"We are Modern Day Slave and you are too………..
Say hello Upstate to Modern Day Slave, a home-based band from Greenville, SC who provides a forum for progressive urban metal.
The band was established in 2004 by members Nick Young (drums), T.J. Willoughby (guitar & vocals) and Dustin Hagins (bass guitar). The three founding members decided upon the name of Modern Day Slave to express their belief that everyone is a slave to something whether it’s money, job, possessions, drugs, or relationships, etc. While it’s different for each individual, being a Modern Day Slave seems to be somewhat the mind-set of our country and generation of late. So, they wanted to ask the question, “What are you slave to?”
Completing the band was Niles McCall who joined MDS as lead guitarist and Steven Fontaine as lead vocalist. After some struggles in finding the exact fit for each position, finally the right musicians were in place to release the enthusiasm, energy, excitement and passion each member possessed for their music.
The individual band members all have diverse musical flavors, but when they get together to make their music, the sound is metal, hip-hop and occasional blues. They strive for progressive expression through their music and always make a conscience effort to maintain the “groove” since, for them that is the heart of the music of Modern Day Slave.
Modern Day Slave has played many local venues in the upstate and recently opened for Rehab at a sold out show March 25th at the Handlebar. MDS came out to a tremendous welcome and left with rave reviews. The band is very appreciative and grateful for their widespread fan base and the support of family and friends.
On January 30th of this year, MDS had a dream come true when they were signed by Krane Music Management from New York and are currently working on their debut album, “Justify Your Existence”. They have been recording here in Greenville at Whitestone Studio. The album will be out June 2oth and will be followed with a CD release party at the Handlebar soon after.
You can check out Modern Day Slave upcoming shows, CD release and party dates at myspace.com/moderndayslave"
- The Link Magazine
...pg. 70-71 - Muen Magazine
http://www.crankitmag.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=175:modern-day-slave&catid=2:featured-artists - Crank It Entertainment Magazine
"Modern Day Slave reminds me of a great heavyweight fighter. This
band has the ability to impress with their footwork and jab with the
slower melodic tracks such as "Intervention Cry" and "Drugs All Day".
But just like a great ring technician, just when you are groovin' to
those tunes, they will crush your skull with "Bipolar" and "Welcome To
America". Throw in a Salt N' Pepa remake (Push It) and you have
yourself a well trained, well rounded prize fighter that is destined to
win the title."
- All Stars of Rock (Online Radio)
"I believe that Modern Day Slave is a new era of rock!! Their music has a story behind it resembling every day problems that many of us go through. MDS reminds me of Metallica cause there's a meaning to their songs. My favorite songs are Intervention Cry and Push It because they are fun to rock out to. I would recommend any music lover to listin to MDS!!!!!!" - Tim McCoy
"Modern Day Slave has accomplished the ever popular dark rock and metal sound perfectly. The gravely voice mixed with smooth, fast raps give them a unique sound reminiscent of a Staind, Cypress Hill, Godsmack smoothie. I particularly liked during "Intervention Cry" the guitarist ode to Skynyrd's "Free Bird" playing harmonics. Present in all of the songs is a great drumbeat and rhythm guitar. Always a fan of heavy bass lines the band's heavy metal bass line does not disappoint. As for their looks--The lead singer looks like a heavier Giovanni Ribisi. Look out, Limp Bizkit/Puddle of Mudd is back."
http://www.purevolume.com/ModernDaySlave - Intern of Deep South Entertainment
"Justify Your Existence" by Modern Day Slave was released on June 20th, 2009. You can find their debut album on iTunes:

We are MODERN DAY SLAVE and YOU ARE TOO! We represent those who are slaves to their own personal circumstances! Whether it's drugs, jobs, relationships or the worlds political persecution in which we are all enslaved under! MODERN DAY SLAVE is not just a band but a movement! We believe that we can change the world and that's the drive we use to direct our music! With a progressive push backed by subliminal riot starting lyrics MODERN DAY SLAVE is here to lead the next crusade to JUSTIFY YOUR EXISTENCE!!!
Modern Day Slave was established by Nick, and Dustin in the summer of 04. Their goal is to deliver a sound all people can understand. Their music is built for a good time. They pride themselves on the diversity in their music; their influences range from The P Funk and Pantera to Tool and Cypress Hill.
The thing that sets them apart from your every day band is the fact that they live by the no excuses policy. Little boys make excuses. The real deal makes history.
"Modern Day Slave has accomplished the ever popular dark rock and metal sound perfectly. The gravely voice mixed with smooth, fast raps give them a unique sound reminiscent of a Staind, Cypress Hill, Godsmack smoothie. I particularly liked during "Intervention Cry" the guitarist ode to Skynyrd's "Free Bird" playing harmonics. Present in all of the songs is a great drumbeat and rhythm guitar. Always a fan of heavy bass lines the band's heavy metal bass line does not disappoint. As for their looks--The lead singer looks like a heavier Giovanni Ribisi. Look out, Limp Bizkit/Puddle of Mudd is back."- Harrison Herbst (Intern of Deep South Ent.)
They have built this group from some of Greenville S.C.'s bad boys and they have been lucky to have a stable line up. Since 2004, they have changed their lead guitar position with Niles. They also had a change in their vocal department. Steven blew a breath of fresh air into their project in early 08. There has been no stopping them since.