Miranda Rose
Austin, Texas, United States | SELF
This band has no press
Self Titled album, "Miranda Rose" (c) Miranda Rose Music,
Can be heard via satellite radio -
"World Space Satellite Radio station 650 UK
Hear Miranda Rose on-line at Live365.com
On "Women of Substance Radio"
Miranda Rose: Nominated for several LA Music Awards, 2007: A/C Song of the Year, for "ALL IN",
2008: "Female Singer Songwriter of the Year", and Producers Choice for, "Orange County Artist of the Year."
2008: "Recipient - Los Angeles Music Awards- "Orange County Artist of the Year" and more...
Self Titled Album: Miranda Rose
Singles include:
"Portrait of Life" (a duet with Scott Grimes from ER)
"Boy and Girl"
"Thank God"
and more....
All original songs written by Miranda Rose(c) Miranda Rose Music
(c)2008 Miranda Rose Music
"Remember When"
"You Don't Get to Say"
"Heart Shaped Garden"
"The Promise"
and more......
Have you ever had the desire to do something Great? To take on something that was seemingly impossible, just to prove to yourself that you have what it takes to make it in a world that is constantly telling you to give up! Singer songwriter Miranda Rose, has stepped up to the challenge. The challenge of being heard in this noisy world, by having something worth listening to.
Words are powerful and meaningful and they affect us in a variety of different ways. Sometimes positive and uplifting, sometimes negative and painful. Whoever said,” sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me” must have been deaf. The truth is that words shape our lives. They shape our moods and sometimes even our destiny.
Miranda Rose conveys many messages in her heartfelt and powerful lyrics, but the main message, her motto if you will, is simply, to never ever give up on yourself! If you never quit you will never fail.
Songs written not merely from experience but from a belief of what type of life we are all capable of living. Lyrics containing simple truths and life lessons delivered in melodies and harmonies that speak directly to your heart. Don’t get me wrong, you’re not always going to get a sweet soft whisper of encouragement from Miranda Rose, sometimes you just get the cold hard truth wrapped up in a rock and roll wrapper! Either way, you’ll be thankful for the gift.
What’s wrong with looking at the world through Rose-tinted glasses? Miranda Rose’s view of the world makes it a lot better place to live in. It’s a musical journey full of stories and adventures, love, laughter, heartache,and happiness, realizations and dreams. It’s not just about her, out there making a name for herself. It’s about her desire to make a difference in your life. She chose to do it through music.
Band Members