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Band Folk Funk


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Leatherwood is currently playing around the DFW area and is in the process of completing their first EP.



Once described as reminiscent of an obscure English folk rock movement in the early 1970’s, and once compared to the sounds of an Eastern Canadian music scene, Leatherwood, in reality, has drawn its inspiration form a broad range of artists, new and old. With a commitment to the songwriting craft, a passion for a good melody and a strong harmony, and an appreciation for an eclectic instrumental blend, Leatherwood’s music has been influenced by a diverse group of artists, including The Beatles, Iron and Wine, The Swell Season, Bob Dylan, The Jayhawks, Phish, Patty Griffin, and Eric Clapton. Formed in Denton, Texas, in the summer of 2007, Leatherwood’s members include Joel Larner on vocals and keys, Petra Kelly on vocals and violin, James Canavan on acoustic guitar, and Pablo Burrull on bass. As self described, they are acoustic folk funk.
The members of Leatherwood all come from a unique background of training and style, which combined, creates an accessible sound with wide appeal. Their songs are all original, produced and presented with genuine feeling, and a strong conviction that music is one of the most effective and beautiful ways of channeling emotion. Rich with harmony vocals, Leatherwood’s songs fuse the elegance of violin with the playful funk of bass, and are deeply rooted in the earthy rhythms of guitar and keys.