Pluto Revolts
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | SELF
Finishing a song, Benjamin James of Pluto Revolts stretches out his hands to crowd as they cheer. - Cincinnati.com (Cincinnati Enquirer)
"...The electronic alternative rock band from Cincinnati, Ohio took the stage early Sunday morning to perform for a very large hometown crowd at the Bunbury Music Festival. While onstage the four piece group had the entire crowd waving their arms along with the music. After their performance Pluto Revolts had a large line of (mostly) girls vying for their attention." - Music Brackets (MusicBrackets.com)
The band names Radiohead and MUTEMATH as two of their primary influences. When a band namedrops like that, you have to pay attention, because the payoff is going to be excellent or spectucularly terrible. Fortunately, the band’s 2012 single “Lightning” falls into the former category. The opening riff and buildup is very MUTEMATH-esque. Given the band’s recent show schedule ramping things up, it stand’s the the Cincinnati based group has new tunes coming this year. Sweetness. - Tuned Up
"Pluto Revolts has an interesting and captivating sound. It’s the kind of alternative punk rock that you want to sing along to..." - Columbus Calling
"...I think growing older and starting my career over again after 10 years in music, I was thinking, “what do I have to do to prove myself? Is there a secret formula I’ve missed that all these other successful people know about?” The song [Good Fortune, from Suffer No Delusions EP] helped me realize my own character – that I’m not going to make decisions out of desperation. I essentially found out that I was feeling low and desperate, but luckily, not desperate enough to compromise my integrity and sell my soul just to finally get what I wanted. I just needed to grow, and move on, and keep working hard." - UnderneathThis.com
"...to really get the inspiration to invest weeks into one song, from writing to mixing, it has to be a great song! And I have to have the time, money and enthusiasm to back it up. And I have to know that I have the right tools and team to make it worthwhile!
So sometimes that means we record one song in a whole year. Because that's all we were able to do on our own with our given resources. But we pour EVERYTHING into that one song and it represents us one hundred percent. It will live on as something we are infinitely proud of." - The Missing Persons Report (Blog)
Ohio native Benjamin James is no stranger to the music scene. Before he was even out of high school, his band had gained a coveted spot on Warped tour, signed a major record deal and was touring the world. When creative differences sent his bands in separate directions, Benjamin created Pluto Revolts, a solo project which allowed him to delve into the raw pop rock music he felt a calling to make.
Two EPs later, Pluto Revolts has evolved from a small eclectic side project to a creatively inspired musical adventure with a vision to share what he deems "unconventional pop" music. His single "Closure" has been remixed by fellow artists across the globe and Benjamin has big plans for the future. After perfecting his group's lineup, Benjamin and company mastered the Ohio scene, playing headlining shows across the state.
Earlier this year Pluto Revolts released new single "Lightning," a more rock sounding song with a catchy chorus, which can be heard HERE. The entire track was written, performed and produced by Benjamin. - Buzznet
When did you first hear about Arkaik Clothing?
I think it was probably about 2 years ago - my friend who's designed a few things for me was (and still is) working for Arkaik, and I started noticing the Arkaik designs he was sharing via Facebook. It didn't take many of those in my newsfeed to pique my curiosity enough to hit Google and start surfing around their website! The designs are really intricate, unique, and noticeable as much on an online thumbnail image as they are on cloth!
What do you like about Arkaik?
I think it's the actually the team behind the scenes. If you don't follow them on Facebook or Twitter, definitely do it! They are always running contests and hilarious-but-relevant pictures. I feel like they pay attention to what their fans want and do right by them.
Favorite Arkaik item?
A while back, there was a limited run of Arkaik shoes that resembled the "Toms" or "Sanuk" style shoe... I didn't grab one at the time, and I've lived in regret ever since! My favorite item is something I didn't actually buy! If there's an extra pair floating around the offices over there - you know how to find me!
Who is Pluto Revolts? Give us a quick bio!
For all intents and purposes, I am Pluto Revolts. Up to this point, what you hear on the recordings has been largely an individual effort. My main role is to play guitar and sing, but this project has allowed me to try my hand at bass, piano, and producing. Beyond the music and the recordings themselves, I have a hand in pretty much everything related to Pluto Revolts. I think that stems from spending nearly a decade in a band with three other guys. It's great to have a democratic system of making decisions - even on a creative level. However, this project wasn't founded to be that way. If it doesn't represent me, who I am, how I feel, what I like (which sometimes is just NOT what I DON'T like) then I won't support it and it won't have Pluto's name on it. It's kind of a promise I made to myself, and it's a promise I plan to extend to my fans as well.
