Kylie Edmond
New York City, New York, United States | SELF
Kylie Edmond – Weak
Kylie Edmond came to New York City in 2002 on a wing and a prayer to meet her muse. Now it’s your turn. Dancing down the pop alley crafted by artists such as Michelle Branch, Maren Ord and Paula Cole, Kylie Edmond is writing songs you will hear, must hear, and have to hear.
Weak is a three track EP that serves as ample introduction to a talented singer/songwriter. Working with New York City guitarists/producer Griffin, Ms. Edmond has crafted a little bit of pop/rock magic. All three songs are radio ready. “Weak” and “Endless Days” could easily be pop/rock radio staples. “Oh No No” is a poignant song about domestic violence that could become anthemic for a generation of survivors.
Kylie Edmond provides the lyrics and melodies, while master-musician Griffin provides the musical scores to envelope her words and melodies. This partnership should be very fruitful. In a perfect world you’d hear Ms. Edmond on your radio twice an hour. In today’s music market it’s anyone’s guess how things will turn out, but Kylie Edmond very much deserves your attention.
Rating: Buy It Now
You can learn more about Kylie Edmond at www.myspace.com/kylieedmond. You can purchase downloads of individual tracks or a hard copy of the EP on CD at her site as well.
- www.WildysWorld.blogspot.com
"New artists like Kylie understand their goal should be to get there music on TV shows in America. This is one of those songs. Perfectly suited for TV shows and movie soundtracks, where residual income is the new economy. It's well performed, and it's suitably written. " - TheGoat, www.c0nsensus.com (Aug 20, 2008)
"The main things that really stand out on the first track WEAK are the quality of instrumentation & the catchy chorus. This song can easily get stuck in your head, & in no time you could find yourself humming along. Kylie Edmond's album "Weak" is radio friendly music that puts you in a feel-good mood! Kylie’s uplifting spirit comes through in her music."
- Tim Staump, www.staump.com (Nov 03, 2008)
"Female fronted pop-rock music is a big thing right now, and there's a lot of mediocre artists trying to rush in to grab their piece of the radio play. Credit to Kylie Edmond, she isn't mediocre. Take it over a lot of what's on the radio right now. " - Nibbish, www.c0nsensus.com (Aug 20, 2008)
"This girl and the brothers behind her are jus "Smokin'". Great song writing, first cabin production - she believes it Brothers and Sister - this is the window we all strive to capture. There is an innocence with wisdom that unfolds in these marvelous tunes. " - MongoKnowsRecords, www.c0nsensus.com (Aug 20, 2008)
"Quirky, pleasant pop ditties!" - Indie-music.com, Indie-music.com (Apr 18, 2008)
HAYDEN Panettiere chatting with Missing Link Music A&R rep Danielle Stonner and singer/songwriter Kylie Edmond at the Bitter End.
May 9, 2009 - NY Post
Digging into the new music groove (and look for more coming at you in coming weeks now that the computer has been repaired and I have managed to get *most* of my files back up and running. Operative word is most), there’s a lot of new musicians out there and one of my favorite plays right now is from Kylie Edmond.
An Aussie transplant (not the first one I have managed to meet and not the first one from NYC either), Kylie has an unusual voice and even more interesting presentation in her music. Writing about life, love and what goes on in a person’s heart, soul and mind is what it’s all about and Kylie brings a dynamic performance both in audio and particularly in video.
I loved her EP (available via Itunes and her myspace.com/kylieedmond page but the videos show a greater caliber of performance because performing live, she’s awesome!!
VIDEO - WEAK - live
This video is of her best known song—Weak and it’s really a great performance. This is Kylie at her best. You might wonder how i know that, I know Kylie and she’s like a person who’s lit up inside with firecrackers. She’s powerful!
VIDEO - OH NO NO - live
This song is about a cause that Kylie Edmond supports and it’s extremely meaningful since it’s about domestic abuse. It’s a situation that happens all too often in homes and people don’t report it. Kylie is a firm believer in bring it out into the open and make sure you get out of that situation should you be in it — and get help!
If you have a chance to see Kylie Edmond at any of the dates listed below, don’t hesitate to go see her. She’s an excellent musician and extremely comfortable performing - unlike most new musicians— Kylie loves to create an energetic relationship with her audience.
Sep 28 2008 9:30P Parkside Lounge NYC - Girls Rock The Night New York, New York
Oct 13 2008 7:00P The Bitter End - Girls Rock The Night Against Domestic Abuse New York, New York
Nov 13 2008 8:00P Songwriters Guild - Write Key Songwriting w/end Orange Beach, Alabama
Nov 14 2008 8:00P Songwriters Guild - Write Key Songwriting w/end Orange Beach, Alabama
Nov 15 2008 8:00P Songwriters Guild - Write Key Songwriting w/end Orange Beach, Alabama
Nov 17 2008 8:00P TBD w/ Daniel Angelus New York, New York
Nov 21 2008 8:00P TBD w/Daniel Angelus New York, New York
Check out Kylie Edmond on www.myspace.com/kylieedmond for more info, videos, and to purchase downloads or the complete EP! It’s money well spent whether you buy the EP or hit the clubs to see her perform live. Actually, it’s better to see her perform live then you will buy the EP because she’s that good!
