010
Eastern Sunz - Corroded Utopia - Balance - 2010

Poeina is closely knit into the Northwest hip hop community having been featured on many albums. Her solo music has been more often compared with Janis Joplin & Honey Honey. Poeina grew up singing classical music with Russian Teacher Ludmila Tretzakova in the Seattle Girls Chior in over 15 languages. She later trained with “The Maestro” David Kyle who taught many great Seattle singers including the Wilson sisters from Heart.
Poeina began performing professionally at age 13 when her cheer coach started booking her for opening acts out at the Gorge Amphitheater with House of Blues Concerts including singing with Brandie Carlile on a few shows. Some of the concerts Poeina played out there include two years of Lilith Fair, Alanis Morrissette, Goo Goo Dolls, Bare Naked Ladies, Counting Crows, Dave Mathews Band, Garbage, Bob Dylan & Paul Simon. Then Poeina Joined Seattle Rock group Bicycle on Interscope records and toured from Portland, Maine to Washington DC on an actual bicycle carrying a guitar amp & a box of merch on the back of her bike. Poeina went on to tour as a back up singer and songwriter/collaborator for many other tours in Hip hop, Rock, and Indie Folk music.
After years of singing back up and doing collaborations, Poeina went back to being an artist & band leader. Poeina’s solo music first hit the stage during her original musical production, The Bedroom Show. The show was based on the theme from her song “White Mountain Beauty” that says, “with the thunder brings the rain in the canyons echoing like the time I lost my faith and still survived”. The bedroom show was written, produced and performed by Poeina with the support from the Northwestern community, and 30+ cast and crew members. The bedroom show was a multimedia rock opera version of her first demo solo album which she recorded at Momentum Studios in Portland, OR in between hip hop sessions.
Eager to promote herself as an artist, Poeina toured the Planes, Trains, & automobiles tour. Without a tour vehicle Poeina hitchhiked, ride-shared, and took public transportation around the country for nearly two years. In each city Poeina met up with pick up bands to rehearse and perform. The Planes, Trains, & automobiles tour ended with a three week tour in Europe with a 4 piece backing band and was completely funded by a successful kickstarted campaign.
Poeina always made her own costumes for live shows which lead her success in the LA fashion industry. She has made costumes for artists & projects such as Beyonce’s formation tour, London Fashion Week, Empire, Teen Choice Awards, & more. Poeina toured as opening act, wardrobe manager & costume designer for Corey's Angels for over 40 shows.
Returning to LA exhausted from tour Poeina began recording an album with a producer who she thought capture her music and launch her career. After two years of investing into this album the producer had other intentions. He attempted to sexually assault Poeina and upon fighting back he beat her almost to death leaving her permanently injured. Poeina was forced to leave the city when covid shut downs hit unable to work or continue fighting for justice because of extensive injuries.
Poeina moved to the Northern Mountains in Utah to heal. Poeina created a YouTube show to assist parents who suddenly were homeschooling their kids during covid. She also organized online concert fundraiser GoFundMe for poet & entrepreneur, Jesse Marshall of My Sweet Lil Cakes, who lost everything during the shut downs. Finding new ways to play music with limited use of her hands from nerve damage, Poeina began collaborating with other artists focusing more on writing lyrics and melodies. Amidst intense limitations personally and world wide, Poeina has managed to create over 40 new Youtube videos, record new music in multiple genres, and is preparing to release a slew of new music in 2023. The new music is focused on uplifting humanity through the perseverance of common struggle & celebration of life.
Poeina's music has recieved airplay on the following stations.
KZMU Moab, UT KEPW Eugene, OR Radio Jade Jever, Germany
KVNA Flagstaff, AZ KRXB Boise, ID KWSS Glendale, AZ
WWIR Hollywood, FL KSBX Los Angeles, CA Moheak Radio Los Angeles, CA
NWCZ Tacoma, WA KZME Gresham, OR WAOFM99 India/Dubai
Spotify KSUU Cedar City, UT CNEU Radio
Weser Radio Delmenhorst, Germany 11radio.com oregon sports news
chestnutradio.com indiemadmp3.com radio KSCR
red earth radio wide radius radio radio uproar
KINT98.com CNEU radio WRPS internet radio CMG radio
Error FM WDGP radio
Band Members