Noush Skaugen
London, England, United Kingdom | SELF | AFTRA
Twas the last Friday before December, we were feeling jaded, run-down, and, admittedly, a bit hungover. The perfect remedy: invite a beautiful, upcoming British pop/rock singer into our local pub to blow us away with three tracks of melodic splendour!
Run along Nurofen and Echinacea, Noush Skaugen cures physical and mental evils in a far more pleasing manner.
The Swedish-born songstress is one of Britain's upcoming singing gems with a voice that's soft and powerful in equal measure. After "working her butt off" over the last couple of years, she's built up MORE THAN ONE-MILLION TWITTER FOLLOWERS, released the album 'Lost And Found' to critical acclaim, and has a new opus on the horizon for spring 2010.
She will be big, oh yes.
Check out her EXCLUSIVE stripped-down set at our local boozer, where she performed acoustic renditions of two tracks from said album (the brilliant 'Automatic' and 'Satisfaction'), plus the brand new track - 'Don't Get Me Started' - written only days previously. So it's probably its FIRST EVER performance! We feel privileged.
We loved them all. We think you will too!
Visit Noush at her OFFICIAL SITE HERE
Join her at TWITTER HERE
http://www.maxim.co.uk/entertainment/music/19447/noush_skaugen.html - Maxim UK
Noush Skaugen is the only non-label musician to make Beatweek’s 2010 Hot and Rising list; she’s also the only artist on the list with more than a million followers on Twitter. Neither of those facts were factors in her inclusion, but rather the straightforward fact that she’s one of the most promising emerging rockers on our radar. In our interview with Noush we talk about her new full length album which she’s still working on (she’s releasing an EP called Soho Sessions next week in the mean time), how she’s managed to leverage social media in the kind of successful manner which few other musicians have, and how her citizen of the world upbringing has impacted her as an artist. You can read the full interview in our Hot and Rising issue. - Beatweek
As much time as Noush Skaugen spends interacting with her million-plus followers on Twitter, and answering fan questions on live chats, one might be tempted to wonder how she ever finds time to make music. But her digital omnipresence belies the fact that she�s currently holed up in the studio working on her next album. Noush took some time out from recording her new songs to give us a preview of what�s coming�
You were born in Sweden, grew up in London, spent time in Los Angeles and Nashville. How have those �citizen of the world� experiences impacted your musical philosophies?
Each place has its own unique music culture and perspective on what a good performance is. I have learnt a great deal in all places, which hopefully has made me more open to experiment and a more rounded performer. I grew up dancing round trees singing songs with my parents & guests merry on aquavite (a very potent Scandinavian alcohol) � so initially I guess I learnt that music is about having a good time!
In London you better be good because once the fellas get a few pints in, they�ll let you know if you�re not :) LA is all about entertaining and the passion of connecting with your fans. Nashville they don�t care what you look like or what�s on your CD, just play it to them on an acoustic guitar and you had better be good, because even the garbage man is probably a prodigy. It has made me step up my game, to compete with the best. I am striving to create the ultimate experience for my fans, from the music to exclusive deluxe content, with behind the scenes footage & interviews yet to be released.
A year ago you had a few thousand followers on Twitter. Now you have more than a million followers, more than Dave Matthews or Snoop Dogg, which seems an unlikely feat for an indie artist. Where are all these followers coming from?
It�s mad really� in a great way�The number keeps growing every day� The power of Social Media is massive. I suppose in the age of reality TV stars, I am the opposite � organic, real, my own creation from hard graft. I am transparent with my tweets, love to chat with my followers, letting them in on what�s going on behind the scenes of making a record.
I am not constrained by any label telling me what I can or cannot do or tweet � so it�s very fluid and brutally honest. There�s no smokescreen. It lets me connect on a one to one basis with them virtually, and for them to be on this journey with me, something acts 20 years ago could not have imagined. Born from this idea, I will do live interactive concerts in the new year and I have other really exciting plans for the fans in the new year that I�m working on.
Do you find Twitter more daunting now that each of your tweets is going to be read by up to a million of your fans?
Lol! Initially when it started growing at a big rate, I had that moment of pure fright, and didn�t tweet I think for a couple of days�.but then I got over it :) You can�t change who you are just because more people are listening to you.
Being true and real is very important to me. I am very comfortable with it now. I imagine as if I am speaking to each person directly.
You�ve been making your songs podsafe for use in podcasts for a couple of years now. How has that worked out for you?
Great. I think podcasts are a fantastic way to get your music out there worldwide with a DJ in Missouri being able to reach someone in South Africa! The DJ�s are really passionate about the music they play. Podcasts have been very supportive of me and my music, Podsafe got me on Satellite radio first�. For me anyway to reach people with my music is a good thing. Red tape and rules can hinder artistic growth.
