Genre: Rock
Region: Central Coast, NSW
Members: Nick Roberts (Vocals, Guitar) William Roberts (Bass) Rory Bratby (Drums) Tim Ciantar (Guitar)
Sounds Like: Pearl Jam, Staind, Shinedown
Influences: Guns n Roses, Screaming jets, Led Zeppelin
Artist Website: www.octoberrage.com
Rocking onto the global music scene is the Australian band 'October Rage'. Hailing from the east coast, brothers Nick (vocals, guitar) and William Roberts (bass) began the project with a single minded purpose of creating hard hitting, head banging tunes, stadium rock anthems and majestic ballads to satisfy even the most avid rock fan.
After returning from L.A in late 2008 the brothers began their search for like-minded, talented musicians, and found them in the form of Rory Bratby (drums) and Tim Ciantar (guitar). With a live show that leaves the audience gasping and screaming for more, Bratby's thundering grooves have many nicknaming him a "young Bonham", whilst Ciantar's lightning fingers shred the fret board with a crazed intensity highlighting his blistering solo's and chunky guitar riffs.
October Rage then set off to Melbourne and recorded their debut single "Silver Line" with award winning producer Adrian Hannan, with mastering by Martin Pullan at Edensound Studio's (DEEP PURPLE, RITCHIE BLACKMORE).
To date, the band has had much success getting commercial radio play on some of Australia’s largest radio shows, placements on TV shows such as IndyCar (Versus) and Shreducation (MTV), and years of touring experience with artists such as Bon Jovi and The Screaming Jets. With their ever growing fan-army of “Ragers”, this rockin’ Aussie band will be blasting heads left, right and center as their single “Silver Line” reaches new ears around the world.
- Triple J Unearthed
By staff reports — The Herald
ROCK HILL — Fresh off opening for rock legends Bon Jovi, October Rage will be performing at Firewater 110 in Rock Hill Wednesday.
Hailing from the Central Coast of Australia, brothers Nick (vocals, guitar) and William Roberts (bass) began Ocktober Rage with the purpose of creating hard hitting, head banging tunes, stadium rock anthems and majestic ballads to satisfy even the most avid rock fan.
After returning from L.A in late 2008, the brothers began their search for like-minded, talented musicians, and found them in the form of Rory Bratby (drums) and Tim Ciantar (guitar). October Rage then set off to Melbourne and recorded their debut single “Silver Line” with award winning producer Adrian Hannan, with mastering by Martin Pullan at Edensound Studio’s. October Rage has just released its debut album "Outrage."
Firewater 110 is at 110 S. Cherry Road. For more details, call 329-2710 or log onto www.octoberrage.com. - Herald Online
October Rage – Central Coast, Australia
I had an opportunity to spend over 2 weeks working with a band in Australia earlier this year and I gotta tell you…what an amazing country it is! Super nice people …gorgeous women everywhere…awesome food service (just kidding) it sucked actually…but you can’t have everything in life right? If you ever get a chance to go to Australia…jump on it immediately….you won’t regret it at all.
Today’s Daily Fresh Pick, October Rage hails from you guessed it….Australia and boy have nailed “Active Rock” to the wall and they have completely perfected with the gutsy and ballsy Aussie muscle. There is nothing flaccid about this band and if you happen to run into them during a bar fight….run for the hills….these guys mean business. To put it mildly…this bunch of Aussies do American Active Rock better than we do.
October Rage is Australia’s Answer to Active Rock!
- Rob Daily - Daily Unsigned
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) July 21, 2012
Australia-United Kingdom based Global Onslaught (GO), a worldwide music platform plans to launch in Los Angeles, Saturday, July 28, 2010.
The exclusive mansion, red carpet event includes entertainment and later a tour with independent rock bands, October Rage, Throwdown Syndicate, Overspill, Annie Lovell, March Into Paris and others (July 27 – August 9th).
