This band has no press
"Creamed Sugar EP"
"Finish Him EP"
"Kaptain Killfish Single"
"It's Christmas Time and You Know What That Means"
"Finish Him II"

Killfish started as a bandcamp solo project for Ike Clateman. He used it to make angry and weird music (often with off tempo drums, created by a computer loop). Then Ike started playing with his brother Charlie, and decided that he was gonna need a guitarist. They played songs and recorded them for Killfish while jamming with Nate Getz for fun on weekends. After months of hard, awesome jamming with Nate, Ike and Charlie decided to give him a set position on keys in the band. Shortly after, their friend and multi-instrumentalist Nathanael Grandbois started jamming on drums, and they decided quickly that he should be Killfish's percussionist. Now, as a full band, Killfish is working on their next album "Wobble Road", and are eager to show off their stage abilities to the listening world.