Nite Lite are a New York based band that are quite stunning in musicality and Rick has no hesitation in inviting them to join the fold. Although details are yet to be finalised, Rick is confident that discussions will culminate in a "happy ending". - Rick Wakeman of 'YES'
Album: "TheHunter" 2008 cdbaby.com Center Line Records
Album: "Eye 2 Eye" released via internet stores
Center Line Records(2004)
Album:"Nite Lite" released via internet stores Center Line Records(2001)
First cd got light rotation on New Jersey's rock staion WRAT.
Website: contains audio and video clips

Nite Lite has opened for many diversified acts such as Eric Johnson, Rick Wakeman, Splender, Dave Mason, Thin Lizzy's re-union Tour and Mountain's Re-union Tour.
Nite Lite plays Rock music with splashes of classic Progressive Rock, but never loses hold of it's down to earth rock roots.
Rick Wakeman of 'Yes' in a recent newsletter is
quoted as saying "Nite Lite are a New York based band that are quite stunning in musicality and Rick has no hesitation in inviting them to join the fold."
Nite Lite has independently released 3 albums on their own Center Line Label. The first titled"Nite Lite" the second "Eye 2 Eye"and their current cd titled "The Hunter"
The band has an informative website www.nitelitemusic.com , youtube.com/nitelitemusic and myspace.com/nitelitemusic that has plenty of photos,sound samples and video of the band.