El Paso, Texas, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
National Tv Interview in Telemundo show Acceso Total (Total Access spanish) - TELEMUNDO
This quartet of Mexican rockers, return to Fort Worth to present the best of their five studio albums and one EP, with his new album, Rocktrospecitva, which contains issues 70, 80, 90 and the last decade, various artists as Rockdrigo, El Tri, Botellita de Jeréz (Translated) - Diario Mi Estrella
LATV – Rockamole
Interview with Daniel Velez/Luis Cardenas - LATV
Lanzate por UniMas aired live July 17 on Univision - Univision
To celebrate his fifteen year career and six albums, LSP members thought the best way to celebrate this anniversary was to give tribute to the music and the bands that influenced them in their principles, and that's how their seventh album, Rocktrospectiva, was released in 2013.
Seis Pistos Rocktrospectiva
Posted on June 20, 2014 by Angel Aguilar
Written by Angel Aguilar
Seis Pistos (LSP) is a band founded 15 years ago in the city of Chihuahua, in northern Mexico. Its members grew up listening to the music on the other side of the border and with its combination of punk, garage rock, ska, hardcore and influence of Mexican rock, created a unique sound that soon led them to play their music throughout Mexico, United States and Canada, including some of the most important festivals on the continent.
To celebrate his fifteen year career and six albums, LSP members thought the best way to celebrate this anniversary was to give tribute to the music and the bands that influenced them in their principles, and that's how their seventh album, Rocktrospectiva, was released in 2013.
To delve a little deeper into the creation of this album and the band's history, we sat down to talk with Ivan Chavero, vocalist, as more than an interview, it was a very pleasant chat about music.
Roots Music - Tell us about this new album Rocktrospectiva.
LSP - When we recorded this album was made very nice saying we will record this album from our 15th anniversary with the songs of bands that influenced us when we were Chaville, because not only are bands of Mexican rock, if not rock bands they were in a time when there was no Mexican rock, then they called "Rock in Your Language", and these bands were separated from that which was called "Rock in Your Language" by adding Mexican touches, as did Caifanes, Café Tacuba, bottle of sherry and even El Tri and many more.
Six pistos album
To this album would be called a disk of "covers"?
A "cover" is wanting to take the song like, which can not be done and you do not have a finger or voice, or the same people who wrote the song can replicate 100% as recorded in the studio, wave grab a song that is not yours is to destroy it, put your essence and bring it back but the essence of the original, which is where it is so difficult to miss, so we did our own versions of these songs.
How did you choose the songs for the album?
It was very difficult, are four in the band and everyone chose he liked. For example, I'm not a fan of phobia, but our drummer, who is curiously the toughest of the band wanted a song Phobia, and tried several but the requirement; obviously, is that we liked the song also was a song that could adapt to us.
Six Pistos 024
What were the musical influences that marked its beginning?
My mom played us The Beatles, uncles played us Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and groups as well, my grandmother put us Pedro Infante, my grandfather Los Cadetes de Linares and Los Tigres Del Norte and dad José José. So we are forming a musical blender was in the brain when we started the band and the idea was just no denying the influences we brought that was what they had taught us these friends of Caifanes, Maldita Vecindad and others.
What are your plans for the immediate future?
We present the album Rocktrospectiva in the US and thus we will be closing this cycle because we are finishing a new album. So I will be back in July.
For more information on LSP, they can be found on their official website and also can go on facebook.
Here's the confirmed dates of the US tour so far:
Jul. 16 Good Hurt Los Angeles, CA
Jul. 17 Caravan San Jose, CA
Jul. 18 Stork Oakland, CA
Jul. 20 Blue Moon Seattle, WA
Jul. 21 Blue Moon Boise, ID
Jul. 24 Burt's Tiki Lounge Salt Lake City, UT
Jul. 25 Double Down Saloon Las Vegas, NV
(Translated) - Musica Roots
Radio Interview done in May 31 2014 - Aztlan KPFK-FM
Intervirew aired on May 27th 2014 - rockeros.net
July 7 2014 KSJV-FM call in on Todo al Pulmon w/Jose Moran in advance of the west coast tour - KSJV-FM
The Mexican punk rock group, The Seis Pistos be in the Caravan Lounge on July 17 in San Jose. Since its inception the band has always aimed to create a Mexican rock that embraces both Mexican and foreign music to create a unique sound.
Seis Pistos be in San Jose
Posted on admin on July 12, 2014 // Comments Off
Seis Pistos
The Mexican punk rock group, The Seis Pistos be in the Caravan Lounge on July 17 in San Jose. Since its inception the band has always aimed to create a Mexican rock that embraces both Mexican and foreign music to create a unique sound.
Therefore, the band initially chose the name Seis Pistos because within the Mexican culture is very common to make words in another language and mexicanizarlas taking foreign phonemes and give them a different meaning, as happens with the music and the name of the band. While within their influences encentran the Sex Pistols, the band does not seek to emulate the sound of that legendary band, but to create a style under the assumption that punk has no strict aesthetic rules as in other styles of music but involves playing the music in you emphasizing a message.
Now under the acronym LSP the band has begun to break their own paradigms and take your music to new levels.
The band consists of vocalist Ivan Chavero, guitarist / vocalist Kerio, bassist / vocalist and drummer Beto "Tambo" and have 4 full-length albums and 1 EP with own material.
