Kristi Neumann
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Kristi Neumann

Band Rock Alternative


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The best kept secret in music



Kristi Neumann - "Capacity For Change"
"Capacity for Change" è il nuovo album della giovanissima cantautrice di Nashville, Kristi Neumann.
E' un disco preparato molto bene, che pur legato a molte sfumature, non nasconde la sua matrice rock.
Vi parlo di questo disco perchè dubito che possa arrivare in Italia: ma visto che ritengo che la sua musica meriti di essere ascoltata, ve lo propongo.

Si comincia con "Open Handed", ballata carica di sentimento, con la voce decisa e un po' grave di Kristi che, a mani aperte, canta "Was there something I could say to you, was there something I could do, to change your mind or your direction, to bring you back to me again and again..."
"A little bit mine" è un pezzo molto energico, una canzone d'amore, dove le parole di Kristi esprimono desideri, raccontano pensieri, emozioni, riflettono stati d'animo dove si chiede ad un amore un'altra possibilità: di restare, di ricominciare a respirare la stessa aria insieme, della terrorizzante bellezza che si prova quando si va fuori dal controllo...
Si passa ad un lento di chitarra e pianoforte, con un ritornello molto orecchiabile, che resta subito impresso. "It doesn't metter to me" lascia spazio alla title track, più orientata verso il rock acustico, dove dolcezza e passione si lasciano adagiare su arrangiamenti semplici, ma efficaci.
Così tra ballate e pezzi decisamente più impostati sul rock, si arriva senza accorgersi alla fine del cd. Piacevole, rilfessivo al punto giusto, a volte graffiante(come in "Across a Room"), altre volte più sensuale ("Illumination", meravigliosa canzone d'amore, "se io risplendevo è solo perchè rilfettevo la tua luce"), se non addirittura più "roots" ("Prettier", "My turn").
La musica di Kristi non è costruita su trame particolarmente ricercate, anzi spesso la canzone non va molto oltre il canovaccio composto con chitarra e voce, ma proprio per questo risulta più vicina a chi ascolta, più intimista perchè lascia da parte la voglia di stupire, per dare tutto lo spazio alla voglia di raccontare. Una cantautrice che, nella distanza tra Joni Mitchell e Patti Smith, si avvicina forse più a quest'ultima, vuoi per la voce, vuoi per il fatto che da una cantautrice da cui ci aspetta del rock molto vicino al folk, si scopre poi che questo in questo cd di folk c'è molto poco.
Un album interessante insomma, che consiglio per un ascolto la sera in cuffia oppure ottimo o mentre si guida in automobile.
Insomma, non lasciatevi propinare solo le varie Avril Lavigne di turno: ci sono lavori davvero molto interessanti come quello di Kristi che meritano di essere apprezzati.

Nel sito potete ascoltare tre singoli tratti da questo cd (

Alessio (

- alessio (Below You can read the English version)

"Italian Website"

"Capacity for Change" is a new album of the young songstress of Nashville, Kristi Neumann. It is a very well prepared CD which doesn't hide her matrix rock. I speak to you of this CD because I doubt that it will arrive in Italy, but seeing that her music merits being heard, I propose it.

It begins with "Open Handed", a ballad full of sentiment (emotion) with the decisive and somewhat serious voice of Kristi, who to open hands sings, "Was there something I could say to you, was there something I could do, to
change your mind or your direction, to bring you back to me again and
again..." "A little bit mine" is a very energetic piece, a song of love
where Kristi's words express desires, tell thoughts and emotions, where an other possibility is asked of a love: to remain, to recommence, to breath
the same air together, of the terrifying beauty that is found when one goes out of control. We pass to a stretch of guitar and piano with a very catchy refrain which ends very impressively. "It doesn't matter to me", leaves space for the title track, more oriented towards acoustic rock where sweetness and passion lead to simple but effective arrangements.

Through the ballads and decidedly rock geared pieces, we arrive, without realizing it, to the end of the cd. Likeable, reflective at the right times, at times caustic (like in "Across a Room"), at other times more sensual ("Illumination", a marvelous song of love, 'if I shine, it's only a reflection of you").

Kristi's music is not constructed through subjects particulary researched, often a song doesn't go further than a guitar and voice composition, but exactly for this result, for one who most closely listens, she surrenders the desire to astonish, but rather gives the song to space to recount (to

A songstress who from the gamet of Joni Mitchell to Patti Smyth, she is closer to the later. From the songstress from whom you expect rock very close to folk, you discover that in this CD there is very little folk.

All in all an interesting album, which I suggest is listened to in the
evening or driving in an automobile.

In sum, don't listen solely to the likes of Avril Lavigne when there are very interesting works like Kristi's that merit appreciation.
- This reveiw is directly translated from Italian

""Neumann is big discovery""

By Elizabeth Orr and Marie Yarbrough

Kristi Neumann graced the stage looking like a Lilith Fair natural: short spunky hair, nose ring, the works. And when the Montana native opened her mouth, that's what we expected-an OK but unexceptional member of the Birkenstock brigade. However, we were gleefully surprised when this singer set herself apart from the many similar voices in Nashville's sea of acoustica. Her voice is deep, her lyrics honest and raw and poetic in the concrete, specific sense of the word.

Clearly most comfortable jamming on her guitar, Neumann nevertheless commanded attention as a singer. She dynamically alternated shouts and silence, her emotional intensity complimented by Rich Redmond's propulsive percussion. Unlike the countless feeble "girly" voices that clutter the singer/songwriter scene, Neumann's low vocals are a welcome change from the usual bird trilling. Her face contorting with the melancholy lyrics, she sang the majority of her new album Capacity for Change with an admirable command of tempo and variation. Even when she sheepishly introduced her love songs as "a subject that's pretty much been covered by everyone," her conversationally plain lyrics conveyed force: "I feel so comfortable / like I could finally rest at ease / and stop holding my breath / and just breathe."

By the end of the show, the buzz at the bar had shushed, replaced by the quiet buzzing of impressed listeners. It was as if everyone sensed at the same instant that Neumann is a big discovery, soon to be whisked off to play before sold-out crowds. Hear as much of her now as you can: you'll be humbled by her kindness, entranced by her beauty, and inspired by her lyrics.
- The Nashville Scene


Capacity for Change (July 2003)


Feeling a bit camera shy


Newest Updates 2004:
Neumann was a featured performer at the 2004 All About Music TV & Film private retreat. This private retreat hosted 15 Major label recording artists and three unsigned artists. During the retreat, Neumann also participated in the songcamp by teaming up with Leigh Nash (former lead singer of Sixpence None The Richer), Stephen Mason (Jars Of Clay), Vienna Teng, and Music Supervisor Madonna Wade Reed.

Kristi is a featured performer for industry reps at SESAC showcase with other up and coming artists including Jon Nicholson (of the MuzikMafia) and hit writer Troy Johnson.

Kristi Neumann has had one dream: to make great records. In 2003, armed with determination and great songs, Kristi decided to temp, wait tables, and play at bars for tips until she saved enough money to pay for her own recordings. What emerged was a truly original work that is not forced or calculated but honest and heartfelt. "Capacity for Change" is her first full length CD and was written exclusively by Neumann. A songstress that has somehow taken lyrics otherwise bound for poetry and molded them into addicting rock/pop radio songs. Every song sounds different from the others, although they all are distinctively Kristi.

Just like the CD, her live show will make you rock out to one song, then cry or laugh the next. There is vulnerability when she sings that is almost palpable. This vulnerability is balanced with her sense of humor that is self deprecating as well as self assured. Her voice is at times gutsy, but then all at once soft and soothing, making her record and live shows a journey worth taking.