Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil | Established. Jan 01, 2020 | SELF
O trio mineiro Loss, formado por Marcelo Loss (vocal e baixo, ex-Concreto), Edu Megale (guitarra, The Mist e D.A.M.) e Teddy Bronsk (bateria, ex-Witchhammer e Concreto), apresenta “Até Quando”, segundo single e videoclipe extraído do EP “Let’s Go”, lançado no final do ano passado. Assim como o vídeo anterior, para a faixa “Burn Inside”, a produção e direção ficaram a cargo de Ed Zimmerer.
“A letra de ‘Até Quando’ critica a violência e o preconceito contra a população negra, tanto no Brasil como em todo o mundo, algo inadmissível. A música conta com a participação especial do rapper mineiro Roger Deff, uma referência da cultura Hip Hop de Minas e do país, que também participa do clipe”, declarou o vocalista e baixista Marcelo Loss. “Quando compusemos a música ‘Até Quando’, que fala sobre racismo e violência contra a população negra, notamos um groove meio Rage Against the Machine e aí veio a ideia de inserir um hip-hop. Como Deff é referência no rap, sugerimos que ele cantasse uma parte”, acrescentou.
O vídeo, que teve sua estreia na TV pelo programa Alto Falante (Rede Minas/TV Brasil) no último dia 10 de abril, está disponível no canal do Youtube da banda. Confira em https://youtu.be/zJU3EhR62_8 - New video clip
O vídeo, que teve sua estreia na TV pelo programa Alto Falante (Rede Minas/TV Brasil) no último dia 10 de abril, está disponível no canal do Youtube da banda.
O EP "Let's Go", gravado no estúdio Riff, em Belo Horizonte (MG), teve mixagem e masterização a cargo do renomado produtor dinamarquês Tue Madsen Tue Madsen (Rob Halford, Meshuggah, Vader, Sick Of It All, Moonspell, Behemoth, Dark Tranquillity e Kataklysm). "Nossa sonoridade remete aos clássicos, com influências de classic rock, stoner, metal, hard rock, mas tudo temperado com muito groove e com referências modernas", descreveu Marcelo Loss.
O Loss está atualmente em processo de composição do primeiro álbum, planejado para ser lançado ainda este ano. "Queremos lançar videoclipes de todas as faixas do EP, mas estamos trabalhando em 'full album', que deverá trazer as quatro músicas do EP e mais seis novas", concluiu o vocalista e baixista. - New video clip
Com a saída de Edu Megale, que decidiu se afastar para se dedicar a seus outros projetos, o Loss oficializou Adriano Avelar (ex-Caxakustica) como seu novo guitarrista. Os integrantes Marcelo Loss (vocal e baixo, ex-Concreto) e Teddy Bronsk (bateria, ex-Witchhammer e Concreto) esclarecem que a mudança ocorreu sem qualquer tipo de desentendimento. "Somos muito gratos ao Edu pela parceria comigo nas composições das primeiras músicas, pelo talento que sua guitarra agregou à sonoridade da banda e pelo seu comprometimento e amizade. Em consenso, chegamos à conclusão que seguiríamos caminhos diferentes de agora em diante", comentou Marcelo Loss.
Com Edu Megale, a banda lançou o EP "Let's Go" em todas as plataformas digitais e os clipes para as músicas "Burn Inside" e "Até Quando". "Ainda com Edu, gravamos uma apresentação que foi transmitida em diversos eventos do 'Youbloom Festival', transmitidos da Irlanda, Canadá e Inglaterra", revelou Teddy Bronsk.
Confira o vídeo de "Até Quando", que traz participação do rapper Roger Deff, em https://youtu.be/zJU3EhR62_8 - Adriano Avelar is the new guitarrist of Loss band
Loss es una banda brasilera formada por: Marcelo Loss (ex Concreto) – voz y bajo; Edu Megale (DAM, The Mist) – guitarra y Teddy Bronsk (ex Witchhammer y ex Concreto) – batería.
Su propuesta es rock clásico con referencias modernas, coqueteando con diferentes estilos musicales. La pesada voz y el llamativo bajo de Marcelo, sumados a la virtuosa guitarra de Edu y a la consistente batería de Teddy, dan lugar a un sonido único que nos devuelve a los orígenes del estilo, pero que aporta un soplo de modernidad al rock. - Loss - Até Quando?
O trio mineiro Loss, formado por Marcelo Loss (vocal e baixo, ex-Concreto), Edu Megale (guitarra, The Mist e D.A.M.) e Teddy Bronsk (bateria, ex-Witchhammer e Concreto), apresenta “Até Quando“, segundo single e videoclipe extraído do EP “Let’s Go“, lançado no final do ano passado. Assim como o vídeo anterior, para a faixa “Burn Inside”, a produção e direção ficaram a cargo de Ed Zimmerer.
“A letra de ‘Até Quando’ critica a violência e o preconceito contra a população negra, tanto no Brasil como em todo o mundo, algo inadmissível. A música conta com a participação especial do rapper mineiro Roger Deff, uma referência da cultura Hip Hop de Minas e do país, que também participa do clipe”, declarou o vocalista e baixista Marcelo Loss. “Quando compusemos a música ‘Até Quando’, que fala sobre racismo e violência contra a população negra, notamos um groove meio Rage Against the Machine e aí veio a ideia de inserir um hip-hop. Como Deff é referência no rap, sugerimos que ele cantasse uma parte”, acrescentou.