Why should Arkaik fans check out Pluto Revolts?
I love me a good graphic tee, and so should you! But for real, I support Arkaik for the mentality they have and the hard work and effort I see the guys putting forward. As a musician these days, you have to have your finger on the pulse of what's happening in the merchandising world, or you'll miss out on a great opportunity to get your name out there and also hopefully make a few bucks. I'm definitely always paying attention to what Arkaik offers their fans, and it's inspiring. People that are fans of Arkaik should check out Pluto Revolts simply because I strive to have as strong of a relationship with my fans as they do!
What makes Pluto Revolts unique?
I'm glad you asked this, because it's actually a question I've been forced to ask myself in the past few weeks, as I'm about ankle deep into the song-writing process for my next release. I've determined that what makes my music unique is two major things: 1) I always write from the heart, about things that I'm going through, relationships I've had - Pluto Revolts will never put out music about "flavor of the week" topics or superficial, meaningless droll about getting wasted or going to a club to dance. I've never had the opportunity to write music that I know a million people will hear, so writing songs has always been a cathartic process for me and I've done it mostly to put myself out there, not to satisfy what I think a million people are going to want to hear. I feel like people who've really "felt" my songs, actually become friends of mine - they inadvertently get to know ME as a person because of it. And 2) my music is unique because it's always a bizarre marriage of these random musical influences of mine, from seemingly opposite sides of the spectrum. For instance, I love The Beatles, Nine Inch Nails, and I love Timbaland as a producer - what does that mean exactly? I have no idea! But I think it's safe to say that's what makes my music different from everything else being put out these days. I'll put it this way too - I looked at the "Top 200" recently, and can't find a single artist that sounds like me at all - probably the closest thing is Foo Fighters. But I don't think you'll see Taylor Hawkins sitting an entire album out for a sampled back beat any time soon!
What methods have you found work best to get your music out there?
Giving away a certain amount of content for free, but not everything - and not all the time! Also, nothing beats coming to a live concert! How do these songs sound live? With a real drummer with me on stage? You'll have to check it out to see! I think performing live is such a necessary means to getting my music out there to new people - I can only hope to do it on a larger scale soon!
Where can Arkaik fans find your music?
Right now - all the usual spots. I don't have physical copies of my albums floating around Best Buy or anything. But seeing as how digital music finally beat sales of physical music in 2011, I'm mainly sticking to selling my songs exclusively through places like iTunes and BandCamp for now! If you are just in the market to just stream my songs - they're everywhere you could hope to find them - YouTube, Purevolume, Facebook... I should mention that last year I actually did press a limited edition copy of my most recent EP and there are only a few dozen copies of that left, so if you're in the market for limited edition CD's - please check that out via our website!
What do you have planned for 2012?
I cannot wait to put out some new music! I've been suffering from a mild case of writer's block over the past few months, but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel finally - I promise tons of new music this year and if I get my way, I'll also be taking Pluto Revolts' live show outside of Cincinnati for the first time!
Anything you'd like to see from Arkaik in 2012?
I'm telling you - those shoes were a great idea! And also, I need new socks - do you guys have plans for socks? I love seeing you guys take risks with the brand - I think it's safe to say you've mastered the T-Shirt!
Final thoughts?
If you are discovering Pluto Revolts for the first time because of this article, I cannot thank you enough for even reading this far! Please take a moment to listen to a song or two of mine - they are very easy to find almost anywhere online! If you do dig some of the music, consider purchasing it or buying a piece of merch - even something as small as sharing the music with your friends on Facebook or Twitter, or leaving a comment on one of my pages (iTunes, YouTube..) goes a LONG way! I don't think you realize how much the seemingly small stuff really does add up quick and helps all of us new artists out there get noticed! Support your local musicians! Do what is true! No faith in radio! - Arkaik Clothing Website - Feb 2012
Benjamin James, 23, left pop-punk band Bottom Line last year to pursue a solo career. (Bottom Line was signed to Madonna's Maverick Records for a brief moment.) His first effort comes in the form of Pluto Revolts' Suffer No Delusions, a five-song EP appealing to electronica-tinged alternative rock authorities.