Many of your fans had been hoping for a new release from you in late 2009. I take it there�s a good reason you�ve chosen to wait until the spring to release your new album?
Yes� I had a whole new game plan set in motion autumn this year. I decided I wanted to release a full album, and held back the EP. My objective is to make the best album I can, one that is timeless and will still be played in decades to come. I am motivated to use the music medium to inspire people to dare to dream! I am taking the time to push myself to the limit in every way possible in terms of my lyrics, music and the whole artistic concept of the album. No fillers, no wasted words� a classic record.
Basically the thought and TLC any great album had back in the day, that seems to be missing today� I am lucky enough to have the fantastic opportunity to write with some of the best songwriters out there and am on an amazing journey. Hopefully my fans will understand the wait will be worth it:) I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their patience.
Dr. System and Run Baby Run, the two songs you�ve sent me so far, are both rockers. Is that indicative of where the new record is headed overall?
Absolutely, this whole record will be rocking, taking no prisoners :) I am comfortable in my own skin, sexuality and fearless. This record will challenge the role of female artists today.
You�ve had acting parts in shows like CSI and Entourage. Is that something you plan to pursue more of?
Definitely. I trained at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, which showed me the thrill of delving deep into a character so that they get under your skin. I love all forms of artistic expression and would love to do a movie and TV once the album is done� Acting allows me to be someone else for a while� explore other realities and history� which can only enrich the art that in turn pours out of me. It�s a fusion which can create fireworks.
Your Twitter bio reads �Together we can change the world� � what are your plans for doing just that?
Using my voice to motivate people to chase their dreams and follow their gut� be who they want to be, no matter what those close to them expect of them or the system tells them they can or cannot do. Anything is possible, the only limitations are the ones we place on ourselves. Music and art used to affect change, and I would love to see us artists bring it back to empowering the people.
I will also be standing behind certain causes, one of them I have already started to take part in is the fight against breast cancer, which I lost my mother to. Some of the proceeds from my album �Lost and Found� goes to the cause.
Life is short and we should use the voices we have to push boundaries, the human race and live a riot baby!
Learn more at NoushSkaugen.com
Written By Bill Palmer - iProng Magazine
The world’s most followed unsigned artist on Twitter, British Singer-Songwriter Noush Skaugen, gave an exclusive acoustic performance and video interview to Gibson Guitar to mark the first “Gibson.com Sessions.” Noush Skaugen, the undisputed queen of Twitter, who currently has more followers than Axl Rose, The Killers and Kylie Minogue combined, dropped by the Gibson Guitar Showroom in London to perform three tracks with her band, comprised of Greg Hoffman (bass) and Nick Kendall (guitar).
Noush Skaugen and her band performed:
1. “Run Baby Run”
2. “Buried in Vegas”
3. “Rebels & Foes”
The unplugged version of “Run Baby Run,” as performed for the “Gibson.com Sessions,” is now available for download for free from www.NoushSkaugen.com and will be on the upcoming EP Soho Sessions, to be released digitally worldwide June 17th 2010 — available from Noush's official website, iTunes and all good digital retailers.
Noush Skaugen is photographed with the Gibson Dusk Tiger robot guitar, the Gibson Joan Jett Blackheart Melody Maker and a Gibson SJ-200 Acoustic, which she used throughout her performance. - Gibson.com
Even before releasing a full length debut recording, the Swedish born, U.K. raised singer-songwriter was getting tons of well-deserved attention for this multi-faceted EP whose mix of elegance and edge and electric and acoustic pop/rock songs defined "indie" in 2007. She co-wrote its breakthrough song, the heartfelt, Jewel-flavored acoustic ballad "Beautiful Lies" with album producer Richie Stites (Outkast, Michael Jackson). On this track and "Skid Live," which sounds like a cool, raw demo, Stites holds back and lets the singer and her guitar speak for themselves. The other version of "Skid" is slightly more polished, with subtle drumming and hypnotic percussive elements and some vocal texturing, but Skaugan's emotionally resonant modern acoustic rock voice charms through. The opening track "Gone" shows a little more full band edge, with guitarist Elijah Reyes, bassist Brian Burham and drummer Ryan Purucker simmering behind her more powerful approach. Another rhythm section is featured on the more intense mid tempo rocker "5 Weeks Away," which includes the scratches of DJ Odie. Even when the production level is higher, it's Skaugen's raw emotion and grit that carries the moment. The popularity of "Beautiful Lies" led to an appearance by Skaugen on Sirius Satellite Radio's Stars 102's Pacific Coast Highway, where host Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff called her "possibly the best singer you haven't heard yet." She was selected to appear on KIIS-FM 102.7 Los Angeles Unplugged Performance and played with her band at the Texas Rock Fest 2007 and Austin Women's Music Festival. This all too brief EP whet the indie rock world's whistle for more from this bright and irresistible talent.
