Lawrence Cooley Band
Valhalla, New York, United States | SELF
Head to Montauk this weekend for the third annual Montauk Music Festival. - Hamptons.com
Head to Montauk this weekend for the third annual Montauk Music Festival. - Hamptons.com
This marks the third year that local musicians will join... - The East Hampton Star
This marks the third year that local musicians will join... - The East Hampton Star
The SongwriterUniverse "Best Song Of The Month" Contest honors and publicizes the top songs which are submitted to SongwriterUniverse each month. This contest not only spotlights the winning song and songwriter, but also showcases the Top Five new songs that we hear each month. Lawrence Cooley's song "Brother" is named a finalist for song of the month on Songwriter Universe for March 2011. - Songwriter Universe
The SongwriterUniverse "Best Song Of The Month" Contest honors and publicizes the top songs which are submitted to SongwriterUniverse each month. This contest not only spotlights the winning song and songwriter, but also showcases the Top Five new songs that we hear each month. Lawrence Cooley's song "Brother" is named a finalist for song of the month on Songwriter Universe for March 2011. - Songwriter Universe
av - Walkathon Blog
av - Walkathon Blog
Montel...like you've never heard him before and introducing Lawrence Cooley. Both artists have generously donated their songs to raise money for MS. - Montel Williams MS Foundation
Montel...like you've never heard him before and introducing Lawrence Cooley. Both artists have generously donated their songs to raise money for MS. - Montel Williams MS Foundation
Lawrence Cooley, Music Director of the Montauk music festival in coordination with long time friend Ken Giustino (publisher of the Montauk Sun) have joined together to create on the New York's finest music festival destinations. - Montauk Sun
Lawrence Cooley, Music Director of the Montauk music festival in coordination with long time friend Ken Giustino (publisher of the Montauk Sun) have joined together to create on the New York's finest music festival destinations. - Montauk Sun
Montauk will be filled with the sound of music in May at the first annual Montauk Music Festival. Lawrence Cooley, a singer who has performed at the chamber’s summer concerts, is writing a song for the event that will debut that weekend. It will also be available for sale on iTunes.
- The East Hampton Star
Utopian World, Lawrence Cooley
Brother, Lawrence Cooley
Heading home for christmas.
Color my world, Straight Wired cd.
See www.lawrencecooley.com for full catalog

Lawrence Cooley was born and raised in Tarrytown NY. Growing up, he gravitated towards learning to play the guitar and drums. By high school, he was directing stage bands and winning every battle of the bands he entered. Subsequently, Lawrence has had a great career performing, recording, and writing his own music. Lawrence was even invited to perform at Woodstock '94 with his band Straight Wired which, at the time, was one of New York's top drawing bands.
Lawrence since has developed a unique style of percussive acoustic playing, blending many styles of music. His vocal ability has been said to be his greatest quality. Steve Tarkanish, of Stars productions, after hearing him, offered him a contract and said, " In all these years I have yet to hear a voice like yours that can emulate so many artists, sing so many different styles and still have a unique sound of it's own".
Brother, an original song written by Lawrence, was recorded and produced by Russ Desalvo (and a Philharmonic Quartet string arrangement scored by Rob Matthes), who complemented Lawrence by saying " I have been a successful songwriter in the industry for many years and I don't know if I could write a song as beautiful as Brother." Brother has been recently released on itunes and Amazon, as well as featured on Montel Williams.org to benefit the Montel Williams M.S foundation.
Utopian World, Lawrence Cooley's debut album, is also available on itunes and Amazon. The album's title song speaks of peace and love. "If love could rule, could these wars all be through?" This sets the tone for the rest of the album. Another track, People Are People, describes "history has proven to me, people dying too often so rationally".
Utopian world was produced by Nunzio Signore at Crib Studios in Brooklyn, NY. The musicians who recorded this album are some of Lawrence's favorite musicians in NYC, who have all played with some the greats: Bo Diddley , Brian Mcnight, P-funk, Sly and the Family Stone, and many more. To compare Lawrence to other artists to get an idea of his style is of course difficult, but many people have said he sounds like a funky Dave Matthews when playing acoustic, and Lenny Kravitz, Robert Plant, and Jimmy Page when on electric. Whether as solo acoustic or with his full band, Lawrence Cooley Band, he is a must- see act. As a front man, he exceeds most audiences expectations, leaving those in tune exhilerated and exhausted at times. He delivers and radiates emotion to everyone in the room, making everyone a part of it all. Currently, Lawrence performs from two to five nights a week in the tri-state area. He is the music director for the Montauk Music Festival, which takes place in mid-May. Although his current EPK highlights his solo performances, he is proudly promoting his Lawrence Cooley Band with new originals.
Band Members