O vídeo, que teve sua estreia na TV pelo programa Alto Falante (Rede Minas/TV Brasil) no último dia 10 de abril, está disponível no canal do Youtube da banda. Confira em https://youtu.be/zJU3EhR62_8
O EP “Let’s Go”, gravado no estúdio Riff, em Belo Horizonte (MG), teve mixagem e masterização a cargo do renomado produtor dinamarquês Tue Madsen Tue Madsen (Rob Halford, Meshuggah, Vader, Sick Of It All, Moonspell, Behemoth, Dark Tranquillity e Kataklysm). “Nossa sonoridade remete aos clássicos, com influências de classic rock, stoner, metal, hard rock, mas tudo temperado com muito groove e com referências modernas”, descreveu Marcelo Loss. - LOSS: NOVO SINGLE/CLIPE TRAZ PARTICIPAÇÃO DO RAPPER ROGER DEFF
"A letra de 'Até Quando' critica a violência e o preconceito contra a população negra, tanto no Brasil como em todo o mundo, algo inadmissível. A música conta com a participação especial do rapper mineiro Roger Deff, uma referência da cultura Hip Hop de Minas e do país, que também participa do clipe", declarou o vocalista e baixista Marcelo Loss. "Quando compusemos a música 'Até Quando', que fala sobre racismo e violência contra a população negra, notamos um groove meio Rage Against the Machine e aí veio a ideia de inserir um hip-hop. Como Deff é referência no rap, sugerimos que ele cantasse uma parte", acrescentou.
O vídeo, que teve sua estreia na TV pelo programa Alto Falante (Rede Minas/TV Brasil) no último dia 10 de abril, está disponível no canal do Youtube da banda. - New video clip
Loss will tour Europe in 2022
The Minas band Loss, formed by Marcelo Loss (vocals and bass), Adriano Avelar (guitar and vocals) and Teddy Bronsk (drums) is now a highlight in Europe. They're signed to London and Lisbon-based DyMM P&M label, and the single "The Light" predates the full-length album which will be released in early 2022 via one of Universal Music's platforms. “The Light”, which is available on major streaming platforms, comes with an AMV (Anime Music Video), created by Pakistani videomaker Mahad. - Loss on tour 2022
Band Loss pubblica "The Light" per annunciare presto un album fantastico
scritto da: Associazionevaultlab | segnala un abuso
Questa fantastica band si è formata di recente all'inizio della situazione pandemica, ma non fatevi ingannare dalla giovane età del progetto!
I musicisti sono esperti e sanno quello che fanno; due di loro provenivano da un gruppo chiamato "Concreto", un gruppo rock di Minas Gerais attivo da 25 anni, e poco prima della quarantena, Marcelo Loss ha abbozzato, tra una birra e l'altra, oltre all'amico e chitarrista Edu Megale, un nuovo progetto musicale.
“Ci siamo incontrati per fare due chiacchiere. In seguito, Edu mi ha inviato alcuni riff che mi sono piaciuti molto.
Ci ho scritto sopra i testi e, in una settimana, avevamo una composizione pronta", ricorda il bassista e vocalist a proposito della fase embrionale del gruppo che porta il suo nome di lui: Loss.
Ora stanno pubblicando il primo lavoro attraverso l'etichetta DyMM P&M questo ottobre, per annunciare il loro primo album completo. Stoner Rock ha membri esperti che producono un suono coinvolgente e contagioso.
Puoi controllare l'uscita attraverso il link youtube qui sotto che è disponibile il 22 ottobre e porta un video clip basato su questo fantastico suono, assicurati di seguire la band anche sui social network.
https://youtu.be/M1TY8uStcRg - Loss
Loss was formed at the start of the pandemic situation, but don’t be fooled by the young age of the project. The musicians are experienced and know what they do; two of them came from “Concreto”, a rock band from Minas Gerais that was active for 25 years. Just before quarantine, Marcelo Loss etched out, between one beer and another, together with friend and guitarist Edu Megale, a new musical project. “We got together to have a chat. Afterwards, Edu sent me some riffs that I liked a lot. I wrote lyrics on top and, within a week, we had a composition ready”, reminisces the bassist and vocalist about the embryonic stage of the group that bears his name: Loss. After about six months they were joined by drummer and ex-Concreto colleague Teddy Bronsk to complete the power trio. The new venture released its first EP “Let’s Go” in October 2020. With four tracks, one of which already has a video clip “Burn Inside”. In April Megale left the band and was replaced by Adriano Avelar (ex-Caxakustica) as their new guitarist. Now that they have been signed by the British label DyMM P&M, they intend to launch another new work soon and promote it through a European tour still under study due to the pandemic. Loss will release the single “The Light” on the 22nd of this month.
How long have you been performing and recording as Loss, and what is your primary mission as a group?
Loss: Loss started activities in 2020 and our main mission is to make a living from our music, spread our ideas and have fun.
Who have been your major influences in your writing and playing style?
Loss: We are influenced by classic bands like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin but at the same time we are looking for a more modern sound and with different influences.
If I was to turn on your media player right now, which artists/songs would I most likely to hear on your recently played list?
Loss: Certainly Loss :)) classic rock and new bands like Dinamarque, Kevin Vieira and Master Dy.
What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with rock and metal listeners?
Loss: I think the band has a classic feel that appeals to fans of the style, but at the same time adds a lot of influences because we are experienced musicians. Influences ranging from old school trash metal to Brazilian music, a combination that might sound interesting.
With the music industry always changing and evolving, what are the things you like and don’t like about it currently? And if you could change anything about it, what would it be?
Loss: I really enjoy the freedom to listen to whatever I want whenever I want on digital platforms. But as a “vintage” guy, I still like to listen to a full album, read the booklet, and see the band’s photos. I wish the new generation could be interested in that too.
What’s your view on the current state of rock and metal in general?
Loss: I think we are having a great time. There are many new bands emerging and the style will be reborn strongly after this pandemic period.
Do you ever write a song with current musical trends, formulas or listener satisfaction in mind, or do you simply write, focused on the band’s own vision?
Loss: When writing songs, we always try to make a song that pleases the band, without concessions. We don’t believe in formulas for success. In the case of a band, the only way is the truth!