Stevie Wilson - www.la-story.com/alt_music/catching_onto_the_music_of_kylie_edmond_nyc_indie/
Kylie Edmond
By Alex Green
"Perth is a vibrant and modern city sitting between the cerulean Indian Ocean and the ancient Darling Ranges. It claims to be the sunniest state capital in Australia, though more striking is its isolation from the rest of the country--Perth is over 4400km (2750mi) from Sydney by road."
--Lonely Planet
"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move."
-- Robert Louis Stevenson
Michael Hutchence once commented that one of the main reasons why INXS had such success in the U.S. was due to the fact that they were one of the few Australian bands to actually make the trip over and give it a shot. The Perth-born singer/songwriter Kylie Edmond has decided to test the late singer's theory by taking it one step further: she not only made the trip to the states, she never went home.
Leaving the stunning, sun-drenched beaches of one of the most isolated metropolitan cities in the world for the body-to-body big city hustle of the third most populated state in the U.S. may seem like an odd choice, but Edmond's geographical exodus was something that had been germinating for a long time. "First let me say I love Perth," Edmond says, "it's part of who I am, where my amazing family and friends are. And anyone who goes there loves it as it's gorgeous. But there was always a calling to travel the world and experience things outside of my home. I've always been connected to NYC and now that I live here I love it even more. Initially I came here for love and music. The former turned out perfectly, and the latter I am still working on! My family was freaked out for sure and supportive all at the same time. Now they are very happy as they have a free place to stay."
Now based out of her adopted New York City, the singer/songwriter is poised to crack the U.S market in a big way. With her long, curly blonde hair, golden shoreline tan and flowing dresses, Edmond is beachside breezy, an eternal citizen of the summer surf. But admirable physical aesthetics and sartorial matters aside, it's Edmond's voice that deserves the most attention. A windblown blend of Eva Trout's Bek-Jean Stewart and Aussie superstar Natalie Imbruglia, it boasts a powerful, swirling pop quality that is at once wistful, whimsical and wise.
Edmond's new E.P. Weak is a three-song showcase of what she does best. The title track is an aching examination of love, while the dark "Oh No No" is a moving, rueful number. But it's "Endless Days" that really steals the show here. A lush and catchy pop gem with one of the most irresistible choruses of the year, it perfectly captures the longing for the everclear forever days of summer and the carelessness of youth. "I actually wrote that song on a day I was really missing my sister Belinda back in Australia," Edmond says. "You know how when you're a kid you don't think you'll get any older," she continues, "…then you grow up, things change, you have bills to pay and the freedoms of being ten are long gone! I just missed hanging out with my sister, the beach, being silly together and having all the time in the world to spend."
Edmond is an effusive and ebullient person; in fact, in our correspondence, her emails are punctuated with exclamation points and a cheery optimism. But upbeat as she may be, Edmond's compositions aren't afraid to mine darker material. For example, the aforementioned "Oh No No" confronts the horror of living with domestic abuse. "My friend came to me and told me she was living in a domestic abuse situation," Edmond recalls. "This hit hard," she says, "and I was filled with so many emotions of trying to save her. I wrote the song with all of those frustrations in mind. This is something that is hidden in society. People are too embarrassed to talk out about it, yet it happens in so many American households, let alone the rest of the world. One third of American women report being physically or sexually abused by their partner at some point in their life. And that doesn't include the damage this does to any children in the picture. It is just outstanding to me that the numbers are so high, yet not enough is being done about it."
Influenced by everyone from Abba to Aztec Camera, Edmond seems to have a rare understanding of what ingredients are necessary to make a pop song pop. The job of a pop song, she says, "is entertainment, to bring some sort of emotion to the listener, be that the need to dance, cry, laugh."
Speaking of laughing, I point out that being named Kylie and hailing from Australia certainly must be a prophetic sign that surely points to a fruitful musical future, much like her namesake, the diminutive and enormously famous Kylie Minogue. "Well," Edmond says, "EVERYONE in Australia is named Kylie…the boys, too. Kylie Minogue is one of my all-time favorite artists. She has been huge with a slew of #1 albums back in Oz, the UK, Europe, Asia….it amazes me she never really broke the U.S. market. But then that is the case with so many incredible international artists that are absolutely massive all over the world, except the U.S. But she is my fave for sure -- love her! I met her once and she is tiny and even more gorgeous in person than in photos."
I tell Edmond that I love her music, that I love her personality and then, in an unguarded gushing admission, I say, "you rule."
"You rule" was such a huge Aussie thing to say in the 80s," she quips. "That's so funny you said that!!
Allow Caught In The Carousel to introduce you to the Pop Princess From Perth….
FULL NAME: Kylie Edmond.
NICKNAME: Kyles, Ky-Ka, hey you.
BAND MEMBERS: Recording: all instrumentation is performed by the very talented Griffin. He's quite the star in my eyes. Live: it's me and a fabulous bunch of other characters I play with...I'm looking for a drummer right now...
