Tampa, Florida, United States | INDIE
Skope: How did you get news that you are A2W for September, 2011?
Lilakk: Our manager was notified through SonicBids, and she called us up — we did a little happy dance. Being selected was a big surprise for us. It’s pretty fantastic!
Skope: What are you currently promoting the most via an album, tour, single etc?
Lilakk: We are promoting our debut album, Soon, which we plan to release in December 2011. The album is composed of alternative punk rock all throughout, except for the last song “Soon” , which is a soft ballad with vocals sang by both Calli and Kirk… it is a lead-in to the second album. Right now, one of the tracks from Soon, “Open Your Eyes” has been all over internet radio…a lot of people have actually found us through that. We have music in rotation at a couple radio stations near Savannah, GA that play our other single, “Te(i)am”. These songs are helping build our fans base, and we are excited to be getting the word out about our upcoming release!
Skope: Do you feel that Facebook is more effective than Myspace for musicians?
Lilakk: Yes, I think Facebook is definitely more effective; I know a lot of people don’t really use Myspace anymore . However, they both have their pros and cons. I think for a band it is important to have both, to have as much social media going for you as possible.
Skope: Has you friends & family been supportive of your music ambitions?
Lilakk: The support differs for each band member. Some family is cautiously supportive and wants us to have a back-up plan while we are pursuing our dreams. But other family is encouraging us to jump right in and give it 200%. Most of our friends are either really into more underground music, or they are musicians themselves. They are excited when they hear that we are playing a gig close to them or that the album is about ready to come out. We are all really supportive of one another and that really helps.
Skope: What void does music fill in your life more than anything else?
Lilakk: It’s an outlet and a voice. I think a lot of artists are emotional people, and music allows them to cry out, to release hidden stress and messages. Being on stage for me I feel most at home and most alive. Music is a part of my soul and can fill the void of missed loved ones and unfilled expectations in other parts of our lives (work, school, family, etc).
Skope: Do you prefer recording in-studio or playing live?
Lilakk: Playing live definitely. There is nothing like the exhilarating rush of playing live! It’s fantastic! It’s more real, intimate, and there’s more energy involved. Whenever you play with people, either just jamming or rehearsing or whatever, you connect with them on a different level that is like nothing else. Playing music with someone for an hour is like talking to them and getting to know them for days.
Skope: What is coming up for you & where you at online?
Lilakk: We are going regional gigs in Savannah, Augusta and Athens. We will be heading to Atlanta in 2012 and maybe to Florida. Promoting the new album will be the focus of the next several months. We would love to hop on some tours (maybe through SonicBids) for next Spring and Summer. We have been trying to book as many gigs as possible, just trying to get our music out to people. Fans can find us at,,, - Skope
"Their sound represents the rawness and passion that go hand and hand with good hard alternative/rock music. Find out what we are discovering about this band; they can ROCK!!! " - Junior's Cave Online Magazine
Still working on that hot first release.