http://wm05.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:3pfqxze5ld0e - All Music by Jonathan Widran
ENERGY and SYNERGY describe Noush Skaugen's music as it penetrates the heart and soul into the depths of the human psyche. Her lyrics are insightful, and the life around them encapsulates the dynamic of the instrumentaion. Skaugen speaks directly to her audience through a blend of free-form alternative rock. I find it hard to appreciate many artists because I hear so many faking it, and if she is faking it, she's believable.
John Lenon spoke to us of love and peace in his time, and Noush Skaugen is singing about the repercussions of pain from the result of not having both - something we all can relate to. We live in a time of war, both here in the U.S. and in the majority of the world, and I find it intriguing that a British woman would come to the U.S. with nothing, form a band, writer her own music and get a dream accomplished, while quietly impacting millions of people, a collective harmony of very original thoughts and sounds.
Nouhs Skaugen does what all artists strive to achieve, which is to be real or true to their music and who they are and what they have experienced. A level of believability seals the popularity of this artist, and proves that one has to have been there and done that, and I believe she's as genuine as her fused rhythms, lyrics and melodies. Noush is the next Alanis Morrisette with her rocking soul that is sure to attract a wide demographic of fans around the world. Watching her perform is entrancing as she has the presence and charisma of any legendary rock star.
Noush is primarily performing in California and recording a second album to be released in June 2008. Check out Noush's Myspace page and be on the look out for upcoming performances in the LA scene.
- Remy Forrester
The 17th Annual Los Angeles Music Awards last night wrapped up with a bang. Hosted by Metal Sanaz the online live cast was watched by an estimated 1.5 million viewers worldwide. The main event itself was hosted by The Poorman of “Poorman’s Bikini Beach” fame.
With an ethereal performance of Cicque du Soleil featured artist Nitza, “World Artist of the Year” hitting the high notes with bone-chilling precision, the show started off with a bang.
As the second live act and winner of “Alternative Pop Artist of the Year” Noush Skaugen rocked the Music Box Theater like a launching rocket to outer space. Being on the balcony 10ft above the ground it still felt like standing on the edge of a hurricane.
Watching the audience reactions after the live acts always is a good indicator of things to come. After the exhilarating performance of Skaugen and her band I noticed people in my row writing down her name on whatever piece of paper they had. It was a very interesting sight indeed that I haven’t seen at this scale before. You sometimes have one or two writing stuff down, but 8 in a row of 20? That was new to me.
As you learned in my earlier article covering the Hollywood FAME Awards, it is very clear that this british/scandinavian hot-blood is going places.
A full list of winners can be found at http://losangelesmusicawards.net
http://bitnotes.newsvine.com/_news/2007/11/30/1133530-noush-skaugen-takes-los-angeles-music-awards-by-storm - Bitnotes/Newsvine.com
Is a Persian Princess taking the rock throne? Well, half Persian, half Swedish…born Swedish… raised British… [Got all that? Once you get Lost and Found, you won’t forget]. Noush Skaugen released Lost and Found June 14, 2008 as one of the top independent artists making music today.
Named Alternative Pop Artist of the Year in 2007 at the Los Angeles Music Awards, and National Independent Artist of the Year in 2007 at The Hollywood Fame Awards, Noush Skaugen is takin’ her place among the great female artists in music history. The latest release, Lost and Found is the next stage in the rise of a rock star. By the second time the first song ‘Adeline’ asks, “Are you Lonely?” your mind is pretty much melted into the song, and the album proceeds to whisk you through the world of a world traveler. Love, life, relationships, friendships; Slow songs, rock songs, pop songs…the whole lot is on display in Lost and Found. By the time you get through the epic ‘One Last Time’, you know it’s only a matter of time before Noush Skaugen is sitting atop the female favorites list. …This line from the song ‘What I’ says it all, “I’m not refined beauty I’m raw… What you see is what you get with me….” Whether you are just listening, or have the chance to see a video… or see her live, beauty is no short supply with Noush. Make no mistake; this is the real authentic deal…
With a national college radio campaign, a ton of national and international gigs under her belt, several tracks appearing on MTV shows [The Hills, Road Rules, Real World]…as well as a long list of other accomplishments, the sky is the limit for this lovely lady. Here’s to hoping one of her next accomplishments is enlightening some of the folks back in Persia…
Reviewed by Gary Jacobs
- Skope Magazine
Happy Noush Year
Jan 6, 2009
Story by: Olivia Mordsley
Noush Skaugen is no stranger to adventure. Born in Scandinavia, raised in Britain, and now based in Los Angeles, the singer/songwriter/actress is back in the studio writing new material after a whirlwind year of acting and touring to promote her debut album, Lost And Found (J Distribution). "I like to be busy," she flatly states. "I love making music, I love acting, I just want to keep doing what I love." With more movie and TV roles and plans for a new album and US tour, 2009 is set to be a busy year for the multitasker. "I just want to stay on the road," she says. "I love getting out there and playing in front of people."
