Kill No Albatross
Burlington, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2017
The guitar is very present and persistent and offers excellent riffs, the voice manages to express itself in the best way both in aggressive pieces and in melodies with a more delicate rhythm. Very good also the rhythm section that perfectly supports the duration of the four pieces, without ever tiring or slipping, keeping alive the interest.
“Speak True Evil”, is an excellent EP, considering that it is a self-produced product, good luck to this energetic and talented band. - Rockers and Other Animals Magazine
Drummer Alex Sallas from Burlington's "Kill No Albatross" tells the story of the band, how they came to be, how they got their name, how they recorded their latest EP, and what they're all about.
Recorded live at http://thatchannel.com 2018-03-07 on Liquid Lunch with Hugh Reilly and Ashley Tajjarod. - ThatChannel.com
Video interview with Alexander Sallas, drummer of Kill No Albatross. - Audio Addiction (Canada)
Have any of you played in other bands? Liam, Josh, Crosty, and Sallas all played in a band called Gatling. Kyle played solo stuff. Also, little known fact: Liam was the bass player for The Pretenders during the late '70s.
How is it that you started playing music?
Crosty and Sallas took guitar lessons in elementary school.
Josh had a massive desire to after hearing a few albums that clicked.
Liam and Kyle... we still aren't sure. But it's a good thing they did.
What are your names? / Who plays what? / How old are you?
Kyle Collins – Vocals - Age: 72
Alex Crosty – Guitar - Age: 47
Josh Pinkney – Guitar - Age: 12
Liam Kilawee – Bass - Age: 33
Alexander Sallas – Drums - Age: 9
Have you had other previous members? Not yet.
Did you make music even when you were young?
Between the ages of 12-16, Sallas and Crosty made death metal/techno/acoustic rock songs in Crosty's basement. No, we're not kidding. "The Disguise", a track from these sessions, was featured on 1010 CFRB's The Richard Syrett show for a while.
Josh was 14 when he started playing guitar... yeah. Kyle and Liam have also been playing since relatively young ages.
Where are you from? We're from various parts of Ontario, Canada (Stoney Creek, Hamilton, Burlington, and Erin).
What year did the band form? 1957.
What's your style of genre? We sound a like combination of Thrice, Alter Bridge, Coheed and Cambria, Deftones, Cannibal Corpse, Carly Simon, and The Carpenters.
What inspires you? Salmon and soundscapes.
How often and where do you reherse? At least twice a week. We usually rehearse in Sallas' basement, though sometimes we go to a forest and headbang amongst the trees.
How have you developed since you started with the music? We've all been through puberty.
Do you have other interests of work outside the band? Four of us are fans of glass blowing, aerobic equipment, and black metal. Josh doesn't have any other interests - he just sells shoes.
Are you looking for a booking agency, and what are your thoughts around that? We'd love to work with a booking agency. We're looking to tour on an international level, so any assistance helps.
Are you looking for a label, and what are your thoughts around that? Absolutely. There are plenty of great labels out there.
What made you decide to make this music? We didn't decide to make it - it came of its own accord.
What are your songs about? Riffs.
Who does the composing and writes the lyrics? We all compose. Kyle and Sallas write the lyrics.
Do you start with the music or the lyrics? We start by playing Yu-Gi-Oh, sampling our outbursts, and basing the lyrics around them. We then write the music by creating riffs that we think would make cool Guitar Hero charts.
Do you compose in a certain inviroment? We usually compose in a forest with mostly deciduous trees.
Have you done any covers live? We've done Welcome Home (Coheed and Cambria), Stockholm Syndrome (Muse), and the Game of Thrones theme.
Future covers may include Goldfinger (Shirley Bassey), The Unanswered Question (Charles Ives), Mausoleum Door (Buckethead), and Necrosis (Incapacitants).
What language do you sing in? Swahili.
What are the least and most people to attend one of your gigs? 0-950,000. We usually cap out at around 4.
What ages are most of your concert attendants? 10-12.
Do you always play the same songs live, or do you vary? All of our shows are exactly the same, in that they're never the same.
Do you have a regular place you play live often? Sallas' basement.
What was your first gig like? Josh vomited after a leprechaun ran on stage and spat on his forehead, georgecrotty.com, and Liam jumped through a window.
What was your latest gig? We never play past 7:30 PM because we have strict bedtimes.
Have you had to cancel a gig? No, and we never will.
Where have you played live this year? We just finished a touring cycle that included spots at Lee's Palace (Toronto), Crobar (Montreal), Cafe Dekcuf (Ottawa), The Atria (Oshawa), and a TV performance on CHCH.
Where do you plan to gig the comming year? We plan to venture out as far as Calgary. Also, Sallas' basement.
When did you start to sell merchandise, and what do you have for sale? Shirts, stickers, and buttons. We've been selling merch for about 2 months. As of this writing, we have 3 shirts left. ACT QUICKLY!
Where can people buy your merchandise? killnoalbatross.bandcamp.com. Or, they can come to a show.