In its 15th anniversary, the band decided to celebrate by making a tribute to Mexican rock songs reinterpreting classic style Mexican Rock Band.
The album was recorded at Sonic Ranch (Tornillo, Texas) and was produced by Neil Citron to achieve production that by keeping respect for the Mexican Rock and, at the request of the band, the producer never heard the original versions of the topics so that they would treat new music and achieve true interpretation to be a disk "covers".
Rocktrospecitva contains themes 70's, 80's, 00's 90s and several artists like Rockdrigo, El Tri, bottle of sherry, Caifanes, El Gran Silencio, Café Tacuba, Punk Syndrome, Phobia and Inspector. The first single is "The Rolling Stones", the original version of The Tri was executed with acoustic, harmonica and vocals guitar, while the version of Six Pistos is reinterpreted with electric guitar, drums, bass and vocals, giving it a more lit , which happened very similarly to the "Ugly" Rockdrigo, which went from being a fun acoustic version to strong electrified song retains the original mood of the original author.
(Translated) - El Observador
When I heard that The Seis Pistos going to be in San Jose, I was super excited. Lots of different things started coming to my mind, like when I was a radio show in college, and my experience discovering the Mexican punk...
Punk will never die
Posted on admin on July 27, 2014 // Comments Off
the caravan
Cinthia Rodriguez
El Observador
When I heard that The Seis Pistos going to be in San Jose, I was super excited. Lots of different things started coming to my mind, like when I was a radio show in college, and my experience discovering the Mexican punk. The friend of my manager introduced me various artists and remember I told him I was very fond of punk music during high school. Immediately told me about The Six Pistos of Chihuahua, Mexico. I was impressed, not because it was punk, punk but because it was my first language, Spanish.
I had the amazing opportunity to see The Six Pistos about six years ago in Los Angeles, during a music festival. Again Six Pistos not disappoint.
I arrived at the Caravan in San José and saw the guys down your computer. Later, they joined with the public and they were hanging out, watching the opening bands, and selling their wares.
It was her time to climb the small stage. I looked around and people was composed of all kinds of people, most of them anxiously awaiting what would happen.
The crowd went crazy when they realized that they were Mexican kids who play punk, but they played some songs in English. They took him out in a small venue, so I gave it a more intimate feel. I imagined a "mosh pit" like we were in a place that allows it, but the Caravan has a strict rule against that. But that did not stop people enjoy the band.
These four guys played as if they were in front of hundreds of people. It was very natural for the singer to interact with fans. He explained what song they would play and joke. This band gave everything. Singer energy was contagious. He ran the place getting all shout.
One of my favorite moments was when he shared the microphone with one of the fans. Between songs he took his latest album, "Rocktrospectiva" and handed it over. The audience responded by clapping, encouraging them, and asking for autographs after his set.
You can find them on Facebook: www.facebook.com/6pistos or listen visiting: soundcloud.com/seispistos.
(Translated) - El Observador
Los Seis Pistos
Thu Jul 17, 2014
The Caravan Lounge
Bars, Dive Bars, Music, Punk
Los Seis Pistos have a band motto: "El Punk no moriria" which translates to an expression English speakers have heard a thousand times in the past 40 years: "punk's not dead." Considering that the group is based out of Chihuahua, Mexico, but play a very American-sounding energetic variation on punk rock, it's perfect! Their music is a cross between the Ramones and '90s Californian pop-punk, with a dash of ska-punk. Yet they sing in Spanish and wear their Latin culture proudly. They recently released an album of punkified covers of well-known Mexican rock songs from bands like El Tri, El Gran Silencio and Rockdrigo. (KF) - sanjose.com
HOUSTON - With Seis Pistos no kinks or affectation. The mission of the Mexican band is writing songs for hard and rough sounds of punk-rock but played with a mastery that is not common in a genre that is characterized by its elemental form.
Seis Pistos revitalize Mexican punk
The group bet to anger with uncommon expertise in a genre in which the elementary sounds are constant
David Dorantes | 7/26/2014, 6 a.m.
Seis Pistos revitalize Mexican punk
Seis Pistos talks with David Dorantes
HOUSTON - With Seis Pistos no kinks or affectation. The mission of the Mexican band is writing songs for hard and rough sounds of punk-rock but played with a mastery that is not common in a genre that is characterized by its elemental form.
"We play punk, yes, but also aspire to play it well ... nothing more to give them guitarrazos by making meaningless noise" says guitarist Yuri Chavero from the Mexican city of Chihuahua, near the border with Texas and where the band is based.
Along with Chavero, complete a Seis Pistos his brother Ivan Chavero (voice), Luis Madrid (bass) and Ivan Tambo Perales (bass).
LSP, as his followers call the group was formed 15 years ago by way of a gang of neighborhood friends playing acoustic guitars.
Punk with influences
Then he became one of the mainstays bands of Mexican punk to open your sound the same to the ranchera music ska, blues and jazz, under the influence of American punk bands like Iggy Pop and The Stooges, The Ramones and Bad Religion or British as the Sex Pistols, who in an ironic twist take their name referring to the Mexican slang word meaning pistear drinking or drinking with friends.
The crown jewel in the music of LSP is his sixth and new album, Rocktrospectiva, scheduled to be released on July 29 and which pays tribute to great Mexican rock songs as Charrockanroll of bottle of sherry; Band Girl, Café Tacuba; The ugly, Rockdrigo González; Rolling Stones, El Tri; Pachuco, La Maldita Vecindad; and Cowboy rockanrollero, Charly Montana.