Her acting ambitions still run high after a lead role in the thriller, The Road to Empire, a result of her first theatrical audition. A hit on the independent film circuit, the film screened at film festivals in London, Shanghai, Brazil, Ireland and Houston. As yet, the movie has no set date for a wider release. In the coming year, she hopes to do some more TV acting as well after starring in an episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. She also commented about rumors of her involvement in a Wonder Woman film, saying it would be a "childhood dream" to play the lead role. Either way, she says she's going full force ahead: "It's going to be a great year."
She is nominated for a British Music Week award as “Rising Star Of 2009.” She has been invited to appear with Lily Allen at the Download Music Awards in London. She has risen to become the top unsigned artist on Twitter with nearly one million followers. So how did this UK-based singer end up with a New Jersey-based management consultant and New Jersey-based musicians?
“I found Gene through Sonicbids,” says Noush Skaugen, talking about her relationship with Gene Foley, the New Jersey consultant who has helped guide her career on its steady upward path. “I submitted my EPK about two years ago, and Gene selected me to work with him. We had a fabulous conversation over the phone and there was the start of a long and wonderful professional relationship and friendship.” Gene also helped hook Noush up with Kurt and George from the New Jersey-based band West Gate. “I always have great New Jersey musicians,” she adds.
Noush is no stranger to the U.S. music scene as she has been a mainstay on college radio, which resulted in her hitting the CMJ charts. She was also in regular rotation on satellite radio, and gave a live in-studio performance at L.A.’s infamous Top 40 station KIIS FM. That helped her garner Alternative Pop Artist Of The Year at the Los Angeles Music Awards.
Musically, Noush is a mix of singer/songwriter sensibilities and rock and roll, as evidenced by her influences, which include Joni Mitchell, Tracy Chapman, Fleetwood Mac, Rolling Stones, Muse, Foo Fighters, The Beatles, and Prince. “A fusion of story-driven American and British rock music that comes from the guts,” she explains. “Generally I will start playing my guitar, a melody pops into my head, which I get an emotion from and then the lyrical content flows. Or I will have a subject I want to write about and start from that angle. Sometimes I get inspired in the middle of the night and just have roll out of bed and write the song there and then.”
Two particular songs, “Adeline” and “Not Gonna Give You The Satisfaction,” are favorites with fans. “I think that my most recent unreleased songs are my faves, but that’s always the way with us songwriters, that we think the last song we wrote is our best one ever,” laughs Noush. “Then I realize I was completely delusional a few days later. ‘One Last Time’ is a personal favorite that I wrote about my Mum, a deep one.”
Noush spends her time on the road, which is where she prefers to be. “I am playing NYC at The Bitter End on Friday, Oct. 30, and will have a show in L.A. shortly after. Then there are talks of a national tour of Australia before the end of 2009, so we shall see,” she says. “I recently was confirmed to play the SXSW Festival in Austin in March of 2010, so that will be awesome! In-between shows I am focusing on writing and producing my forthcoming album to be released early 2010.”
Noush’s last release, 2008’s Lost And Found, was inspired by her mother, who she lost to breast cancer several years ago. As a result, a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the album are donated to breast cancer research. The album was completed in Nashville, and part of it was even done at a studio that was once owned by Al Capone, which he used as a hideout for some of his henchmen.
The CD includes both upbeat songs and some more reflective songs, based on the loss of her mother. Her writing comes form her personal experiences, and just as people go through a range of emotions, she feels that the album is the result of the different emotions she has gone through. “My goals are to connect with people, take them away for three minutes somewhere else, and encourage folks to dare to dream,” she relates. “Life is short and every moment should be seized. Professionally, I would love to win a Grammy, tour the world many times over and stop time with my music!”