What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying records now a days? Unless it's a Corey Feldman album, you should pirate it.
What do you think of my work? It's REALLY good! This is probably our new favourite blog.
How do you think and know that this interview will help you in the music business? We plan on printing off this interview and taping it to Kyle's forehead at every show we play so that people can read it.
Do you have any role models or idols? Corey Feldman, Paul Irwin, Josh Pinkney, and Hasan.
Why do you think that they exist? Because their parents had sex.
Is it easier to find inspiration from older bands, or bands that are more active today? All bands except us are terrible.
What have been your biggest obstacles? Social media and navigating the world of exposure.
What advice would you give other bands or artists? Learn how to rehearse. It's not enough to just practise 'the songs.' Practise your whole show. Modify your songs for the live setting - a live performance and a recording are different mediums, and have different requirements. Include your audience in your show
How do you get psyched for a gig? We share a plate of brussel sprouts while playing Duran Duran records on repeat.
Do you have any new material? We're recording in February next year, and the EP should be out in May. Until then, check out our first EP, Lost in Darkness and Distance. It's on every online platform you can think of, and then some.
What are your web sites?
Also, find us on Twitter and Instagram by searching our band name.
How can people reach you? With their arms. Or, they can email us: knalbatrossband@gmail.com.
What are your plans for the future? Take over the world.
Do you have something to add?
Many albatross species are in trouble and need our help. Commercial fishing practices are considered the greatest threat to the survival of many albatross species. Other threats include loss of habitat, introduced predators, eating or becoming tangled up in plastic, oil spills and climate change.
Most albatrosses are found in the Southern Hemisphere: Antarctica, Australia, South Africa, South America. Only 3 albatross species are found exclusively in the North Pacific (Hawaii, Japan, California and Alaska): the Short-tailed albatross, Black-footed albatross and Laysan albatross. Waved albatross is an exception that breeds in the equatorial Galapagos Islands and feeds in the South American coast. - Robex Lundgren
Our song "Phantom Island" was featured on Sheridan Life Radio's Guitar Land show. We're on at the 26-minute mark. - Sheridan Life Radio
Television interview and performance. - CHCH Television
Kill No Albatross offer up three tracks that'll stick with you for quite some time.
Kill No Albatross released this three track EP back in May, so let's get up to speed with what they bring to the table. "Eos" opens up the EP with an aggressive Rock sound that brings to mind Circa Survive or Thrice. The uplifting vocals combined with the melodic crunchy riffs make this an outstanding opener. The closing moments of the track are just pure chaos in all the right ways. "I Am The Night" starts off slow and pulls the listener in with its melody. The track then erupts with an explosive Hard Rock sound that teeters on being Post Hardcore. The grittiness of the breakdowns and riffs really linger throughout the track and help it really stand out. There's a guitar solo later on that puts it on a completely different level. "Phantom Island" starts off with some Progressive riffs and haunting vocals which helps set a melodic vibe. The track then takes flight with top notch guitar work and out of this world vocals. The only knock on the EP is that it's only three tracks. We need more music from Kill No Albatross, and so does the Rock world, as they bring something different to the table. - From the Depths Entertainment
Kill No Albatross was featured in Episode 3 of Youth Music's "Bands You Need to Know" video series. - Youth Music
By: Christopher Gonda
After a ton of hard work, on May 12, 2017, the Burlington, Ontario-based rock quintet Kill No Albatross released their Lost in Darkness and Distance EP. The 3-track effort was recorded at Mississauga's Metalworks Studios with production via Wayne Cochrane (Protest the Hero, Alexisonfire, Cancer Bats), mastering by Scott Lake, and cover art courtesy of Niall Grant.
Originally an instrumental group, the band was quick to recruit talented vocalist Kyle Collins, rounding out the band's dynamic sound and technical instrumentation. With a Canadian tour in the works including a headlining gig at Toronto's Lee's Palace, we're stoked to offer a free download of the single "Eos". Grab the rest of the album via Bandcamp and/or iTunes.
The group's drummer Alexander Sallas was kind enough to help us better understand the song, noting that "Writing 'Eos' was like taking a great dump: it came all at once, mostly solid, and we didn't need to push very hard." - Pure Grain Audio
Video interview with the YouTube channel 'Audio Addiction.' - Audio Addiction
By: Ric Taylor
How the members of Burlington's Gatling chose to fly under my radar is beyond me. Formed by drummer Alex Sallas and guitarist Alex Crosty in November 2007, they released four EPs and in 2012 a full-length collection, Beforemath, that would get two of their progressive, alternative, post hardcore rock songs into the Rock Band video game series. But refining their style — and finding a vocalist to connect with — proved daunting. Recently the Burlington-based Sallas, Crosty with Josh Pinkney (guitar) and Liam Kilawee (bass) ended up connecting with an Erin-based vocalist who had been honing his style for about the last decade or so in tandem and now together, they offer a new band, Kill No Albatross. With a debut EP, Lost in Darkness and Distance, they hit the Corktown this weekend.
