Lovely Killbots
Toronto, Ontario, Canada | INDIE
Well, it’s officially December and with all the snow flying around lately it’s become pretty difficult to deny any longer that we’ve entered the dreaded holiday season. So in that spirit of giving, I got you guys something. But don’t worry, I know you’re being inundated with Christmas muzak right now as it echoes through mall speakers and storefronts. So this week’s episode of Tuesday Tracks stays away from traditional holiday cheer. Instead, I got you a trio of videos that are alternately adorable and pervy—but always fun.
First is Lovely Killbots who are without a doubt, the “adorable” side of this week’s equation. The video is a stop motion Romeo and Juliet for the robot age. The song itself provides a poignant narrative to the doomed robot lovers who only really need each other - This Magazine
Toronto's Lovely Killbots have released an awesome plasticine-filled video for their new single, "Hello My Dear." What's even better is that it features two robots in love, lots of explosions and things being broken and put back together. "Hello My Dear" will appear on Lovely Killbots' upcoming new album. - Chart Attack
I've been listening to Primrose Lane, the debut album from Lovely Killbots, all afternoon, and I'm still having trouble figuring out exactly who they are. I mean, I can tell who they aren't: their duo-ness notwithstanding, their brand of jazzy, piano-driven rock is absolutely nothing like The White Stripes, and their songs are far too, you know, interesting to be compared to Emily Haines' solo work. Comparing them to Dresden Dolls might be a little closer to the truth, but even that's lacking -- whereas the Boston duo's brand of cabaret-rock has a tendency towards the overwrought and the Gothic, the Killbots are far poppier and more upbeat. As songs like 'Dis/Gruntled' and 'Little Shape' show, the band knows how to make the most out of the fact they have a frontwoman, Lauralee, with a gorgeous voice and a drummer who understands how to make complex time signatures sound completely normal. I get the feeling that the band's sound is still evolving, and that as they're together longer they'll go off in directions that allow them to define themselves a little more, but for a first effort, Primrose Lane is an album of which Lovely Killbots should be enormously proud. - Matt @ iheartmusic.net
Every so often you are pleasantly surprised after incorrectly judging a book by its cover. Case in point; when I got an email full of songs from Toronto’s The Lovely Killbots and saw their pseudo-ominous photo montage online, I naturally assumed the duo was going to enjoy sci-fi, overreaching melodrama, Tim Burton and maybe even play their instruments with some sort of scissor hands.
Instead I was thrilled to hear a compact two-piece that relies on Ryan's intricate drumming and the clean sounds of a jazz-pop pianist. Sure some of the melodies and Lauralee’s smoky vocals do drift into the darker shadows (Whisper=Softly) and at well placed moments they do add a sense of drama and intensity, but even with the depth they throw into the arrangements for the most part they manage to keep the tracks upbeat and accessible.
Tracks like Dis/Gruntled are fueled by infectious ivories and terrific drumming and Lauralee does a good job of mixing her voice into the songs instead of powering over top of them. The chemistry the duo exhibits is impressive, as at no point on Primose Lane do you ever start thinking, 'wow, this is obviously a Ryan song' or 'this is a piano line Lauralee has been working on for years.' The drums and piano mesh nicely, and the duo has a keen sense of timing, knowing when to surge forward and when to gracefully retreat.
It’s hard to knock down Primrose Lane. For a debut LP, its’ strong, polished and shows remarkable consistency. That being said, as the band moves forward I’d love to hear a bit more diversity. Aside from an instrumental number - intimate conversation with an inanimate heart – the tracks use a lot of the same sounds and textures and inevitably, they start to blend. They opt for subtleties instead of obvious hooks and as a result, even when they mix it up with nice transitions – like the terrific breakdown on Don’t Look Down - or big drum fills (Ghetto A), I still found myself finding it hard to distinguish the songs.
Not that I'm complaining. Very few new bands can forge a unique sound and create a collection of songs where none leaves you flat. The Lovely Killbots escape their moniker by crafting emotional, unique tracks and at the end of the day you are left feeling better just by hearing them. Definitely a band to keep an eye on. - Herohill.com
Lovely Killbots @ NXNE
Has anyone noticed that it always gets super hot when more than ten people show up to Rancho Relaxo?