Of course, being on the road has lead to some interesting tales. “Many stories to be told, but as the saying goes, ‘What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,’ it’s kinda like that with my band on the road,” she laughs. “Although I can tell you, we were just filming a celebration spoof music video for when I hit one million Twitter followers, and there was a scene where I threw an ice cream in the air. We hadn’t thought about where it was going to land. Well, it landed by mistake all over a tourist walking by. Very funny moment that even the camera man stopped filming. We apologized like crazy, and the tourist was a really good sport and just laughed it off.”
You can see Noush and her Jersey boys at the Bitter End on Oct. 30, at 9 p.m. For more information, check out NoushSkaugen.com.
http://www.theaquarian.com/2009/10/28/local-noise-noush-skaugen-dare-to-dream/ - THE AQUARIAN
It was late in the afternoon on a Friday and KB interviewed the very charming and jovial Noush Skaugen, an up and coming musician who deserves all the success she gets. And where better place to interview someone with rock credentials than at the local drinking establishment. For those that are about to drink, we salute you! So over a few beers we talked rock, roll, illegal downloading, being propositioned on Twitter, the creative process, Nashville and pink pillows with 80s pop legends on them.
I started things off by asking what genre Noush would classify her music as, and she replied enthusiastically and without hesitation "Rock". To which I could only nod my head in approval and say, "Rock and roll to the end" to which she retorted, "To the end." To the end of the next album, at least, as that's what she's currently writing and the style of it is distinctly rock. It's great to see a woman playing rock, and played with such enthusiasm, a sight that has become rarer of late in our pop-dominated times.
Rock has always been blessed with great female vocalists and song-writers, and has had its fair share of superstars, legends, and heroes, so who were hers? Hendrix? Joplin? The Stones? "Absolutely" The Beatles? "The Beatles were more pop", she notes cheerfully, "Some say you're either a Beatles fan or a Rolling Stones fan. But I'm influenced by them both, definitely. I like that classic rock sound." And her music does have that potency of classic rock, while retaining a modern edge and a feel-good fun quality that leads me to draw a comparison with Sheryl Crow. Would she say that's fair? "She's probably the closest thing, if anyone was going to say anything."
How about the mighty Bob Dylan, I ask, noting that I am a fan "He's iconic" she says, and asks if I've seen him live. I have, at Brixton Academy where he played The Clash's London Calling. But his voice has suffered, "That's all those cigarettes" And whisky "Yes", she laughs continuing, "Whisky and cigarettes will do that. Joni Mitchell's voice has now apparently lost that top range" We must all suffer for our art. She's a fan of Mitchell, of her blues records and classic albums, and Mitchell is a phenomenal songwriter. What does Noush write about? "Being independent and daring to dream, you've just got to grab hold of the moments that you have and do what you wanna do, and don't get put off by other people - that's my main message." And a fine one at that. "So many people get stuck in what they're doing, and they're afraid to do what they want. They get told by society that they've got to do this and that, go to uni (college) and get this qualification before you can do what you want."
So, incidentally, did Noush go to University? "Yes I did, to study law." Were you making music back then? "Yeah, I've always been making music since I was about 6 or 7 when I started on the flute and piano." Noush is one of those people I envy, who've always had musical talent from a young age, across a variety of instruments. Does this mean it's in the genes (and I don't mean the ripped kind), "My dad is musical, yeah, the whole family can read instruments by ear, none of them can read notes". Like the two guys from ABBA. "Exactly, one's an opera singer...they're all musicians." So it definitely does run in the family. It makes me mad! I love music myself but I don't have a musical bone in my body, not that I've ever really tried."I think everyone's musical." Well I do play Guitar Hero, "There you go!" But only with 3 chords - Noush seems amused by this, "That's all you need. You know what, every country song is written with 3 chords, that's the running joke in Nashville. If you know G, A, C you're good to go, you could write a country song right now." Well I'll get to it then. I need a name. "How about just 'Kevin' - that's it" Like Madonna, I could get used to that or Kevin the Hillbilly maybe...Anyway, enough of my musical ventures let's talk about Noush's, she has an album out at the moment? "I have the album that came out last year 'Lost and Found', out on iTunes and worldwide but I'm writing the next album, focusing on that."