Could you describe your creative processes? How do start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song? Is it a democratic process between the members, and who does what in the band?
Loss: Usually our songs start from a guitar riff created by me or guitarist Adriano. So I write the lyrics and add the melodies. But it is in the studio with everyone gathered that the song takes its final form.
Where do you do most of your recording and production work?
Loss: We have a studio at our guitarist’s house, so this makes our writing, recording and production process a lot easier.
What would you consider a successful, proud or significant point for Loss so far?
Loss: We are very proud to have emerged during the pandemic and even without the opportunity to do shows with the audience, we have our music released in over 25 countries, in addition to having been signed with DyMM Records, an excellent partner.
If someone has never heard your music, which 5 keywords would you use to describe your music?
Loss: Rock, hard, metal, stoner and truth.
Is there a particular song on your EP “Let’s Go”, in which you feel the band delivered its most perfect performance, on all levels? And is there maybe one song that you keep thinking you should have done a little differently in some way?
Loss: I really like the Let’s Go EP. It sounds organic and direct and that’s what we were looking for at that time. If I could choose a song it would be Burn Inside, which was the first one to be written and it synthesizes well the intention of the band.
Which would you indicate as the other highlights for fans to watch out for on “Let’s Go”, and is there an overarching theme or backstory to the project?
Loss: I would indicate the track “Até Quando”, as it is written in Portuguese, our native language. She has very strong lyrics that talk about racism and prejudice. And the background of the EP has always been to be direct, to convey our message truthfully and without makeup. Just Let’s Go!
Could you tell us something about your latest single project “The Light”, out your first full-length album to be released via the DyMM P&M Label?
Loss: We are very excited to release The Light. It’s another song made in partnership by Adriano and me. It is well exposed our Stoner influences that came from our masters, Black Sabbath. The full album will have some surprises and will be an important milestone to strengthen Loss’ trajectory.
If you had a choice to go on tour with any acclaimed international band, who would you pick and why?
Loss: I know I’ll be repetitive, but… Black Sabbath. - Interview with Loss band
Loss is formed by: Marcelo Loss – vocals and bass; Adriano Avelar – guitar and vocals and Teddy Bronsk – drums. And They’s now releasing his first full-length album through DyMM P&M. The band’s sound is a rock that refers to the classics but with modern references, flirting with different musical styles.
Marcelo’s heavy vocals and striking bass, added to Adriano’s precise guitar and Teddy’s consistent drums, give rise to a unique sound that takes us back to the origins of the style, but brings a breath of modernity to rock. The band released their first EP at the end of 2020, entitled Let’s Go, with 4 original tracks.
The EP was recorded in Belo Horizonte MG at the Riff studio, mixing and mastering by the renowned Danish producer Tue Madsen, who has in his curriculum works with artists such as Rob Halford, Meshuggah, Vader, Sick Of It All, Behemoth, Dark Tranquility and Kataklysm . The first single from the EP, the track Burn Inside, had its video clip released on national network by the TV show Alto Falante in November 2020. The second video clip, Until Quando, was released in April 2021 by the same program.
In just over a year of formation, the band had its music published on websites and programs in 25 countries, such as Brazil, Spain, Ireland, England, Portugal, Japan, United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala , Venezuela, Cuba, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Bolivia. Marcelo Loss was the founder of the band Concreto, with which he recorded 7 albums and 2 DVDs. The band’s last album was released in 2019 and featured drums recorded by Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, DIO) . With the band and other projects, he has performed all over the country, as well as cities like Los Angeles, NYC, London, Dublin and Beijing. Adriano Avelar was the vocalist and guitarist of the band Caxakustica, with whom he recorded an album in 2002. He also has recordings and participations alongside various artists, ranging from composers such as Marku Ribas and Klinger, to rappers such as Xis, Deleve, Thales Dusares and former Planet Hemp Speed Freaks . Teddy Bronsk was the founder of the legendary band Witchhammer , one of the pioneers of national metal in the 80’s. With the band he released 4 albums. In 2008 he joined the band Concreto with which he recorded 2 albums and 2 DVDs. - Dequeruza (Spain)
O trio mineiro Loss, formado por Marcelo Loss (vocal e baixo), Adriano Avelar (guitarra e backing vocals) e Teddy Bronsk (bateria), apresenta o álbum “Storm“, disponível nas principais plataformas digitais e em formato físico (CD) pela gravadora europeia DYMM Records. Gravado no Analog Dream Studio (BH), com mixagem e masterização de Jim Siou, em Atenas (GRE), o álbum traz onze faixas, sendo oito cantadas em inglês e três em português. “Em ‘Storm’, primeiro lançado pelo selo europeu DYMM Records, estão presentes os dois singles ‘The Light’ e ‘Life Shows’, além de cinco faixas inéditas e as quatro faixas originalmente lançadas como EP em 2020. O detalhe sobre as do EP, é que regravamos as guitarras, uma vez que Adriano Avelar entrou na banda após o lançamento do EP. Também fizemos uma nova mixagem, a fim de que elas soassem coesas com as outras. Estamos muito contentes com o resultado”, declarou o vocalista e baixista Marcelo Loss.
“Outra preocupação que tivemos durante a produção e gravação das músicas foi deixar que elas soassem o mais fiel possível à forma como serão executadas ao vivo. Assim, como a banda é um trio, durante os solos de guitarra não há overdubs de guitarras, o que torna o som orgânico e verdadeiro. À exceção da faixa ‘Tomorrow’, que tem presença de violões, e a acústica ‘Insight’, todas seguem esse conceito”, acrescentou Marcelo Loss.