From a phone in his Montgomery apartment, he talked about the new band, Suffer and the perils of downloaded music.
After having so much success with Bottom Line, what inspired you to form Pluto Revolts?
The music that I was able to write and the bands we were attempting to tour and the market we're aiming at was not the market that I wanted to be in particularly. I really admired the success of huge pop-punk bands like New Found Glory, Yellowcard ... Blink 182 got me into punk when I was in high school.
I guess my iPod playlist never played those bands (anymore). For me to bring in pop influences and Smashing Pumpkins ... I would like fans of Radiohead to love my band, and fans of Radiohead will never love Bottom Line.
Pop-punk tends to skew to a younger audience. Do you feel like you've matured as a songwriter?
I joined another pop-punk band in the process (after Bottom Line), and I just sort of realized there's a culture that goes along with a pop-punk band. I didn't identify with that.
The songs I wrote for Pluto Revolts definitely came from the heart for me. There's no secret that the songs my band members played (on Suffer) were about my struggle with (Bottom Line). The bands that influenced it have a more ambiguous songwriting style. There's a certain thing you have to write about in a pop-punk band: It has to be about teenage problems, about high school, pop-culture references.
Do you expect to get much revenue from Suffer No Delusions since you're offering it for a pay-what-you-want price online?
I definitely expected way too much out of that. (Laughs.) I expected people to be a little more generous. When it comes down to it, I didn't want to put too much capital in the band. Bottom Line was touring before I could drive. I was constantly putting things on the line for the music.
I've never made money off music ... I might as well just get it to as many people as possible.
- Metromix (Cincinnati - Music)
I find it hard to enjoy a band I've heard on myspace, purely because all that seems to happen is they add you to count up there profile views and to be honest, most of them are just a feeble attempt at another band you have heard years ago when that genre was as close to original as you can get. With this being said I believe this band are a breath of fresh air. Pluto Revolts is the name and the man behind the music is Benjamin James from Cincinnati Ohio USA. Pluto Revolts was created in December 2007 by Benjamin who was formerly in a band named Bottom Line. This EP, unlike The recent overhaul mix of pop-punk, Hardcore, Dance and Party with your ten year old sister at a local disco has something for everyone.
The opening track Bed of Nails is a good place to start with no messing about. A catchy chorus and very big sounding vocals gives you just what you need to have you singing along in your head all day although this song could be longer with a more productive bridge, However it's still a good track.
The second track numb is a more fast paced number and does not let down, again, the chorus is powerful and gets you tapping your toes. It hints at being a heavy track, but the vocals dilute it for a good even middle which compensates for many different genres.
The next track is the title track and it's more of an interlude than a full song. It's actually perfect for this point in the ep, its a great break between songs. Something makes me want it to be longer, however, I reckon that might ruin it.
The next track Control Freak is a small masterpiece, It has a sort of European sound to it which works tremendously. The vocals in this track are impressive and by far the strongest and fluent. The lyrics in this song are written well and successfully portrays the situation he is creating for the listener.
The final track on this EP Collar up against the wind is not a bad track it just doesn't have great verses and is a bit of an anti-climax. The chorus again is catchy and sing along material but Its just not as enjoyable. This is mainly due to the guitar and orchestral effects and as with every other track the programmed drums tend to let it down. If Benjamin had recorded with a proper drum kit there is no doubt this EP would be complete.
On the whole Pluto Revolts are definitely worth watching out for there time is definitely on the horizon. Give them another EP or full length release to allow Benjamin to progress and we could be in for a real treat.
For fans of -
Saosin, Linkin Park and 30 Seconds To Mars
Bed Of Nails
Suffer No Delusions
Control Freak
Collar Up Against The Wind
Pluto Revolts is -
Benjamin James - Vocals, Guitar, Programming
- Hit Or Miss Reviews
Monday, June 9, 2008
Interview by: Lauren
Benajmin James started this Cincinatti, Ohio based project after leaving his old band Bottom Line. His new music is a blend of Alternative and Electronica and is sure to please his hard earned fans and even win him quite a few new ones!
If you like what you hear, check out Plutorevolts.com to download the E.P. Suffer No Delusions for FREE!
