Moriah Formica
Albany, New York, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
If only this show could have happened somewhere near the Capital Region so we could have all seen it go down!
You know I know the feeling all to well of what it's like to be able to meet some of your musical idols you get those butterflies in your stomach and try have to concentrate real hard to formulate full sentences. Even though you have a million things you want to say or ask when the time comes that star struck hits and your mind kind of goes blank. Then you check yourself and pull it all together and the whole situation is kind of glorious and magical.
December's Hometown Hero: House Full of Love.
The Benoits built their enormous family on love, kindness and compassion. They have five biological children and seven children they adopted. Click here to learn more!
That's just a quick meet and a casual conversation, I have got to imagine that sharing a stage with them is on a whole other level! Especially when that musical idol of yours is also a ROCK LEGEND!
One of the Capital Regions very own got to experience that first hand last night. Moriah Formica the former Shaker High student that has not only taken the region but the country by storm got the chance to open up last night for the one and only Joan Jett!
Of course the show was in Cedar Rapids, Iowa so all of us here in NY will have to watch our social feeds for pictures and videos and wait patiently for Moriah to get back and fill us all in on the experience . Which is one she will get to repeat again tonight in Minnesota with yet another one of her idols Lzzy Hale and Halestorm!
We wish Moriah all the luck tonight and we can't wait to see her opening up for some big names back in the Capital Region or better yet have some big names opening up for her!
Read More: Capital Region Rocker Opens Up For Rock Legend | https://wgna.com/capital-region-rocker-opens-up-for-rock-legend/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral - WGNA 107.7
ALBANY — Local teen rock star Moriah Formica announced she will be performing with rock sensations Joan Jett and Halestorm in August.
Formica, 17, said the concerts will take place on back-to-back nights, adding she is “so excited” for the performances.
The first concert is scheduled for Aug. 8 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa with Dorothy and Joan Jett. The next night, Aug. 9, Formica will be in Moorhead, Minn. performing with Halestorm and Jett.
“Lzzy Hale is one of my biggest, biggest inspirations,” Formica told WNYT, “and I have tremendous, tremendous respect for Joan Jett. She has paved the way for young woman rockers such as myself.”
Formica, a recent Shaker graduate, will also be performing at Empire State Plaza tomorrow for its Fourth of July bash, opening for music icon SmashMouth. She has several others planned for the summer, including Clifton Common on July 29, the New York State Fair on Aug. 29 and the Schaghticoke Fair on Sept. 1. - Spotlight News
Albany, NY-based singer/songwriter Moriah Formica may only be 18, but she has already opened for Joan Jett and become known across America through her appearances on The Voice. Now, New York’s brightest rising Rockstar talks to AntiHero Magazine about what inspires her writing, and her hopes for the future.
ANTIHERO: Welcome Moriah! How old were you when you gave your first public performance?
Moriah Formica: I was 11. I played ‘Eye of The Tiger’ on guitar for my 5th-grade chorus for all the parents in the high school auditorium, haha.
ANTIHERO: Did Rock music play an important role in your childhood? What inspired you to pick up the guitar?
Moriah Formica: Definitely! My Dad raised me around Rock. He loves bands like Guns ‘n’ Roses, Skid Row, Poison, etc. He always had the ‘80s pop-up videos on the TV in the morning and I remember thinking the Guitarists were SO cool and I wanted to be like them. Plus I obviously loved the music. My ‘first love’ music-wise was Aerosmith and that was the band that eventually inspired me to pick up the guitar at about five or six.
ANTIHERO: Tell us about your experience on The Voice – was it a positive one for you?
Moriah Formica: My experience on The Voice was absolutely incredible! The environment on-set and off is extremely warm, loving, and caring. I also got to meet some pretty unforgettable people – my best friend Ilianna Viramontes and one of my other friends Janice Freeman (who recently passed away). Team Miley was also a VERY close team! We all had so much fun together. And the exposure from the show really helped boost my career and get my foot in the door. It’s given me amazing opportunities such as getting to play all over the country and getting to open two shows for Joan Jett! One of the shows was with one of my favorite bands and biggest inspirations, Halestorm!