"I studied vocal and guitar in a Kitchener for about a year but some-of times theory gets a little overbearing and you might just want to feel it and not just thinking about it," says Kyle Collins. "I'm just north East of Guelph but the other guys are based in Hamilton and Burlington. They had a Kijiji ad up and my girlfriend was helping me look through some ads — we found this ad for just a vocalist to take an instrumental of theirs and write your own lyrics. I did that in about a week and sent it back to them, they liked it, and that's history. They were looking at a few other people, but I ended up winning. I am more of a hard rock guy than a straight up metal, although I appreciate progressive and alternative, so I enjoy music with those elements. That might influence the band the way its going now, as opposed to the way they were going before me.
"I think the band still rocks hard, and there is a huge technical element to the playing, but with the vocals I'd hope that there is more melody to it to add to the technicality of the music. I think everyone is happy with where we're going and it sounds pretty unique. It's more about the feeling of the song and what we can convey with the music and the lyrics, and not about showing off."
Recorded at Metalworks Studios with producer Wayne Cochrane (Protest the Hero, Alexisonfire, Drake, Katy Perry), Kill No Albatross has a meticuolously crafted collection of progressive altenrative rock with a strong cerebral element. The band name and EP title are derived from classic literature - a Samuel Coleridge poem via Mary Shelley's Frankenstein reference.
"We took them both from Franenstein and because Sallas is a literature major and knew all about that," says Collins. 'I won't push my luck and curse this thing is what the Kill No Albatross reference is from in Frankenstein but that's also a reference to the "Rime of the Anicent Mariner." I just liked the word albatross but I liked how it lso ahd a deeper meaning. The album title is the very last linbe in Frankenstein and we thought it'd be good as the start of our career. Lost in Darkness and Distance has a darker tone to it, where you don't know where you're going. It's symbolic to where the songs are — I don't think were overly political or religious — it's more about delving into the human psyche and making sense of how we feel about things as human beings — how do we solve our problems and move on and I think that's what everybody's looking to do with their lives. We might start at a darker place and find a solution. The music is heavy but we also have a lighter side —it's hard to define but we sound the way we want to sound and it's been getting a good reception so we're happy with that."
With a decade of experience, the band is still in their mid-twenties but they can seriously play and Collins can definitely sing. This progressive art hard rock is ready for the people looking to rock out and think about their tunes.
"The five us are all looking forward to touring if the opportunity arises," says Collins. "We've been playing shows to celebrate this new release and we're excited to be playing the Corktown this weekend. Our live shows are lively for sure, to put it moderately. Our guitarists use wireless technology so they like to jump around and take it wherever they can even moshing with the crowd while we're playing. I try to be as interesting as possible and everybody in this band puts our hearts out. I think we put the best show on every single time we play and I just hope this next show is better than the last."
Kill No Albatross plays this Friday June 30 at the Corktown with Broomfiller and Deaf the Animal. Doors open at 9pm. Click on killnoalbatross.com. - VIEW Magazine
This list is presented in no particular order, and has representation across all sorts of genres including Folk, Rock, Hip-Hop, Soul, Instrumental, Aboriginal Drumming, Vocal, Metal, Indie, and more. This list also has artists and bands from every single Canadian province AND territory. Take a peak at some of these kick-ass musicians, and make sure to include them on your Canada 150 playlists!
82. Kill No Albatross (Rock/Metal) –killnoalbatross.com - Bandbiz
Kill No Albatross was selected to be the featured band on the homepage of metalmasterkingdom.com (media sponsors for Armstrong Metal Fest, CEMR Metalfest, and Wacken Metal Battle USA, among others) for the month of July. - Metal Master Kingdom
Video interview with the XS Network's Stage 10 show. - XS Network
By: Bradley Dillon
Ontario’s Kill No Albatross is one of “those” bands. The Burlington rockers, whose most recent EP Lost In Darkness And Distance dropped about 5 weeks ago, is well on their way to getting some early attention. While the band is more or less the sum of their influences at this point (sort of a midway point between the dynamics of bands like Deftones/Fair To Midland and the grittier vocals of a band like Big Wreck or Chevelle), the 3-track EP is a solid start to KNA’s career.
Interested parties can check out the EP below – certainly a band you will want to keep an eye on in the near future as they grow into their sound. - The New Fury
Indie Show Playlist – June 5, 2017
/ (CJXY FM) Y108
Nick Cino
The Stills – In the Beginning
Teenage Kicks – Curse Words
Head of the Herd – All The Way
Kill No Albatross – Eos (June 30 @ Corktown)
Sam Cash & The Romantic Dogs – That Was The Summer
The Beaches – Loner
Broken Social Scene – Shoreline 7/4
I Mother Earth – Blossom
Bleeker – Last Cigarette
Matt Andersen – I Lost My May
The Rural Alberta Advantage – White Lights
The Boston Post – Feel Me Out (Indie Show Classic)
The Waking Eyes – All Empires Fall - Y108 Radio
By: Jenn Gill
On May 12, 2017, Canadian rock band Kill No Albatross released their debut EP, Lost in Darkness and Distance.