The red carpet animal charity event and launch party is being hosted/sponsored by Executive Producer Gregory T. Simmons. GTS productions of Aspen the Series - Comedy TV. Catering will be provided by Belly Bliss Food.
“We are thrilled with GO’s decision to expose our nonprofit to the music world and beyond,” said Founder Eileen Smulson, Operation Blankets of Love (OBOL), a animal charity that comforts and picks up and delivers pet supplies to 60 animal shelters in Southern California. The Smulsons are expected to attend the event calling for a $10 donation for OBOL.
The Master of Cermonies will be Actor Tom Yi (Bridesmaids (2011and CBS TV series The Mentalist). Also confirmed as attending: Actor Timothy Woodward Jr., (Hollywood East TV series), Ron Moss (The Bold and the Beautiful) (invited), Actress Anne Kristine Zoumblios, October Rage, Throwdown Syndicate, Overspill, Annie Lovell, March Into Paris, Junior Wright, Ryan Cabrera, Warrior Records, Eddie Money (invited), Ed Roth, Louis Prima Jr. (Invited), and Bobby Kimball (lead singer Toto, “Africa”) to name a few.
Global Onslaught, an ultimate music resource Online, offers a worldwide exposure for new artists -signed and unsigned - with a platform, which podcasts new bands and artists from around the planet.
The cloud-based music service in Victoria-Melbourne, Australia and the United Kingdom combines four decades of music management and industry expertise. Since its inception (Jan. 09, 2012), it has mushroomed from hours of exchange of ideas over the Internet from two different countries and two creative minds: Nancy Princi and Adam Hayward.
Chief Executive Officer Nancy Orsini Princi, of the Australian Division of Global Onslaught (GO), has been recognized globally for her dedication, leadership and excellence in marketing, promotions and artist management in the music Industry. “We just added Brazil, and we look forward to coming to America to help new artists and bands get the much needed exposure they deserve,” she said.
Princi brings her accounting, restaurant, events, hospitality experience and skills to her role as CEO of the Australia division of Global Onslaught, a leading entertainment, artist management and event planning company.
Global Onslaught UK CEO Adam Hayward has traveled the globe working as a DJ in Greece, New York, London, and widely across the UK and Europe, developing and sharing his world vision for independent artists. Organizing people and bands across the globe became a natural fit. Hayward’s knowledge and love for music grew organically, influenced by soul, funk, jazz, techno, pop, techno and indie as well as rock n’ roll and metal music. “Music is a universal language, and we are excited about the USA Tour,” he said. For more about Global Onslaught visit: http://www.GlobalOnslaught.com.
For the full story visit: http://tiny.cc/7uwjhw
For more about Operation Blankets of Love (OBOL) visit: (http://www.OperationBlanketsofLove.org)
[Editors note: For advanced media interviews, images and credentialed media wanting to attend should RSVP for the event contact Aida Mayo or George McQuade, MAYO Communications, 818-340-5300.]
For celebrities to be considered for the VIP list please email all requests to Publicity@mayocommunications prior no later than Tuesday, July 24, 2012. No admissions unless you are on the event list. An invitation will be sent after approval and confirmation. - PR Web
If you haven't heard of October Rage then you will now as they have won the amazing opportunity to support Bon Jovi in Sydney on the Aussie leg of their world tour.
Triple M's The Sweetest Plum broke the amazing news to the guys last night live to air and it was obviously the biggest break the band have had in their musical career.
"It will be a big break and the lads are just so ecstatic," said October Rage vocalist Nick Roberts, who was overcome with joy. "You should see how many smiling faces I've got in the room looking at me."
Hailing from the New South Wales Central Coast, October Rage won the right to support Bon Jovi after beating the four other bands via a public vote (including Feeding Edgar, I Am Apollo, The Presence and Solver). You can hear all the bands here.
Brothers Nick and William Roberts formed October Rage in 2008 and as you can hear in the video above they've made a name for themselves on the live circuit with their head-banging stadium-rock anthems. They are currently working on their debut album.