So how does the writing process work, is it a case of sitting in an empty room waiting for inspiration from a mythical muse? "It's different every time, I write a lot on my own and then when I'm in a co-write session sometimes they're disastrous, no offence to either party, sometimes it just isn't working. It's like being thrown, basically, in a room and told 'be brilliant'." Which is not how the creative process works, you need mescaline at least, right? "You don't know the person, at all. You're supposed to just be brilliant and expose your soul and your darkest secrets. And it all depends if the connection's there. Kinda like a relationship. Like when you meet that special person. Recently I've been working with Nik Kershaw [An 1980s musical legend for those of you below the age of 30], he's helping with the album, an amazing, amazing guy. He gets it." That name ricochets around my mind like a haunting ghost from my past...and the tormenting memory comes back to me, I used to have a pale pink Nik Kershaw pillow, "Nooooo, that is brilliant". It had his face on it, not sure what mixed emotions I was going through at the time... "I'm going to tell him that! That's funny" Funny peculiar, sure. So who else are you working with? "A guy [Jeff Trott] who's worked with Sheryl Crow, wrote My Favourite Mistake, so your reference earlier wasn't too far off. But when [song] writers say that [the Sheryl Crow thing], I want to be edgier, you've got your Pinks but I don't want anything to do with a popstar." Rocking all the way then.
If she could choose anyone who would she like to emulate, out of any female rocker? "I think the closest one would be Pat Benatar [the first female artist to feature on MTV] or Joan Jett. I can't say anyone modern because there isn't anyone modern." So that's where Noush comes in, a modern Joan Jett, a rock n' roll chick to make us rawk out devil signs held high - it's about time.
I ask her what she thinks of talent shows like The X-Factor or American Idol? Not that I want to draw her into a slanging match, "All power to them, do what you do, go for it, but not my thing. I'm all about a more organic approach. People need real music, life influences music and conversely music influences life." I see what she's saying, while music is fun, we dance to it reach for the lazers gurn ourselves a newbie or mosh like a rabid dog with a nipple ring, it used to seem like it could change the world, like Dylan playing at the Martin Luther King Jr. 'March on Washington' or Woody Guthrie with his guitar labelled "This Machine Kills Fascism". But music seems like a long way from that now, it's at a weird place. "It really is, I think record companies are afraid to make a stand." Sure, something they're also afraid of is - crack of distant thunder - illegal downloads, which is a big issue at the moment. Would it offend her if I said I downloaded her album for free? "Absolutely not, I think this war over people stealing and trying to cut off people's internet is ridiculous. It's like, it's happened guys get over it. Deal with it and think of a new way, be innovative. To me it's all just pussy-footing around, just get on with it. We're in the business of making music, so let's do that and get it out there." Very true and if you make it people will listen, simple supply and demand. There are many arguments for and against free downloads, one for is that perhaps if these people had to buy the album they would never listen to it but because they can get hold of it for free they're more likely to give it a listen. "Sure everything changes, they're being dinosaurs right now. They're trying to hang on, they need to change the whole system, but they'd just rather keep the system and try and figure out new ways, rather than starting afresh" It's a generational thing I suppose, it's second nature for people to download music these days. But concert audiences are up. "Exactly, that's how an artist can make a living now. You make good music people are going to come to your shows. You make cr#p music and you're a studio pop musician then you're not going to sell many records and you'll struggle - well it depends on the marketing. But in terms of longevity, in a way it's good because it's allowing the real artists to have a long career and it'll come through in the end. Some people can't hack that touring schedule and they can't really perform what they do". So is touring a big part of what you do? Are you on the road a lot? "Right now I'm mainly focusing on song-writing. I've recently done a show in New York which was wicked. But I've got a gig booked at the O2, Indigo O2 [in Greenwich in London] which is part of the South by Southwest (SXSW) build up."
There's nothing like watching a live gig and it's obviously a buzz for the performer, especially in front of a sea of fans, which Noush has plenty of. I noticed she has over a million followers on Twitter, "Yeah, it's total madness. Twitter's been amazing for me, I got active on it around March 2009 and it's just gone huge. It's so quick, on the internet, for people to recommend to retweet, for things to spread, if it's good then it will do that. I was tweeting Questlove from The Roots because he'd overtaken me on Twitter and he was like, 'Noush, you're my blueprint.' I love him, he's an amazing drummer and I love The Roots. It's crazy, people you've grown up admiring and now you're speaking with them." Does she have many celebrity friends? "I have a few, I had a tweet from Jessica Alba saying she likes my music. But I dunno, it's fun, it's cool, but it's all about the fans."
Of course, so are the fans responsive on Twitter, I imagine they are, "Yeah, they love that personal interaction, plus I'm getting some real honest feedback from people. They want to feel part of the project, part of the process. But I do get some sexual comments as well. I just ignore them" Like what? "Things you don't wanna know. They kinda go for it, I don't mind the ones that say 'Will you marry me?' that's fine but." I can only imagine what some of them say, "Yeah, just imagine it Kevin" I am. But such is the internet, an uncontrollable place full of perverts. And cats. I ask if she's into internet culture and explain the brilliance of Keyboard Cat, who she hasn't seen but is amused and intrigued by. She says she'll go check it out. Maybe he could be in her band. But Noush is probably too busy to immerse herself in such frivolities as a piano playing ginger tom.