"When the group turned 15 decided to do something special in celebration ... and decided to do reinterpretations of classic Mexican rock songs, but in our own way," explains Chavero.
What LSP achieved in Rocktrospectiva is an amazing revival of the genre, as it rescued songs for the new generations of Hispanics rockers may be unknown, and passed through the sieve of punk, highlighting the guitar solos.
The LSP disc was recorded at the legendary studio Sonic Ranch in Tornillo, Texas, where they have also recorded rockers Gogol Bordello and Enrique Bunbury. "For us, being of Chihuahua, it is easier to do everything in Texas than anywhere else in Mexico ... In fact we played a lot there," Chavero explains.
Seis Pistos
Where: www.seispistos.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/6pistos
On Twitter:seispistos
- See more at:
(Translated) - La Voz de Houston
Entrevista Gibson: Iván Chavero (Los Seis Pistos)
Los Seis Pistos presentan su álbum 'Rocktrospectiva' en Estados Unidos, un disco en el que el grupo le rinde un tributo especial a las bandas más tradicionales del rock mexicano y antes que ser un disco de covers la idea de Los Seis Pistos fue hacer un homenaje al legado de los artistas que han influenciado en su carrera.
Así se reúne una gran colección de canciones de leyendas como Rockdrigo, El Tri, Botellita de Jerez, Caifanes, El Gran Silencio, Café Tacuba, El Síndrome del Punk, Fobia e Inspector al estilo de Los Seis Pistos. El álbum fue grabado en los estudios Sonic Ranch bajo la batuta del productor e ingeniero Neil Citron (Steve Vai, Slash, The Yardbirds, Greg Bissonette, Virgil Donati, LA Guns, Quiet Riot, Brian Setzer, Stephen Adler, Steve Lukather/Larry Carlton, Gigantour, Oprah Winfrey, etc...), quien aportó una interesante perspectiva a la reinvención de estos clásicos orgullosamente nacionales. LSP (Los Seis Pistos) combinan Rock, la música latina y diversos ritmos logrando un sonido nuevo y poderoso en los dominios del Rock. Este sonido es referido por el grupo como: Latin Punk.
Desde las carreteras de Estados Unidos hablamos con su vocalista Ivan Chavero:
¿Cómo va la gira por estos días?
Llevábamos cuatro o cinco años sin venir a Estados Unidos y definitivamente ha sido una gran experiencia. Es curioso nosotros estamos en la mitad del D.F y la frontera. Al estar en Chihuahua estamos cerca de ambos centros musicales, de la capital en México y de estados y ciudades importantes en Texas y California, así que ya es un terreno relativamente conocido para nosotros.
¿Cuál es la mayor diferencia entre girar por Estados Unidos y México?
En cuanto a comodidades, las carreteras en Estados Unidos son más seguras, están en mejor estado. La infraestructura de vías obviamente es superior a la mexicana. En México debes pagar constantemente casetas (peajes) y los que existen en las carreteras de California o Texas son muy económicos, son en puntos específicos o poco los encuentras en el camino. La comida puede ser diferente por obvias razones, debemos ser más cuidadosos al conducir, obviamente ni en México ni en Estados Unidos bebemos y conducimos, creo que la diferencia más básica en cuanto a logística puede ser la facilidad y comodidad por las carreteras.
¿Y de regreso a México?
Y en México no tenemos la barrera del idioma, aunque todos hablamos inglés. A cada lugar, pueblo o ciudad te sientes más cómodo y más en familia y pues ni hablar de la comida.
¿Cómo los han recibido en esta gira?
Llegar a nuevos lugares, nuevas ciudades realmente ha sido una recepción muy cálida. Nos hemos sorprendido. Hay americanos muy curiosos por nuestra música y los mexicanos, la raza nos ha recibido como en casa. Vemos cada vez más interés por comprar nuestros discos en los shows, por comprar playeras, por hablar, por tomarnos una cerveza con ellos, incluso muchos nos ofrecen sus casas para quedarnos. Hay una camaradería muy especial y es lindo ver esa relación nueva que se crea. Y entre más estamos al norte del país, mas calidez y cariño recibimos, realmente algo que no esperábamos y que ha sido una grata sorpresa.
Y no son muchas las bandas de rock mexicano que están de gira por Estados Unidos…
Puede ser, nos sentimos representando el rock de nuestro país. Es un orgullo pero al mismo tiempo una responsabilidad. Representamos, llevamos no solo un género musical sino también la cultura mexicana y eso lo sentimos cuando hablamos con la gente en nuestros shows. Vemos que se alegran cuando hay una banda de rock mexicano visitando la ciudad.
¿Cómo es enfrentar un repertorio de clásicos del rock mexicano, canciones que hacen parte de la historia de una generación?
Al comienzo un poco de miedo, por la respuesta pero ahora que han pasado los meses notamos una respuesta muy positiva…vemos como cantan las canciones en los shows, las reconocen y aunque tienen arreglos diferentes vemos como la raza las disfruta y nos felicitan. Es una sensación increíble luego de tomar esas canciones prestadas y vemos como nuestros arreglos han sido aceptados. Otro punto muy positivo es que muchas canciones no eran tan conocidas por una nueva generación y artistas, por ejemplo “El feo” de Rockdrigo González es presentada para algunos por primera vez y es una gran motivación. En general la respuesta ha sido muy positiva.
