Lisa Haese Smith
Chicago, Illinois, United States | SELF
Lisa Haese Smith: “Garden of Sweet Fragrance” CD Goes Global
Award-winning composer releases new solo piano CD.
Lisa Haese Smith’s first solo piano offering in 10 years now gathers further world-wide distribution to include Australiasia.
“Garden of Sweet Fragrance” features 17 piano works that showcase her gifted musicality from delicate lyrical waltzes to powerful thematic motifs.
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) September 22, 2010 -- A new 17-song album by composer Lisa Haese Smith was recently released March 21, 2010. The album “Garden of Sweet Fragrance” is a comprehensive collection of music by the award-winning composer. “Garden of Sweet Fragrance” is offered for purchase in downloadable
format and as a CD (with an eco-friendly fold-out cover) on CDBaby.com and all online distribution music sources. The first track from the album also named “Garden of Sweet Fragrance” has been ecstatically received
within the solo piano community.
“It is my hope that this music will refresh and gladden the spirit of the listener, providing a place for reflection and dreams, a garden of sweet fragrance!” says Lisa Haese Smith from her home in Chicago. “This music reflects much of my life’s journey over the past few years.”
Fans and music critics alike are enraptured with this album release. "A magical experience from start to finish," says Skye Van Raalte-Herzog, co-founder and producer from Expandedbooks.com, the stellar production service to the publishing industry. One longtime film industry fan, Carole Dean, author of “The Art of Film Funding: Alternative Financing concepts” and founder of “From the Heart Productions” is delighted with this new release. “Lisa’s music is
transforming. Her melodies relax and entertain and put you in a brilliant frame of mind”.
With this solo piano debut, recorded on ToneZone Studio’s Yamaha 7 ft. Grand in Chicago, veteran engineer and Grammy Trustee Michael Freeman captured the subtle nuances of piano perfection. Co-producer Stan Skora says, “this is the finest piano recording that I have heard in 30 years, both technically and musically.”
Lisa Haese Smith has been a musician for some years. Her passionate love of music has found expression as a performer, teacher, film scorer and composer. She has performed in Perth, Western Australia, Los Angeles and
Chicago. She is currently living in Chicago.
More information on Lisa Haese Smith and the album “Garden of Sweet Fragrance” can be found at
lisahaesesmith.com, gardenofsweetfragrance.com and cdbaby.com/cd/lhsmith
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Still working on that hot first release.