The conversation comes round to comedy and she says recently been introduced to The Mighty Boosh (A surreal British sitcom) . Ah The Boosh, with the gorilla who DJs at Fabric (a night club in London), "The ape DJs at Fabric?! When's his next night?" she laughs. It's kind of a running joke. Is she a fan of British comedy then? "Yeah, I love old school stuff like Blackadder, Ab Fab." Of course. "It doesn't get much better than that." I suggest is that how she lives, like Eddy and Pasty, the rock and roll life and she giggles loudly, "It's the only way, that's why I chose rock Kevin!" I'm liking this lady more and more.
So any stories from on the road? Drunken groupies, TVs atomised, swimming pools full of Jack Daniels - that sort of thing? "Erm yeah, but I'm not sure how much I can divulge...It's normal rock n' roll stuff. Sometimes you can't find your bass player in the morning, and he's in some random girl's house. But that's what you get when you go out with boys." I will drink to that. "The band are all boys, not that I wouldn't have girls, I'd love to have a female bass player but it's just worked out like this." Does this make you one of the guys then? "I've always been a tomboy, I grew up as one of the guys, it's very easy you know, they're either going to get drunk or stoned...and not show up in the morning." So does she find herself herding them? "Sometimes I have to babysit them, but it's teamwork, it's reciprocal. It's hard work but it's all good fun, play as hard as you work." No doubt. "As long as I get 4 hours sleep for the night I'm fine." Wow is that all, personally I need at least 8 and even then..." Yeah I've trained my body, I used to think I needed 10 but not now. You can train the body to do anything. And at the moment it's constant, busy all the time, like a normal job but with weird hours. One day you're in Dublin then you're in New York, so it's nice to be home in London" Even though it's raining and grey? "Definitely".
So when did it all take off for her? "Basically just after uni. I'd always played in bands, jazz bands, funk bands, orchestras; I'm a saxophonist and play the flute as well." I suggest that would be an interesting rock band, with a flute, "Jethro Tull!" Noush says laughing. There you go. "My dad keeps asking me when I'm going to put a flute solo in. I'm like, dad it's rock n' roll! But I might do it, live." You should, "Like all those 80s and 90s bands...But my career has pretty much taken off over the last two years, you put the work in and pay your dues and now it's all coming together". I'm glad to hear because Noush is a very engaging person and she's got a great personality, and rock music could do with more female musicians to inspire the younger generations and keep that dial turned up to 11.
So, care to give KB an exclusive on what the new album's called? "I haven't got the name yet, I've got some ideas but I can't reveal those! It's still in the cooking pot, as it were, still simmering, I like to have ideas and let them simmer" Which is exactly how I cook pasta. "The album will be released maybe before Christmas, Run Baby Run, (which we featured on KB, go download it!) is the title of the first single. Which should be out before Christmas." She's going to release a limited collector's edition of the album with a vinyl cover with some great art for those that want it. As well as releasing it for download. "With vinyl it wasn't just the music it was the whole thing, the package and I want to recreate that excitement. That thrill. But it's primarily about the music. When I was in Nashville that's what it felt like, it had gone back to being about the music. You have the Lady Gagas, but people are sick of buying albums with one good track. I don't wanna do that, I don't wanna bring an album out of fillers, I'm sick of hearing that so I don't want to do it. Like The Beatles they had albums, like every song was great. I hate fillers and in Nashville you could talk about that because it's a very musical town"
We then discuss many things: how Nashville has a great musical lineage, and how a lot of the bands love the live performance aspect of it, interacting with the audience. And how it's all a learning curve and if you play in LA or London they'll let you know if you're rubbish, so you've got to keep doing it and be prepared to fall. We talk about how she loves Springsteen, whom musically she reminds me of, how we both like the band Tool and we've both seen Nine Inch Nails live - who we both think are awesome - about how seminal the early Rolling Stones blues music was and how we'll never really appreciate what it meant for four skinny white guys to be playing it. About how truly powerful really great music can be as well as being great fun, and her eclectic music tastes. How it's all about her and the fans and the music, and forget all the other cr#p - which is an admirable attitude. And also about riders and the real reason stars ask for the brown M&Ms to be removed is because they're testing to see if you've read the rider properly. Sure it is.