1. You used to be in the band Bottom Line. What has the fan's reception been about you starting a new project?
Honestly, on a large scale, I don't really know. There's a few reasons for that I guess and one of them is that Bottom Line hasn't performed a live concert in over a year and a half. So since I've started performing in April as Pluto Revolts, it's hard to gauge how people are responding two the bands back-to-back. All I know is that the reception has been more positive than I could've imagined in such a short time for Pluto Revolts and hopefully some of that is fans of my writing for Bottom Line that have followed me here.
2. What do you most hope to accomplish with Pluto Revolts?
I want to tour the world and support myself enough to buy a house and write music 24/7. Simple and selfish, but it's my dream!
3. Do you have a certain process when writing the music and lyrics?
Sometimes I feel like songwriting is magic. I mean sometimes I'm playing guitar for days trying to make sense of an idea and sometimes the music and words pour out in a few minutes all at once, without so much as a guitar or piano anywhere nearby. But lyrics are always last and the most time-consuming for me, and they tend to be about my own life. It's definitely cathartic. I don't keep a journal or anything, so looking back on songs I've written years and years ago, allows me to peek at what I used to believe or what was going on in my life that inspired me at the time.
4. You gave away your E.P. for free on your website. Why did you decide to do this?
There's a few reasons, the first of which being that it was cheap! Pluto Revolts isn't signed to a record label, so I've funded everything myself, and just chosen to circumvent the start-up cost of actually printing CD's for now. Especially when I know fans will most likely import it, burn it, or download it as mp3s anyway. Second, it was way faster to give it to my fans directly, because I didn't want to wait on the right label to pique interest, or the right tour, or marketing plan to line up before the music could be heard. I spent several years on a major label that shelved my songs and prevented me from sharing my music with fans for way too long. This way, I knew as soon as I was done putting the finishing touches on the recordings for the EP, I put it up for download myself and just let the fans have at it. And if they get it from our site, there's a bigger chance they'll choose donate to the band via Paypal if they end up liking it, as opposed to just downloading it "illegally" and never being presented with that opportunity for us to actually see some return on the recording costs.
5. Are there any current plans for a full-length?
I have enough material, that's for sure! I had a TON of material I didn't know how to incorporate into the first EP and I've been constantly writing since we wrapped up recording in January, so there's plenty to choose from. I've just started adding additional (permanent!) musicians for the live shows in support of the first EP, so that might help shape the sound of the next record as well. At least our fans should expect there to be a 2nd EP out by early 2009, if all goes according to plan!
6. Do you feel that being in Bottom Line has made starting Pluto Revolts harder or easier?
Way easier! Working with professional labels, producers and managers and touring with really great bands when I was in Bottom Line has given me all the experience necessary to build a stronger band from the ground up.
7. Does the name Pluto Revolts mean anything specific?
I loved the idea of applying astrological characteristics to a band name. Honestly, I was trying to come up with album names for the unreleased Bottom Line record a few years back and my girlfriend blurted it out. When it came time to name my new project, I couldn't ignore it, something about it has been attractive enough to remain in my "idea pile" for this long and when I got to thinking about it, Pluto in astrology represents rebellion, death and rebirth - what more could you ask for to describe the existence of this band!
8. When people go out to see you perform live, what can they expect out of your show?
The live sound is more accurate to the recordings than any of the songs I've ever performed before. We've taken a lot of the elements of the recordings and incorporated them into the live setting, so people are actually getting a really full sound. As more members are added, I think the excitement level on stage will really improve, because for the first few shows I was planted at the mic singing and playing guitar for 20 minutes straight! But I'll get my "stage legs" back soon! When people see the show, they shouldn't expect to see the Ben then knew from Bottom Line, because this band is all about quality of sound, not how high you can jump or how many times you can spin around without puking. - Shooting Stars Mag
• A few years ago, CityBeat ran a cover story about the Punk Pop band Bottom Line, a local group that had just signed with Warner Bros.-affiliated Maverick Records (an imprint originally started by Madonna). The band seemed poised for the big time, with a firm grasp on the "sound of the moment" — catchy-as-hell Pop Rock songs destined for major radio airplay. The young band were touring constantly while waiting for the album to be released. It never was.