ANTIHERO: You’ve just released your new single, ‘I Don’t Care What You Think’ – what lies behind the lyrics?
Moriah Formica: Yes! ‘I Don’t Care What You Think’ came from a place of frustration. When I was in middle school and even some of high school, I constantly had teachers and even some of my own family telling me that my dream of being a known artist was “unrealistic”, that I wouldn’t go far without college and that I should give up and pursue an education. And I just felt the need to write a song to all those people.
ANTIHERO: What other themes have you written songs about?
Moriah Formica: I’ve written songs about things like heartbreak, fighting through life or any negativity, songs about my faith, and my ongoing battle with mental illness.
ANTIHERO: Who do you most often get compared to vocally?
Moriah Formica: Most people compare me to Ann Wilson (because I do ‘Crazy On You’ and ‘Barracuda’ hahaha), Lzzy Hale, and sometimes Amy Lee.
ANTIHERO: Have you ever toured outside of the US? If not, where would you most like to tour and why?
Moriah Formica: No, I have not toured anywhere outside the US yet! But I would love to. Honestly anywhere outside the US would be cool because I know Rock is huge in a lot of other countries!
Antihero Store 728x90
ANTIHERO: If you could support any band, who would it be?
Moriah Formica: Definitely Halestorm. They’ve been one of my favorite bands since I was 11 and I was very inspired by Lzzy as a young girl. Also when we played a show with them and Joan Jett I just remember them being such nice and genuine people so I would wanna tour with them for sure!
ANTIHERO: What are the biggest hurdles you’ve faced so far in your music career?
Moriah Formica: Some of the biggest hurdles I’ve faced in my career so far have been perseverance and trying to write hits.
ANTIHERO: What’s ‘The Dream’?
Moriah Formica: ‘The Dream’ in my mind is to just be able to travel the world playing music and to become a household name and be able to help people through life. - Antihero Magazine
On July 10, 2019, Go Venue Magazine had the opportunity to have a phone interview with Moriah Formica. Moriah was 16 when she auditioned for Season 13 of The Voice (2017). She turned four chairs in the blind auditions, making it to the top 20. She than auditioned on American Idol Season 17 which aired March 3, 2019. Moriah made it to the top 70, but was sent home in the Hollywood week episode.
Talking with Moriah she is not only down to earth and sincere but this eighteen year old is focused. The determination Moriah has will no doubt take her far. On an average day you can usually find her writing, creating songs, band practice, doing interviews, shows and taking care of her pets. She has two dogs, two cats, two lizards and three snakes. As an ice breaker I jokingly asked her what Blake Shelton smelled like.
Go Venue: Your single ‘I Don’t Care What You Think’ comes out July 19th. They sent me a copy and I have to say that I was seriously impressed and amazed with how your voice shreds. I was blown away.
Moriah: Thank you so much, I appreciate that.
GV: With your song ‘I Don’t Care What You Think’ what’s your inspiration behind it?
Moriah: There was so many people in my life at that time, telling me what they think I should do or you know the fact that you aren’t going to college because you want to be musician is unrealistic and stupid and whatever. It really pissed me off to be honest, sorry for my language. But it did, It just really made me mad. And I came to a point where I was like you know what, I know I’m meant to do this and I really don’t care. So it was just a message to all the people who were saying things like that. One of the biggest messages I want to push to people is like especially kids my age or younger kids. This society and especially in school you are brought up to think that your not going to be anything if you don’t have an education. If you don’t go to college forget it your not going to be anything. Don’t even bother. I’m just sick of that mentality. Yes for most people college is great, but not for everybody. Don’t make somebody feel like a low life because they chose to go a different route if you work hard enough you can still get to success.
GV: With this single would you say that this is your favorite one yet that you’ve released?
Photo Courtesy Of Moriah Formica
Moriah: Yes, definitely. Without hesitation. I love this song because it’s completely 100% me. It’s the first song I’m releasing after my post in February. For a little bit I was going through a time where I was trying to write music people like. I was writing a lot of pop music and I’m so not pop like at all and it’s super obvious. I’m just excited for the world to hear who I truly am and this the first song I’m releasing since I came back to rock fully. I had a realization in February after playing the NAMM show with my band that I’m just meant to be a rocker. People can smell fake from miles and miles away and not only do they turn from it but they run from it. I’m just all about being as genuine as you could possibly be.
