Modernboys Moderngirls
Toronto, Ontario, Canada | INDIE
it’d probably be difficult NOT to classify them under nearly ever over-arching column of rock in some capacity: they profess certain leanings towards punk-rock, and it’s definitely the defining staple to their sound… and yet when the four-piece perform there are elements of blues, soul, grunge, even 70s pop rock (ala Paul McCartney) that occasionally shine through.
- www.theindiemachine.com
"The gem of the disc, just after the midway point, is the heartfelt and affecting A Hammond Organ Singing, which builds with a slow burn before cascading into a smouldering finish" - NOW Magazine - NOW Magazine
All of the songs feel fully realized, with the band sporting a sound that’s alternately jangly, creepy... A confident release that could easily bring bigger things" - Eye Weekly - Eye Weekly
"As one of Toronto's most prominent peddlers of raucous dance-punk, Mondernboys Moderngirls' star is on the rise."
Full review: http://www.chartattack.com/DAMN/2008/06/1349.cfm - Chart Attack Magazine
Modernboys Moderngirls
I Might As Well Break It
"You've got to love the 10-song, half-hour pop album. Meaty beats, slashing guitars, simple choruses (anthems they used to call them) - you'll know the songs before they finish, and you'll like them. You'll like them a lot" - John Sekerka, Ottawa Xpress - Ottawa Xpress
"There’s something special in this lot, no doubt....the sky is the limit for Modernboys Moderngirls." -- The View Magazine, Hamilton
full article: http://www.viewmag.com/viewstory.php?storyid=6573&page=1 - The View
"In the midst of a harsh winter storm in February, the boys and girls from six-piece Toronto band Modernboys Moderngirls decided the show they were headlining at the Legendary Horseshoe Tavern must go on..." (Read full article here: http://www.insidetoronto.com/News/Villager/article/52037) - insidetoronto.com
"Singer, songwriter and guitarist Akira Alemany...steers his bright, brash, raucous songs with a sure hand, popping the top, delivering the goods" -- Montreal Mirror - Montreal Mirror
"the most striking thing about I Might As Well Break It: it sounds incredibly strong for a debut." -- iheartmusic.net - iheartmusic.net
MBMG has built their reputation off of their rave performances. With a show on Saturday at the Horseshoe Tavern, I asked them what they were doing to warrant such hype.
http://www.blogto.com/music/2009/06/modernboys_moderngirls_now_its_going_to_theatres/ - Blogto
"Let's Do It" LP (Release date June 30, 2012)
1. How Am I Gonna Get It?
2. All I Want to Believe In
3. Slow, Happy
4. Hot Blaze of Happiness
5. Just An Afternoon (to fall in love)
6. Black Ocean Walk
7. Last Song the Jukebox Played
8. Good Dancing, Hard Times
9. Olive Hearts
10. The Devils We Know

Modernboys Moderngirls started with the idea that Iggy Pop backed by the Funk Brothers or Otis Redding fronting the New York Dolls would be the cat's pyjamas. The band was formed by singer and songwriter Akira Alemany whose background reads like a bad world music album liner note biography - born in Spain, half-Japanese and educated largely in Canada, you can go ahead and call him a mutt and he won't mind. What matters are the songs and Akira's main influences include songwriting kings like Lou Reed, Sam Cooke, Paul Westerberg, Bo Diddley, Buddy Holly. On and on the list goes and the same for Brett Millius, the other most important influence on Modernboys Moderngirls because he's the backbeat and the other founding member of the band.
Together, they experimented in developing their own garage soul sound - dirt-stained, punk-soul music, drawn from old blues, 50s pop, sweet, raw soul, 70s rock and punk. After a few years of frustratingly fiddling about with different lineups, in 2012, things finally came together and the Frankenstein of ideas and musicians was just the way it was meant to be. That happened with the joining of Venezuelan bassist Juan Carlos Rivas and more recently the addition of lead guitarist Milan Schramek.
2012's "Let's Do It!" is their new LP, the title and album artwork inspired by convicted Utah murderer Gary Gilmore's final words prior to execution by firing squad in 1977. It's the right title for a band that's ready to leave it all out on every stage in every city and at every performance.