Gig Seeker Pro


Barrie, Ontario, Canada | SELF

Barrie, Ontario, Canada | SELF
Band Alternative Rock


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This band has not uploaded any videos



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EP- Broken



NothingBox started out, over 10 years ago, as a recording project in Steve's basement. Over the years, he recorded a number of songs by himself and put together a demo of 12 or 14 songs. Critics were quick to dismiss it as "nothing special" and one critic went so far as to say it was about as interesting as "a box of shit." "Aha!!" thought Steve. "I've got my band name!"

It turned out that SpecialShit was already taken by a band in Louisiana, so he settled on NothingBox.

Tired of being lonely in his basement, Steve eventually reached out to other musicians to try to take the recording project to a new place, a place with possibilities, yet still in his basement.

After a couple of false starts, Steve hooked up with Dan and Bryant. The chemistry was undeniable and the three of them breathed new life into the songs.

Dan was a heavy hitting drummer with a great sense of groove and Bryant had a bass and some toques. Steve liked toques and eagerly welcomed Bryant aboard.

NothingBox is a band of men, not boys, and as such, requires in their rider that any venue they play be equipped with defibrillators and high fiber drinks.

Whether you're in front of NothingBox or behind.... you're gonna get blasted.