Y cómo ha sido la respuesta de las bandas tras oír las versiones de los Seis Pistos.
No hemos hablado con todos, pero por ejemplo a Roco de la Maldita Vecindad le gustó mucho y en alguna ocasión coincidimos en un festival y se aventó a cantarla con nosotros… hemos oídos buenos comentarios y esto es algo que definitivamente nos alegra porque ha sido un trabajo muy honesto, con respeto y mucho cariño.
¿Cómo van las giras por estos días?
Pues muy interesante porque regresamos constantemente en giras pequeñas de cuatro fechas por Estados Unidos, regresamos a México, luego al DF y otras ciudades, así que nos mantenemos bastante ocupados.
¿Cómo está la escena del rock en Chihuahua?
Muy buena, está en un auge muy interesante. Hay muchas nuevas bandas de chavitos que hacen su música original, se distancias de los covers y sientes que hay cosas buenas por ahí. Hoy grabar es un poco más fácil de lo que era cuando nosotros empezamos y vez como esas bandas graban sus rolas. Unas bandas se quedan y otras cumplen su camino natural de irse al DF, una ciudad que atrae y que al final del día es uno de los centros del rock en nuestro país.
Ustedes se toman la música con mucha seriedad, pero al mismo tiempo no pierden el sentido del humor. Letras, nombres, videos… un sello también que hace parte de la esencia del grupo…
Cuando comenzamos en 1996, empezamos con un concepto claro de lo que vivíamos en nuestra ciudad. Chihuahua tienes un amalgama cultural, tienes cosas muy nuestras de México y vez algunas cosas que nos llegan de la cultura americana. Así que desde el nombre quisimos jugar con esa mexicanización de un nombre clásico como los Six Pistols en una versión más mexicana. Y aunque nuestra música no es como la de esa banda, si quisimos darle ese toque humorístico. La música, el arte no debe limitarse, es una expresión de creatividad, hay toques de locura, es una vía de escape… a veces el mundo del arte se vuelve frio, acartonado y debes disfrutar lo que haces. Nosotros lo hacemos, nos divertimos, somos disciplinados, serios con nuestra música, pero también le abrimos la puerta al humor, esa puerta que le abrimos al humor también nos ha abierto muchas puertas.
http://www2.gibson.com/Noticias-y-Reportajes/Articulos/es-es/Entrevista-Gibson-Ivan-Chavero-(Los-Seis-Pistos).aspx -
Los Seis Pistos presentan su disco 'Rocktrospectiva' en Estados Unidos
Los Seis Pistos
Luego de una gran gira por Estados Unidos, Los Seis Pistos lanzan oficialmente su álbum 'Rocktrospectiva' en Estados Unidos y que estará disponible en todo el país a partir de hoy jueves 31 de julio.
'Rocktrospectiva' es un disco en el que la banda le rinde un tributo especial a las bandas más tradicionales del rock mexicano y antes que ser un disco de covers la idea de Los Seis Pistos fue hacer un homenaje al legado de los artistas que han influenciado en su carrera. Así se reúne una gran colección de canciones de leyendas como Rockdrigo, El Tri, Botellita de Jerez, Caifanes, El Gran Silencio, Café Tacuba, El Síndrome del Punk, Fobia e Inspector al estilo de Los Seis Pistos.
El álbum fue grabado en los estudios Sonic Ranch bajo la batuta del productor e ingeniero Neil Citron (Steve Vai, Slash, The Yardbirds, Greg Bissonette, Virgil Donati, LA Guns, Quiet Riot, Brian Setzer, Stephen Adler, Steve Lukather/Larry Carlton, Gigantour, Oprah Winfrey, etc...), quien aportó una interesante perspectiva a la reinvención de estos clásicos orgullosamente nacionales.
LSP (Los Seis Pistos) combinan Rock, la música latina y diversos ritmos logrando un sonido nuevo y poderoso en los dominios del Rock. Este sonido es referido por el grupo como: Latin Punk.
Su sonido único proviene de la fusión cultural causada por la globalización y el acercamiento a otros países del mundo, principalmente México y Estados Unidos. Estando en medio de dos países, los integrantes de Seis Pistos han sido influenciados desde muy temprana edad por la música latina tradicional y el buen rock & roll, desde Elvis hasta Pedro Infante, estos chavos han dado tanto serenatas callejeras el día de las madres como tocado en lugares como el Roxy de los Ángeles California.
El sonido del Punk Latino, como lo llaman los Seis Pistos, contiene influencias de todos los aspectos del rock and roll, punk, ska, blues y en ocasiones hasta jazz; dirigidos por la potente guitarra de alto octanaje de Kenio, la voz única y veloz de Iván, melodías duras en las líneas de bajo y una batería que no escatima en intensidad.
El primer sencillo del disco es "Las Piedras Rodantes", un verdadero clásico del rock mexicano de El Tri en el que la banda adapta y presenta su propia y emotiva versión. La versión de El Tri fue ejecutada con guitarra acústica, armónica y voz, mientras que la versión de Seis Pistos es reinterpretada con guitarra eléctrica, batería, bajo y voz, dándole un aire más prendido.