GV: Do you feel that you chose your passion? Or do you feel like it chose you?
Moriah: It definitely chose me. Ever since I was little, there was never a moment of oh ya I want to be a musician. It just was kind of obvious always. Even from the time I was seven it was just that, music and animals were always the obvious things that I was meant to do and music just completely chose me.
GV: What’s your creative process when you write?
Moriah: It varies honestly from many different things. But lately I come up with a riff on a guitar that’s one of the big ones. For ‘I don’t care what you think’ that’s how I wrote it. I came up with this really cool riff on my guitar, the opening riff it was kind of very hooky. And I was like, you know, I love that. And so I wrote a song with it. Other times I’ll be on pro tool or something fooling around with all the different sounds and stuff. And I come up with a chord progression or if there’s a line or some words that pop into my head and it just kind of goes from there.
GV: Having written ‘Lovestrong’ when you were eleven years old do you find it difficult to co-write?
Moriah: Actually no, cause I really really like co-writes. It gives insight on things maybe you didn’t think of and your like woah I didn’t even approach the song that way but somebody else did and it’s awesome whenever you put your ideas together with other creators. It makes the song a whole different meaning to you. It has to be a certain song it can’t be a song to personal to me. Because a lot of the time when I’m writing a song it’s very personal and I have a very clear vision of what I want it to sound like. I don’t think for the most part it’s hard but there are some songs where I’m like wow I really don’t want to give that to anyone else or let them have a part of it.
GV: With future songs coming out can we expect to hear any collaborations?
Moriah: Not as of right now but maybe in the future. I definitely love collabs I think there amazing especially when you find the person that your voice mixes with the best. I would love to do a collab actually, one of my best friends Maddison Vanderburg. We were talking about writing a song together its something we’ve been talking about since we were like twelve.
GV: I heard you sing Demi Lovato’s ‘Stone Cold.’ If you were to perform any pop song and give it your flare what song would you choose and why?
Moriah: Oh man that’s so hard. There are a lot of pop songs I would love to cover. Definitely Lady Gaga. She’s literally one of my favorite musicians me and my brother are obsessed with her. Probably Born this way. I did an acoustic version with my younger brother but I would like to do it full band. Mainly Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and anything Demi Lovato. I would love to cover and put my own twist on it.
GV: I did read I believe that you were seven when your dad introduced you to rock music.
Moriah: Ya I grew up on rock music. Actually around five was the age I kinda fell in love with the music. Five or six I picked up a guitar because I just loved all the eighties guys, the big hair and metal bands. I’d watch all the guys with guitars and I’m like that’s so cool, their so cool I want to do that. I just love music. When I was seven, I’d eventually lock myself in my room and I wouldn’t come out until I knew one new Aerosmith song everyday.
GV: Do you remember how Aerosmith made you feel when you were that young? Did that help you know that this is what you wanted to do?
Photo Courtesy Of Moriah Formica
Moriah: Ya, at that age it’s super super important when you have people that you look up to who are almost like a part of you when you’re that young. Whenever I would listen to their music with my headphones on I would just completely zone out and be in my own world and listen to all the different parts of the instruments. Which I didn’t realize at the time that it wasn’t normal for the average person. I just thought every person could pick out that oh ya listen to that bass line or listen to that drum fill.
GV: Your dad is who got you into music, have you been to a concert with him?
Moriah: Oh ya, my dad would take me to a lot of concerts, but the one that’s most memorable is when we went to go see Aerosmith together in New Jersey and Sammy Hagar opened for them actually. It was a great show it was honestly life changing. It was just something about watching them on stage, I just knew that was going to be me one day.
GV: What’s been your favorite concert?
