The Music of Michael Horsphol
Lu'Ella Unveiled: A New Earth Rising
Michael Horsphol brings us originally composed music in his 8 track CD entitled: Lu'Ella Unveiled: A New Earth Rising. He gives his inspiration to nature, the countryside of Northern Tasmania, Australia. Michael is inventive, using digital multi sampling of acoustic orchestral, ethnic instruments and choirs. Artwork, composition, mixing, and production is done solely by Michael who has completed soundtrack work for film productions.
The first track Lu'Ella Unveiled is an orchestral vocal journey seated in a dimly lit theatre simultaneously roaming the wilderness. Michael incorporates that soundtrack "feel" with additions of flutes, orchestra and vocals. It is reminiscent of nothing I have heard.
Gloria Natura is by far my favorite. This is a modern twist to the classical Ave Maria. This is the most calming peaceful song. Instead of taking away from old themes, as most modern does, Michael ADDS to this, bringing forth a "New World" quality that is missing in the original.
Blue Wings is stunning. This IS the gift of flight through music. The bass is full and rich, with a surround sound quick tempo as if you are in front of an orchestra. Listening to this sets me faraway over craggy embankments, on turbulent seas; to transcend this plane, inside a science fiction film, a forest glen, the sky. Blue Wings is a masterpiece.
Visit Michael by going to: http://www.michaelhorsphol.com/ and check out Lu'Ella Unveiled: A New Earth Rising. The jacket is phenomenal, emblazoned with a majestic sunset overlooking the vast sea. This CD is multi educational/cultural. It can be used for meditation, education in schools, college level digital track courses, and most definitely, for all spiritual enlightenment.
Lu'Ella Unveiled: A New Earth Rising is THE next soundtrack for a Major Motion Picture. This is fresh, exciting. It IS . . . Earth meets Cinema.
© Susan Marie 2009
New York, United States
susanmarie.info@gmail.com - Susan Marie 2009
ichael Horsphol brings to the public his creation of 11 compositions that runs just over an hour. During those 60 minutes, you get to hear no singing but just TRUE music. Hailing from the land down under, Horsphol adds a digital quality on this record that can be best described as picturesque. All the tracks are composed, mixed and produced by Horsphol not to mention all the art work as well. This one-man-show brings a superb piece to the ears and minds of people from all walks of life.
The music on this album definitely has major classical elements along with worldly sensations. The sound has a very powerful effect on the listener and that is due in big part to its cinematic approach. The twists and turns mixed with dramatic spins can all be heard by the way this Australian native composed these numbers. Makes sense that Horsphol has already done soundtrack work for small productions in Australia and the United States. Soundtracks for major motion pictures seem to be Michael Horsphol’s calling card, just from what I hear on this record.
Right away when I pushed play, I picked up on the movie soundtrack vibe. Just has that feel of watching a movie and this being the music you want to hear to compliment the flick. Couldn’t help but think back to Tim Burton’s Batman and how Danny Elfman’s music score jived perfectly with the movie. I think Horsphol’s recent composition here would also blend in tremendously with a motion picture of that caliber. I would even say perhaps an Action/Suspense/Mystery thriller would be right up Michael’s alley as well.
The 11 titles on this record offer up a magical and mysterious sound that can even be perceived as majestic. The suspense is played upon by a climactic effect that Horsphol likes to incorporate into his music. This composer is taking you on an exciting journey through the lands of ClassicVille, World-Fusion Place and finally departing at Motion Picture Boulevard. Only question I have is what movie this score would go to and if Roger Ebert would give both the movie and Michael Horsphol’s arrangement two thumbs up. I give The Music of Michael Horsphol a standing “O” and hope to see many movies in the future with Michael H as the Score Keeper.
For more on Michael Horsphol as the man behind the music, SKOPE out www.michaelhorsphol.com.
By Jimmy Rae - Jimmy Rae - Skope magazine.com
Stella Matutina
By Michael Horsphol. As a mother sings
to her child, the music of Stella
Matutina (Star of the Morning) is like a
child’s heart singing to the Divine
Mother. Sung in Latin, it is sacred
music giving life to what feels like an
epic tale of love and devotion. Michael
Horsphol composes, plays, mixes and
produces his own CDs and his abun-
dance of talent is wonderfully displayed
within this mix. To learn more about
Michael and to purchase his CDs go to
http://michaelhorsphol.com/home.html. - www.spiritseeker.com
I compose, play, mix and produce my own CDs. Of which I have 7 to date I have also done some soundtrack work for
small productions, and would love to do more of this type of work.
“Stella Matutina”, took me 3 years to compose and produce. It is an invocation to the Divine Feminine Spirituality using
the revised sacred Latin text, and is scored for Orchestra and Choir.
I have currently released a new CD; “Lu’ElLa Unveiled”. A cinematic musical journey of an Angelic Being who is helping to heal and transform the planet through the power of Harmonics and Love
Stella Matutina has had radio airplay.

Composing music that has something unique, something that is different yet easily recognisable has been a great challenge
for me, and being brought up with the classical masters ringing in my ears, there was the question “how can I also do this
without access to great orchestras and choirs”. That’s when the new music software technology came into focus. It gives
inspired artists like myself the chance to do what can be done acoustically, but without having to spend tens of thousands
of dollars for hiring the New York Philharmonic! I’ll let you the listener be the judge as to whether I succeeded or not.
My influences are many; too numerous to mention, but 2 fellow composers stand out and they are Howard Shore with
His outstanding modern classical masterpiece; ”Lord of the Rings” and a Finnish contemporary classical composer;
I was fortunate to be born into a family where music formed as much a part of my childhood as food and play did. Being
immersed in the music of the great classical composers led me to begin learning the piano at an early age, studying tradi-
tional piano techniques to obtain performance and teaching diplomas from Trinity College and, later, an honours diploma
in composition from the Academy of Musicology (Qld.). But my main love was always composition and I began to focus
more directly on this with my first CD ‘ISIS’ in 1993 and later ‘The Cradle Mountain Suite’ in 1996.
Moving from the Hunter valley in N.S.W. to Northern Tasmania in 1994 brought me into contact even more with the un-
tamed freedom and beauty of nature and my music is always an attempt to interpret this - on one or many levels. The wild
nature of this beautiful planet we inhabit is always my inspiration.
The availability of new technology in the field of digital multi-sampling of acoustic orchestral and ethnic instruments and
choirs has brought new possibilities for composers and I find it a never-ending process of learning and experimenting,
hopefully with an end product which listeners will enjoy. (Most of my music is also scored for live performance.) My
compositions draw on many styles of music – from classical, sacred and impressionist to elements of world music and
I compose, play, mix and produce my own CDs. Of which I have 7 to date I have also done some soundtrack work for
small productions, and would love to do more of this type of work.
“Stella Matutina”, took me 3 years to compose and produce. It is an invocation to the Divine Feminine Spirituality using
the revised sacred Latin text, and is scored for Orchestra and Choir.
I have currently released a new CD; “Lu’ElLa Unveiled”. A cinematic musical journey of an Angelic Being who is helping
to heal and transform the planet through the power of Harmonics and Love
This music is new and exciting; using a large orchestral palette with choirs, ethnic instruments and percussion. It is basi- cally music for an unseen movie.