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IndieAirplay.com presents "Don't Call Us Tori" showcase (recorded March 29, 2008) replayed each Saturday at 5pm and 8pm, PST through April 26, 2008.

Madeline has been playing musical instruments and singing since she was a kid. Her first instruments were the xylophone and kazoo. She later moved to the piano at the age of 7. At 15, she received her first guitar and has been playing one and writing music since. Her sound is honest and her style is unique.
In 2008, she performed in the "Don't Call Us Tori" showcase in Hollywood, featuring LA's best female singer-songwriters.
She is currently featured in a music documentary called "This is How we Dream" which shares the diverse offstage lives of local LA musicians. (see madelinewright.com for screening info).
Madeline is seeking placement opportunities for other interesting film and tv projects.