Confira o clipe de “Life Shows“, exibido em primeira mão em rede nacional pelo programa de TV Alto Falante, da TV Brasil e Rede Minas, em “Life Shows” em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ-2DQvkVcw
Segundo o vocalista e baixista “Life Shows” é uma música que representa bem o estilo da Loss: um rock direto e visceral, com forte influência de metal. “Na letra, falo sobre um idoso refletindo sobre as suas experiências e chegando à conclusão de que a vida nos mostra todas as coisas ruins que conhecemos, mas ao mesmo tempo ela é um milagre e não deve ser desperdiçada”.
Formado por Marcelo Loss (vocal e baixo), Adriano Avelar (guitarra e backing vocals) e Teddy Bronsk (bateria), a Loss apresenta uma sonoridade que remete ao classic e heavy rock, mas com referências modernas e flertando com diversos estilos musicais. “Nossa sonoridade remete aos clássicos, com influências de classic rock, stoner, metal, hard rock, mas tudo temperado com muito groove e com referências modernas”, detalhou Marcelo Loss.
Ouça o álbum nas plataformas de streaming: https://ditto.fm/storm-loss
Repertório de “Storm“:
01 Life Shows
02 Burn Inside
03 The Light
04 Até Quando
05 In My Mind
06 Entre o Bem e o Mal
07 Tomorrow
08 Hate
09 Insight
10 Let’s Go
11 A Luz (bônus track)
– Os músicos –
Marcelo Loss foi fundador do Concreto, com o qual gravou sete álbuns e dois DVDs. O último álbum da banda foi lançado em 2019 e contou com a bateria gravada por Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Dio e outros). Com a banda e outros projetos, Loss já se apresentou por todo o país, além de cidades como Los Angeles, NYC, Londres, Dublin e Pequim.
Adriano Avelar foi vocalista e guitarrista da banda Caxakustica, com a qual gravou um álbum em 2002. Também tem no currículo gravações e participações ao lado de artistas variados, que vão desde compositores como Marku Ribas e Klinger, a rappers como Xis, Deleve, Thales Dusares e o ex-Planet Hemp Speed Freaks.
Teddy Bronsk foi fundador da lendária banda Witchhammer, uma das pioneiras do metal nacional na década de 80 e com a qual lançou quatro álbuns. Em 2008, se juntou ao Concreto, gravando dois álbuns e dois DVDs.
Sites relacionados:
E-mail: loss.band@yahoo.com - Roadie Crew (Brazil)
Loss es una banda formada por: Marcelo Loss – voz y bajo; Adriano Avelar – guitarra y Teddy Bronsk – batería.
El sonido de la banda es un rock clásico con referencias modernas, coqueteando con diferentes estilos musicales. La pesada voz y el llamativo bajo de Marcelo, sumados a la precisa guitarra de Adriano y a la consistente batería de Teddy, dan lugar a un sonido único que nos devuelve a los orígenes del estilo, pero que aporta un soplo de modernidad al rock.
La banda lanzó a finales de 2020 su primer EP, titulado Let’s Go, con 4 temas originales. En ellos los tres músicos muestran todas sus influencias: rock clásico, stoner, metal, hard rock, etc. Todo ello aderezado con mucho groove para no dejar que nadie se detenga.
El EP fue grabado en Belo Horizonte MG (Brasil) en el estudio Riff. La mezcla y la masterización corrieron a cargo del reconocido productor danés Tue Madsen, que ha trabajado con artistas como Rob Halford, Meshuggah, Vader, Sick Of It All, Behemoth, Dark Tranquillity y Kataklysm.
El primer single del EP, el tema Burn Inside, tuvo su videoclip estrenado en la televisión nacional por Alto Falante en noviembre de 2020. El segundo videoclip, Até Quando, fue lanzado en abril de 2021 por el mismo programa. Los dos clips, ambos dirigidos y producidos por Ed Zimmerer, pueden consultarse en las redes sociales de la banda.
El EP Loss de la banda está disponible en todas las plataformas digitales. Compruébalo.
Marcelo Loss fundó el grupo Concreto, con el que grabó 7 álbumes y 2 DVD. El último disco de la banda se publicó en 2019 y contó con una batería grabada por Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, DIO). Con la banda y otros proyectos ha actuado por todo el país, así como en ciudades como Los Ángeles, Nueva York, Londres, Dublín y Pekín.
Adriano Avelar fue vocalista y guitarrista del grupo Caxakustica, con el que grabó un álbum en 2002. También ha grabado y actuado con varios artistas, desde compositores como Marku Ribas y Klinger, hasta raperos como Xis, Deleve, Thales Dusares y ex Planet Hemp Speed Freaks.
Teddy Bronsk fue fundador de la legendaria banda Witchhammer, una de las pioneras del metal nacional en los años 80. Con la banda publicó 4 álbumes. En 2008 se unió a la banda Concreto con la que grabó 2 álbumes y 2 DVDs. - Qepd (Argentina)
Graziano Ciccarelli
21 ott 2021
Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Band Loss releases "The Light" to announce an amazing album soon.
This amazing band was formed recently at the start of the pandemic situation, but don't be fooled by the young age of the project! The musicians are experienced and know what they do; two of them came from a band called "Concreto", a rock band from Minas Gerais that was active for 25 years, and just before quarantine, Marcelo Loss sketched, between one beer and another, beside from friend and guitarist Edu Megale, a new musical project.
“We got together to have a chat. Afterwards, Edu sent me some riffs that I liked a lot. I wrote lyrics on top and, in a week, we had a composition ready", reminds the bassist and vocalist about the embryonic stage of the group that bears his name: Loss.
Now, they're releasing the first work through the Label DyMM P&M this October, to announce their first full-length album. Stoner Rock has experienced members who make an engaging and contagious sound.
You can check the release through the youtube link below which is available on October 22nd and brings a video clip based on this amazing sound, be sure to follow the band also on social networks. - Impatto Rock (Italy)
How long have you been performing and recording as Loss, and what is your primary mission as a group?
Loss: Loss started activities in 2020 and our main mission is to make a living from our music, spread our ideas and have fun.