Luego de esa primera gira, Los Seis Pistos han confirmado una segunda etapa que comenzara el próximo 28 de agosto en varias ciudades de Texas incluyendo Austin, Dallas y Houston. - Gibson.com
Punk latino en USA
Los Seis Pistos anuncian su llegada oficial a los Estados Unidos en el mes de julio
Irlanda Tostado Jiménez
Los Seis Pistos ofrecerán varias presentaciones entre el 16 y el 25 de julio, visitando ciudades como San José, Salt Lake City, Oakland, Seattle y Las Vegas
USA se prepara para recibir una descarga de punk latino.
Y es que durante el mes de julio, Los Seis Pistos harán su arribo a tierras norteamericanas para presentar su más reciente producción discográfica Rockstrospectiva.
Como su nombre lo indica, se trata de un álbum que retoma algunas joyas del rock mexicano de los últimos cuarenta años, para ofrecer una versión fresca y novedosa de clásicos temas de agrupaciones emblemáticas como El Tri, Caifanes, Botellita de Jérez, Café Tacuba, entre otras.
Contrario a lo que se podría pensar, el objetivo de la banda no es ofrecer un simple álbum de covers, sino subrayar que existe un rock clásico mexicano que debe ser apreciado y recordado.
Se trata además de un álbum que de alguna manera contribuye a reafirmar la identidad mexicana, en medio del entorno bicultural en la que se desarrollan sus integrantes.
El nombre mismo de la banda simboliza la idea de hacer un rock mexicano en el que confluyan las influencias nacionales y extranjeras, especialmente aquellas provenientes de los Estados Unidos.
seis pistos album cover
Los Seis Pistos eson una banda originaria de Chihuaha (México), quienes harán su arribo a tierras norteamericanas para presentar su más reciente producción discográfica Rockstrospectiva, un álbum que de alguna manera contribuye a reafirmar la identidad mexicana, en medio del entorno bicultural en la que se desarrollan sus integrantes.
Originarios de Chihuahua, Los Seis Pistos tuvieron contacto desde muy temprana edad con la música latina tradicional por una parte y con el rock & roll por otra, de ahí que su sonido del punk latino, como lo llaman sus integrantes, tome elementos de géneros de ambos lados de la frontera como el rock, el ska, el blues y hasta el jazz.
Rockstrospectiva fue grabado en los estudios Sonic Ranch con la producción de Neil Citron (Steve Vai, Slash, The Yardbirds, Greg Bissonette, LA Guns, Quiet Riot, Stephen Adler, Oprah Winfrey, etc.), quien aportó una interesante perspectiva a la reinvención de estos clásicos nacionales.
Los Seis Pistos ofrecerán varias presentaciones entre el 16 y el 25 de julio, visitando ciudades como San José, Salt Lake City, Oakland, Seattle, Las Vegas, entre otras.
Y para que se de una idea de la propuesta de estos chicos, los dejamos con su interpretación de "Las Piedras Rodantes", un clásico del El Tri que la banda reinterpreta con guitarra eléctrica, batería, bajo y voz. - La Banda Elastica
Rocktrospectiva From Los Seis Pistos
Written by Angel Aguilar
Published on July 11, 2014
Los Seis Pistos (LSP) was founded 15 years ago in the Mexican northern state of Chihuahua where its members grew up listening to music from the other side of the border and with the combination of punk, garaje rock, ska, hardcore and the influence of Mexican rock, LSP created a unique and powerful sound that has taken the band all over Mexico, the U.S., Canada and the most important festival in the continent
To celebrate their 15 years in music and 6 albums under their belt, the band members thought that the best way to celebrate this 15 year milestone was to give tribute to the music and bands that influenced them at the beginning and thus, their seventh album, Rocktrospectiva was released in 2013
To learn more about this album and the history of the band, we sat down to talk to lead singer Iván Chavero in what turned out to be the most pleasant and entertaining conversation about music rather than a formal interview.
Al Borde – Tell us about this new album Rocktrospectiva
Iván Chavero – The album was recorded at Sonic Ranch Recording Studios and when we were recording the album we had a very gratifying feeling thinking that we were making an anniversary album with songs that influenced us when we were kids because they are not just Mexican rock bands, these are bands that came out when there was no “Mexican rock”. At that time there was the “Rock En Tu Idioma” gimmick, but it was very commercial but bands like Caifanes, Café Tacvba, Botellita de Jerez and others began to add their own very Mexican touch to the music and it blew us away.”
Would you call Rocktrospectiva a “covers” album?
A “cover” is trying to play the song exactly as the original, which is very difficult to do because one doesn’t have the same fingers or same voice and sometimes even the original artists cannot replicate their own songs on stage 100%. Our idea was to destroy each song and put it back together in our own way and style, but still containing the essence of the original songs.
Los Seis pistos albumHow did you choose the songs for the album?
It was very difficult because there are 4 of us and each one wanted their favorite songs, so we set up some rules, one being that we all had to like the song and it also had to be a song that would work within our musical style. There were several songs that we worked on that just didn’t sound right so we had to pass on them.
What were your musical influences besides the Mexican rock that you have talked about?
My mother used to play us The Beatles, my uncles would play Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and other bands like that, my grandmother would play Pedro Infante and my grandfather would play Los Cadetes de Linares and Los Tigres Del Norte and my dad would play José José, so we took all this influences and mixed them up like in a blender in our brains and when we started the band, the main idea was to not negate any of our influences.
Los Seis Pistos will be touring the U.S. this coming July in what will be the end of the Rocktrospectiva Tour as they are already working on a new album which they will finish after this tour.
For more information about Los Seis Pistos, you can find them on their official website and Facebook.