And so our conversation comes to an end. It's been a pleasure talking to Noush, she's easy-going, lots of fun and I've enjoyed her company. She's knowledgeable about music, and its history, without being pretentious or condescending. She genuinely loves music and loves performing and making it, for its own sake rather than just for the fame and the fortune. Although obviously those are nice perks. And that's refreshing to find in this fame-hungry whoring-mongering world of ours.
KB wishes her all the best, and if she sees a pair of men's underwear thrown on stage with the TMNTs on them, it just might be from us screaming in the front row.
Let's take a moment / Find the right words to say. The contemplative lyrics from Noush Skaugen's single Adeline, prove a self-fulfilling prophecy on her very personal debut, Lost and Found. The British singer-songwriter, who has garnered accolades for her musicianship (she is proficient on flute, piano and sax), recalls Natalie Merchant vocally but employs a more aggressive sound on these 12 tracks recorded in Nashville.
Skaugen pens songs that pulse with passion. The stunner, Not Gonna Give You the Satisfaction, drives with a commercial pop/rock appeal and strong lyrical resolve that radio programmers gravitate toward, if Pink and Katy Perry's successes are any indication. 'Beautifulize' opens with a hooky, electric riff that whets the appetite for more rockin tracks mid-album.
Like a pro, Noush dials back the intensity on cuts such as 'Let You Go' then ratchets it up again in closing with 'One Last Time', which builds from a sweet guitar intro into a sweeping power-ballad chorus, layered with lots of moody aural atmosphere.
March/April 2009 - Performing Songwriter

Noush Skaugen is a British rock singer songwriter with a real Americana sound.
Her upcoming album 'Buried in Vegas', to be released 2013, is a mixture of heartfelt power ballads and hard hitting rock tracks, it walks the line between classic and americana rock. The record was recorded in the US with Nashville musicians and Grammy award winning producer Michael Beinhorn - who has previously worked with Hole, Sound Garden, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Ozzy Osbourne et al - his input gives the album a powerful rock kick, ensuring it's edgy and yet commercial sound.
Writing the album, Noush collaborated on a few songs with Jeff Trott - Sheryl Crow’s long time collaborator - Nik Kershaw and Paul Brady (Bonnie Raitt, Tina Turner).
As a performer Noush is beautiful, raunchy and captivating - a little Pat Benatar-esk.
In 2011 Noush performed at the official SXSW showcase.
She has previously won 'Alternative Pop Artist of the Year' at the Los Angeles Music Awards, 'National EP of the Year' at the Hollywood F.A.M.E Awards.
Noush has been working very hard over the past few years, writing, performing and building her fan base.
In the UK Noush has had been featured on the BBC, NME, Kerrang! Radio and endorsed by Gibson, who invited her to perform an exclusive session for Gibson.com in London.
Please join us at www.NoushSkaugen.com
Contact: Info@NoushSkaugen.com
"Joni Mitchell's cool, Stevie Nicks' passion, Mick Jagger's kineticism" CITYBEAT
"Angst-driven girly power balladeering" NME
"Hotly-tipped singer-songwriter" TIME OUT
"Noush is one of the most driven, inspiring, and all-around charming artists I’ve had the pleasure to know and work with. And the secret is almost out— she’s an absolute gold mine to the music industry. Catch her if you can" INSPIRE ENTERTAINMENT
"One of the top independent artists making music today" SKOPE
"A Singular Identity" --- Music Connection
"Skaugen pens songs that pulse with passion" --- Performing Songwriter
"British beauty set to put the worldwide music scene on its proverbial ass. Move over Avril Lavigne, try not to choke on your bubblegum." --- Target Audience Magazine
"Noush Skaugen is takin' her place among the great female artists in music history."--- Skope/Gary Jacobs
"The most popular musician you've never heard of (yet)" --- Iprong
"A pure talent we'll all be hearing from in the near future" --- Awaken Music
"There's no way the entertainment industry - or the more discriminating music lover - can snooze through a boisterous wake up call from an artist of this clear and convincing caliber." ---Antimusic Magazine
"The presence and charisma of a legendary rock star." --- The Unsigned Review/Remy Forrester
"Noush Skaugen will be a star in the music business. This is an artist worthy of your time and attention." --- Eugene Foley / Foley Entertainment, Inc.
"'Adeline' is a song that has potential to be a Top40. " --- Soundraze EMagazine
"She's rocketed through the alternative circuit building name recognition - and critical acclaim" --- Pitch Perfect Reviews/Bryan Cox
"Honestly one of the best rock performances I've seen in my life"--- Bitnotes/Newsvine.com
"Noush Skaugen, climbing the CMJ charts. She should probably be playing the Monterey Music Summit this weekend with all the ink and airplay she's getting" --Mac McDonlad/ Monterey County The Herald