Maverick shuttered its doors and, according to a message from the band on their Web site, they tried to shop the completed album to other labels, but Warner Bros. wanted too much money for the master recordings. By all accounts, the band members were devastated (pouring salt in the wound, thieves stole all of their worldly belongings from their van while they were on tour), but they were in no way ready to give up on music.
The band's main songwriters began to write in different directions, leading Benjamin James to leave the fold and start a new band, Pluto Revolts. James and the band recorded their debut EP, Suffer No Delusions, which is available for free at the PR Web site here. Pluto Revolts plays its first show this coming Wednesday at the Mad Hatter, opening for legendary Punk Pop band, MxPx. Tuesday, April 29, the band opens for former Face to Face frontman Trever Keith at the 20th Century Theater in Oakley.
...Such experiences in the music industry often frustrate musicians so much they go into accounting or plumbing and forget about playing music forever. It's good to see that while the music biz can break dreams, it doesn't always break spirits. The lesson here: make music because you love to, not because you want to schtup Ashlee Simpson.
-- Mike Breen - Spill It: A Music Blog
This weekend, Cincinnati’s Pluto Revolts celebrates the recent release of its four-song EP, Tidal Wave. The Alt/Rock/Electronic/Pop foursome’s release show is Saturday at Madison Live (734 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky., madisontheateronline.com). Cincy bands The Civics and Infinity Spree open the all-ages show at 8 p.m. Tickets are $8 in advance (through cincyticket.com) or $10 at the door. The price of admission includes a copy of Tidal Wave on CD (it was made available on most major digital platforms last Friday).
The story of Pluto Revolts’ founder Benjamin James’ life in music is a captivating and illuminating tale. It begins with youthful music dreams, which would escalate until crashing head on into the music industry’s mathematical coldness, which places little value on creativity and artistic freedom. The makers are often cut loose and left with nothing if they refuse to acquiesce to the demands of the purse-string holders. In high school, James was the frontman for Cincinnati Pop Rock group Bottom Line, whose popularity grew to the point where it earned a major-label deal with Maverick Records in the mid-’00s. Ultimately, the band’s Maverick debut was unceremoniously shelved and Bottom Line was dumped from the label.
That first chapter of James’ musical life ended in the kind of weighty frustration and disillusionment that has left many musicians so bitter and disheartened that they abandon music altogether. But the second chapter of James’ creative journey is one full of soul-searching, rejuvenation and redemption. Pluto Revolts has been the vehicle for James’ reawakening and rebirth. Originally a solo studio side project that came about toward the end of Bottom Line, it gave James the creative outlet he needed, allowing him to experiment and revel in the soul-enriching gratification that the mere act of being creative brings. Almost every musician, regardless of talent, has that moment when they intellectually recognize and accept that superstardom is, at best, a long-shot pipedream. Despite having the talent to achieve his goals, James experienced that moment like a violent car crash. But his recovery has helped him understand the personal importance and worth of his artistry.
James has taken his time with Pluto Revolts, working on material until he’s satisfied and taking chances his previous group was discouraged from taking. Lyrically he often addresses the very issues he’s had to work to overcome, from crushing disappointment to rediscovery and rebirth. The motivationally titled Suffer No Delusions EP was self-made and self-released in 2008. Without constantly pushing himself on people in the biz, James was finding that if the music was well crafted, inspired and coming from a place of uncompromised sincerity, others would come to it without much prodding, something Pluto Revolts’ growing local core of fans proves.
That is not to say that Pluto Revolts is not going to experience bigger success. As the four songs on the new Tidal Wave show, the band (which now actually is a full band, both for live shows and on the new album) has a sound as accomplished, passionate and effectual as any Indie/Electro/Pop act on the market. The guitar work on the tracks moves between funky riffage and billowing atmospherics, while the beats and rhythms have both a soulful Indie Rock variance and the precision and insistent incitement of Dance music.
James shows he’s in top songwriting form right now — it’s not hard to imagine him becoming a songwriter for other big-name Pop artists. Tidal Wave’s deftly designed structures and striking melodic magnetism would make the songs impressive if merely played on an acoustic guitar. But the Electronic enhancements take things to the next level, often giving the music a New Wave/Synth Pop feel. Though you might be able to match some techniques to classic Alt bands like New Order (and the excellent “Out There” sounds like a young Duran Duran), Pluto Revolts has more in common with contemporary creative-but-dance-ready Indie Dance or Electro Pop artists like Passion Pit, Empire of the Sun or Foals.