Speaking of hot, I saw Lovely Killbots there. Not to act like singer Lauralee's immediately apparent beauty is the only thing about the band that is worthwhile – the keys/drums duo played a great set that I could hear just fine from my spot at the bar, far from the sweaty mass packed tight in front of the band.
Switching handily between electric piano and synthesizer, Lauralee handled frontwoman duties ably while drummer Ryan put his all into an energetic and vibrant performance. With no pre-recorded tracks for accompaniment (which almost every other duo I saw at this festival employed) the Killbots had a full, rich sound and this was due in no small part to the sheer effort on display from the stage. Lauralee clearly writes great melodies while Ryan's busy drumming creates a more dynamic structure to the songs that would not otherwise be present – chemistry may be their secret weapon.
All in all, I had a very positive introduction to this local duo and fully intend on keeping an eye on the Lovely Killbots in the future. I recommend that anyone with an ear for creative ethereal music do the same. - Soundproof Magazine
Lovely Killbots, Whale Tooth, Make Your Exit and Amos The Transparent @ The Horseshoe!
Getting things started off nicely was a little duo called The Lovely Killbots. Besides having a name that is all kinds of way cool, the sound coming out of this tiny band was rather astonishing. The band is comprised of Lauralee on piano and vocals, and Ryan on the drums. While the setup would suggest a simple and rudimentary sound, the fact is that this duo is anything but. Individually, each member is incredibly talented at their respective instruments, and when you add to that several levels of imagination and originality, you're met with a force that is really quite impressive. They specialize in a very dramatic style of indie pop that blends nicely with some jazzy overtones and slight leanings to cabaret pop.
- Bobby B
It feels like I'm always at the Horseshoe. It's not intentional... though it's just a streetcar ride away for me, and it's got a ton of atmosphere. But man, I hate paying almost seven bucks for a bottle of Strongbow. (Yep, I'm a cider drinker.)
Point is, I was there to see the Lovely Killbots, a piano and drum outfit from Toronto. At least, I'm pretty sure they're from Toronto - finding background info on this duo was kind of hard. (Plus, their myspace says they might be robots.) Ryan and Lauralee, who compose the band, played a solid, unique show at the Horseshoe on Tuesday as part of Nu Music Nite. And really, I don't care where I end up, or how much the beer costs: if they're playing, I'm there.
These two are incredibly talented. Lauralee, who is indeed lovely, has a dark, beautiful voice. Combined with her piano playing, each song is elevated into something of an art piece.
The percussion really stood out to me as being key to the performance; it added a measure of complexity that brought the music of the Lovely Killbots to the next level. Ryan is a phenom on drums, blending intricate beats with Lauralee's moody vocals and piano melodies. They've been described before as a "surreal music experiment", (appropriate, considering the band's name), and I'd have to agree. Their sound is something I've never really heard before - it's dramatic, full and rich. It's amazing to watch a two-person band come up with something that sounds so vividly layered.
Primrose Lane, their debut LP, was just recently released, and it comes highly recommended by local media (and me). The Lovely Killbots have two more Toronto dates coming up in April, including one on the 30th at the Boat - make sure you check them out.
- BlogTo - Jen Ford
Primrose Lane LP (2008)
Once Smitten LP (2011)
Time for Change Single (Summer 2011)
Must be Machine Remix (Winter 2012)

A sophisticated and lovely synth/drum duo whose most recent album, Once Smitten, was produced by the stellar Gavin Brown (Metric, Billy Talent, Sarah Harmer) and Dave Mohacsi.
It showcases their unique brand of post-indie-dance-rock, blending authentic and imaginative sounds through a mixture of gorgeous vocals, heavy analog synths, lovely melodies and huge complex drum beats that reverberate in your mind for days and days and days.
The Killbots have been garnering much attention and acclaim from press and radio alike, with an outstanding live show and recent achievement of #1 on the electronic radio charts!
Once Smitten is a darkly dancetastic robot masterpiece - Dan from TWM
This is a phenomenal piece of work. Almost every song will resonate with you after only one listen and it proves that, to quote Dan Managan, robots need love too - Michael from Greyowl Point
Much like the impending robot enslavement of all humanity, you would be wise to keep your eye on this talented electro-pop duo. With a new album under their belt, the Lovely Killbots are ready to take over - Orlando from Soundproof Magazine