Moriah: My first Halestorm show, that was my favorite concert at upstate concert hall. I just remember I was so taken, because I was in a little kid band at the time. I sang and I played guitar and I had never seen a front woman of a band do the same thing that I was doing. I was like oh my gosh, somebody I have to look up to and to learn from. Seeing Lzzy Hale up there completely helped me and gave me a guide on how to be a front woman.
GV: If I were to look at your playlist right now, which 5 artists or songs would I see on your recently played?
Moriah: Definitely the band Red. It’s a Christian metal band. I really love their music a lot. Definitely Korn because they’re one of my favorite bands. The Butcher Babies, Arch Enemy, and Evanescence.
Gv: Would you have any song or artist that would surprise your fans?
Moriah: Yes, probably the song Blood Stream by Stateless. I don’t think a lot of people would think I would listen to that. I love the album with Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga, I listen to that all the time. I actually love Jazz too, and I have a couple Beyonce songs. I think a lot of people expect me not to love pop but there are some pop songs that I absolutely love.
GV: What are five things you can’t live without?
Moriah: I would say obviously music, coffee, reptiles, my family and God. Those are Definitely things I can’t live without.
GV: Do you have a crush on any other musician or celebrity?
Moriah: I would say Maria Brink for a while. I did have a crush on Lzzy Hale but not anymore. I’m definitely in love with Lady Gaga, but my main celebrity crush right now is Ashley Benson from Pretty Little Liars.
This is Kim Comer for Go Venue Magazine. I’d like to Thank again, Moriah Formica for talking with me. Be sure to check out Moriah’s single ‘I Don’t Care What You Think’ which drops July 19, 2019 and is currently available for pre-order on iTunes and Google Play. - Go Venue Magazine
Shaker High School senior Moriah Formica has been on some journey for the last year or so. After she was prominently featured on NBC's 'The Voice' she's been able to parlay that into some incredible live performances at some historic venues. The other evening was one to remember when the Latham powerhouse performed our National Anthem at historic Fenway Park. She was her usual pitch-perfect self giving Sox fans - and all of us here in the Capital Region - chills.
It was a win/win for many of us here in the Capital Region as we got to see our local rising superstar absolutely nail the Anthem. In addition, the Red Sox lost to the A's and the Yankees remained in first place. Any chance Moriah can stay there all week? We're kidding...sorta!
GNA November Hometown Hero Is 9-Yr-Old Grappling Cancer.
Cody Alessi from Stuyvesant has created TAP Cancer Out and he hustles to raise thousands of dollars while competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournaments. Click here to learn more!
Congrats again to our friend Moriah Formica - and her awesome family - as she continues on her path to greatness, remaining as humble and sweet as ever.
Read More: Formica Hits Homerun With Anthem At Fenway Park (VIDEO) | https://wgna.com/formica-hits-homerun-with-anthem-at-fenway-park/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral - WGNA 107.7
Kat and Alex talk with Moriah Formica about finding strength in faith, forging your own path, the amazing people she met on The Voice and bringing her genuine voice to her art. We talk a lot about breaking out of the mold and not letting certain parts of yourself define your entire being. A wonderful conversation with a lot of ground covered in just a little time!
Moriah is a local to the Capital Region here in New York and studied at Clifton Park's Modern Day Music. We caught Moriah shortly before she and another Shaker High School and Modern Day Music Alumni Madison VanDenburg (American Idol) teamed up for a show at The Times Union Center, an arena venue not far away in Albany. - Dare to be Human
Smash Mouth will be celebrating Independence Day at the Empire State Plaza this year.
The iconic 90s band, famous for singles like "All-Star" and "Then the Morning Comes" will headline the New York State Independence Day celebration, which runs from 3 to 10 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4.
There will also be a fireworks show at the close of the festivities. The event is organized and sponsored by New York State and Price Chopper/Market 32.
“We are pleased to continue our long-standing partnership with Price Chopper/Market 32 to present a July 4 event that has been an Albany tradition here at the Empire State Plaza since the United States celebrated its bicentennial in 1976,” said RoAnn, the NYS Office of General Services Commissioner.
“We strive to make each year’s event better than the last and this year’s incredible lineup of entertainment, food, activities, and those amazing fireworks is sure to make it the best Fourth of July at the Plaza yet.”