“We should probably be called Kill No Phoenix”, their drummer, Alex Sallas, tells me via email. “We arose from the ashes of a separate project that Josh, Crosty, Liam, and I all played in. After the singer of that band disappeared without a trace – we’re still not sure of his exact whereabouts – the four of us decided to start anew.”
This led them to Kijiji in search of a new singer, and after several auditions, they found Kyle Collins. The Burlington, Ontario, band was formed in November of 2016.
Both the name of the band, and their album title reference Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
“In Letter II … Robert Walton writes of departing to unexplored regions – ‘the land of mist and snow’ – and promises that, while there, he will ‘kill no albatross’. This is itself an allusion to Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner, wherein the titular mariner crossbows an albatross, which is symbolic for good luck, and thereby curses his ship.”
“To ‘kill no albatross’, then, is to avoid blaming the innocent.”, Sallas summarizes. “It is also – to borrow another idiom – to leave no stone unturned; to not ‘shoot down’ opportunity. Further, on a more overt level, it affirms respect for the natural world – something sorely needed at a time when our cousins to the South are led by a Cheeto-coloured commandment bent on pillaging and commoditizing all the parts of the Earth that are within reach of his tiny hands.”
Lost in darkness and distance is the last five words in the novel.
Alex explains that process of writing Lost in Darkness and Distance was “a collective endeavor, to a degree” with himself and guitarist Josh Pinkney first laying down the foundation of the songs Eos and Phantom Island and guitarist Alex Crosty, bassist Liam Kilawee, and singer Kyle Collins then writing their own parts. “‘I Am the Night was a bit different”, Sallas adds, “Josh, Crosty, and I had worked together on that song for years before perfecting it with Liam and Kyle.”
He describes the bulk of the recording process as an intense three-day stretch spent at Mississauga’s Metalworks Studios. “I hardly slept for the excitement and anticipation. Memories are aplenty: I’ll always remember sitting up at 5:30 AM with Josh, jamming in the gargantuan, picturesque live room. I’ll also always remember my feeling at the end of the session: it was as though waves of stress were cascading out of my stomach, down my back. On the drive home I had tears rolling out of my eyes, not for sadness, but sheer release.”
After their whirlwind recording sessions at Metalworks, the band spent another month at Sallas’ house adding vocal overdubs, mixing, and mastering.
“From recording to release it was just over two months”, Sallas tells me. “I cannot speak highly enough of Wayne [Cochrane, producer], who was not only helpful in fine-tuning the songs but willing to stay up all night with us during the recording, perfecting bits and pieces.”
As for the band’s influences, Sallas points out, “The five of us have distinct tastes in music. At the risk of mischaracterizing, I’ll assert the following: Kyle is into modern rock (Alter Bridge, Tremonti, Big Wreck); Crosty listens to all sorts of stuff, though perhaps most frequently post-hardcore (Dance Gavin Dance, A Lot Like Birds, Icarus the Owl); Liam is into old-school metal (Megadeth, Black Sabbath); Josh likes new-school metal (Converge, Every Time I Die); and I’m all over the map. In terms of rock, Fair to Midland, Devin Townsend, and Faith No More are frequently on my iPod, but I’ve long had a fascination with the avant-garde, too.”
In the coming weeks, Kill No Albatross will be playing several concerts in Ontario and one in Quebec.
When asked if they have plans to continue touring, Sallas replies, “Nothing has been confirmed yet but we’ve discussed heading west, towards Calgary and Vancouver. Stay tuned.”
Although the rest of the band is in disagreement, Sallas expresses a strong distaste towards cover songs, so you can expect to hear only original music when seeing them live.
For upcoming event details visit the Kill No Albatross Facebook page. - EH Canada!
By: Donte Montgomery
For our first feature of a band outside of America we take a look at Ontario, Canada’s Kill No Albatross. While a relatively new project, having just been founded in November 2016, the band has a much longer history under their former name Gatling. Under the Gatling name, the band has had some of their songs featured in the popular Rock Band video game series. As Kill No Albatross the band has just released a debut three track EP titled Lost in Darkness and Distance which was produced by Wayne Cochrane (Protest The Hero, Alexisonfire, Cancer Bats).
Kill No Albatross blend a number of elements to create their sound. A few elements of metal, the technical instrumentation and composition of progressive rock, and the accessibility and hooks of hard rock. The record’s three tracks are consistent in their use of atmospheric vibe balanced out with dexterous guitar rock making their more progressive influences such as Devin Townsend and Deftones more evident. Vocalist Kyle Collins sports a charismatic voice that ranges from raspy grit to emotional high notes that is integral to the band’s sonic identity.
