Kristin Fonseca
Highly arranged vocals, a rock foundation, and exquisite recording quality on an indie release mark this self titled disc.
Massachusetts based Fonseca and her band serve up an emotionally energetic brand of rock; opener "Can You See Me" and "Run" have a charged energy of a Kelly Clarkson gone rock. "On My Way" catches the ear telling of a lover realizing the relationship is slipping in the wrong direction.
Even the down tempo songs such as "Gone" and "Time" are imbued with the just-under-the-surface drive waiting to spring.
- Don Thomason
Kristen Fonseca Band’s music deals mostly with the complex emotional state known as womanhood. But, this bitter mix of rage and resentment could not be presented in a more soothing or tranquil package. Lost loves, failed tries and people who hide their true feelings inside are a few of the themes boiling throughout their currently available, ten-song debut album. Instrumentally, the floating melodies and catchy grooves create a relaxed yet uplifting mood, juxtaposing the heavy-leaden lyrical imagery wrought with death, assault, loneliness, depression and insanity. Thematically refreshing with its unabashed truthfulness about negative thinking and hopelessness, this collection is a mistreated heart opened and examined. The tight, seamless musicianship of Arnie Fonseca on acoustic guitar, Leo Mellace on lead guitar, Dave DiCenso on drums, Lou Spagnola on bass and Steve Catizone on keys sees that every song has a flowing effect, creating a perfect canvas for the colorfully passionate vocal styling of Kristin Fonseca. This band’s obvious appeal has enabled them to have more than a few selections from this album hit and remain in the top ten on such sites as www.broadjam.com and www.ratesummusic.com .The next upcoming gig for the Kristin Fonseca Band is a benefit auction they will play to help support our troops on September 9, 2005 at The Memorial Hall in Plymouth. You can visit their website www.kristenfonsecaband.com for more details. Those interested in purchasing the CD can do so through www.CDFREEDOM.com. - Nikki Chipman
Kristin Fonseca
Self Titled LP
Feeling a bit camera shy
Kristin Fonseca Band is a powerful blend of Rock, Pop and R&B. A talented and creative line up of musicians intensify the power and emotions that each song brings to the listener. Kristin’s voice and stage show excites the audience and has been compared to such icons as Janis Joplin, Pat Benetar and Alanis Morrisette.