Paul Malysa
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada | INDIE
Thanks to Paul Malysa for his performance and the writing of The Healing Cycle Song in helping to raise over 100,000 dollars for Palliative Care for Credit Valley Hospital. - Mississauga News
Thanks to Paul Malysa for his performance and the writing of The Healing Cycle Song in helping to raise over 100,000 dollars for Palliative Care for Credit Valley Hospital. - Mississauga News
In 2006 Paul Malysa recieved runner up, and Honorable Mention for two of his songs. Take Me and Pencils and racers. - Song Of The Year Usa
In 2006 Paul Malysa recieved runner up, and Honorable Mention for two of his songs. Take Me and Pencils and racers. - Song Of The Year Usa
One Step Closer Movie "A Secret Cross"
Modern Soldier Movie "A Secret Cross"
What's your Story Movie "A Secret Cross"
Above the Fold Cd
All music is on itunes
No More Yellow Lights (cd)
Christmas Time (radio Airplay)
Pencils and Racers the chapters song (radio Airplay)
In The Air Tonight (radio Airplay)
Turn it Around (radio Airplay)
Take Me (radio Airplay)
The Healing Cycle (radio airplay)
One Step Closer Movie "A Secret Cross"

In these times of over-produced youth driven artists it is refreshing to hear music that is emotionally charged. Not only do the stories but the exceptional creativity in Paul's Cd "No More Yellow Lights" and other single releases capture your attention. Performing across the GTA recently at The Chapters Stores with his release "Pencils and Racers" the chapters song, Paul gained a huge following. Recently he wrote The Healing Cycle song which help rasie over $100,000 dollars towards Palliative Care. Performances including The Walk for Cancer, Credit Valley Hospital and other Festivals this past summer gained Paul alot of respect and followers for his music. Paul Malysa and Friends will be head linning The Healing Cycle Show this year. Currently the Cd "No More Yellow Lights" is still in rotation at many radio stations. Now just released Paul's all new Hot Single on Global Warming titled "Turn it Around" really sends a message out to our Polititians and People that we really have to Turn it Around. Paul is a member of Socan ,BMI, and indiepool. His music can be purchased on itunes as well as Sunrise Records. His song "In the Air Tonight" , the remake of the classic Phil Collins tune was in the top 10 for 17 weeks as well as downloaded around the world. Paul's music genre has turned more pop country and since then has been invited to play in Nashville more than a dozen times. Currently 5 of Paul's songs are being plugged in Nashville to all the major labels as well as the big country stars. Paul will be releasing his new Cd in early 2013.