The Sweetest Plum did have one piece of advice for the boys as they prepare for the biggest gig of their lives. Don't go crazy on the beers around Bon Jovi because Richie Sambora is still on the wagon and you don't want to send him tumbling off.
"No, so I've heard mate," laughed Nick. "We gonna be on good behaviour."
So if you get their early and you wonder who it is smashing up the stage before the Jov well that will be October Rage.
Well played October Rage. Triple M wishes you the best of luck! - Triple M
It’s always great when you can see a band who have been given an opportunity of a lifetime and then take that and run with it. This was exactly the case with Aussie band ‘October Rage’ who had the chance to support Global Icons Bon Jovi for the three nights of the Sydney leg of their world tour. They won over not only the crowd and us here at May the Rock be with You but they may have made a new fan or two if you read below. With a single already on iTunes, a debut album due this year which will bring their extremely mature sound and the talent to match making them most definitely a band to watch in 2011.
When a band describes themselves as a bombastic heavy rock band that brings you the latest in head banging tunes, stadium rock anthems and majestic ballads you’re in for a treat and that’s what we found with October Rage so of course they were instantly deemed as one of our Best Things You’ve Never Heard!
For those that have not yet heard of October Rage, give us a little bio, tell us about the band, how long you have been together etc..
Rocking onto the global music scene is the Australian band October Rage. Hailing from the east coast, brothers Nick (vocals, guitar) and William Roberts (bass) began the project with a single minded purpose of creating hard hitting, head banging tunes, stadium rock anthems and majestic ballads to satisfy even the most avid rock fan.
After returning from L.A in late 2008 the brothers began their search for like-minded, talented musicians, and found them in the form of Rory Bratby (drums) and Tim Ciantar (guitar). With a live show that leaves the audience gasping and screaming for more, Bratby’s thundering grooves have many nicknaming him a “young Bonham”, whilst Ciantar’s lightning fingers shred the fret board with a crazed intensity highlighting his blistering solo’s and chunky guitar riffs.
October Rage set off to Melbourne to record their debut single “Silver Line” with award winning producer Adrian Hannan, with mastering by Martin Pullan at Edensound Studio’s (DEEP PURPLE, RITCHIE BLACKMORE).
With their ever-growing fan army of “Ragers” the bands bombastic sound is reaching fresh ears around the globe! October Rage are currently working on their Debut album scheduled for release in early 2011.
As a band who are some of your biggest influences?
{WILLIAM} We grew up with the classics, Led Zeppelin, Guns n Roses, Queen, Black Sabbath etc, but we are also influenced by bands like Metallica, Breaking Benjamin, Alter Bridge, you know, heavy rock.
Tell us about the name ‘October Rage’, where did the name come from? Some anger issues one October?
{NICK} Ha ha, yes in fact! The band was formed by Will and I in October following a split with a previous band. Needless to say there were a few rage issues to be jammed out.
Your first EP has been available on iTunes since late last year, how has the reaction been?
{TIM} Absolutely amazing. It’s had a great reaction from Australia but the USA is currently eating it up! So far it’s been on things like MTV, INDY CAR 300, with heaps of radio play as well. Last year one of our songs was selected for the theme song for an upcoming feature film.
Tell us about the song Silver Line and why this was chosen as your first single.
{NICK} Mainly because it’s a good solid rock song. It was one of the first songs written by the band and with the help of our producer, Adrian Hannan it turned into one of our favourite songs to showcase the bands talent. The backline of Will and Rory is simple, yet effective and Tim’s guitar work is immaculate.
You’ve also got your debut album due out this year. Can you give us an insight into what we can expect?
{RORY} It’s hopefully going to be monumental, we have a combination of some heavy, kick ass tracks, that will get your devil horns pumping, along with some rock ballads and a few surprises thrown in!
What is it that will make October Rage stand out above everyone else?