Who have been your major influences in your writing and playing style?
Loss: We are influenced by classic bands like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin but at the same time we are looking for a more modern sound and with different influences.
If I was to turn on your media player right now, which artists/songs would I most likely to hear on your recently played list?
Loss: Certainly Loss :)) classic rock and new bands like Dinamarque, Kevin Vieira and Master Dy.
What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with rock and metal listeners?
Loss: I think the band has a classic feel that appeals to fans of the style, but at the same time adds a lot of influences because we are experienced musicians. Influences ranging from old school trash metal to Brazilian music, a combination that might sound interesting.
With the music industry always changing and evolving, what are the things you like and don’t like about it currently? And if you could change anything about it, what would it be?
Loss: I really enjoy the freedom to listen to whatever I want whenever I want on digital platforms. But as a “vintage” guy, I still like to listen to a full album, read the booklet, and see the band’s photos. I wish the new generation could be interested in that too.
What’s your view on the current state of rock and metal in general?
Loss: I think we are having a great time. There are many new bands emerging and the style will be reborn strongly after this pandemic period.
Do you ever write a song with current musical trends, formulas or listener satisfaction in mind, or do you simply write, focused on the band’s own vision?
Loss: When writing songs, we always try to make a song that pleases the band, without concessions. We don’t believe in formulas for success. In the case of a band, the only way is the truth!
Could you describe your creative processes? How do start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song? Is it a democratic process between the members, and who does what in the band?
Loss: Usually our songs start from a guitar riff created by me or guitarist Adriano. So I write the lyrics and add the melodies. But it is in the studio with everyone gathered that the song takes its final form.
Where do you do most of your recording and production work?
Loss: We have a studio at our guitarist’s house, so this makes our writing, recording and production process a lot easier.
What would you consider a successful, proud or significant point for Loss so far?
Loss: We are very proud to have emerged during the pandemic and even without the opportunity to do shows with the audience, we have our music released in over 25 countries, in addition to having been signed with DyMM Records, an excellent partner.
If someone has never heard your music, which 5 keywords would you use to describe your music?
Loss: Rock, hard, metal, stoner and truth.
Is there a particular song on your EP “Let’s Go”, in which you feel the band delivered its most perfect performance, on all levels? And is there maybe one song that you keep thinking you should have done a little differently in some way?
Loss: I really like the Let’s Go EP. It sounds organic and direct and that’s what we were looking for at that time. If I could choose a song it would be Burn Inside, which was the first one to be written and it synthesizes well the intention of the band.
Which would you indicate as the other highlights for fans to watch out for on “Let’s Go”, and is there an overarching theme or backstory to the project?
Loss: I would indicate the track “Até Quando”, as it is written in Portuguese, our native language. She has very strong lyrics that talk about racism and prejudice. And the background of the EP has always been to be direct, to convey our message truthfully and without makeup. Just Let’s Go!
Could you tell us something about your latest single project “The Light”, out your first full-length album to be released via the DyMM P&M Label?
Loss: We are very excited to release The Light. It’s another song made in partnership by Adriano and me. It is well exposed our Stoner influences that came from our masters, Black Sabbath. The full album will have some surprises and will be an important milestone to strengthen Loss’ trajectory.
If you had a choice to go on tour with any acclaimed international band, who would you pick and why?
Loss: I know I’ll be repetitive, but… Black Sabbath. - Jamsphere
Loss es una banda formada por: Marcelo Loss – voz y bajo; Adriano Avelar – guitarra y Teddy Bronsk – batería.
El sonido de la banda es un rock clásico con referencias modernas, coqueteando con diferentes estilos musicales. La pesada voz y el llamativo bajo de Marcelo, sumados a la precisa guitarra de Adriano y a la consistente batería de Teddy, dan lugar a un sonido único que nos devuelve a los orígenes del estilo, pero que aporta un soplo de modernidad al rock.
La banda lanzó a finales de 2020 su primer EP, titulado Let’s Go, con 4 temas originales. En ellos los tres músicos muestran todas sus influencias: rock clásico, stoner, metal, hard rock, etc. Todo ello aderezado con mucho groove para no dejar que nadie se detenga.
El EP fue grabado en Belo Horizonte MG (Brasil) en el estudio Riff. La mezcla y la masterización corrieron a cargo del reconocido productor danés Tue Madsen, que ha trabajado con artistas como Rob Halford, Meshuggah, Vader, Sick Of It All, Behemoth, Dark Tranquillity y Kataklysm.
El primer single del EP, el tema Burn Inside, tuvo su videoclip estrenado en la televisión nacional por Alto Falante en noviembre de 2020. El segundo videoclip, Até Quando, fue lanzado en abril de 2021 por el mismo programa. Los dos clips, ambos dirigidos y producidos por Ed Zimmerer, pueden consultarse en las redes sociales de la banda.
El EP Loss de la banda está disponible en todas las plataformas digitales. Compruébalo.
Marcelo Loss fundó el grupo Concreto, con el que grabó 7 álbumes y 2 DVD. El último disco de la banda se publicó en 2019 y contó con una batería grabada por Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, DIO). Con la banda y otros proyectos ha actuado por todo el país, así como en ciudades como Los Ángeles, Nueva York, Londres, Dublín y Pekín.
Adriano Avelar fue vocalista y guitarrista del grupo Caxakustica, con el que grabó un álbum en 2002. También ha grabado y actuado con varios artistas, desde compositores como Marku Ribas y Klinger, hasta raperos como Xis, Deleve, Thales Dusares y ex Planet Hemp Speed Freaks.