With this first sample of music from Kill No Albatross the band is establishing their sound with some attention grabbing tracks that can gain the respect of discerning music critics while still grabbing the ears of more casual rock fans. It’ll be interesting to see what directions the band can push their sound to in the future with a larger display of songs that can allow for more variety. Lost in Darkness and Distance already shows the band has a grip on balancing the heavy, the melodic, and the technical. And with those abilities mastered there is a deep well of creativity that can be unearthed in their music future. - The Haystack Music
Radio interview with Mat Boisselle for 91.7 Erin FM's Generation Alternative show.
After broadcast, the radio station posts all of their interviews on their Soundcloud profile. Clicking the above link will direct you there. - 91.7 Erin FM
Technical alt rock/metal with strong vocals – for fans of Deftones, Thrice, Agent Fresco, and Alter Bridge.
Lost in Darkness and Distance is out now. - Sputnikmusic
Welcome to another episode of Rock N Ramble w/Lucia and Glynn!! In this episode we cover music from Kill No Albatross; Hamilton Canada; Fronted by the energetic dynamism of vocalist Kyle Collins, Kill No Albatross delivers a brand of rock music sui generis, blending technical instrumentation, reflective lyricism, and a wildly energetic stage show. - Rock N Ramble with Lucia and Glynn
"Ferocity and sweetness. Kill No Albatross will coax you in with soothing vocal melodies and destroy you with high energy riffage. Five-piece powerhouse rockers. Animal friendly." - MAT/H Magazine
We teamed up with Spaceuntravel to premiere our music video for Apex Predator, which has received 4,000+ views. - Spaceuntravel YouTube Channel
For wildly energetic Burlington, ON based KILL NO ALBATROSS, intertwining the accessibility of rock, the technicality of prog, and the energy of hardcore is the name of the game. Through intelligent songwriting, creative guitar work, and emotional intensity, they meld dynamic, bold, bewitching sounds to create no holds barred rock.
2018 started with a bang, as the band performed as part of Canadian Music Week and attained coveted slots on the Vans Warped Tour and Burlington's Sound of Music Festival. That momentum will continue when their forthcoming EP, "Speak True Evil" is released on July 13th, 2018.
Going forward, the band intends to expand the dynamics of their unique sound, traversing softer and heavier territory without compromising the meticulousness they are becoming known for. They are excited to develop as musicians and a band along with touring their home country and bringing their signature wild energy to every stage along the way.
The band comments:
"Speak True Evil is a showcase for Kill No Albatross' dynamic, technically proficient, intellectual approach to rock music. These four songs cover musical ground that ranges from furious to sweet, hopeful to agonized. The powerful vocals of Kyle Collins pair with the tight, impassioned instrumentation to create a unique sound that is as meticulous as it is robust. Going more in depth on the release, it plays off the title of Wayne Shorter's 1966 jazz record "Speak No Evil"; "Speak True Evil" asserts the legitimacy of free speech as asserted by thinkers like Mill, Paine, Luxemburg, and Hitchens. As Mill writes, 'If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.' After all, it is as much the right of the listener to hear as it is the speaker to talk - enforced silence imprisons man in the cage of his own perspective. The title, then, encourages listeners to speak true evil." Leading up to the release of "Speak True Evil", KNA has teamed up with SpaceUntravel for the premiere of their new music video for their first single "Apex Predator".
EP Pre-Order available on Bandcamp - Rockers and Other Animals Magazine
By: Phenix Galasso
Canadian rockers Kill No Albatross reveal premiere video “Apex Predator” from their new EP ‘Speak True Evil’, will be out on July, 13th, 2018.
More at link. - Distrolution
For fans of Alter Bridge, Breaking Benjamin, Fightstar, Stone Sour, Thrice, Big Wreck, Three Days Grace
Canadian Alt-Metal Rock KILL NO ALBATROSS Premiere New Video “Apex Predator” via SpaceUntravel
New EP “Speak True Evil” Out July 13th
For wildly energetic Burlington, ON based KILL NO ALBATROSS, intertwining the accessibility of rock, the technicality of prog, and the energy of hardcore is the name of the game. Through intelligent songwriting, creative guitar work, and emotional intensity, they meld dynamic, bold, bewitching sounds to create no holds barred rock.
2018 started with a bang, as the band performed as part of Canadian Music Week and attained coveted slots on the Vans Warped Tour and Burlington’s Sound of Music Festival. That momentum will continue when their forthcoming EP, “Speak True Evil” is released on July 13th, 2018. Going forward, the band intends to expand the dynamics of their unique sound, traversing softer and heavier territory without compromising the meticulousness they are becoming known for. They are excited to develop as musicians and a band along with touring their home country and bringing their signature wild energy to every stage along the way.