Moriah Formica, a local musician who was on "The Voice" earlier this year, will open for Smash Mouth.
Beyond the music, there will be kids' activities, food and craft vendors, and a pyrotechnics show that starts at 9:15 p.m. There will also be a naturalization ceremony for new Americans starting at 3 p.m.
Live music kicks off at 4 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Free parking is available in the visitor lots at under the Empire State Plaza, the East
Garage and the Grand Street and Elk Street lots. - The Daily Gazette
July 18, 2016 12:51 PM
A local teenager, who won a junior high school talent show, has set her eye on a bigger stage. Moriah Formica stopped by NewsChannel 13 to explain where her singing is taking her. - News Channel 13
I still remember how starstruck I was by Saratoga Springs when I first moved here. The sheer number of legendary musicians who either hail from the area or who’ve passed through over the years is awe-inducing. It’s a surprisingly long list that includes everyone from Bob Dylan and Don McLean (both of whom played at Caffè Lena) to contemporary electro-rock duo Phantogram and grunge-pop princess Lana Del Rey (OK, she’s from Lake Placid, but close enough). There’s also a growing lineup of talented up-and-comers from Upstate New York, who are starting to leave their mark on the music industry, too.
It seems like every couple of months, I get starstruck all over again, and it just happened when I had the chance to interview singer and guitarist Moriah Formica, an über-talented local artist, who somewhat surprisingly, only recently graduated from high school. In addition to releasing her first EP, Bring It On!, in 2016, when she was just 16 years old, the Upstate New Yorker and rock vocal powerhouse also spent her junior year of high school competing on Season 13 of The Voice, having the chance to be coached by pop megastar Miley Cyrus. Just this last December, Formica wrapped up her first US tour, during which she got to play two shows with pop-punk legend Joan Jett, as well as perform at the 2018 National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Show, the country’s largest music trade event. Formica did all of this while completing her high school education and just trying to lead a normal life (whenever her friends or family weren’t watching her on TV, that is).
Raised in Latham, Formica was inspired by music from an early age and credits her father for her love of hard rock. “I was five years old and watching ’80s music videos, bands like Skid Row and Bon Jovi and Aerosmith,” Formica says. “They all looked so cool, and I just wanted to be like them.” For her sixth birthday, Formica’s grandmother bought her a guitar, and soon Formica was practicing those popular rock riffs that had captured her imagination. “The guitar is definitely what got me into music,” she says. “I was so intrigued by it.” This love of guitar soon led to singing as well, and then, at the age of 11, to lessons with local voice instructor Lesley O’Donnell at Modern Day Music in Clifton Park. “I still see my vocal coach to this day because she’s just amazing,” says Formica.
Saratoga also played an important role in Formica’s musical upbringing. “I love Saratoga Springs,” she says. “I’ve played at Gaffney’s and Putnam [Place]. I also played one song at an open mic night at Caffè Lena when I was really young.” Formica’s first big break, however, came in 2017 when producers from the popular singing competition and reality series The Voice saw one of Formica’s videos on YouTube and asked her to audition. During her “blind audition,” Formica achieved what few singers have accomplished by getting all four celebrity coaches to turn their chairs around in the middle of her performance. With her gutsy guitar playing and gritty, powerful vocals (plus some invaluable guidance from celebrity coach Cyrus), Formica made it all the way to the end of the last playoff round. Though she may not have won The Voice, the show was a critical launching point for Formica’s musical career. About her experience on the show, she says: “It was very overwhelming, but in a good way most of the time. I did have a really hard time switching gears from career mode back to school mode—it almost felt like a double life. But as far as playing with Joan Jett and [rock band] Halestorm [this summer], that was overwhelming in the best way possible.”
For 2019, Formica has a new single coming out called “Take Me,” which she co-wrote with her 16-year-old brother Gabe. Formica says the new song was inspired by her brother’s love of pop music, and it might surprise fans who were expecting a rock anthem. “I’ve really just been focusing on trying to find a new sound that’s never been done before or hasn’t been done in a long time, at least,” says Formica. She’s also considering another EP or recording her first full-length studio album. She’s been meeting with songwriters in Nashville and New York City, including some that have written hits for big-name acts such as Carrie Underwood, Shinedown and Daughtry. “The fact that these writers want to work with me is a really humbling,” says Formica.