{TIM} The b - May The Rock Be With You
October Rage are a band hailing from Australia, a country that seems to have more than its fair share of great rock bands in acts like Tracer and The Alchemist, and now we can add October Rage to that list. A hard rock band, October Rage are the missing link between ‘core’-era Stone Temple Pilots and Load-era Metallica – boasting a HUGE guitar sound and powerful hooks destined to get under your skin and into your head faster than you can say “are you ready to rock!??!” ‘Outrage’ is the band’s debut album, although you’d be hard pressed to work that out given the remarkable quality of the production and the strength of song-writing and musicianship and when you factor in the fact that the band have already earned a support slot with Bon Jovi in their native land you can easily imagine October Rage becoming huge; and if that should happen, they unarguably deserve it.
There has been a real paucity of quality hard rock acts in recent years. A genre that used to be overpopulated now seems to have all but evaporated with the idea that rock can be both heavy and radio friendly equated with the nonsensical idea of “selling out”. The result is that the radio almost exclusively deals with the god-awful X-factor style rubbish endlessly pumped out by Simon Cowell and his devilish acolytes and rock music has been pushed into an enclave, cliquey and hidden from view. Yet anyone who grew up in the eighties will tell you that Iron Maiden were regular visitors on top of the pops; Def Leppard near permanent fixtures of the charts and images of Bon Jovi (amongst others) given away with cereal packets to find their way onto fridges, school books and bedroom walls across the country. In short, good music could also have mainstream appeal and rock music didn’t have to be a dirty word. October Rage hark back to this simpler time and their debut album is an absolute gem – a storming blast of great guitar riffs and massive hooks that deserves to be heard up and down the country.
Setting the scene is ‘lords of Wyrd’, an instrumental that brings in some short but sweet guitar work and a bit of atmosphere before ‘set you free’ detonates with all the force of a high-explosive round. It’s a great, classic rock style that the band utilise but filtered through the Bob Rock school of production with the guitars blazing away with real power and clarity. There is no star to October Rage – rather the band function as a complete unit with each member given a chance to shine in their own field. Hence ‘set you free’ sees Nick Roberts excellent voice offset by Tim Ciantar’s brilliant guitar playing, William Roberts’ pounding bass lines and Rory Bratby’s sterling performance on the drums. It’s high-octane, pulse-raising rock of the first order. Look for comparisons and you might look to Metallica’s ‘Load’ and ‘Reload’ albums, STP’s criminally underrated ‘core’ album and Godsmack but there’s more to it than that – October Rage certainly operate in a realm where familiarity is part of the key, but they have their own distinct personality for all that – and their playing is never anything less than immense with Nick’s gritty, yet tuneful vocal always providing the icing on the cake. ‘Wayside’ proves to be a riff-tastic monster of a track, adorned with solos and played with crushing intensity and yet it is, at heart, a pop track with a vocal line that needs to be removed with turpentine. It’s no surprise that Bon Jove pulled these guys out onto the stage – October Rage are quite simply pulling off the same trick JBJ managed on the excellent ‘slippery when wet’ – combining hard rock credibility with high calibre songs that are ultimately incredibly memorable. You can imagine the crowd cheering and roaring their way through a set by October Rage, every vocal memorised from the get go, an occasional moment to raise a lighter high (free of any irony such a gesture might evoke at other gigs) and plenty of space for a violent mosh pit to break out. Hitting track four we - Sonic Abuse
I didn't expect this... From New South Wales' Central Coast comes a band that I expect will be making a few waves very soon. It's been a while since I've heard a debut album from a homegrown band that sounds this good.
If you take the modern rock of bands like Shinedown, throw in some early Stone Temple Pilots and pump up the melody you have something special, but there's even more to October Rage than that...
You’d be hard pushed to find a better opener to an album this year than ‘Set You Free’ which storms out of the speakers like the bastard son of Shinedown and is immediately followed by the equally powerful ‘Wayside’ that recalls Stone Temple Pilots from their first and best release. This is modern rock with intent, a great ear for melody, and some not inconsiderable musicianship. Makes you kinda want to visit the Central Coast just north of Sydney to check these guys out live! It’s ‘Wayside’ too that first hints at the more expansive side of October Rage that we see later.