The band comments:
“Speak True Evil is a showcase for Kill No Albatross’ dynamic, technically proficient, intellectual approach to rock music. These four songs cover musical ground that ranges from furious to sweet, hopeful to agonized. The powerful vocals of Kyle Collins pair with the tight, impassioned instrumentation to create a unique sound that is as meticulous as it is robust. Going more in depth on the release, it plays off the title of Wayne Shorter’s 1966 jazz record “Speak No Evil”; “Speak True Evil” asserts the legitimacy of free speech as asserted by thinkers like Mill, Paine, Luxemburg, and Hitchens. As Mill writes, ‘If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.’ After all, it is as much the right of the listener to hear as it is the speaker to talk – enforced silence imprisons man in the cage of his own perspective. The title, then, encourages listeners to speak true evil.”
Leading up to the release of “Speak True Evil”, KNA has teamed up with SpaceUntravel for the premiere of their new music video for their first single “Apex Predator”.
The band adds:
“Apex Predator” is the angriest song on the record. Driven by a heavy guitar riff and ferocious drums, the song features a catchy chorus and a wild bridge, and showcases the harsher side of Kyle Collins’ vocals. To better embody the emotional lilt of the song – anger is at once uninhibited and, on some level, embarrassing – the band recorded the song naked.”
Watch it now at the following link: https://youtu.be/2KgvrJkcqUc
EP Pre-Order available on Bandcamp.
KILL NO ALBATROSS will be performing dates across Ontario and Quebec in support of “Speak True Evil”.
Tour Dates:
July 17 – Vans Warped Tour – Toronto, ON (Full Sail Stage)
July 18 – Doors Pub – Hamilton, ON
July 20 – Cafe Dekcuf – Ottawa, ON
July 21 – Crobar – Montreal, QC
July 22 – Atria – Oshawa, ON
July 26 – Detour Music Hall – St. Catharines, ON
July 27 – Silence – Guelph, ON
July 28 – Spot One – Brampton, ON
July 29 – The Back Stage – Windsor, ON
August 4 – Drums N Flats – Ajax, ON - Overdrive Music Magazine
For wildly energetic Burlington, ON based KILL NO ALBATROSS, intertwining the accessibility of rock, the technicality of prog, and the energy of hardcore is the name of the game. Through intelligent songwriting, creative guitar work, and emotional intensity, they meld dynamic, bold, bewitching sounds to create no holds barred rock.
2018 started with a bang, as the band performed as part of Canadian Music Week and attained coveted slots on the Vans Warped Tour and Burlington’s Sound of Music Festival. That momentum will continue when their forthcoming EP, “Speak True Evil” is released on July 13th, 2018. Going forward, the band intends to expand the dynamics of their unique sound, traversing softer and heavier territory without compromising the meticulousness they are becoming known for. They are excited to develop as musicians and a band along with touring their home country and bringing their signature wild energy to every stage along the way.
The band comments:
“Speak True Evil is a showcase for Kill No Albatross’ dynamic, technically proficient, intellectual approach to rock music. These four songs cover musical ground that ranges from furious to sweet, hopeful to agonized. The powerful vocals of Kyle Collins pair with the tight, impassioned instrumentation to create a unique sound that is as meticulous as it is robust. Going more in depth on the release, it plays off the title of Wayne Shorter’s 1966 jazz record “Speak No Evil”; “Speak True Evil” asserts the legitimacy of free speech as asserted by thinkers like Mill, Paine, Luxemburg, and Hitchens. As Mill writes, ‘If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.’ After all, it is as much the right of the listener to hear as it is the speaker to talk – enforced silence imprisons man in the cage of his own perspective. The title, then, encourages listeners to speak true evil.” - The Rockpit
Radio appearance on Metal Meyhem Radio. - Metal Meyhem Radio
By: Aaron Willschick
Energetic Burlington, Ontario-based rock quintet Kill No Albatross are proud to unveil their new music video for "Apex Predator." The song comes from the band's new EP Speak True Evil. 2018 has been a big year for the group, as they performed as part of Canadian Music Week and have also achieved spots on the Vans Warped Tour and Burlington's Sound of Music Festival. Originally an instrumental, the band was quick to recruit talented vocalist Kyle Collins, rounding out the band's dynamic sound and technical instrumentation.
Regarding the new track, the band commented, "Apex Predator' is the angriest song on the record. Driven by a heavy guitar riff and ferocious drums, the song features a catchy chorus and a wild bridge, and showcases the harsher side of Kyle Collins' vocals. To better embody the emotional lilt of the song - anger is at once uninhibited and, on some level, embarrassing - the band recorded the song naked." - Pure Grain Audio
Speak True Evil's artwork was done by Niall Grant. We liked the idea of juxtaposing a 'beautiful' image with the aggressive title, hence the classical influence. Beyond that, decide for yourself the significance.
On the title: "Speak True Evil" asserts the legitimacy of free speech as asserted by thinkers like Mill, Paine, Luxemburg, and Hitchens. As Mill writes, 'If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.' After all, it is as much the right of the listener to hear as it is the speaker to talk - enforced silence imprisons man in the cage of his own perspective. The title, then, encourages listeners to speak true evil.