Fans of Formica will get a taste of that new sound when “Take Me” comes out later this winter. It may seem like a long wait, but there’s no shortage of Formica songs out there in cyberspace. Which reminds me, I’ve got some playlists to catch up on. - Saratoga Living Magazine
Hi there! Remember when I reviewed Michael Sweet’s new album One Sided War and I mentioned that amazing girl Moriah Formica who sang on “Can’t Take This Life”? Well, last weekend I got this message at A&GS HQ: “Hi! I was the 15-year old girl on Michael Sweet’s solo album you talked about a little.” To say my head exploded would be an understatement. After a brief conversation she sent me over her EP Bring It On (self-released, out now), consisting of six songs she wrote between fifth and eighth grade. Let that sink in for a minute…she was writing songs at THAT young an age, and not kiddie stuff, either. One listen to the disc will dispel any notions you might have about that!
In addition to being a powerhouse vocalist, Moriah also plays guitar, and rocks the hell out. The songs themselves showcase someone who is wise beyond her years with serious chops to boot. Opener “Slave” was instantly the favorite, from the way she sings her heart out to the big-as-life chorus. The message behind it, which is not letting any negative force, or person, stop you from what you are meant to be, should resonate with a lot of people, especially the young ones, and anyone who feels lost and lonely.
“Lovestrong” is a mid-tempo rocker with an uplifting message, something the world can certainly use in this day and age, while “Broken Soul” is a slower song, with beautiful clean guitars on the verses and chunky riffs on the hooks. “Back Off” employs some tempo changes while never wavering in its intensity. It’s also a toe-tapper when the chorus comes around. Shit gets real during “Save Me”, a song whose passion is matched only by the depth of the music. Closing the EP is title track “Bring It On” which features a guitar solo and backing vocals by none other than Michael Sweet. This guy knows who to work with, doesn’t he? Just amazing!
All told, this is a FANTASTIC EP from a young girl who is going to have years and years of songs to share with the world. One listen to Bring It On and you’ll not only be hooked, but you’ll also know Moriah Formica is the real deal. I defy anyone to not be moved and inspired by these six songs, and I further defy anyone to not be a fan of this sensationally talented young woman after hearing this whole disc. With an incredible voice like hers she made a fan of me in about 30 seconds. The only question is how long will it take YOU?
RATING: 5/5 - Amps and Green Screens
Moriah Formica - Bring It On!
Having an obsession with all things musical and writing about it is something that provides me with a constant accumulation of material on my desk. There's some great music from every genre, and I feel privileged to be exposed to such a wealth of it. But, every once in a while I find something that really messes with me. I find something that keeps poking me; something that just refuses to let me move on. That certain something at the moment is the voice of Moriah Formica and her six-song EP, Bring It On!
The fact that this sound comes from a 15-year old girl makes it all the more astonishing, but the fact is she's a tremendous talent regardless of age. She's not great for her age, she's great for any age. After listening to these six very special songs and watching performances on YouTube, she has easily made her way into the upper echelon of female rock vocalists. The mention of Moriah Formica with the likes of Maria Brink (In This Moment), Amy Lee (Evanescence), or Lzzy Hale (Halestorm) is something that's fair and well deserved. She's a highly trained singer with great power and tone, with a knack for conveying powerful emotion and passion.
The first track, "Slave," jumps out of the gate with Formica's piercing voice leading the track every step of the way. No big instrumental intro. No subtle introduction to her voice. She's in your face one second after you push that play button, and she's sure to be a welcome intrusion to anyone that loves a strong female rock voice. The chugging rhythm that runs along with her vocal track is perfectly executed to provide a strong hard rock beginning. Surrounding herself with guys like Jason Bittner of Shadows Fall on drums, and Jack Daley of Lenny Kravitz's band on bass, secures a foundation strong enough to support a small country, and the brilliant guitar work of Jay Rodgers and David Messick made my head spin. All of this talent is produced with excellent precision by Paul Benedetti.