Teddy Bronsk fue fundador de la legendaria banda Witchhammer, una de las pioneras del metal nacional en los años 80. Con la banda publicó 4 álbumes. En 2008 se unió a la banda Concreto con la que grabó 2 álbumes y 2 DVDs. - Qepd (Argentina)
LOSS lança álbum ‘Storm’, primeiro pelo selo europeu DYMM Records
Repertório de "Storm" traz 11 faixas, oito cantadas em inglês e três em português
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Foto: Rockez Space
O trio mineiro Loss, formado por Marcelo Loss (vocal e baixo), Adriano Avelar (guitarra e backing vocals) e Teddy Bronsk (bateria), apresenta o álbum “Storm“, disponível nas principais plataformas digitais e em formato físico (CD) pela gravadora europeia DYMM Records. Gravado no Analog Dream Studio (BH), com mixagem e masterização de Jim Siou, em Atenas (GRE), o álbum traz onze faixas, sendo oito cantadas em inglês e três em português. “Em ‘Storm’, primeiro lançado pelo selo europeu DYMM Records, estão presentes os dois singles ‘The Light’ e ‘Life Shows’, além de cinco faixas inéditas e as quatro faixas originalmente lançadas como EP em 2020. O detalhe sobre as do EP, é que regravamos as guitarras, uma vez que Adriano Avelar entrou na banda após o lançamento do EP. Também fizemos uma nova mixagem, a fim de que elas soassem coesas com as outras. Estamos muito contentes com o resultado”, declarou o vocalista e baixista Marcelo Loss.
“Outra preocupação que tivemos durante a produção e gravação das músicas foi deixar que elas soassem o mais fiel possível à forma como serão executadas ao vivo. Assim, como a banda é um trio, durante os solos de guitarra não há overdubs de guitarras, o que torna o som orgânico e verdadeiro. À exceção da faixa ‘Tomorrow’, que tem presença de violões, e a acústica ‘Insight’, todas seguem esse conceito”, acrescentou Marcelo Loss.
Confira o clipe de “Life Shows“, exibido em primeira mão em rede nacional pelo programa de TV Alto Falante, da TV Brasil e Rede Minas, em “Life Shows” em https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ-2DQvkVcw
Segundo o vocalista e baixista “Life Shows” é uma música que representa bem o estilo da Loss: um rock direto e visceral, com forte influência de metal. “Na letra, falo sobre um idoso refletindo sobre as suas experiências e chegando à conclusão de que a vida nos mostra todas as coisas ruins que conhecemos, mas ao mesmo tempo ela é um milagre e não deve ser desperdiçada”.
Formado por Marcelo Loss (vocal e baixo), Adriano Avelar (guitarra e backing vocals) e Teddy Bronsk (bateria), a Loss apresenta uma sonoridade que remete ao classic e heavy rock, mas com referências modernas e flertando com diversos estilos musicais. “Nossa sonoridade remete aos clássicos, com influências de classic rock, stoner, metal, hard rock, mas tudo temperado com muito groove e com referências modernas”, detalhou Marcelo Loss.
Ouça o álbum nas plataformas de streaming: https://ditto.fm/storm-loss
Repertório de “Storm“:
01 Life Shows
02 Burn Inside
03 The Light
04 Até Quando
05 In My Mind
06 Entre o Bem e o Mal
07 Tomorrow
08 Hate
09 Insight
10 Let’s Go
11 A Luz (bônus track)
– Os músicos –
Marcelo Loss foi fundador do Concreto, com o qual gravou sete álbuns e dois DVDs. O último álbum da banda foi lançado em 2019 e contou com a bateria gravada por Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Dio e outros). Com a banda e outros projetos, Loss já se apresentou por todo o país, além de cidades como Los Angeles, NYC, Londres, Dublin e Pequim.
Adriano Avelar foi vocalista e guitarrista da banda Caxakustica, com a qual gravou um álbum em 2002. Também tem no currículo gravações e participações ao lado de artistas variados, que vão desde compositores como Marku Ribas e Klinger, a rappers como Xis, Deleve, Thales Dusares e o ex-Planet Hemp Speed Freaks.
Teddy Bronsk foi fundador da lendária banda Witchhammer, uma das pioneiras do metal nacional na década de 80 e com a qual lançou quatro álbuns. Em 2008, se juntou ao Concreto, gravando dois álbuns e dois DVDs.
Sites relacionados:
E-mail: loss.band@yahoo.com - Roadie Crew (Brazil)
Loss is formed by: Marcelo Loss – vocals and bass; Adriano Avelar – guitar and vocals and Teddy Bronsk – drums. And They’s now releasing his first full-length album through DyMM P&M. The band’s sound is a rock that refers to the classics but with modern references, flirting with different musical styles.
Marcelo’s heavy vocals and striking bass, added to Adriano’s precise guitar and Teddy’s consistent drums, give rise to a unique sound that takes us back to the origins of the style, but brings a breath of modernity to rock. The band released their first EP at the end of 2020, entitled Let’s Go, with 4 original tracks.
The EP was recorded in Belo Horizonte MG at the Riff studio, mixing and mastering by the renowned Danish producer Tue Madsen, who has in his curriculum works with artists such as Rob Halford, Meshuggah, Vader, Sick Of It All, Behemoth, Dark Tranquility and Kataklysm . The first single from the EP, the track Burn Inside, had its video clip released on national network by the TV show Alto Falante in November 2020. The second video clip, Until Quando, was released in April 2021 by the same program.
In just over a year of formation, the band had its music published on websites and programs in 25 countries, such as Brazil, Spain, Ireland, England, Portugal, Japan, United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala , Venezuela, Cuba, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Bolivia. Marcelo Loss was the founder of the band Concreto, with which he recorded 7 albums and 2 DVDs. The band’s last album was released in 2019 and featured drums recorded by Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, DIO) . With the band and other projects, he has performed all over the country, as well as cities like Los Angeles, NYC, London, Dublin and Beijing. Adriano Avelar was the vocalist and guitarist of the band Caxakustica, with whom he recorded an album in 2002. He also has recordings and participations alongside various artists, ranging from composers such as Marku Ribas and Klinger, to rappers such as Xis, Deleve, Thales Dusares and former Planet Hemp Speed Freaks . Teddy Bronsk was the founder of the legendary band Witchhammer , one of the pioneers of national metal in the 80’s. With the band he released 4 albums. In 2008 he joined the band Concreto with which he recorded 2 albums and 2 DVDs. - Dequeruza (Spain)
Graziano Ciccarelli
21 ott 2021
Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Band Loss releases "The Light" to announce an amazing album soon.
