My Other Brother
Vienna, Vienna, Austria | INDIE
Great work on this disc full of great song's. A very well crafted disc. - George Young, Country Club Productions Pty Ltd, Prospect/Australia
This really is a great CD and getting constant airplay in my programme, 'Tracy' is a track that stands out for me, keep it up lets hope there is more to come. - Martin Smith, Radio Seagull - Rainham/UK
Great CD, My Other Brother strikes a bold note on this release. I don't cave easily to every CD I hear but this one grabbed me. My standards are high and this band reaches the mark. Bedroom Rodeo and Chet Set are my favs. - Dusty Durst, KCLC FM 89.1, Rayne, Louisiana/USA
It's hard these days to be a hard charging band from hard rockin'... Austria? Yes, the land that makes one skip through the Alps, singing "The Sound of Music." The flowers, the trees, old dudes with liederhose, and alpine hats with the long feather. It's all part of the stereotype. But behind that vision is a different truth: Central Europeans like to dance, drink and rock out...this band has been making some of the most powerful and dynamic alternative rock this side of the Alps. - Mark Kirby, MusicDish, USA
...que nos sirven para saber que por las calles de Viena
no solamente caminan bucólicos violinistas callejeros con formación clasica,
sino que también existen catacumbas pobladas de pelanduscos armando
una buena bronca guitarrera. - Juan-Marie Montes, Editor, Tribuna de Salamanca Salamanca/Spain
Hi Anthony, Werner, Alfred, Bernhard, & Christoph:
Really enjoy your artistry in your music - the beats, the words, the feelings and meaning, the way the music carries you...
- Julie Scott Day, Actor, Poet & Performer, San Jose, CA/USA
When Werner turned up the first time with his demo rough mixes at our studio, the entire gosh team was immediately taken away. We had finally come across a band with a unique, original sound and inspired arrangements, with Anthony's distinct, charismatic voice on top. The boys in the band know what they want (and especially what they don't want) and will cut their own path 100%. Still, what was increasingly striking in the course of the 14-day mixing session: who the hell is the 5th guy on the cover......? My favourite tracks on this CD: 5,8,9 - Stephan, gosh!_audio - Vienna/Austria
Very good CD. We love it here on The Upper Room Radio Show and we will continue to play it for sure. - Gi Dussault, Co-Host & Co-Producer Upper Room Radio Show - Fairfield/USA
Your presentation of music, inside the style and personality reflected in the tracks is very refreshing. Keep it up. - Graham J Barclay, Soundwave FM - New Zealand
What a great sound you have, we have played several of your tracks to date and plan to schedule more in future programs. Keep up the good work and please keep us up to date with your progress.
- Michael Criddle, Radio Triple H-FM - Horsham/Australia
January 2009 - My Other Brother/Gateway Records sign licensing agreement with Noteborn Music Company licensing "My Other Brother" (11-track CD album) for synchronisation in TV, film & advertising. With over 25 years of experience in the music industry, Noteborn Music Company (http://www.notebornmusic.com) is an international publishing company that hand picks quality music for use in feature films, indie films, TV shows and advertising campaigns.
To date, Noteborn Music has had success with Spike TV, On Demand cable, MTV, ABC, CBS, HBO, USA Networks, feature films and national advertising campaigns.
July 2008 - My Other Brother/Gateway Records sign licensing agreement with Louar Music licensing "My Other Brother" (11-track CD album) for synchronisation in TV, film & advertising. Louar Music (http://www.louarmusic.com) is a newly formed production music library which presents only the best music to music supervisors of the TV, film, radio, gaming industries and other media outlets.
November 2007 - Release of "My Other Brother" (Album)
Soundwave FM (New Zealand)
Quaywest FM (United Kingdom)
Radio Seagull (United Kingdom)
RuaFM - Rádio Universitária do Algarve (Portugal)
Musicatotal Radio (Portugal)
Radio Incontro (Italy)
Highland FM (Australia)
Triple H-FM (Australia)
Country Club Productions Pty Ltd (Australia)
2NCR 92.9 FM (Australia)
94.1 FM RADIO 2 (Macedonia)
toxic.fm (Switzerland)
Upper Room Radio Show (USA)
KCLC FM 89.1 (USA)
The Music Korner (USA)
SFU Radio/RED Radio (Loretto, Pennsylvania/USA)
The Voice of Sacramento (Sacramento, California/USA)
Bad Attitude Radio (Kewaskum, Wisconsin/USA)
Norddals-Radioen (Norway)
Radio Lu (Luxembourg)
Radyo SDU (Turkey)
97,9 FM das Soundportal (Austria)
Radio Orange (Austria)
Puls 4 (Austria)
Austrowelle (Austria) http://www.austrowelle.at
Radio B138 (Austria)
Radio Unerhört Marburg (Germany)
Radio afk max (Germany)
Joy Radio 89.6FM (Malawi, Central Africa)
JAZZ RADIO fm (Poland)

It was at some point in late 2004. After having performed our last gig sofar after two years on the road, the tide had turned and we were actually just half-heartedly strumming our instruments. We were not up for anything. The band's breakup was in the air...all of sudden HE appeared in the doorway.
We could barely believe that he was there. He passed us without a single word, snatched up a guitar and started playing he played like he had never ever done before! Where had he been all this time....?
B e h i n d t h e s c e n e s
In spring 2005, Myob decided to produce a CD album with original songs. This lead to the band regularly meeting at their project studio for arranging songs for this album.
The two years to follow saw them submerged in carefully developing the songs in detail until they were finally recorded at Gateway Records Studio, with a little help from close friends and fellow-musicians.
A b o u t M y O t h e r B r o t h e r
A "motley crew" of highly creative and musical talents are at the core of Myob's band project.
Each of the band members lives his own life and pursues his own goals. Still, when it comes to this band, they all pull together to make Myob's vision come true.
CONTACT PHONE: 0043-(0)664-5215172 (Tone - Vocals)
Es war irgendwann Ende 2004. Nach unserem letzten Gig der 2-jaehrigen Tour war schon ziemlich die Luft 'raus, eigentlich hingen wir nur mehr lustlos an unseren Instrumenten. Kein Bock auf gar nichts. Die Aufloesung der Band hing unausgesprochen im Raum, als ploetzlich ER im Tuerrahmen stand.
Wir konnten es kaum fassen, ihn zu sehen. Wortlos ging er an uns vorbei, schnappte sich ein Instrument und begann zu spielen so wie wir es von ihm noch nie gehoert hatten! Wo war er nur solange gewesen....?
H i n t e r d e n K u l i s s e n
Myob entschloss sich im Fruehling 2005 eine CD mit seinen Songs zu produzieren. Darauf hin traf sich die Band regelmaessig im Studio um die Songs für das Album zu arrangieren.
In den darauf folgenden 2 Jahren wurde mit viel Liebe zum Detail an den Songs herum gefeilt, bis sie schließlich im Gateway Records Studio mit der Unterstuetzung guter Freunde und Musikerkollegen aufgenommen wurden.
U e b e r M y O t h e r B r o t h e r
Ein bunter Haufen an sehr kreativen und musikalischen Menschen bildet den Kern von Myobs Band.
Jeder von ihnen lebt sein eigenes Leben und verfolgt seine Ziele. Doch in dieser Band ziehen sie alle an einem Strang, um Myobs Vision umzusetzen.