Our drummer is also a jazz fan, and wanted to reference Wayne Shorter's "Speak No Evil." So - there you go. You're welcome, Sallas! - Breathing the Core
1. Seven Tools:
We're optimists - so much so that we set out to repurpose the seven deadly sins into 'tools' for reflection and self-improvement. We even repurpose knife sharpening - that sinister sound - into a metronomic pulse that drives the operation!
2. Apex Predator:
The simultaneous liberation and embarrassment that anger provides inspired us to record this song naked. Now, every time you listen to this song you'll think of egregious amounts of swinging junk. You're welcome!
3. Sky on Fire:
Here, we equate the pangs of love with global warming. That is to say, the micro and macro scales collide. There's a string section on this song, too, so please - justify our expense, and listen to it!
4. Void:
A Kyle-led riff bonanza that culminates in an Alex Crosty whammy pedal guitar solo and a double kick drum wallop session. Paper and scissors need not apply here; this song is pure ROCK. - Breathing the Core
KILL NO ALBATROSS entrelaça a acessibilidade do rock, a técnica do prog e a energia do hardcore. Através de composições inteligentes, trabalho criativo de guitarra e intensidade emocional, eles fundem sons dinâmicos, arrojados e sedutores para criar rock sem barreiras.
2018 começou com um estrondo, com a banda se apresentantando como parte da Canadian Music Week e alcançou slots cobiçados no Vans Warped Tour e Burlington Sound of Music Festival. Essa dinâmica continuará quando seu próximo EP, ‘Speak True Evil’ for lançado em 13 de julho de 2018. No futuro, a banda pretende expandir a dinâmica de seu som único, atravessando um território mais suave e pesado sem comprometer sua meticulosidade. - Metal Media (Brazil)
News release. - Territorio Rock
By: RJ Frometa
Hi guys, welcome to VENTS! How have you been?
SALLAS: Absolutely superlative.
Can you talk to us more about your latest single “Apex Predator”?
SALLAS: Well, I recorded it naked. The rest of the band and the producer had to avert their eyes as my substantial junk swung back and forth, pendulum-like, to the song’s driving rhythm.
Did any event in particular inspired you to write this song?
CROSTY: Josh and Alex came up with a White Pony riff in Alex’s basement and then I wrote stuff over it.
How was the filming process and experience behind the video?
SALLAS: We worked with Brandon Kummer, who was fantastic. Really great guy. We’ve known him for a while through some of the bands he’s played in (No King, Long Point) but this was our first time filming with him. We’ll work with him again.
For the shot of Kyle falling at the beginning of the video – that lasts about half a second – we had to stack old, broken pieces of wood against a wall and have Kyle climb them. He then grabbed on to the ceiling and dropped about twenty feet down when the camera was rolling. Pretty dangerous stuff… but we must suffer for our art.
The single comes off your new album Speak True Evil – what’s the story behind the title?
SALLAS: I wanted to make the title as KVLT as possible, planting the seeds for our future career as a black metal outfit.
But actually… okay. “Speak True Evil” asserts the legitimacy of free speech as asserted by thinkers like Mill, Paine, Luxemburg, and Hitchens. As Mill writes, ‘If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.’ After all, it is as much the right of the listener to hear as it is the speaker to talk – enforced silence imprisons man in the cage of his own perspective. The title, then, encourages listeners to ‘speak true evil’.
CROSTY: Our drummer is also a jazz fan, and wanted to reference Wayne Shorter’s “Speak No Evil.” So – there you go. You’re welcome, Sallas!
How was the recording and writing process?
SALLAS: Grueling, but that’s how we like it. We worked on the record for about 2 weeks straight, long days. We recorded close to home this time and so we didn’t have to sleep overnight in the studio (which we’ve done before). We used a few unorthodox instruments (knives, paper-covered drums), which was fun.
What was it like to work with Wayne Cochrane and how much did that relationship develop?
SALLAS: We worked with Wayne on our last record too, and we’ve always had a good rapport with him. This time around we were putting a lot more time into the guitar tones, and that resulted in 4 microphones on 3 different amps recorded simultaneously – then Wayne had to blend all those tones to get the final sound. Oh, and did I mentioned Kyle played a bunch of guitar parts on the album, along with Josh and Crosty? That meant the number of tracks on each song were absurd. We actually broke ProTools with Sky on Fire.
How much did he get to influence the album?
SALLAS: We always value his input, though this time his influence was largely on the production side. With that said, he had a few small suggestions for the songs, and we were glad for them. He also helped me on the string section for Sky on Fire.
What role does Burlington play in your writing?
CROSTY: Burlington is the city our practise space is inside of.
How Thrice has influence your music?
SALLAS: Admirable eclectisism, Dustin’s beard.
CROSTY: Apex chorus riffs. I wanted to match Teppei there.
SALLAS: Crosty was more influenced by Sum 41’s “Ma Poubelle” than anything Thrice ever recorded, to be honest.
What aspect of hope did you get to explore on this record?
SALLAS: We got the explore the o, as in Oh my, this sounds SICK.
Any plans to hit the road?