This amazing band was formed recently at the start of the pandemic situation, but don't be fooled by the young age of the project! The musicians are experienced and know what they do; two of them came from a band called "Concreto", a rock band from Minas Gerais that was active for 25 years, and just before quarantine, Marcelo Loss sketched, between one beer and another, beside from friend and guitarist Edu Megale, a new musical project.
“We got together to have a chat. Afterwards, Edu sent me some riffs that I liked a lot. I wrote lyrics on top and, in a week, we had a composition ready", reminds the bassist and vocalist about the embryonic stage of the group that bears his name: Loss.
Now, they're releasing the first work through the Label DyMM P&M this October, to announce their first full-length album. Stoner Rock has experienced members who make an engaging and contagious sound.
You can check the release through the youtube link below which is available on October 22nd and brings a video clip based on this amazing sound, be sure to follow the band also on social networks. - Impatto Rock (Italy)
How long have you been performing and recording as Loss, and what is your primary mission as a group?
Loss: Loss started activities in 2020 and our main mission is to make a living from our music, spread our ideas and have fun.
Who have been your major influences in your writing and playing style?
Loss: We are influenced by classic bands like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin but at the same time we are looking for a more modern sound and with different influences.
If I was to turn on your media player right now, which artists/songs would I most likely to hear on your recently played list?
Loss: Certainly Loss :)) classic rock and new bands like Dinamarque, Kevin Vieira and Master Dy.
What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with rock and metal listeners?
Loss: I think the band has a classic feel that appeals to fans of the style, but at the same time adds a lot of influences because we are experienced musicians. Influences ranging from old school trash metal to Brazilian music, a combination that might sound interesting.
With the music industry always changing and evolving, what are the things you like and don’t like about it currently? And if you could change anything about it, what would it be?
Loss: I really enjoy the freedom to listen to whatever I want whenever I want on digital platforms. But as a “vintage” guy, I still like to listen to a full album, read the booklet, and see the band’s photos. I wish the new generation could be interested in that too.
What’s your view on the current state of rock and metal in general?
Loss: I think we are having a great time. There are many new bands emerging and the style will be reborn strongly after this pandemic period.
Do you ever write a song with current musical trends, formulas or listener satisfaction in mind, or do you simply write, focused on the band’s own vision?
Loss: When writing songs, we always try to make a song that pleases the band, without concessions. We don’t believe in formulas for success. In the case of a band, the only way is the truth!
Could you describe your creative processes? How do start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song? Is it a democratic process between the members, and who does what in the band?
Loss: Usually our songs start from a guitar riff created by me or guitarist Adriano. So I write the lyrics and add the melodies. But it is in the studio with everyone gathered that the song takes its final form.
Where do you do most of your recording and production work?
Loss: We have a studio at our guitarist’s house, so this makes our writing, recording and production process a lot easier.
What would you consider a successful, proud or significant point for Loss so far?
Loss: We are very proud to have emerged during the pandemic and even without the opportunity to do shows with the audience, we have our music released in over 25 countries, in addition to having been signed with DyMM Records, an excellent partner.
If someone has never heard your music, which 5 keywords would you use to describe your music?
Loss: Rock, hard, metal, stoner and truth.
Is there a particular song on your EP “Let’s Go”, in which you feel the band delivered its most perfect performance, on all levels? And is there maybe one song that you keep thinking you should have done a little differently in some way?
Loss: I really like the Let’s Go EP. It sounds organic and direct and that’s what we were looking for at that time. If I could choose a song it would be Burn Inside, which was the first one to be written and it synthesizes well the intention of the band.
Which would you indicate as the other highlights for fans to watch out for on “Let’s Go”, and is there an overarching theme or backstory to the project?
Loss: I would indicate the track “Até Quando”, as it is written in Portuguese, our native language. She has very strong lyrics that talk about racism and prejudice. And the background of the EP has always been to be direct, to convey our message truthfully and without makeup. Just Let’s Go!
Could you tell us something about your latest single project “The Light”, out your first full-length album to be released via the DyMM P&M Label?
Loss: We are very excited to release The Light. It’s another song made in partnership by Adriano and me. It is well exposed our Stoner influences that came from our masters, Black Sabbath. The full album will have some surprises and will be an important milestone to strengthen Loss’ trajectory.
If you had a choice to go on tour with any acclaimed international band, who would you pick and why?
Loss: I know I’ll be repetitive, but… Black Sabbath. - Jamsphere
Loss is formed by: Marcelo Loss – vocals and bass; Adriano Avelar – guitar and vocals and Teddy Bronsk – drums. And They’s now releasing his first full-length album through DyMM P&M. The band’s sound is a rock that refers to the classics but with modern references, flirting with different musical styles.
Marcelo’s heavy vocals and striking bass, added to Adriano’s precise guitar and Teddy’s consistent drums, give rise to a unique sound that takes us back to the origins of the style, but brings a breath of modernity to rock. The band released their first EP at the end of 2020, entitled Let’s Go, with 4 original tracks.
The EP was recorded in Belo Horizonte MG at the Riff studio, mixing and mastering by the renowned Danish producer Tue Madsen, who has in his curriculum works with artists such as Rob Halford, Meshuggah, Vader, Sick Of It All, Behemoth, Dark Tranquility and Kataklysm . The first single from the EP, the track Burn Inside, had its video clip released on national network by the TV show Alto Falante in November 2020. The second video clip, Until Quando, was released in April 2021 by the same program.