A smart record label (one that understands the value of “artistic freedom”) could do a lot with Pluto Revolts. But Pluto Revolts is doing just fine on its own. For more on the group, go to plutorevolts.com.
CONTACT MIKE BREEN: mbreen@citybeat.com - CityBeat
Hey you. Yes, you. Stop what you’re doing, put down the phone, switch off the TV that’s playing in the background, and take a moment—because our exclusive premiere today is about to capture every single part of your attention. Indie electro-pop act Pluto Revolts have been enthralling every listener they meet since 2008, and they’re taking their musical magnetism to the next level with their new video for “Tidal Wave”.
“‘Tidal Wave’ is a song about taking a leap of faith, even if you perceive the odds are stacked against you. It’s about moving yourself forward, no matter what you see ahead. The music video is ostensibly about the same thing, set to the backdrop of a supernatural, ‘matrix’-like reality. From the perspective of the lead character, we meet her complacently drifting about her existence in a stale, boring environment, until she finds the courage to listen to her inner calling for more, and thus commanding to be set free from the bonds of her self-imposed limitation.”
The music video for “Tidal Wave” is all about taking chances and pushing beyond just being “satisfied”—but we’ll let the band themselves tell you more about it in the clip below. Then it’s time to settle in for the video we’ve all been waiting for: keep scrolling to let the “Tidal Wave” hit you. We promise it’ll leave you ready to take on the world (and ready to check out the band’s Tidal Wave EP too). - idobi Radio
(2016) Tidal Wave - EP
(2012) Lightning - Single
(2010) Collisions - EP
(2008) Suffer No Delusions - EP

Characterized as "refreshing" and "one of the most dedicated artists in Cincinnati" (CincyMusic.com), this band is the definition of "rebirth," as singer Benjamin James describes the meaning behind the name parallels its origins in the wake of a group that once reached the majors, before succumbing to "Almost Famous"-types of stereotypical misfortune and label turmoil. From Citybeat Magazine (Sept 2016), the style of Pluto Revolts can be described as combining "Alternative Rock attitude with Electronic experimentation for a familiar, yet fresh sound. James' yearning vocals are powerful, at times stadium-Rock strong and other times Pop-ballad sweet...which play well with the energetic guitar, crashing drums and playful keys."
The new EP "Tidal Wave" (released 12/09/16) contains "deftly designed structures and striking melodic magnetism" and "a sound as accomplished, passionate and effectual as any Indie/Electro/Pop act on the market" (Mike Breen, Citybeat Dec 2016). The new EP demonstrates the band's capacity to thrive on reinvention musically, but lyrically as well, as themes of starting over, following instincts, and facing fears head-on are front and center. According to singer James, this record is "the first group of songs that feels like we cast a line out to where we want to go, not just paying homage to where we've been" (CincyMusic Interview Dec 2016).
More highlights about the band's history and press:
-Midpoint Music Festival (Cincinnati, OH) performance in the fall of 2016.
-Bunbury Music Festival (Cincinnati, OH) performances in the summers of 2015 & 2014, as 1 of only 7 artists in the festival's history to be invited to perform two years in a row. 2015 performance on Main Stage #2, under daily stage headliner Twenty One Pilots. 2014 date including a 2nd performance in the “VIP Acoustic Lounge” before daily festival headliners Paramore and Fall Out Boy.
-Headlining shows in hometown of Cincinnati, OH from 2011-present at Madison Theater/Madison Live, Southgate House/Southgate House Revival, & The Drinkery. Opening sets in hometown from 2008-present for touring acts Hippo Campus, Betty Who, Eve 6, Hot Chelle Rae, & many others.
-Support from local Cincinnati FM stations in the form of "Tidal Wave" (2016 Single), “Lightning” (2012 Single) and “Closure” (2010 Single) playing on the following programs:
theproject (106.3FM) “Cincymusic.com Spotlight” Segment (2012-present) + Regular Rotation (Oct 2014), WEBN (102.7FM) “Native Noise” Weekly Segment + “Coca Cola Lounge” Performance (Oct 2012), + “Remote Control Radio” Segments (by user requests), ClassX (88.9FM), CincyRock (94.5FM)
TV OnDemand “Closure” (2010 Single – Music Video) feature (May 2012)
Band Members