Here are the confirmed dates for their American tour:
Wed. Jul. 16 Good Hurt Los Angeles, CA
Thurs. Jul. 17 Caravan San Jose, CA
Fri. Jul. 18 Stork Oakland, CA
Sun. Jul. 20 Blue Moon Seattle, WA
Mon. Jul. 21 Blue Moon Boise, ID
Mar. Jul. 24 Burt’s Tiki Lounge Salt Lake City, UT
Fri. Jul. 25 Double Down Saloon Las Vegas, NV
- See more at: http://www.alborde.com/musica-section/rocktrospectiva-los-seis-pistos/#sthash.Lzw2DxKp.dpuf - Al Borde
Un grupo de rock Seis Pistos surge de los años 80’s y 90’s
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El grupo de Punk Rock Mexicano “Seis Pistos”, originario de Chihuahua, México esta presentando su nuevo disco, Rocktrospectiva, el cual sale la próxima semana. Es un álbum de tributo a bandas grandes que los han influenciado a ellos durante su carrera por lo que incluye covers de Café Tacuba, Fobia, Maldita Vecindad, Caifanes, entre otras bandas de los 80’s y 90’s
En entrevista exclusiva para galatview.com con el Vocalista Iván Chavero nos comentó: “Nosotros tenemos 18 años con 6 discos grabados, material original del 15 aniversario de retrospectiva tributo fans y no son covers, son interpretaciones.
“Regresarnos a melómano y enseñar a las bandas que se puede hacer rock mexicano, se sentía rock en español con las bandas como: Maldita Vecindad, El Tri, y Soda Estéreo entre otras.”
“Nosotros hacemos rock mexicano, el cual tiene distintos tonos porque saben a México y no pensamos que está fuera una moda, es algo diferente en este disco la selección. Dicha agrupación la integra de 4 músicos en la banda donde destrozamos canciones y las armamos nuevamente adaptándolas en 11 temas que están en el álbum.
Iván y su banda incluyen éxitos como: “Las Piedras Rodando”, “Detrás de ti” de Caifanes, “Metro del Síndrome” de Inspector, y “Amargo Adiós”, entre otras.
“Nuestro plan es seguir compartiendo música y nuestra expresión. El próximo año habrá un disco inédito, pero con este álbum refrescamos las ideas. En monterrey nos topamos a Roco de la maldita vecindad y le gustó la canción de Javier (interprete de inspector).”
El nombre es la idea de la banda hacer música mexicana y mezclar las influencias de la música de rock,y lograr un sonido original. Nos burlamos de nosotros mismos con la expresión compartida de las bandas de rock.
“Detrás de ti” es el segundo sencillo realizado en Chihuahua, México y los Instrumentos que ejecutan son: Ivan cantante, kenio la guitarra, Beto el bajo y Tambo la Batería.
Author: Alfonso - Galatview
Being Mexican is hot right now. Goalkeeper Memo Ochoa saves Mexico in the World Cup against Brazil and becomes an overnight sensation. The Mexican rock band, Seis Pistos, is riding on that wave of Mexican popularity to announce their upcoming tour, album, video, and new sound. They have already recorded five albums. But its the fifth, Rocktrospectiva, will be here in the U.S. in late July. But that’s not all. The band will also make its first appearance in the United States as well. The group, whose music is labeled as Latin Punk, was listed as the best band in the 2004 NXNE Festival in Toronto, Canada. Their tour will begin on July 16 in Los Angeles and run down the west coast and finish in Las Vegas, NV. on July 25th.
Seis Pistos is influenced by several legendary bands in the U.S. and Mexico, which accounts for their varied mix of classic Mexican songs. The Sonic Ranch Studio was where the album was recorded under producer and engineer, Neil Citron (Steve Vai, The Yardbirds, and Quiet Riot, among others.) The Chihuahua based band is excited to create this tribute, paying homage to the true tradition of Mexican Rock. “The Rolling Stones” was launched as an advance single to give listeners a taste of what is to come in this tribute album. They have already sold Kim Fowley(Kiss, The Runaways, Alice Cooper) on this project. “I have to point out that Seis Pistos are the Latino Ramones in the rock market of the 21st century.” She added. - Latin Trends
Los Seis Pistos cross over the border with their punk tour
Los Seis Pistos guitarist-singer Kenio Chavero describes the sound bubbling over the Mexican border as rock-punk. However, there’s a decidedly Latin flavor to the Chihuahua,…
John Benson - VOXXI
PUBLICADO: Jul, 9, 2014 3:13 pm EST
Los Seis Pistos recently released the compilation “Punk Will Never Die” featuring their punk rock sound from across the border in both English and Spanish. They’re now doing a mini-tour in the United States. (Photo: Seis Pistos)
Los Seis Pistos guitarist-singer Kenio Chavero describes the sound bubbling over the Mexican border as rock-punk.
However, there’s a decidedly Latin flavor to the Chihuahua, México quartet, which recently released compilation album “Punk Will Never Die” that features tunes in English and Spanish.
SEE ALSO: Cedric Bixler & Omar Rodriguez reunite as Antemasque
“They are all songs from previous records and fan favorites,” Chavero told VOXXI. “Then we translated them to English. Not word by word but the content. From there, we remixed and re-mastered everything. The idea was to introduce ourselves to the U.S. audience with our favorite songs but having them in English.”