SALLAS: We’ll be playing Warped Tour on July 17th in Toronto, and then we’re travelling across Canada for a couple of weeks, going to Ottawa, Montreal, Oshawa, Guelph, and a few other cities. Gonna be good!
What else is happening next in Kill No Albatross’ world?
SALLAS: We’re on CHCH television July 20th. Hopefully there will be a party at George Crotty’s place later this year that we’ll go too. Otherwise? Banging our heads to disco albums, antiquing, buying aerobic equipment… the usual. - VENTS Magazine
KILL NO ALBATROSS entrelaça a acessibilidade do rock, a técnica do prog e a energia do hardcore. Através de composições inteligentes, trabalho criativo de guitarra e intensidade emocional, eles fundem sons dinâmicos, arrojados e sedutores para criar rock sem barreiras.
2018 começou com um estrondo, com a banda se apresentantando como parte da Canadian Music Week e alcançou slots cobiçados no Vans Warped Tour e Burlington Sound of Music Festival. Essa dinâmica continuará quando seu próximo EP, 'Speak True Evil' for lançado em 13 de julho de 2018. No futuro, a banda pretende expandir a dinâmica de seu som único, atravessando um território mais suave e pesado sem comprometer sua meticulosidade.
A banda comenta:
“'Speak True Evil' é uma vitrine de abordagem dinâmica, tecnicamente proficiente e intelectual do Kill No Albatross ao rock. Essas quatro músicas cobrem um campo musical que varia de furioso a doce, esperançoso a agonizante. Os poderosos vocais de Kyle Collins combinam com a instrumentação rígida e apaixonada para criar um som único que é tão meticuloso quanto robusto.”
Antecipando o lançamento de 'Speak True Evil', a KNA se juntou ao SpaceUntravel para a estreia de seu novo videoclipe para o single 'Apex Predator'.: - Maquina Profana Fest Blog
Seven Tools starts with a clock ticking before the guitars come tapping their way in and the drums pound out a tribal rhythm. This moves into a jagged riff and military rhythm with the vocals pounding their way front and centre, creating a nice little painting and image. Apex Predator kicks off with a serious riff, the vocals are snarling, biting and filled with anger. The instrumentation mixes together different elements and ensures that the heaviness of the song is kept front and centre.
Sky On Fire is slower, more thoughtful, hints of Pink Floyd mixing together with the band’s definable style. The vocals are haunting and mournful, asking for something that the listener might not be able to give. Void starts with some serious riffage, the band brings out the stops on this, pursuing something deadly serious in the form of stop gap riffs, and haunting vocals.
The EP is out on 13th July. - The Median Man
Speak True Evil - EP - Released July 13, 2018
Lost in Darkness and Distance - EP - Released May 12, 2017

For Burlington-based rock band Kill No Albatross, their new EP “Speak True Evil” is a definitive statement. The record is at once dynamic and cohesive, blending the accessibility of rock, the technicality of prog, and the energy of hardcore through intelligent songwriting, creative guitar work, and emotional intensity.
KNA will be supporting the release with a Canadian summer tour run that includes a coveted slot on the Vans Warped Tour. The band will be bringing their signature wild energy to every stage along the way – just hold on for the ride.
The band released their debut EP, “Lost in Darkness and Distance”, in May 2017. Bolstered by a live performance on CHCH television and tour stops in Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa, 2017 saw the beginning of KNA’s amassment of a devoted fanbase. 2018 started with a bang, as the band performed as part of Canadian Music Week and shared stages with notable acts including Picturesque, Sarah Longfield, Archspire, and SECRETS.
“Speak True Evil” sees the band expanding the dynamics of their unique sound, traversing softer and heavier territory without compromising the meticulousness they are becoming known for. The EP was recorded at the world-class Metalworks Studios with producer Wayne Cochrane (Alexisonfire, Protest the Hero) and mastered by Scott Lake (Cancer Bats, Dead and Divine). It also features gorgeous original artwork hand-drawn by London, England-based illustrator Niall Grant. KNA will also be working with Jon Asher of Asher Media Relations on album and tour promotion.
Kyle, Josh, Alex, Alex, and Glenn are incredibly excited to release their boldest statement yet, tour their home country, and expand their growing fanbase.
Recent Press
"Ontario’s Kill No Albatross is one of “those” bands. The rockers are well on their way to getting some early attention... certainly a band you will want to keep an eye on in the near future."
— Bradley Dillon, The New Fury
"Kill No Albatross has a meticulously crafted collection of progressive alternative rock with a strong cerebral element... they can seriously play."
— Ric Taylor, VIEW Magazine
"A sound I really enjoy... I love the song Eos."
— Mat Boisselle, 102.1 The Edge & 91.7 Erin Radio
"Attention grabbing
tracks that can gain the respect of discerning music critics while still grabbing the ears of more casual rock fans... the band has a grip on
balancing the heavy, the melodic, and the technical."
— Donte Montgomery, The Haystack Music
(905) 536-1994
Band Members