Peaceful Society
Irvine, California, United States | SELF
"HOLLYWOOD, Calif- The final countdown to the annual Red Carpet Gala has begun. The 20th Annual Los Angeles Music Awards and its sister productions the Hollywood F.A.M.E. Awards and the Phoenix Music Awards are all slated for presentation on one fantastic evening scheduled for Thursday, November 18th, 2010 on the lot at Paramount Studios inside the beautiful Paramount Theater...Celebrity honorees for the Hollywood F.A.M.E. Award presentations include Actress Sally Kirkland, Night Ranger’s Jack Blades, legendary music producer Eddie Kramer, Senator Max Cleland for the literary award, Posthumous Award for Jaco Pastorious and Ronnie James Dio, former President Jimmy Carter for Lifetime Humanitarian, plus several others...20th Annual Los Angeles Music Awards – Winners & Producers Choice Recipients...Showcase Artist: Spirit Soul and Friends" - LA Music Awards
Top February Finalists
1 - (World Music) "A Higher Way" Bia Laborte (Spirit Soul) and G.T. Blake (GTB Music) - San Diego, California
2 - (Jazz) Rob Meurer - Its not Christmas without you (Studio City, California)
3 - (World) Robert Ruiz - Listen to the Rain -(Wichita, Kansas)
4 - (Instrumental) Bernhard Schuler - In Silence - (Kolin, Germany - VH-1 Save The Music Foundation
Your lyrics on this song are both fun and inspiring. The reggae groove is absolutely intoxicating! Your vocals are exquisite and the harmonies top them off. Structurally, this is a song that would make MARLEY proud! You have captured the essence of reggae in this song, which is found to be very addictive and a sheer joy to listen to! - Song of The Year
With roots in Ewa Beach, Bia, Annette and Dee LaBorte's "Spirit Soul" band has a track on the "All States All Stars CD. They are Hawaii's representatives on the album, which was released July 4 through the non-profit Music for Troops. (To support the cause, to to www.amillionsongs.org). - Midweek Hawaii
BILLBOARD WORLD MUSIC AWARD - Honorable Mention for "Nityananda Chaitanya"
"Nityananda Chaitanya" (w/Guest Musician Darrel K. Newman on guitars and bass): No. 4 on the Bestseller List of Acoustic Fuel.com. Featured on "Wonder Women Mix 4" Digital Download Store
"Nityananda Chaitanya" (w/Guest Musician Darrel K. Newman on guitars and bass): Featured on the 2007 "All States All Stars" CD Box Set, representing the State of Hawaii."Loving Thoughts": Featured on the 2007 Music For Troops "Songs from the Heart" Compilation CD
"A Higher Way": 2003 World Music Finalist for VH-1 "Save the Music Foundation - Song of the Year" Competition

"Peaceful Society" is a sister act which is an extention of the fun-loving Musical Peace Troupe, "Spirit Soul & Friends." Award Recipients of the Los Angeles Music Awards for World Music Artists of the Year as well as Showcase Artists of the Year, the sisters are the founders and project coordinators for both groups which bonds together a unique act of international musical flavors (Fusion, Ambient, New Age, R&B, Pop, Rock, Reggae, Island, Jawaiian, Urban, Rock and Jazz).
"Peaceful Society" provides a family friendly show for any private, corporate or public event. This multi-talented versatile ensemble brings forth their common goal of taking music and dance to a higher level.
Performances include inspiring original compositions, uplifting cover songs with motivating, positive messages of love and peace with audience interaction. For private, corporate, and community venues, they can lighten up any party atmosphere with their music and captivating Yoga Dancers. For festival events, they can also provide strolling musicians who roam the festival grounds with melodic music, handing out healthy organic treats to both festival attendees and vendors.
Music Team/Music Directors for the Art Miles Mural Project
Los Angeles Music Awards Producer's Choice - "WORLD MUSIC ARTISTS OF THE YEAR (2009)
Los Angeles Music Awards - Producer's Choice - Music Video (Featured at Main Event) - "A Song of Peace/Nityananda Chaitanya"