The best kept secret in music
This band has no press
Moments of Truth - 1996
Sittin in Heaven - 1998
Nothin But You
Lord of the Poor
Feeling a bit camera shy
Influences range from James Talyor to Supertramp, Bruce Cockburn to Steely Dan, Neil Young to George Harrison. Accomplished acoustic guitar with great songs and imagery, smooth vocals, strong vibe / stage presence as he shares music, stories and thoughts of the human experience and his own journey.
Paul combines very organic source material with a little technology in way of a looper / phrase sampler. He'll go from gentle fingerstye guitar to jazz fusion improvisation to gritty folk rock.
Born Feb 25 1964 (George Harrison's Birthday) in Ottawa. This was the night of the last ever fight for Cassius Clay. A day after winning the title he denounced his “slave name” and from then on became Muhammad Ali.
Parents wanted a girl after having 2 boys (Mark and Glenn) and planned to name her "Gloria". When Paul's sex was discovered at birth they still accepted him into the family but then had hopes of Paul becoming a minister like his Dad, Pastor William Kenneth Franklin Seburn. Though this vision never came true directly there remains a deep spiritual vibe to Paul's music as he is a child of a faith traditon. It can be seen in his awareness and acceptance of people regardless of their religious or socio economic status.
Paul's family moved to "Emo" on the Rainy River in '69 which noteably is 33 miles from the end of the longest street in the world; Yonge Street. From Emo Paul's family would take many trips to Winnipeg since it was only a 2 hour drive or so. This drive would take them through southern Manitoba land of his mother's roots. Carol Anne Joy Penner.
In '74 the Seburns moved to Winnipeg where Paul spent his formative years. Through both his uncles, (Fred and Terry) and older brothers, Paul was exposed to groups like the Guess Who, Deep Purple and Zepplin. The sounds and smells of "warm tubes", fender guitars, mini moogs and mad magazines still resonate in his being.
Paul was surrounded by music whether it was gospel songs and hymns on the old church piano, funk rock on his brother's records or the top hits of the 70's on the radio. The "top 20 countdown" broadcast from Fort Francis.
Though he had plunked away on the "family guitar" for years (one song) he didn't pick it up seriously until age 15 when the gift for songwriting became evident. The remainder of his teenage years were spent working out folk, blues and pop songs from artists like Larry Norman, Randy Mathews and later Bruce Cockburn. Of course there were the Cat Stevens and Harry Chapins and other folky popular artists who influnced him. On the more progessive side was Steely Dan and Super Tramp.
In 1980 Paul met and received guitar lessons from the one Al Racketti. Al was a seasoned jazz blues folk artist who turned Paul onto Travis Picking and lots of folk / blues standards. Al was quite a bohemian with a gypsy heart and a wonderful repretoire of Django Reinhart, Dave Van Rock and Leon Redbone. Al passed on tragically after being hit by a bus on his bicycle. He lay in a coma for over six months before he was finally let go. Al's contribution to Paul's life will be remembered.
In 1981 Ken and Carol, Paul and Joy moved to Flin Flon Manitoba. A bold move for Paul's Dad who pastored the First Baptist Church. This set the tone for further adventures in this small but vibrant northern community. Wonderous lakes, rock and rivers again drew Paul into more mystical imagination and more pointent material.
In 85' Paul moved out on his own and carried on the western movement that his Dad had begun by going to Alberta to study music. Here he met a girl who changed his life forever. Deborah Lea Hanna.
Though born in the US Debbie grew up in Bella Coola BC and proved a fine match for an eastern boy like Paul. Debbie is a great singer songwriter, and flutest. Paul and Debbie have performed together as a duo and with various incarnations of 5 to 6 piece bands over the years. But songwriting is not the only thing they are prolific in. In 1988 they became parents to 3 beautiful daughers April Joy, Sarah Lynn and Rachel Lea. So when Paul says "Debbie Hanna changed my life" He has much to support this statement. In 1994 Luke Timothy Seburn was born to Paul and Debbie. Family of six! Wow! What an incredible Family!
With almost 28 years on the guitar Paul continues to write songs, play in various groups, engineer and produce, and offers private music instruction. With 3 of his 4 children now out of high school Paul is just now finding more time for performing and has a wealth of music and song yet to be recorded.