Formed in 1996, Los Seis Pistos is one of many south of the border bands these days incorporating north of the border influences into a mélange of unique style and sounds. Chavero said he and his brother, Los Seis Pistos singer Iván, enjoyed a familiar upbringing straddling the old and the new.
During the day they would spend hours with their grandfather, who played the traditional Mexican music of Pedro Infante and Jorge Negrete. Then during the evening their mother would play rock from The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix.
“It was kind of funny, in the morning we were listening to Latin music and then in the afternoon we were listening to Anglo music,” Chavero said.
Adding even more diversity into the mix was the fact Chavero said he learned to play guitar watching the guys in his neighborhood giving serenatas (serenades) to pretty señoritas. Later, the boys would become enamored with skateboard culture. Specifically, they were intrigued with the obscure punk bands found on skating videos.
“That’s when we got the idea to make the band,” Chavero said. “We’d go to bars and there wasn’t anyone playing the kind of music we were listening to. That’s when we started making music. We had this idea of making louder Mexican rock, where we can express our Latin influences and our Anglo influences. That’s what we’ve been trying to do ever since.”
As for the group’s moniker, the idea was to phonetically capitalize on The Sex Pistols, while keeping the name Spanish. Hence, Los Seis Pistos.
“It’s very Mexican to take a word in another language and then twist it a little bit and make it Spanish,” Chavero said. “That’s what we’re trying to do with our music.”
As for the decision to move its operation stateside, the band’s motives are common. Not only is the outfit looking for greater opportunity but also safety from the crime that continues to ravage Mexico.
Chavero said rising highway tolls make it financially devastating to drive during the day in Mexico, while the obligatory overnight trips required by bands has proven to be life-threatening.
“The roads aren’t safe,” Chavero said. “It used to be we could drive all night with no problem. Now, we still do it, but the risk is there and bigger. Actually we had gunshots outside of one of our gigs last year, so that’s another reason.”
Los Seis Pistos mounts a mini-tour this month (beginning July 16 at The Good Hurt in Los Angeles, ending July 25 at the Double Down Saloon in Las Vegas) with the hope this is just the first of many.
“The goal for this year is to get this record out there to as many people as possible,” Chavero said. “Ultimately that’s what makes us happy, playing out in front of people recording and having people listen to our songs. And if they can get some of the messages we’re trying to get across, that’s even better.” - La Opinion
Los Seis Pistos regresan con ‘Rocktrospectiva’.
August 4, 2014 by shocked!
El popular conjunto de Latin-Punk, Los Seis Pistos, lanzaron el pasado jueves 31un nuevo álbum de estudio llamado ‘Rocktrospectiva‘, en el que le rinden tributo a varios exponentes mexicanos que han influenciado su carrera.
Como punta de lanza, la banda ha dado a conocer una versión del clásico, “Las Piedras Rodantes”, original de El Tri, que es reinterpretada con guitarra eléctrica, batería, y bajo.
Cansados del Rock convencional que se escuchaba en Latinoamérica a mediados de los 90’s, y tomando influencias de estilos como el Punk clásico, Rocksteady, Rock en Español y el Ska mexicano, Los Seis Pistos se formaron en Chihuahua, México en 1996. El conjunto se popularizó en la región gracias a sus discos, Sanchin (2003) y Korima Punk (2006).
A finales de mes, el grupo se emprenderá en otra gira por Estados Unidos. Para mayor detalles, váyase a este link. - Shocked
Los Seis Pistos cross over the border with their punk tour
by Nikola - Jul 9, 2014
Seis Pistos are a Mexican rock band.Los Seis Pistos recently released the compilation “Punk Will Never Die” featuring their punk rock sound from across the border in both English and Spanish. They’re now doing a mini-tour in the United States. (Photo: Seis Pistos)
Los Seis Pistos guitarist-singer Kenio Chavero describes the sound bubbling over the Mexican border as rock-punk.
However, there’s a decidedly Latin flavor to the Chihuahua, México quartet, which recently released compilation album “Punk Will Never Die” that features tunes in English and Spanish.
SEE ALSO: Cedric Bixler & Omar Rodriguez reunite as Antemasque
“They are all songs from previous records and fan favorites,” Chavero told VOXXI. “Then we translated them to English. Not word by word but the content. From there, we remixed and re-mastered everything. The idea was to introduce ourselves to the U.S. audience with our favorite songs but having them in English.”
Formed in 1996, Los Seis Pistos is one of many south of the border bands these days incorporating north of the border influences into a mélange of unique style and sounds. Chavero said he and his brother, Los Seis Pistos singer Iván, enjoyed a familiar upbringing straddling the old and the new.
During the day they would spend hours with their grandfather, who played the traditional Mexican music of Pedro Infante and Jorge Negrete. Then during the evening their mother would play rock from The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix.
“It was kind of funny, in the morning we were listening to Latin music and then in the afternoon we were listening to Anglo music,” Chavero said.
Adding even more diversity into the mix was the fact Chavero said he learned to play guitar watching the guys in his neighborhood giving serenatas (serenades) to pretty señoritas. Later, the boys would become enamored with skateboard culture. Specifically, they were intrigued with the obscure punk bands found on skating videos.
“That’s when we got the idea to make the band,” Chavero said. “We’d go to bars and there wasn’t anyone playing the kind of music we were listening to. That’s when we started making music. We had this idea of making louder Mexican rock, where we can express our Latin influences and our Anglo influences. That’s what we’ve been trying to do ever since.”
