Michelle Harding
Los Angeles, California, United States | INDIE
"I'll take two more!!!" - Brian Steel, SONY
"I'll take two more!!!" - Brian Steel, SONY
I started a song-a-day blog a couple weeks ago where each day I post a song I like. I either find these mostly-obscure songs during the course of my day job or artists submit them to me for me to consider. The blog was chugging along well beyond my expectations but last Monday when I posted "2 Scoops" by Michelle Harding the blog's traffic statistics shot through the roof. Based on her fan support, this song and this artist may be on the verge of exploding! It seems that people who hear this song are compelled to share it with their friends and to play it repeatedly. That sounds like the definition of a hit to me.
Love it or hate it (and I found very few people who hate it), you can tell from the first five seconds that "2 Scoops" is unique. It instantly improves your mood. It's got "happy" built into the opening piano and hand-clapping riff. Then, Harding's voice breaks in and announces matter-of-factly that she wants two scoops. Not just one. And the listener immediately thinks, "Well of course. Who would want only one scoop? I mean, that's Scoop 101. You gotta have two!"
"2 Scoops" is a declaration that the dark days that are endured at the end of a relationship are over and it's time to grab life by the horns and live it with gusto from here on out. It's a simple song but aren't all the good ones? There's not much more to say about the song. It's got a great horn section performance that adds to the song's joyful carefree-ness as it swings along. When you hear this one you're going to want to pass it along.
Harding is an LA-based Toronto Canadian whose Peter Holmes-penned song was used last year in a short advertisement for Credit Canada and it generated a lot of demand for the song across that country. It's been largely unheard in the US and won't be available for purchase until September 8th. Indications are her label (Soulkiss/Universal) may be gearing up for a big push. Additionally, "2 Scoops" has been nominated for the Hollywood Music In Media Awards so it's clear the music business is starting to take notice. This song has got to be grabbing the attention of every music supervisor who has heard it. It's got that Apple commercial or theme song to a romantic comedy feel to it. - Huffington Post - written by Mike McCready
I started a song-a-day blog a couple weeks ago where each day I post a song I like. I either find these mostly-obscure songs during the course of my day job or artists submit them to me for me to consider. The blog was chugging along well beyond my expectations but last Monday when I posted "2 Scoops" by Michelle Harding the blog's traffic statistics shot through the roof. Based on her fan support, this song and this artist may be on the verge of exploding! It seems that people who hear this song are compelled to share it with their friends and to play it repeatedly. That sounds like the definition of a hit to me.
Love it or hate it (and I found very few people who hate it), you can tell from the first five seconds that "2 Scoops" is unique. It instantly improves your mood. It's got "happy" built into the opening piano and hand-clapping riff. Then, Harding's voice breaks in and announces matter-of-factly that she wants two scoops. Not just one. And the listener immediately thinks, "Well of course. Who would want only one scoop? I mean, that's Scoop 101. You gotta have two!"
"2 Scoops" is a declaration that the dark days that are endured at the end of a relationship are over and it's time to grab life by the horns and live it with gusto from here on out. It's a simple song but aren't all the good ones? There's not much more to say about the song. It's got a great horn section performance that adds to the song's joyful carefree-ness as it swings along. When you hear this one you're going to want to pass it along.
Harding is an LA-based Toronto Canadian whose Peter Holmes-penned song was used last year in a short advertisement for Credit Canada and it generated a lot of demand for the song across that country. It's been largely unheard in the US and won't be available for purchase until September 8th. Indications are her label (Soulkiss/Universal) may be gearing up for a big push. Additionally, "2 Scoops" has been nominated for the Hollywood Music In Media Awards so it's clear the music business is starting to take notice. This song has got to be grabbing the attention of every music supervisor who has heard it. It's got that Apple commercial or theme song to a romantic comedy feel to it. - Huffington Post - written by Mike McCready
Some of you may recognize Michelle Harding’s bubbly first single 2 Scoops from the Credit Canada commercial it first appeared in late 2008. With its infectiously playful backbeat and what feels like early 1960’s pop horn accompaniment, 2 Scoops is a charming first release. Michelle’s voice has a certain smooth je ne sais quoi that seems to hang on the last syllable of every word she sings. The peppy melodic verses and up-beat tempo of the chorus give this song a free and flirtatious appeal. If I’m being totally honest, it had me doing a shoulder dance after the first listen!
Michelle is set to release her debut album this fall under Soul Kiss/Universal and will also be hitting the road on a cross-Canada tour.
Rock. Roll & Write,
Juliette Jagger
Photo courtesy of Niki Taylor. - Sugarcane Entertainment
"Michelle Harding's 'Two Scoops' is a music supervisor's dream! The world will soon take notice of this breezy, summer hit. Harding could be the next Colbie Caillat." --Sean Moroney, MTV
"Michelle Harding's 'Two Scoops' is a music supervisor's dream! The world will soon take notice of this breezy, summer hit. Harding could be the next Colbie Caillat." --Sean Moroney, MTV
2 Scoops - Digital Single Release UNIVERSAL MUSIC, SEPT 2009
Hopeful - Digital Single release, Nov 2009
Laughing Silent, Dancing Still - DEBUT ALBUM RELEASE-11-20-10
What you've done to me- 1st release with new band SOUNDFUEL- June 1st 2011
'TRILLIUM' Independent release- Itunes & Amazon AUG 1-13

“Michelle is one of the most adventurous daring artists that I’ve ever worked with. She comes with many influences and is not afraid to stray from the pack. Her voice has that kind of natural appeal that draws you in right from the start with warmth at times and pure energy at others. She has the ability to do all of the vocal acrobats of any of the great singers out there, but always uses restraint choosing substance over ego. Lyrically she never seizes to amaze me with her ability to spin poetic phrase at the drop of a dime that never feels contrived and always comes from the heart. On a personal level she is just simply one of the most well grounded nice people you will ever meet. Every day of her life always seems like a big adventure. To know her is to know to be reminded on a daily basis that life is a gift and you have to make the best of it everyday. All in all I expect Michelle’s career in music to be a very long one with many great chapters.”
Chris Wonzer Music Producer
Hollywood Music In Media Awards 2009
-WINNER Best original Song in a Commercial, "2 Scoops" featured in commercial for Credit Canada
---Reviews (Quotes)---
"Two Scoops is a whole sundae worth of goodness" --Allen Johnsron
"I'll take two more!!!" --Brian Steel, SONY
"Michelle Harding's 'Two Scoops' is a music supervisor's dream! The world will soon take notice of this breezy, summer hit. Harding could be the next Colbie Caillat." --Sean Moroney, MTV
"Last Monday when I posted "2 Scoops" by Michelle Harding, the blog's traffic statistics shot through the roof. Based on her fan support, this song and this artist may be on the verge of exploding!" --Mike McCreadyCEO Platinum Blue / Music Xray
Huffington Post Review