HOMETOWN: NYC...but I def have left half my heart in Perth, Australia.
WEBSITE: www. myspace. com/kylieedmond
DESCRIBE YOUR SOUND IN ONE SENTENCE: Sunshine melodies flowing over pop/rock beats...all while basking in the ocean. If that makes no sense at all....people say a mixture between Michelle Branch and Natalie Imbruglia...and now of course this has gone on for over 2 sentences....
PROUDEST PROFESSIONAL MOMENT: Getting on the Scouting Report!! Actually, I'd love to do this again in 2 years and see what my answer is... right now its writing songs....every one of them make me proud.
STRANGEST PROFESSIONAL MOMENT: Getting on the Scouting report!! No, it was doing an open mic in NYC, and a guy came up to me afterwards saying he was trying to figure out how he knew me...was I at his school...did I know his sister....then he realized we're "friends" on MySpace...that was weird. How the world has changed. Now we recognize people from the net?? Bizarre.
THE SONG YOU'RE PROUD AS HELL THAT YOU DID WRITE: "Oh No No" due to its connection to Domestic Violence. We need to speak out more about this. "Endless Days" as I never knew missing my sister so much would help me create.
FIVE BEST BANDS TO EVER ROAM THE EARTH: There are the staples of course, some of which are here, but these are my personal faves...ABBA, Beatles, Jamiroquai, Scissor Sisters, Green Day, B-52's, Crowded House. Individuals: Kylie Minogue, Sheryl Crow, Michelle Branch, John Mayer, Alanis...I've gone way over 5.
BEST AUSTRALIAN BAND OF ALL TIME: Wow...just one??? Well, then I must say Mark Lizotte (Diesel). AMAAAAAAZING guitarist, fab singer, so much soul. And his lyrics and arrangements....brilliant. I luuuurve him!!
THE THING YOU MISS MOST ABOUT AUSTRALIA: There's not just one thing -- my family, friends, dogs, calling footwear thongs and not getting a weird look, beach, sunshine, lifestyle, Christmas in hot weather, fresh air, Aussie Food, accent, ability to buy vegemite easily, Aussie-isms....lots.
BIGGEST MISCONCEPTION AMERICANS HAVE ABOUT AUSTRALIANS: That we have kangaroos as pets, know Paul Hogan personally, got the internet just 3 years ago, we all surf and use the term "Sheila."
WHAT WERE YOU LIKE AS A KID?: Cheeky and full of adventure. Not much has changed. Ha! Always willing to put on a show and able to entertain myself. And my fave thing to wear were these great jean flares with embroidered flowers on them…fabulous!! Though I'm told when I was REALLY little I preferred to be naked all the time...so I guess life has changed!! Ha!
LIFE CHANGING MOMENT: Moving to NYC and having an amazing and loving support system here, as well as an understanding and loving support system back in Oz.
MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: OK...this list could go on forever...I am always tripping over and doing crazy things, yet I was a dancer for years so I am supposed to be coordinated!! I've landed in the pool at the end of a tube slide (those fast ones) and jumped up with glee only to realize my bikini top was around my neck!!!! I've tripped over, banged into poles, accidentally told people I don't know I love them when hanging up the phone, took a 2 hour train and bus trip from high school to my home with my skirt stuck in my knickers...yet not one person told me!!! And that's just the tip of my embarrassing iceberg!
It'll make me dance my ass off and forget about my woes!!
PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY: What you put out into universe comes back to you...so if you think positive and put out great karma, it'll come back to you in one way or another. And never, ever go to bed with makeup on or feed your dog peanut butter!!
Kylie Edmond's Weak is out now.
- www.caughtinthecarousel.com
I'll Remember You
Mine For The Day
I'm OK
Track 1. Weak
Track 2. Endless Days
Track 3. Oh No No
These songs are also being aired on various radio stations including 100.7 WHUD, Girls Rock Radio, Paradize Radio, and local Australian and Colombian radio stations.

Originally from sunny Perth, Western Australia, Kylie came to NYC in search of inspiration and adventure. New York has since become home and muse in her pop/rock songwriting.
With that she had a few cultural differences to deal with like using the words “flip flop” instead of “thong”, people thinking she’s from Sweden or Texas, and trying to give it a red hot go in one of the coolest, but toughest markets in the world.
Kylie writes songs about mean boys, one night stands, pickup lines, lost iphones and gay ex-boyfriends. She is in the studio recording new tunes right now.
Kylie’s songs can be heard playing in the lobby at GEM Hotels in NYC. Having recently performed for the SESAC Writers on the Storm showcase for up and coming talent, Kylie was also twice featured as a Spotlight Member with the Songwriters Guild of America. Kylie has played in famous NYC venues such as Rockwood Music Hall, Baggot Inn, The Bitter End, Caffe Vivaldi, The Sidewalk Cafe, Banjo Jim's, Parkside Lounge and Waltz-Astoria….and beyond.
But at the end of the day, you can take a girl from Australia, but you can’t take Australia out of the girl. And you can give an Aussie a flip flop, but it's still a thong.
Kylie x