Lorena B
Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel | SELF
You know we love a bit of electronic music here, and Tel Aviv based four piece Lorena B are just the sort of electro band we like the best. "Swallow My Gum" is a fantastic song - it's post-rock, a little indie, with synthy pulses and jazzy hooks, all tied up with the lush bow that is Adi Ulmansky's incredibly gorgeous voice.
Lorena B are launching their new album Siblings, a self-released (and self-financed) project on April 30 in Tel Aviv, and are scheduled to tour the UK from May 10 to May 20, 2011. Follow them on Facebook for updates and information. - The Rukus
Lornea B: Swallow My Gum – Israeli-based alt-rock/pop group Lorena B have recently released a new single and video for “Swallow My Gum”, which takes this reviewer back to the endless days and nights traveling cross-country by highway, listening to our favorite records … when all of a sudden, things start getting a little strange. Somewhere between The Matrix and The Ring, “Swallow My Gum” transports the viewer into a bizarre, dark highway setting where reality is soon forgotten and adrenaline levels quickly rise. There’s beauty, intrigue, nostalgia and hope dripping off of every byte of data found in this digital masterpiece, all of which should not go overlooked by anyone with a mind thirsty for all things new and innovative. Simply stated: Stop reading this and click ‘play’! - Womensradio.com
Lorena B got on stage.
they brought with them the first time this evening a worthy electronic performance and a careful Look. They were the only ones who made us dance and jump,
the beats of their songs stay with you even when you close my eyes and devote yourself to the music.
Besides the new single, Swallow my gum, they performed an excellent cover
To '15 Minutes' by Assaf Amdursky.
It was clear by the exploded hall that everyone had been waiting for this show. Most of the audience decided to leave immediately after them. - Ynet
December 25 2010 - Debut single launch - Swallow my gum
The single got great reception among the local Indie scene.
and was rated in the top 20 chart of 106FM and Reshet
Gimel for 2010.
April 30 2011 - Debut album launch @ Tmuna theater TLV

Lorena B
An electronic post rock band.
Part pop part indie,
but definitely somewhere between the two,
Combines breathtaking vocals, electronic beats and a unique sound.
During its three years of activity, the band has succeeded in creating a unique live show, mixing rock and electronica.
The professional drums and bass work (Ilan Tennenbaum), along with live programming with the best gadgets (Roey Avital, Adi Ulmansky) and a formidable guitar wall (Yoav Sa'ar, Roey Avital), promise an unforgettable experience. Above it all, sits Adi Ulmansky's amazing voice, an artist, Model, and a figure in her own right.
"Lorena B is one of the best Israeli acts I've seen in a long, long time. Possibly ever. Also, the hottest one I've seen. Quite definitely ever."
"Lorena B are just the sort of electro band we like the best. "Swallow My Gum" is a fantastic song - it's post-rock, a little indie, with synthy pulses and jazzy hooks, all tied up with the lush bow that is Adi Ulmansky's incredibly gorgeous voice."
"The bands I fell in love with the most after a gig were the ones who’s' gigs left me a bit puzzled, that brought to the stage something beyond what i can contain, but as a desire for more.
This is what it was like with Faith No More 12 years ago... and yes, also in Lorena B's gig"
-Ido Shacham, "Ha Ma'azin"