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Wish (current release)
Escaping Entropy (Soulframe) full album; singles 'Tonight', 'Beautiful', 'Thread'
Sojourn (Soulframe) full album; singles 'Walk Away', 'OK'.

From his unique name, creative hair designs, and cryptic hand messages, to a vocal style that
is as velvet-smooth as it is rock – Muto is certainly not your run of the mill singer. If you’ve
caught one of his performances solo or with his former originals band ‘Soulframe’, you will
be familiar with the sort of soulful vocals, energetic stage performance and audience captivation that have made him one of Australia’s most recognizable performers.
Words about ‘muto’:
‘It’s nice to hear a voice that’s such an unusual instrument; you have a certain timbre that’s
very rare in a voice...you’d be a delight to record...’
‘...one of the most intense, fantastic rock performances we’ve seen on this show....’
(Marcia Hines)
‘You’re so charismatic...there’s something in your voice, a real emotion; this tug, this catch
that pulls you in...’
(Mark Holden)
‘the voice is excellent...you’re brilliant...perfect.’ (Kyle Sandilands)
‘...bearing similarity to Michael Hutchence of INXS, Jon Stevens of Noiseworks, Colin Hay of
Men at Word...even Bono...’ (excerpt from fan mail)
‘...consistent, riveting performances...’ (Rooftop magazine)