Micheal Fordays
Los Angeles, California, United States
This band has no press
Desperate Expression Mind Over Four
Out Here Mind Over Four
Mind Over Four Mind Over Four
The Goddess Mind Over Four
Halfway Down Mind Over Four
Empty Hands Mind Over Four
Pity/The Alley (7" promo) Mind Over Four
Beat by Beat (Documentary) KMFDM
Bamboo Crisis Konspiroshere
Brown Blonde Joan Jones
Follow the rabbit down the hole Overbreaker
Micheal Fordays Micheal Fordays
Balls and Blind Faith (2013) Micheal Fordays

Ive been very lucky to have the musical experiences Ive had. At a very young age I traveled the world with three likeminded peers and our own take on musical expression called Mind Over Four. We played shows from Memphis to Rome, holding court in clubs, squats and theaters and making noise in the alternative underground, we opened for bands as diverse as The Vandals, Janes Addiction, The Fall, and Pantera. We recorded six albums on six different independent labels and toured non-stop, seeing the world from highway to venue.
It was these experiences that brought me the opportunity to become a touring guitarist for the industrial music pioneers KMFDM, touring throughout the US, Canada and Europe. I worked with them for several years and appeared in their documentary Beat by Beat and video Juke Joint Jezebel.
After KMFDM, I was hired to work for the Joan Jones Band and ended up becoming a main touring/recording guitarist and a co-writer on her Brown Blonde album. Returning to Los Angeles after long tours always inspired new perspective. New inspiration combined with the pasts rich education, would lead me to my own songwriting voice.
Ive been performing as a solo artist, writing songs and recording with a variety of talented musicians. This new release, Balls and Blind Faith, had me working in an amazing analog environment in Hollywood CA., with some of the best musicians Ive ever met. We took our time to craft this little taste of things to come.
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