Liquid Earth
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States | SELF
This band has no press
Liquid Earth recorded their first stidio tape at United Audio recording studios in 1979 June 9th. The songs we recorded were Rockin' Cocaine Blues,Star Cruiser,and To You.We also got air play on KROQ fm.They played Star Cruiser.Then we fast forward to the year 1980 in May where we did a home recording with a friend of mine,Bob Cooper,he played rythm,and flute on a song we never used,but it was fun.Forward to Sept.24th 1982 we began recording our home demo tape in chrome with recording engineer,Rene Audette.Oct 16th 1982 we finally quit the demo project,and fire Rene.Dec28th 1983 Our first sponsored recording done at Gold Star Recording Studios in Hollywood Ca,engineered by Stan Ross.We spent 4.5hrs on Lions' Den to be brought to KMET,and KLOS radio stations to be featured on local licks programs.Feb 9th 1984 we finished recording and mixdown at Gold Star recording studios with Stan Ross Lion's Den,and Liquid Earth.May 2nd 1984 Denice Westwood on KMET plays Liquid Earth on local licks.May 22nd 1984 we were interviewed live on the radio for Peta Loma,Ca.KTOB radio gave us 10 min.KLOS featured us on the Heavy Metal Six Pack show later that same night playing Lions' Den.May 31st 1984 L*E* recorded Molten Rock ,and a song called The New at Total Access studios in Redondo Beach,Ca.Aug 24th 1984 the song Molten Rock was remixed at Rusk studios,Hollywood,Ca.this time we mixed it ourselves.Sept.22nd-23rd.We recorded again at Rusk studios Hollywood,Ca.This was to be our last time recording in the studio.The songs we covered were Battle Stars,Rockin' Cocaine Blues,and Sad Affair.We did a 24hr straight segment.Liquid Earth broke up in March 1985 Never to play with the same personell again..A VERY SAD TIME!!!!..Fast Forward to the year 2008, I Ronald D. Blankenship Refused to go quietly into the Music Graveyard..I bought my own studio gear,and started recording again,this time I recorded all the music I had written over the years.I started searching for my lost band members to reunite.I had no luck,and found out my old bass player Windsor Shanklin passed away in 1997.It was begining to look like I would have to do this alone.I recorded the first album L* E* in it's entirety alone and had trouble with the vocals.This was in 2009 The same thing with the second album,until I finally reunited with my drummer Mikol Kramer.We set a date for recording to finsih up the two albums.In the midst of doing these albums I applied for a Trademark for the band logo. Little did I know I would be put on a time limit to complete the two albums,and have to show the U.S.Trademark office I was going to do buisness and sell the music in commerce.So Mikol and I finally got together on June 11th 2010.We re-recorded the drums on Rockin' Cocaine Blues,and Liquid Earth,and decided it would be too hard to redo all the drum tracks,and meet our deadline. So we redid the vocals,and finished the first album before he had to leave. The next recording date I would be going to him,so we could finish on time. That was Aug 3rd-13th 2010,we finished the second album.The first album titled L* E* was released on sept.25th 2010.The second album was released Oct 21st 2010,and is now available for sale on CD Baby,and downloads on Digstation,i-tunes,and a variety of other download sites. Album number 3 is comming up next.

Liquid Earth was Created in 1974,from a dream my friend,at the time,had,
which prompted me to come up with the name.The band went through personel
changes from 1975-1978,Until the fall when I met my Drummer,and lyricist,
Mikol Kramer. At last I had found a companion to write music with.Mikol had
heard of me when we were in high school.We hit it off right away,and it was a
perfect combination,with him writing the lyrics,and me writing the melodies.
We started playing in,and around Orange County,Ca.,and we had our first
public radio air play,on KROQ,in Los Angeles,in 1979.The band continued to
change bassists,and vocalists until 1983,when we finally found the other
two missing ingredients to make up Liquid Earth.The band started playing the
California circut San Diego,to Northern California.In 1984 the band started
recording again,this time with Stan Ross,of Gold Star Recording studios,in
Hollywood,Ca.The band came out with it's first single,called Lion's Den,
with Liquid Earth,the title cut on the other side.the song Lion's Den got
picked up by KLOS Radio on thier local lick's,Heavy Metal Six Pack program.
L*E* Continued to play everywhere,and anywhere,at parties,and autitoriums,
and festivals,until march 23rd,1985 when the band officially closed it's
doors.Life Happen's,as marriage and families took us down new,and seperate
roads......Forward 25 years into the future;Who would have believed...