The critical difference that separates Formica and her music from the colossal mountain of singers on my desk though, is her ability to touch the soul in different ways. When she dives into an emotionally draining song like "Broken Soul" she can squeeze tears from your eyes. She has your neck sore and your feet aching from the marching stomp of "Back Off," which includes a mind-blowing time change to boot. "Save Me" soars, the title track triumphantly rocks (with Stryper's Michael Sweet lending his skills), and "Lovestrong" has an oddly different power pop feel. All of these songs are written by Formica herself, and you can feel her vested interest in their content. Not only does she feel every note, she makes the listener feel every note. I laughed and smiled, I cried, and I was lifted up emotionally and spiritually with these songs. This is really something special. - Dr. Music
http://noticias.toprocknews.com/2016/12/moriah-formica-en-el-nuevo-album-de.html?m=1 - Top Rock News
http://q103albany.com/albany-rocker-caught-in-sebastian-bachmichael-sweet-beef/ - Q103
http://loudwire.com/michael-sweet-explains-comments-after-sebastian-bach-lashes-out/ - Loudwire
http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/sebastian-bach-calls-michael-sweet-a-pussy-with-a-big-fking-mouth/ - Blabbermouth
Still working on that hot first release.

Albany, NY native Moriah Formica represents what many had thought to be the end of an era. A member of Generation Z who grew up on Aerosmith, 'That Metal Show', and other precious relics of the rock purist ilk from the time she was 7 years old; Moriah discovered the world of rock n' roll music through her father and quickly thereafter picked up a guitar, then the drums, and eventually pretty much any instrument that she could get in front of her. The message was clear; what had started as a source of joy was quickly developing into an undeniable passion for creating music. The future singer/songwriter would go on to write and arrange her first song, "Lovestrong" when she was only 11.
At the age of 16, Formica decided that she was ready to put her talents on the biggest stage that a teenager could dare to step on. She auditioned for NBC's 'The Voice', leaving fans around the world (and four judges with very successful careers) awestruck by her booming, declarative rendition of Heart's "Crazy On You." In that moment one thing became apparent: just like with many other great performers, it is impossible to separate the powerful, unapologetic delivery of Moriah's music from the image of the person who's performing it on that stage. For someone in the often turbulent teenage years, the excitement and nerves of being viewed on national television can't be quantified. But those watching around the world could see something more in Moriah. She wasn't just grateful for this moment, she was ready for it. Years of songwriting, honing her craft as a musician, and performing for audiences in her hometown and beyond had made sure of that.
Perhaps what new fans will find most striking about Formica's still budding career is the intersection at which her music lies. Staying true to the ethos of tried and tested rock, she weaves a seemingly effortless thread between the gnarled, firebrand voice of acts like Joan Jett, Halestorm and The Pretty Reckless ("I Don't Care What You Think", "I Will") and the soulful blues of Heart, Fleetwood Mac, and City & Colour ("Here's My Heart", "No Regrets"). Even fans of everything from Queensryche and Armored Saint to Shinedown and Evanescence will find qualities to marvel upon on tracks like "Time". And lyrically, she'll be the first to admit that her songs don't have many hidden meanings or lofty subtext. The message behind the music is always loud and clear.
2019 marks a pivotal moment in Moriah's mission. Once an eager 7 year old drawn to the swagger and emotion of rock music, the now 18 year old Formica yearns to make the kind of music that inspired her all those years ago; all while forging a sound that speaks to both the new generation and the ones before it. Her resume now equipped with accolades and live shows accompanied by the likes of Joan Jett, Lzzy Hale(Halestorm), Michael Sweet(Stryper) and Maria Brink (In This Moment) just to name a few. But most important of all is the studious and disciplined approach that Moriah brings to every facet of her career. From songwriting and social media to interviews and spending time in the studio, it all adds up to a work ethic that's beyond reproach. There's no gimmick to this overnight sensation, regardless of what the critics might say. The formula is simple: show up, rock out, and leave the whole world asking, "who was that?"
They won't be asking much longer.
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