In just over a year of formation, the band had its music published on websites and programs in 25 countries, such as Brazil, Spain, Ireland, England, Portugal, Japan, United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala , Venezuela, Cuba, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Bolivia. Marcelo Loss was the founder of the band Concreto, with which he recorded 7 albums and 2 DVDs. The band’s last album was released in 2019 and featured drums recorded by Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, DIO) . With the band and other projects, he has performed all over the country, as well as cities like Los Angeles, NYC, London, Dublin and Beijing. Adriano Avelar was the vocalist and guitarist of the band Caxakustica, with whom he recorded an album in 2002. He also has recordings and participations alongside various artists, ranging from composers such as Marku Ribas and Klinger, to rappers such as Xis, Deleve, Thales Dusares and former Planet Hemp Speed Freaks . Teddy Bronsk was the founder of the legendary band Witchhammer , one of the pioneers of national metal in the 80’s. With the band he released 4 albums. In 2008 he joined the band Concreto with which he recorded 2 albums and 2 DVDs. - Dequeruza (Spain)
Loss es una banda formada por: Marcelo Loss – voz y bajo; Adriano Avelar – guitarra y Teddy Bronsk – batería.
El sonido de la banda es un rock clásico con referencias modernas, coqueteando con diferentes estilos musicales. La pesada voz y el llamativo bajo de Marcelo, sumados a la precisa guitarra de Adriano y a la consistente batería de Teddy, dan lugar a un sonido único que nos devuelve a los orígenes del estilo, pero que aporta un soplo de modernidad al rock.
La banda lanzó a finales de 2020 su primer EP, titulado Let’s Go, con 4 temas originales. En ellos los tres músicos muestran todas sus influencias: rock clásico, stoner, metal, hard rock, etc. Todo ello aderezado con mucho groove para no dejar que nadie se detenga.
El EP fue grabado en Belo Horizonte MG (Brasil) en el estudio Riff. La mezcla y la masterización corrieron a cargo del reconocido productor danés Tue Madsen, que ha trabajado con artistas como Rob Halford, Meshuggah, Vader, Sick Of It All, Behemoth, Dark Tranquillity y Kataklysm.
El primer single del EP, el tema Burn Inside, tuvo su videoclip estrenado en la televisión nacional por Alto Falante en noviembre de 2020. El segundo videoclip, Até Quando, fue lanzado en abril de 2021 por el mismo programa. Los dos clips, ambos dirigidos y producidos por Ed Zimmerer, pueden consultarse en las redes sociales de la banda.
El EP Loss de la banda está disponible en todas las plataformas digitales. Compruébalo.
Marcelo Loss fundó el grupo Concreto, con el que grabó 7 álbumes y 2 DVD. El último disco de la banda se publicó en 2019 y contó con una batería grabada por Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, DIO). Con la banda y otros proyectos ha actuado por todo el país, así como en ciudades como Los Ángeles, Nueva York, Londres, Dublín y Pekín.
Adriano Avelar fue vocalista y guitarrista del grupo Caxakustica, con el que grabó un álbum en 2002. También ha grabado y actuado con varios artistas, desde compositores como Marku Ribas y Klinger, hasta raperos como Xis, Deleve, Thales Dusares y ex Planet Hemp Speed Freaks.
Teddy Bronsk fue fundador de la legendaria banda Witchhammer, una de las pioneras del metal nacional en los años 80. Con la banda publicó 4 álbumes. En 2008 se unió a la banda Concreto con la que grabó 2 álbumes y 2 DVDs. - Qepd (Argentina)
LET´S GO (2020) (EP)
Até Quando - feat Roger Deff (2020) - Single
The Light (2021) - Single
Life Shows (2022) - Single
STORM (2022) - Full Album

Loss is a brazilian band formed by: Marcelo Loss - vocals and bass, Adriano Avelar - guitar and vocals and Teddy Bronsk - drums.
The sound of the band is classic rock with modern references, flirting with different musical styles. Marcelo's heavy vocals and striking bass, added to Adriano's precise guitar and Teddy's consistent drums, give rise to a unique sound that takes us back to the origins of the style, but brings a breath of modernity to rock.
In late 2020, the band released its first EP, entitled Let's Go, with four original tracks. In them, the three musicians show all their influences: classic rock, stoner, metal, hard rock… All seasoned with a lot of groove not to let anyone stop.
The EP was recorded in Belo Horizonte MG at Riff studio. The mixing and mastering was done by the renowned Danish producer Tue Madsen, who has worked with artists like Rob Halford, Meshuggah, Vader, Sick Of It All, Behemoth, Dark Tranquillity and Kataklysm.
The first single from the EP, Burn Inside, had its video released on Brazilian national television by Alto Falante program in November 2020. The second video clip, Até Quando, has been released in April 2021 by the same program. The two videos, both directed and produced by Ed Zimmerer, can be seen on the band's social networks.
The band's EP Loss is available on all digital platforms! Check it out!
Marcelo Loss founded the band Concreto, with which he recorded 7 albums and 2 DVDs. The band's last album was released in 2019 and featured drums recorded by Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, DIO). With the band and other projects he has performed all over the country, as well as cities like Los Angeles, NYC, London, Dublin and Beijing.
Adriano Avelar was vocalist and guitarist of the band Caxakustica, with whom he recorded an album in 2002. He has also recorded and performed with various artists, ranging from composers such as Marku Ribas and Klinger, to rappers such as Xis, Deleve, Thales Dusares, and former Planet Hemp Speed Freaks.
Teddy Bronsk was the founder of the legendary band Witchhammer, one of the pioneers of national metal in the 80s. With the band he released 4 albums. In 2008 he joined the band Concreto with which he recorded 2 albums and 2 DVDs.
Band Members