Kingsuh Midtown
South Lake Tahoe, California, United States | SELF
Brian Crabtree - 3/1/2010
Key_Tone- Guitar, Drums, Vox, Bass
Josue- Drums, Guitar, Backing
Vocals, Bass, Booking etc.
Creasel- Bass, MC, Songwriter,
Rec. Engineer
Kai-po- Lead Vocals, Guitar, MC,
Lead Songwriter
YMM: For all of our readers out there,
can I get an introduction to the group
KingsuhMidtown? Where are you
from and what do you play?
KM: Well we have been known to
reside in the Northern California
region, from as far as South Lake
to Hawaii. But lately we have been
rockin’ from Sac town to South Lake
along Highway 50! We were born in
the far reaches of the country. From
CT to HI, and back to CA. We play
a blend of tunes uniquely linked by
reggae, from hip hop to punk and
blues to classical. We like to mix it
up and play a few sets. If you haven’t
noticed we like to switch instruments
during the set, a few times. We all love to play all kinds of instruments, anything we
can get our hands on!
YMM: Since you are the KingsuhMidtown, where and what are you the kings of?
KM: Uh, Midtown? Duh! Ha! just kidding. KingsuhMidtown is sort of one of those
nicknames your friends give you, that you don’t really like, but it sticks and ends
up being what you get called? We have been known by other names: Park Style,
Afterlife, Insurgents, Jonny Vegass, Kingsuh.
YMM: How do you guys feels about competing in the Sacramento Your Music
Magazine Band Olympicks? Any big plans for the show?
KM: We have been looking forward to it. We have been friends with Tyler from
AP Roots and the cats from Misamore for some time. We have actually never
played a show with either of them, so this should be a fun night. This is also a good
opportunity for us to meet some new folks, make some connections, and gain some
new fans. As far as plans for the show go, we have a bunch of folks coming to town
from all over NorCal for support. We have a bus of fans coming down from Tahoe
and people coming in from the Bay. Not to forget our fans in the Sacramento area,
but we are stoked that our fans are willing to travel to see us. So that kinda gives us
a kick in the ass to put on a quality performance.
YMM: Are there any big plans for 2010 for the KingsuhMidtown as a band?
KM: Yeah; albums, tours, and videos. We are releasing an EP in the next month or
so. We are just finishing some of our album art right now.
- Your Music Magazine
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KINGSUHMIDTOWN is a unique blend of dub, hip hop, blues, and if the situation calls for punk rock all linked by reggae. Based out of Northern Cali K.M. has been pumping out tunes and performances for the past 2 years. The switch up style that K.M. brings proves their talent, live and on record!