Kris n.
Dayton, Ohio, United States | INDIE
This band has no press
'Heart Scarf' - 2011 (poptek records)
'Lo-Fi Movement' - 2009 (poptek records)
'Burning Down Belmont EP' - 2007 (poptek records)

Dayton, Ohio, November 2013 -- It is not uncommon for singer/songwriters to hold the lions share of stock in sadness; especially when divorce is involved. Anyone who has heard Cursives celebrated Domestica album knows how powerful musical communications about domestic chaos can be.
When singer/songwriter Kris N experienced his divorce it would have been natural for him to deliver a sad, chaotic tale of the American dream becoming a domestic nightmare. But something happened to rewrite the script. He met future love and musical collaborator Lindsey Keene (formerly of Vanity Theft), who lifted the divorce albatross from the neck of the father of three. While his forthcoming album, Thankful Parade, isnt a tale of domestic heartache or bliss, it is a very real testament to the comfort found when two friends can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
But this story of redemption and resolve isnt all Kris; Lindsey has faced her own challenges meeting and falling in love with a father of three children, and becoming an active stepmom for three wonderful, but challenging young kids has presented its own ups and downs. From a recent trip to Michigan she reported, Well in three hours of driving, Liv puked, we got a flat tire, Kris found a giant white spider in the car, and I climbed up the McDonald's play place to retrieve a screaming stuck child. So far, so good.
They arent Mates of State by a long shot. Nor are they Thurston and Kim (thank goodness). But, what Kris and Lindsey have found is a middle ground between Nuclear family and Brady Bunch living and being the face of indie rock parenthood in 2013. And their musical response to domestic life is filled with love, humor, and sounds amazing
Kris N. releases Thankful Parade, recorded and engineered by Micah Carli (of Hawthorne Heights) on November 1 via Poptek Records.
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