From the post-storm sun of Michael Deane:
It’s like someone told both of these bands: “You only have five minutes to say everything you have planned for the next year,” and they nailed it into the ground. Fist City’s side has an amazing mix of precision and shambles, of dissonant guitar lines and totally uplifting sun-after-the-storm, muddy-voiced melodies. The trampling, mangled, spit-out warbling verses give way to trebly, simple guitar lines backing catchy-as-all-hell choruses. Timecopz keep pace with bratty, chunky, screamy garage-punk that stays away from all gimmick, giving nothing but two songs full of noisy, in-the-red energy. Group choruses and infectious verses mix punk’s past with punk’s future and give you punk rock for right now. MUST GRIP. - Weird Canada
No releases yet but Mammoth Cave Records will be putting out a single for us in the spring.