Mike Delaney
Carver, Massachusetts, United States | SELF
“Mike Delaney…embodies the whole spirit of our community of folk musicians in Massachusetts…Everybody loves him.” —Marilyn Rae Beyer, host on Boston Folk Radio, WUMB.org 91.9 FM. - Marilyn Rae Beyer
“I can't tell you how happy your song made me…it thrilled both Pete and myself!”—Maura Kennedy of “The Kennedy’s” in regards to “I Wanna Be Maura Kennedy”. - Maura Kennedy
“A true gentleman”—Guy Davis when he invited Mike Delaney to play with him at the 2005 Boston Folk Festival. - Guy Davis
Anne Hills called 1-800-CONFESS “brilliant”. - Anne Hills
Tom Paxton commented that “I’m Changing My Name to DOT.COM” , a parody of Paxton's song "I'm Changing My Name to Chrysler" was “not bad”. - Tom Paxton
"Mike passed silly a while ago. His sense of humor will biff you upside the head like a nerf bat."—Randy Browning of Late Bloomers (www.latebloomersmusic.com) - Late Bloomers
“You did a beautiful job [on 1-800-CONFESS]. Quite an homage to [WUMB's Summer Acoustic Music Week] SAMW and the whole camp scene” - David Roth
New England Weather is a large group of folkies who truly love playing music together and for others. It’s a real treat. - Dick Pleasants
"Low Carb" is one of the "best new climate songs" (www.ecoshock.org).
- Alex Smith
"Your CD is quite witty...Nice tribute to The Kennedys, whose music I have enjoyed for years."
- Doug Dick
Drill, Baby, Drill--single released 2010. Hey, Java Jo's CD released 2010. Evening News CD, released 2008. A Little Sun; A Little Rain CD, with New England Weather, released 2007. 1-800-CONFESS CD, released 2006. He has also played mandolin on CD's by Angela Marseglia, Kathy Danielson, Peter Reilly, and Ilene Springer.

Mike Delaney is a Boston-area singer-songwriter and part of the music group "New England Weather" (www.neweather.com). He has been performing around New England for over twelve years, including three times at the Boston Folk Festival. He has opened for Kevin So, David Roth, Les Sampou, Richard Berman, Dave Crossland, and Michael Troy. With others he has opened for Marc Douglas Berardo, Ferron and Terence Martin. He has been fortunate to play mandolin, guitar, or sing harmony at concerts, coffeehouses, festivals, camps, and open mikes with a number of people, including Guy Davis, Kate Campbell, John Kirk, Mary Flower, Patti DeRosa, Beth DeSombre, and many others.
Mike's humorous original songs and parodies cover a wide range of topics from himself ("The Hunk" and "Mando Tango") to the entire country ("If We Only Had a Brain"). In between are excursions into the world of natural science ("Tofu, the Vegan Killer Whale"), literature ("Daddy, Who's Mark Twain?"), automated phone systems ("1-800-CONFESS"), women's health ("Mammogram, M'am?"), sports ("Red Sox Dream"), the oxymoronic business of folk music ("I'm changing my name to DOT.COM" and "The Naked Open Mic"), parts of the human anatomy ("Colonoscopy", "Bare Midriff"), and, of course, his raging ego ("It Is, In Fact, Always About Me").
He has been deemed an "accomplished amateur" by Marilyn Rae Beyer, the music director of WUMB, Boston Folk Radio, and Tom Paxton commented that at least one of his songs was "not bad". Anne Hills called the song 1-800-CONFESS "brilliant"!
Mike's debut CD "1-800-CONFESS" was released inn 2006. His second CD, with New England Weather, was released in 2007. He released "Evening News" in 2008 and released "Hey, Java Jo's" in 2010.
His song "Peace Through War" has been number 1 on Neil Young's "Living With War Today" song compilation for several weeks and in the top 10 for a number of weeks. He eco-bluegrass song, "Trash This Planet" was included on the "Step It Up 2007" web page (www.stepitup2007.org). "Low Carb" was regard as one of the "best new climate songs" by Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock (www.ecoshock.org) and "Colonoscopy" was played on the The Dr. Demento show.