As for the group’s moniker, the idea was to phonetically capitalize on The Sex Pistols, while keeping the name Spanish. Hence, Los Seis Pistos.
“It’s very Mexican to take a word in another language and then twist it a little bit and make it Spanish,” Chavero said. “That’s what we’re trying to do with our music.”
As for the decision to move its operation stateside, the band’s motives are common. Not only is the outfit looking for greater opportunity but also safety from the crime that continues to ravage Mexico.
Chavero said rising highway tolls make it financially devastating to drive during the day in Mexico, while the obligatory overnight trips required by bands has proven to be life-threatening.
“The roads aren’t safe,” Chavero said. “It used to be we could drive all night with no problem. Now, we still do it, but the risk is there and bigger. Actually we had gunshots outside of one of our gigs last year, so that’s another reason.”
Los Seis Pistos mounts a mini-tour this month (beginning July 16 at The Good Hurt in Los Angeles, ending July 25 at the Double Down Saloon in Las Vegas) with the hope this is just the first of many.
“The goal for this year is to get this record out there to as many people as possible,” Chavero said. “Ultimately that’s what makes us happy, playing out in front of people recording and having people listen to our songs. And if they can get some of the messages we’re trying to get across, that’s even better.” - Voxxi
Wednesday, February 12 13:01, they arrived by cab (I like when people respect others' time and surprise those of us who believe they'll have an “elegant delay”) Mario Bustamante, Sierra León's bass player, came with Iván Chavero, Seis Pistos' lead singer. Of course there was the whole introductory protocol with hand shakes and kisses.
We met at one of those popular places of Guadalajara's metropolitan area, he with a straight-from-the-draft beer in hand, I with a XX myself, wich I forgot to pay by the way (Iván, next one is on me), the interview started with camera, microphone, and a little note pad making me company to guide my thoughts.
Until a few days ago, I didn't even remembered Seis Pistos, that band from Chihuahua that had its glory times in the 2000's, they were on a lot of fests and had great acceptation in México city for the wreck they showed on stage. I didn't thought about it two times when Mario asked me to interview them to promote their new album “Rocktrospectiva” released on 2013, and also for their part on the “Rock y unidad” fest, I had lots of questions to ask and this is how it all developed: - Revista Clarimonda
Still working on that hot first release.
Feeling a bit camera shy
LSP (Seis Pistos) is a band that rocks, they deliver great songs and lots of
energy combining their latin influences with rock and punk, a killer
combo that has resulted in a unique sound described as Latin Punk that
has made a mark in Mexico's Rock scene. They have achived a considerable
number of fans both in Mexico and the US, and have a strong following
via shows and social media, which is daily attended.
In words of legendary music producer Kim Fowley: "I have to say that
SEIS PISTOS are the Latin Ramones for the 21st century rock marketplace.
I have produced or written for such 20th century rock success stories
CHEER-SEEDS. I even found time to publish music by MOTLEY CRUE AND BLUE
OYSTER CULT. Wearing my hat as rock & roll-hardrock expert, I
endorse SEIS PISTOS. These guys rock out and they do it in both Spanish
and English. They do it from a different cultural perspective which
gets a spicy flavor into rock and roll. I have heard the future of Latin
rock music: and that sound belongs to SEIS PISTOS".
Don`t let the name fool you, it is an original concept, their name
represents a paradox of the name of Sex Pistols with the lack of
originality of rock music today. While making An original sound, they
pay tribute with their name to the ones that came before while also
pointing out that bands should recognize the work of great artists but
not copy them and do their own stuff. It also represents that music,
even rock should be fun.
After more than a decade the band have played all around their home
town´s Chihuahua Mexico and El Paso Tx, the most important cities of
Mexico such as: DF, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Durango, Pachuca, Torreon,
etc; and have toured Dallas, El Paso, Austin, Houston, New York,
Albuquerque, Las Cruces, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, the 2004
MECA CONFERENCE in Chicago, 2006 Canadian Music Week and in the 2004
NXNE FESTIVAL in Toronto Canada where they were named best band of the
festival by Chart Attack magazine with a near perfect 99 score.
They have released 4 studio LPS one EP thru independent Mexican
labels and music for local TV shows and short films, including the
playing of their newest song “La Vida Facil” in the episode #310 of the
Emmy awarded series The Shield.
In 2007 they were signed to Mexican Indie Label Peach Discos/myrocket
music and they have made their mark in Mexico's national rock scene,
getting great exposure in media including rotation of their latest
singles "Crucial" and "Vivo en la Cancion" on MTV México and MTV Latino.
Due to the violence all over México specially in their home town
Chihuahua and the increase of younger people involved in crime, the band
has been involved in a series of concerts in shcools in order to
promote cultural values trying help out in restoring the social tessiue
that holds society togheter.
Their last record CRISIS got great airplay from commercial and
college radio in Mexico and the videos for the singles “Crucial” and
“Living on a Song” got great airplay every music video channel and
program in Mexico including Mtv Mexico and Mtv Latino.
In October 2011 Seis Pistos released "Las Piedras" the first single
of their upcoming 5th LP "Rocktrospectiva" wich will be available on
2012. The song and video of the single is rapidly achiving wide exposure
in traditional and web media outlets.
During 2013 and 2014 LSP toured México and the USA and found time to finish the recording and production of their latest album which is going to see the light on the spring of 2015.
Band Members