If you were looking to see how they handle a slower number ‘Silver Line’ is a helluva song that seems to somehow have distilled all that is good about the modern rock ballad ad discarded the detritus. It’s a song you would expect from a band with a few more years and albums under the belt, and to be honest puts a lot of the more successful, ‘bigger’ bands out there to shame. Love the tone out of that guitar too!
One of my favourites here is ‘Home’: a great modern rock song that shouts ‘quality’ and if you heard it on the radio tomorrow you would be turning up the volume to find out who it was by.
On the more contemplative side ‘Supernova’ has a gentle kick that starts out almost country-tinged but builds and falls and takes you on a ride that packs some real emotion. Again I’m amazed that these guys haven’t already been spotted and picked up.
The rest of the album doesn’t stack up too badly either – I certainly can’t pick any filler on here that’s for sure! ‘Eastern Road’ is a mid-paced number that hints at what the band can be: elsewhere riffed-Up ‘Two-Sided Blade’ and acoustic-led ‘Into the Night’ show the different facets of a band that promises so much more to come. Closing track ‘Under the Wind’ too is a pretty special slower number to close that really showcases Nick’s vocals.
It’s perhaps the extended ‘Reign of Fire’ though where it all comes together best of all: a slow-burning Southern-tinged ballad that has life and space and energy and soul in its six minutes and seventeen seconds. It’s a song that builds perfectly until someone lights the fuse four and a half minutes in and you witness what surely must be a wonderful song live.
I always feel so guilty especially when talking about a new band in pushing home a real connection, but there is definitely a lot here for fans of bands like Shinedown or even Alter Bridge. Don’t for a minute think that October Rage is in any way an inferior copy though: this is all class all the way. If you only take one ‘lucky dip’ this year to chance a band you’ve never heard before this is probably the one to pick…
Seriously a contender for the best of 2012 list.
By Mark Diggins - The Rock Pit
Ep - “Silver Line” (2009)
Album - “OUTRAGE” (2011)
Single - "White Walkers" (2012)

Rocking onto the global music scene is the Australian rock band ‘October Rage’. Hailing from the Central Coast in the state of New South Wales, brothers Nick (vocals, guitar) and William Roberts (bass) started the band with a single minded purpose of creating a hard hitting, head banging, stadium rocking anthems that satisfy even the most avid rock fan.
After searching throughout Europe and the United States for like-minded, talented musicians the brothers were reunited with former schoolmates Rory Bratby (drums) and Tim Ciantar (guitar) to round out the band. With a live show that leaves the audience gasping and screaming for more, Bratby’s thundering grooves have earned him the nickname; a “young Bonham”, while Ciantar’s lightning fast fingers shred the fret board with a crazed intensity that highlight his blistering solo’s and chunky guitar riffs.
Once ‘October Rage’ was complete, they set off to Melbourne and recorded their debut single “Silver Line” with award winning producer Adrian Hannan that was digitally mastered by Martin Pullan who has worked with Deep Purple and George Michael at Edensound Studio. Soon after they entered a local radio contest hosted by Triple M network, where the winner opened for the Australian portion of Bon Jovi’s world tour. They finished in the top five out of five thousand bands that entered and after two weeks of voting they were declared the winners live on the air.
After working with iconic rock legend Bon Jovi, ‘October Rage’ has made their way to the United States where they released their debut album “OUTRAGE”. Recently they have performed ‘Sevendust’ on portions of their tours and upcoming shows with 'Steel Panther' and 'Bobaflex'. ‘October Rage’ is currently on there own tour trekking across the United States with a home base in Los Angeles area.
October Rage can be closely compared to Shinedown, Pearl Jam, Alter Bridge, Creed, and hints of Metallica.